• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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A Study on the e-Learning Communities Interaction Under the CSCL by Using Network Mining (컴퓨터지원협동학습 환경 하에서 네트워크 마이닝을 통한 학습자 상호작용연구)

  • Chung, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of the study was to explore the potential of the Social Network Analysis as an analytical tool for scientific investigation of learner-learner, or learner-tutor interaction within a Computer Supported Corporative Learning (CSCL) environment. Theoretical and methodological implication of the Social Network Analysis had been discussed. Following theoretical analysis, an exploratory empirical study was conducted to test statistical correlation between traditional performance measures such as achievement and team contribution index, and the centrality measure, one of the many quantitative measures the Social Network Analysis provides. Results indicate the centrality measure was correlated with the higher order teaming performance and the peer-evaluated contribution indices. An interpretation of the results and their implication to instructional design theory and practices were provided along with some suggestions for future research.

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Looking Beyond the Numbers: Bibliometric Approach to Analysis of LIS Research in Korea

  • Yang, Kiduk;Lee, Jongwook;Choi, Wonchan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.241-264
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    • 2015
  • Bibliometric analysis for research performance evaluation can generate erroneous assessments for various reasons. Application of the same evaluation metric to different domains, for instance, can produce unfair evaluation results, while analysis based on incomplete data can lead to incorrect conclusions. This study examines bibliometric data of library and information science (LIS) research in Korea to investigate whether research performance should be evaluated in a uniform manner in multi-disciplinary fields such as LIS and how data incompleteness can affect the bibliometric assessment outcomes. The initial analysis of our study data, which consisted of 4,350 citations to 1,986 domestic papers published between 2001 and 2010 by 163 LIS faculty members in Korea, showed an anomalous citation pattern caused by data incompleteness, which was addressed via data projection based on past citation trends. The subsequent analysis of augmented study data revealed ample evidence of bibliometric pattern differences across subject areas. In addition to highlighting the need for a subject-specific assessment of research performance, the study demonstrated the importance of rigorous analysis and careful interpretation of bibliometric data by identifying and compensating for deficiencies in the data source, examining per capita as well as overall statistics, and considering various facets of research in order to interpret what the numbers reflect rather than merely taking them at face value as quantitative measures of research performance.

Estimating the shear velocity profile of Quaternary silts using microtremor array (SPAC) measurements (Microtremor 배열 (SPAC) 측정을 이용한 제4기 실트층의 S파 속도구조 추정)

  • Roberts James;Asten Michael
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2005
  • We have used the microtremor method, with arrays of up to 96 m diameter, to carry out non-invasive estimation of shear-wave velocity profiles to a depth of 30 to 50 m in unconsolidated Quaternary Yarra Delta sediments. Two silt units (Coode Island Silt, and Fishermans Bend Silt) dominate our interpretation; the method yields shear velocities for these units with precision of 5%, and differentiates between the former, softer unit (Vs=130 m/sec) and the latter, firmer unit (Vs=235 m/sec). Below these silts, the method resolves a firm unit correlating with known gravels (Vs 500 to 650 m/sec). Using surface traverses with the single-station H/V spectral ratio method, we show that the variation in thickness of the softer silt can be mapped rapidly but only qualitatively. The complexity of the geological section requires that array methods be used when quantitative shear-wave velocity profiles are desired.

An Economic Evaluation Study of Office Remodeling and Green-remodeling Projects : A Simulation Approach to a Rental Office in GBD, Seoul (생애주기를 고려한 오피스 건물의 리모델링과 그린리모델링의 경제성 평가 연구 : 서울시 강남업무지구의 임대오피스 사례)

  • Lee, Seong-Ho;Lee, Jae-Su
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2018
  • Due to a waste of energy in korea, about 525,000 which are 75 percent of total buildings are at least 15 years old buildings that need remodeling. There are two current remodeling systems. One is a remodeling system to reduce a waste of resources from the reconstruction. The other is a green-remodeling system aimed to energy savings and reducing environmental costs. This study is to analyze quantitatively these current systems with respect to the cost-benefit caused by the life cycle and suggests the political and institutional implications through the interpretation of the results. For a quantitative analysis, we analyzed reducing maintenance costs and rent benefits with simulation by using opportunity costs, construction costs, plan costs and supervision costs as expense variables and using the reduced floor area ratio, institutional incentives, energy, water resources and certified emission reduction(CER) as benefit variables. As a result of the empirical study, the green-modeling was more beneficial in the field of environment such as the energy savings, however, the final benefits of remodeling which has no green building certification costs but more floor area ratio incentives were more economical. The green-remodeling system focused on reducing environmental costs and energy savings needs a equatable institutional incentive system.

Application of sigmoidal optimization to reconstruct nuclear medicine image: Comparison with filtered back projection and iterative reconstruction method

  • Shin, Han-Back;Kim, Moo-Sub;Law, Martin;Djeng, Shih-Kien;Choi, Min-Geon;Choi, Byung Wook;Kang, Sungmin;Kim, Dong-Wook;Suh, Tae Suk;Yoon, Do-Kun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.258-265
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    • 2021
  • High levels for noise and a loss of true signal make the quantitative interpretation of nuclear medicine (NM) images difficult. An application of profile optimization using a sigmoidal function in this study was used to acquire the NM images with high quality. And the images were acquired by using three kinds of reconstruction method using each same sinogram: a standard filtered back-projection (FBP), an iterative reconstruction (IR) technique, and the sigmoidal function profile optimization (SFPO). Comparison of image according to reconstruction method was performed to show a superiority of the SFPO for imaging. The images reconstructed by using the SFPO showed an average of 1.49 times and of 1.17 times better in contrast than the results obtained using the standard FBP and the IR technique, respectively. Higher signal to noise ratios were obtained as an average of 12.30 times and of 3.77 times than results obtained using the standard FBP and the IR technique, respectively. This study confirms that reconstruction with SFPO (vs FBP and vs IR) can lead to better lesion detectability and characterization with noise reduction. It can be developed for future reconstruction technique for the NM imaging.

Advanced Information Data-interactive Learning System Effect for Creative Design Project

  • Park, Sangwoo;Lee, Inseop;Lee, Junseok;Sul, Sanghun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.2831-2845
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    • 2022
  • Compared to the significant approach of project-based learning research, a data-driven design project-based learning has not reached a meaningful consensus regarding the most valid and reliable method for assessing design creativity. This article proposes an advanced information data-interactive learning system for creative design using a service design process that combines a design thinking. We propose a service framework to improve the convergence design process between students and advanced information data analysis, allowing students to participate actively in the data visualization and research using patent data. Solving a design problem by discovery and interpretation process, the Advanced information-interactive learning framework allows the students to verify the creative idea values or to ideate new factors and the associated various feasible solutions. The student can perform the patent data according to a business intelligence platform. Most of the new ideas for solving design projects are evaluated through complete patent data analysis and visualization in the beginning of the service design process. In this article, we propose to adapt advanced information data to educate the service design process, allowing the students to evaluate their own idea and define the problems iteratively until satisfaction. Quantitative evaluation results have shown that the advanced information data-driven learning system approach can improve the design project - based learning results in terms of design creativity. Our findings can contribute to data-driven project-based learning for advanced information data that play a crucial role in convergence design in related standards and other smart educational fields that are linked.

Research on The Influencing Factors of User Satisfaction Based on Basic Characteristics of Public Art-A Case Study of Airport Public Art (공공예술의 기본 특성에 따른 이용자 만족도 영향요인 연구-공항 공공예술을 중심으로)

  • Zhang, Yun;Zou, ChangYun;Kim, CheeYong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1167-1174
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    • 2022
  • With the sustainable development and transformation of the city, public art as a business card of the famous city of culture has become a hot topic of research. The intervention of public art in public space not only brings users a sense of space experience, but also becomes a unique carrier of urban and rural image making. Although there is much research on the classification, aesthetics and function of public art, there is few quantitative research on user satisfaction. This paper takes the basic features of airport public art as a research object and the basic features of airport public art as the theoretical basis to study the impact of the basic characteristics of airport public art on user satisfaction. Research methods were based on questionnaire data of 247 people, in which models and hypotheses were tested using SPSS 21.0 software, based on the induction and extraction of nine influential factors in the basic characteristics of public art. The study found that public interpretation, media patterns, color perception, modeling form, place perception, city image and memory have significant positive effects on user satisfaction. The sharedness of public art, cognition and communication in public culture and spatial relations do not affect satisfaction. Conclusion, inspiration and prospect provide suggestions for designers and reference data and theoretical support for public art evaluation.

Factors Influencing User Satisfaction with University Library Websites in Myanmar

  • Thet Mon Swe;Siluo Yang
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to develop a comprehensive technological framework anchored in a theoretical model to assess user satisfaction with university library websites (ULWs) in Myanmar. Adopting a quantitative approach, data were obtained via convenience sampling and subsequent inferential analysis. The target population for this study investigated users of various ULWs in Myanmar who were utilizing six university libraries. Of the collected responses, 273 valid surveys were analyzed using SPSS (version 25) and AMOS. Tools such as structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis played pivotal roles in data interpretation and hypothesis validation. The proposed model highlights the significance of information quality, system quality, and librarian services in influencing both perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU), culminating in user satisfaction. Notably, information quality and librarian services primarily impact PU, while system quality is more influential on PEOU. Interestingly, while PU has a direct bearing on user satisfaction, PEOU does not. Moreover, demographic elements such as age, gender, and education level introduce considerable differences in the utilization of ULW services. Drawing from the study's findings, recommendations are made for ULW managers in Myanmar to bolster services, aligning with user preferences. The resulting framework offers tangible benefits to Myanmar's educational sector, including academia, government entities, librarians, and policy framers. This pioneering research delves into the realm of ULWs in Myanmar's higher education sector. Practically, the research underscores the necessity for stakeholders, encompassing Myanmar's library experts and governing bodies, to elevate the standard of ULWs. Theoretically, a salient takeaway is the direct linkage between heightened usefulness and increased user satisfaction.

The Acceptance Testing of 5 Mega Pixels Primary Electronic Display Devices and the Study of Quality Control Guideline Suitable for Domestic Circumstance (5 Mega 화소 진단용 전자표시장치 인수검사 및 국내 실정에 적합한 정도관리 가이드라인 연구)

  • Jung, Hai-Jo;Kim, Hee-Joung;Kim, Sung-Kyu
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2007
  • In June 2005, Yonsei University Medical Center, Severance Hospital upgraded a full-PACS system by adding twenty (5 mega pixels) Totoku ME511L flat panel LCD display devices for diagnostic interpretation purposes. Here we report upon the quantitative (or visual) acceptance testing of the twenty Totoku ME511L display devices for reflection, luminance response, luminance spatial dependency, resolution, noise, veiling glare, and display chromaticity based on AAPM TG 18 report. The tools used in the tests included a telescopic photometer, which was used as a colorimeter, illuminance meter, light sources for reflection assessment, light-blocking devices, and digital TG18 test patterns. For selected 8 flat panel displays, mean diffuse reflection coefficient (Rd) was 0.019±0.02sr1. In the luminance response test, luminance ratio (LR), maximum luminance difference (Lmax), and deviation of contrast response were 550±100,2.0±1.9, respectively. In the luminance uniformity test, maximum luminance deviation was 14.3±5.5 for the 10% luminance of the TG18-UNL10 test pattern. In the resolution test with luminance measurement method, percent luminance (\DaltaL) at the center was 0.94±0.64. In all cases of noise testing, rectangular target In every square in the three quadrants was visible and all 15 targets except the smallest one in the every corner pattern and the center pattern. The glare ratio (GR) was 12,346±1,995. The color uniformity, (u',v'), was 0.0025±0.0008. Also, the research results of qualify control guideline of primary disply devices suitable for domestic circumstance are presented All test results are in-line with the criteria recommended by AAPM TG18 report and are thus fully acceptable for diagnostic image interpretation. As a result, the acceptance testing schedule described provides not only an acceptance standard but also guidelines for quality control, optimized viewing conditions, and a means for determining the upgrading time of LCD display devices for diagnostic interpretation.

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Material Characteristics and Provenance Interpretation of the Stone Moulds for Bronze Artifacts from Galdong Prehistoric Site, Korea (완주 갈동유적 출토 청동기 용범의 재질특성 및 산지해석)

  • Lee, Chan-Hee;Kim, Ji-young;Han, Su-Young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.38
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    • pp.387-419
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    • 2005
  • Material characteristics and provenance interpretation of the raw materials for the stone moulds of bronze artifacts excavated in Galdong Prehistoric site were studied. The stone moulds are made of igneous hornblendite with coarse-grained holocrystalline textures. The surface color shows greenish grey to dark green with greasy luster. The value of magnetic susceptibility of the moulds ranges from 19.2 to 71.0 (mean ; 39.2×103 SI unit).High value of magnetic susceptibility indicates high contents of magnetite as a ferromagnetic mineral and the wide range of the values are due to heterogeneous distribution of magnetite. These are characteristics of basic igneous rocks. The rock-forming minerals of the moulds mainly consist of amphibole, plagioclase and biotite. Pyroxene, chlorite and opaque minerals are also rarely present. A large quantity of carbon was detected on the dark black crust near the surface of the moulds by quantitative analysis. Geological field survey was carried out to identify a source of the raw materials of the stone moulds around Galdong site. Hornblendite or gabbroic rocks being similar to the moulds forming rock occur at Daeseongri, Sikcheonri and Gyodongri in Jangsoo, and Illdaeri in Namwon about 50 kilometers away from the site in a straight line. They have similarity with the moulds forming rock in magnetic susceptibility ranging from 16.1 to 72.4 (mean ; 39.9×103 SI unit). Among those hornblendite or gabbroic rocks, one in Jangsoo area is the most similar to the moulds forming rock on the basis of petrological and mineralogical characteristics. Comparing normalized patterns of major, minor, rare earth and immobile elements contents of the moulds to them of hornblendite in Jangsoo area, geochemical evolution trend and behavior characteristics show affinities between them. It suggests that the moulds forming rock and hornblendite in Jangsoo area have been originated from cogenetic magma. This hornblendite is easy to engrave an inscription or detail graphics on the surface because of its softness, and has good thermal conductivity. Hornblendite in Sikcheonri, Jangsoo is particularly produced and used for stone wares until the present day. Therefore, it is probable that the stone materials of the moulds has been imported from Daeseongri, Sikcheonri and Gyodongri in Jangsoo area. However, it cannot be completely excluded the possibility that the material of the moulds was supplied from Illdaeri in Namwon area appearing the same type of hornblendite on a small outcrops. It is necessary to carry out further archaeological studies to identify several possibilities of migration process of raw materials.