• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantitative interpretation

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Case Study of 'Becoming Women' through the Media Education -Media Education Club for Seniors (노인 미디어 교육을 통한 '여성 - 되기' 사례 연구 -노인 미디어 학습동아리 <은빛둥지> 활동을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Yujeong;Kang, Jinsuk
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.70
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    • pp.277-305
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    • 2015
  • French poststructuralists Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari pointed out that the minority age already has come in the modern society through discussing minority topic. Futhermore, they supported 'Becoming' as new methodology that minorities escape from suppressed reality. 'Becoming' is the practical concept for how one identity could split into different lives and subjects, thus it could be explained as an exemplary that autonomous change and actively entering into different lives. The purpose of this study seeks the practical way for elder women can independently participate in media education which is based on concretely 'becoming woman'. For this, the article examines the main concept and thought of Deleuze and Guattari. The reason why this article premises this theory is for changing 'desire' of elder women's approach to 'becoming women' through new interpretation about minority and minorities which were defined by quantitative criteria. Consequently, this article would suggests the direction of senior media education for seniors for the positive and specific effect.

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Scientific Understanding Through the Analysis of Students' Intuitive Ideas and Sources on Self-Induction (자체 유도 현상에 대한 직관적 사고의 내용과 원인 분석을 통한 과학자적 이해)

  • Ahn, Soo-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2003
  • Self-induction is an important concept in the field of electromagnetism, which is dealt with in all the high school physics textbooks. According to the results of the survey on self-induction, most of general high school students and even science high school students have overgeneralized concepts that high self-induced emf. are produced whenever the switch is turned off in the circuit containing inductors. The reasons of this overgeneralization on self-induction could be explained through the analysis of current high school physics II textbooks. Main reasons can be attributed to the fact that, by depending on their intuitive ideas, students try to vaguely explain the concept, based on lighting up of Ne tube in the special circuit. This study found out qualitative method to have students effectively understand self-induction based on quantitative interpretation to gain scientific understanding on self-induction.

Macrobenthic Communities on the Tidal Flats around Yongjong and Yongyu Islands, Inchon, Korea

  • Hong, Jae-Sang;Yoo, Jae-Won;Jung, Rae-Hong;Seo, In-Soo;Koh, Byoung-Seol
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.220-230
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    • 1999
  • Four tidal flats, covering two dissipative type beaches and two other tidal mud flats, around Yonaiong-Yongyu Islands, Inchon, Korea were studied in May 1991 to analyze the spatial distribution patterns of benthic communities on macrotidal flats. From the statistical test on spatial patterns of species number, density, and biomass, significant trends were found in species number and biomass. Although quantitative analysis was not performed, the interpretation showed that the variations were ruled out by environmental gradients such as sediment grain size and tidal elevation. The eight communities revealed in this study are as follows: Moerella-Mactra(Group 1), llyoplax-Glycera -Magelona japonica-Magelona sp.-Pe riserrula ( Group 2), Amphiura-Nephtys californiensis-Bullacta-Eohaustorius (Group 3), Leonnates-Heteromastus-Pretankyra-Nephtys polybranchia (Group4), Nephtys chemulpoensis-Macrophthalmus (Group 5), Ceratonereis-Scopimera (Group 6), Haustorioides-Urothoe (Group 7) and Cycladicama-Armandia-Minuspio community (Group 8). Some of these communities were classified into substratum-specific (Group 1 to 3) and tidal elevation-specific communities (Group 4). It was difficult to identify the predominant governing agent in Groups 5,6,7 and 8 because of their presence at extreme types of sediment and at uppermost elevations. Mixed effects seemed to act upon the latter four communities (Group 5 to 8). Based on the number of samples, 60% of the target samples were influenced by substratum properties, 20% by tidal elevation effect and 20% by mixed effect of the two factors. From this, it was concluded that substratum properties serve as the most important factors on soft bottom inhabitants in the area studied.

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A Quantitative Interpretation of the Overlapped X-Ray Fluorescence Spectra by Target Transformation Factor Analysis (Target Transformation Factor Analysis에 의한 겹침 X-선 형광 스펙트라의 정량적 해석)

  • Kim Seungwon;Lee, Chul;Choi Sang Won;Kang Hyung Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.720-726
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    • 1992
  • Multivariate analysis such as factor analysis was applied to interpret multivariate data, which were obtained from the overlapped X-ray fluorescence spectra. X-ray fluorescence spectra of 11 reference samples were obtained by the wavelength dispersive spectrometer at a specified range of angle such as 33.5034.50. The data matrix was made from the spectra of 8 samples. The results of abstract factor analysis gave three factors. By the target testing with 8 elements contained in the reference samples, the three factors were found to be Pb, As and Cu. The concentration of these elements in the test samples was determined by target transformation factor analysis regardless overlapping individual peaks.

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Optimization and kinetic modeling for bioconversion of cheese whey to Ganoderma lucidum in batch fermentations

  • Song, Min-Gyeong;Lee, Hwan-Yeong;Hwang, Seok-Hwan
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.381-384
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    • 2002
  • Response surface methodology (RSM) was successfully applied to optimize for the production of Ganoderma lucidum in batch fermentations using the whey (40,000 mg latose/L) as substrate. This study was performed according to the central composite design (CCD) with respect to pH and temperature, where the designed intervals were 3.322.9C37.1C, respectively. A second-order factorial design of the experiments was used to build empirical models providing a quantitative interpretation of the relationships between the two variables. The optimum conditions to maximize the production of G. lucidum were pH 4.2 and 28.3C. At optimum conditions, the mycelial dry weight (MDW) and residual soluble COD (SCOD) were simultaneously used to evaluate the biokinetic coefficients assocoated with substrate inhibition model by nonlinear least squares method with 95% confidence interval. The. maximum microbial growth rates (μm), half saturation coefficient (Ks), and the inhibition substrate concentration (Kis) were determined to be 0.095 l/hr, 128,000 mg SCOD/L and 49,000 mg SCOD/L, respectively. And the microbial yield coefficient (Y), biomass decay rate coefficient (Kd), and the maintenance energy coefficient (ms) were determined to be 0.37 mg MDW/mg SCOD, 0.001 1/hr, and 0.0015 1/hr, respectively.

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Quantitative Analysis and Archaeogeological Interpretation of Stone Implements from the Unjeonri Bronze Age Relic Site (천안 운전리 청동기 유적지에서 출토된 석기의 정량분석과 고고지질학적 해석)

  • Lee, Chan Hee;Oh, Kuy Jin;Lee, Hyo Min;Lee, Myeong Seong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.12 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2003
  • The stone implements from the Unjeonri relic sites were studied on the basis of petrology, geochemistry and archaeogeological interpretations. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the stone implements were mainly lest than 0.5 (103SIunit), however, stone axe of syenitic rock (2.37), stone axe of schist (0.19) and stone knife of slate (0.11) showed different from the some measured rocks of an outcrop. Geochemical evolution trend of both a stone implement and the surface rock were identical when it a normalization to use the behavior, enrichment, compatibility and incompatibility of the elements. But, some rocks of a axe (schist), a knife (slate), a arrowhead (shale) could not confirm typical occurrence and the distribution area within the Unjeonri site and a radius 10 km. In the Unjeonri site, the stone implements suggest that coexisting two types as domestic- and foreign-type lithic artifacts.

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Archaeometric Interpretation and Quantitative Analysis of Pottery from Proto-Three Kingdom to Baekje Kingdom Period of the Balanri Site in Hwaseong, Korea (화성 발안리 유적출토 원삼국 및 백제 토기의 정량분석과 고고과학적 해석)

  • Han, Lee Hyeon;Lee, Chan Hee
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2013
  • This study focused on making technique and usage of potteries from Proto-Three Kingdom to Baekje Kingdom in Balanri Site. The potteries were divided into four groups, Jungdo type I, Jungdo type II, Tanalanmun type and the Baekje type on the basis of the shape and physical properties. The Jungdo type potteries were used as kitchen wares, showing mostly yellowish brown color. The Tanalanmun type potteries were used as storages, showing gray green color. Firing temperature of the Jungdo type and the Baekje type potteries were presumed to be fired at 900 to 940C, whereas the Tanalmun type potteries were fired at around 900 to 1,100C. This is indicated that the firing condition was adjusted according to the purposes of the potteries. On the one hand, the Balanri potteries were made of paleo-soil which was collected in very near place from the site based on geochemical characteristics of the pottery clays and the soil.

Comparative Evaluation between Administrative and Watershed Boundary in Carbon Sequestration Monitoring - Towards UN-REDD for Mt. Geum-gang of North Korea - (탄소 저장량 감시에서 배수구역과 행정구역의 비교 평가 - 금강산에 대한 UN-REDD 대응 차원에서 -)

  • Kim, Jun-Woo;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.439-454
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    • 2013
  • UN-REDD (United Nations programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) is currently being emerged as one of important mechanism to reduce carbon dioxide in relation to the deforestation. Although administrative boundary has already gained world-wide recognition as a typical method of monitoring unit in the process of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) reduction project, this approach did not provide a realistic evidence in the carbon sequestering monitoring in terms of UN-REDD; the meaningful comparison of land use patterns among watershed boundaries, interpretation for distribution trends of carbon density, calculation of opportunity cost, leakage management, etc. This research proposes a comparative evaluation framework in a more objective and quantitative way for carbon sequestering monitoring between administrative and watershed boundary approaches. Mt. Geumgang of North Korea was selected as a survey objective and an exhaustive and realistic comparison of carbon sequestration between the two approaches was conducted, based on change detection using TM satellite images. It was possible for drainage boundary approach to identify more detailed area-wide patterns of carbon distribution than traditional administrative one, such as estimations of state and trends, including historical trends, of land use / land cover and carbon density in the Mt. Geumgang. The distinctive changing trends in terms of carbon sequestration were specifically identified over the watershed boundary from 4.0% to 34.8% while less than 1% difference was observed in the administrative boundaries, which were resulting in almost 21-22%. It is anticipated that this research output could be used as a valuable reference to support more scientific and objective decision-making in introducing watershed boundary as carbon sequestering monitoring unit.

The ex-Gaussian analysis of reaction time distributions for cognitive experiments (ex-Gaussian 모형을 활용한 인지적 과제의 반응시간 분포 분석)

  • Park, Hyung-Bum;Hyun, Joo-Seok
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2014
  • Although most behavioral reaction times (RTs) for cognitive tasks exhibit positively skewed distributions, the majority of studies primarily rely on a measure of central tendency (e.g. mean) which can cause misinterpretations of data's underlying property. The purpose of current study is to introduce procedures for describing characteristics of RT distributions, thereby effectively examine the influence of experimental manipulations. On the basis of assumption that RT distribution can be represented as a convolution of Gaussian and exponential variables, we fitted the ex-Gaussian function under a maximum-likelihood method. The ex-Gaussian function provides quantitative parameters of distributional properties and the probability density functions. Here we exemplified distributional analysis by using empirical RT data from two conventional visual search tasks, and attempted theoretical interpretation for setsize effect leading proportional mean RT delays. We believe that distributional RT analysis with a mathematical function beyond the central tendency estimates could provide insights into various theoretical and individual difference studies.

Integrity Evaluation By IRT Technique And FEM Analysis of Spur Gear (스퍼 기어의 FEM 해석 및 IRT 기법을 적용한 건전성 평가)

  • Roh, Chi-Sung;Jung, Yoon-soo;Lee, Gyung-Il;Kim, Jae-Yeol
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2016
  • As an economic, high quality, and highly reliable gear with low noise and low vibration is demanded, an overall finite element analysis regarding a gear is required. Also, an infrared thermography test, which is a quantitative testing technique, is demanded for safety and longer lifespan of gear products. In order to manufacture a gear product or to determine safety of a gear being used, it is necessary to precisely determine ingredients of a material constituting a gear and detect any internal defect. This study aims to realize a design that minimizes the spur gear displacement with respect to power during its rotation and ensures the spur gear control capacity by using a 3D model and the midasNFX program. This facilitates the assessment of the possibility of cracking by evaluating the stress intensity and focusing on the integrity of the spur gear. We prepare the specimen of the spur gear based on the possibility of cranking as per the result of the structural interpretation from an infrared ray thermal measuring technique. After cooling the spur gear, we perform experiments using thermography and halogen lamps and analyze the temperature data according to the results of the experiment. In the experiment which we use thermography after cooling, we find a rise in the temperature of the room. As a result, the defective part show temperatures lower than their surroundings while the normal parts have temperatures higher than the defective parts. Therefore, it possible to precisely identify defective part owing to its low temperature.