• 제목/요약/키워드: Public attitude

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Explore the Activation of Marine Sports Experience by Applying the Extended Planned Action Theory (확장된 계획행동이론 적용을 통한 해양스포츠 체험 활성화 탐색)

  • Kim, Sung-Kue
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the relative usefulness of the TPB and Extended TPB with the addition of the "Battery" variable to participants in marine sports experiences. The characteristics of behavioral theories (attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and revisit intention) were compared. A total of 420 questionnaires were distributed and surveyed using the convenience sampling method to the general public who participated in the marine sports experience in S city in 2019. Finally, 385 copies of valid samples were extracted, except for the questionnaire. The following analyzes were performed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, concept reliability, AVE value, Cronbach's α correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, and independent sample t-test were performed. First, in the TPB, three predictors were found to have a positive effect on revisit intention. Attitudes, subjective norms, and prior knowledge, except for behavioral control, were found to have a positive effect. Second, the explanatory power to explain the return intention was 51.8% (3.3% more than plan behavior theory, p = .000). It can be seen that when prior knowledge is added as a new variable, it is an important factor in explaining intention to return. Third, prior knowledge variables were classified into high and low groups to compare the characteristics of the extended planning behavior theory. The results of the analysis showed that the group with higher prior knowledge had a higher mean value for the constituent variables of the extended planning behavior theory.

A Study on Development and Effectiveness of the Indicatives for Analysis of the Effects of a Book Sharing Project on pre-schoolers of Supporter' Reading Care in Gyeonggi-do (경기도 책꾸러미 사업을 통한 양육자의 독서육아 효과 분석을 위한 지표개발 및 효과성 연구)

  • Choi, In-Ja;Yoon, Sung-Une;Kim, Soo-Kyoung;Hoang, Gum-Sook;Lee, Sun-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.133-155
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the indicatives for the analysis of the effects of Gyeonggi-do Book Sharing Project on pre-schoolers of supporter' reading care and thereby, suggest some data useful to the establishment of a reading culture promotion policy in Gyeonggi-do. Preceding studies and cases were reviewed to analyze the effects of the book-sharing project on pre-schoolers of supporter' reading care and thereby, develop some measurement indicatives, and thus, the indicatives were verified by professionals using the Delphi technique. Then, supporter of 3~5 year-old pre-schoolers were sampled from 7 cities and counties in Gyeonggi-do (Pocheon-si, Yangpyeong-gun, Yeoju-si, Dongducheon-si, Gapyeong-gun, Yeoncheon-gun and Yangju-si) to be divided into control and test groups and thereby, their reading care effect indicatives were compared before and after the test. The theoretical background is theory of family literacy, emergent literacy and parenting efficacy. As a result of developing the indicatives for analysis of pre-schoolers of supporter's reading care effects and comparing them for the sample pre-schoolers of supporter, before and after the test, the book-sharing project was found effective in improving reading care. The most difficult problem in pre-schoolers' earlier reading education involves acquisition of reading habit. So, it is deemed necessary to operate a regular book sharing project involving public organization and homes. As a result of developing the indicatives and analyzing the effects of the book-sharing project, it was confirmed that the project would serve to improve pre-schoolers of support's reading care and therefore, this study seems to provide some ground for the operation of a sustainable book-sharing project to narrow the education divide and promote a book reading culture in Gyeonggi-do.

Behavior and perception characteristics on the isolated students and the bystanders in physical education (체육수업 참여 학생들의 교우관계 소외자와 방관자 행동 특성 및 인식 탐색)

  • Jung, Joo-Hyug;Yoo, Jung-In
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the nature and recognition of the isolated students and bystanders in respect of friendship in Middle School Physical Education. To achieve these objectives, we analyzed statistical material through PQR and inductive category by completing open questionnaires for 360 students bullied in public middle school in a large city. According the results, first, damages defender of participants showed the highest percentage, 70.2%. There were bystanders(12.3), the alienated(7.4) inflictor(5.5), contributor(4.6) in descending order. Second, according to the results of inductive analysis regarding the nature and recognition of bystanders in physical education, the biggest reason for not helping their colleagues in need is as following: ① improper friendship(32.8), ② lack of moral and emotional empathy(28.1), ③ lack of exercise ability(15.6), ④ psychological burden(12.5), ⑤ improper class attitude(10.9). In numerical order, improper friendship can be the biggest problem that.

Gender Mechanism of Korean Welfare Politics: Gender Difference in Attitudes and Mediating Effects of Welfare Statuses (한국 복지정치의 젠더메커니즘: 태도의 성별차이와 복지지위 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun-Ji;Ahn, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.309-334
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    • 2010
  • This study explores gender mechanism of welfare politics in Korea from the perspective of welfare status theory. In the simplistic analysis, it is found that there is no gender difference in welfare attitudes. In the more sophisticated analysis of welfare-status-beased SEM, however, it is found that Korean welfare politics is to be understood in terms of gender-related politics. Three major findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, Korean women possess less pro-welfare attitudes in terms of the status of welfare beneficiary. This is due to the visible gender segregation in the Korean labor market on the one hand and due to the centrality of social insurance programs in the structure of Korean public welfare system on the other hand. Secondly, Korean women have relatively higher level of pro-welfare attitude when it comes to the status of welfare service provider. Thirdly, Korean women tend to be more supportive to pro-welfare parties as they have less chance to be a higher taxpayer. Based on the above mentioned findings, this study concludes that it is possible to make Korean women be more pro-welfare if the Korean welfare state expands more social services that tend to meet urgent needs of women.

A study on factors causing legislative failure of bills related to democratic citizenship education (민주시민교육 관련 법안의 입법 실패 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Sang-Ho Jeong
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.137-167
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    • 2024
  • This study sought to explain the reasons why the civic education bill failed to be enacted as many as 13 times. What we discovered as a result of our research is, first, the absence of a legislative strategy by the minority member of the national assembly on this bills. The Citizenship Education Bill was a controversial bill with great potential for ideological conflict, and after the 19th National Assembly, this bill was promoted by a minority of a specific political party. The Democratic Party's sponsoring lawmakers did not use active legislative strategies, such as exerting influence within the party to have these bills adopted as the party's platform, or developing them into major pledges for the general and presidential elections. Second, there is a consistent passive response from civic groups as well as lawmakers who signed the bill in an unfavorable public opinion environment. During the legislative process, opposing opinions were overwhelming, including concerns about the spread of leftist ideology, waste of budget and organization, and violation of neutrality and fairness in education. In addition, the passive attitude of field teachers and civic groups, who should be in charge of civic education, also served as a background for the legislative failure. Third, due to a lack of sharing of reliable information on recent theoretical research and global policy trends among stakeholders, legislation through an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties failed.

Awareness and Attitude of Dangjin-gun Population to Water Fluoridation (수돗물불소농도 조정사업에 대한 당진군 주민의 의식 및 태도)

  • Sim, Soo-Hyun;Yun, Kyoung-Ok;Choi, Jung-Young;Seo, Hwa Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2012
  • To contribute the basic data for spread of water fluoridation area, this study provide the awareness and attitudes of local residents for adding fluoride to tap water. The convenience sampling was chosen 534 persons of local residents in Dangjin-gun. Survey was performed from May to September in 2010; below 50 years old person surveyed by self-administered questionnaire method assisted with supervisor, above 50 years old person surveyed by interviewing method. The data analyzed SPSS Ver. 17.0. About the awareness of water fluoridation 49.1% of the subject answered "have heard", but 50.9% "not ever heard". People who answered in favor of the water fluoridation were 63.7%, who answered against were 11.2%. In policy decision method of water fluoridation they highly choose the survey of public opinion in 40.6%, followed by ballot 32.8%, by local government 18.9%, by local councils 5.4%, and other 2.2%. The 71.4% of respondents who replied "have heard" approved the water fluoridation, but only 56.3 percent of respondents who replied "haven't heard" were in favor of that. More than 59.5% of university graduates respondents who answered "have heard" approved the water fluoridation. People with higher education degree more recognized it and the lower shows tend to be low awareness. In conclusion, to expand of water fluoridation area they need more publicity and education about it to local residents.

Community development and parasite control (지역사회개발(地域社會開發)과 기생충(寄生虫))

  • Rim, Han-Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 1976
  • The traditional application of night soil to vegetable gardens and rice paddies results in a most wide spread condition of parasitism, with a variety of helminths found in Korea. In addition to the above fact, the peculiar habit of the consumption of raw vegetables, fish, crustaceans and mammals provides a means of infestations of helminths. During the last sixty years numerous reports were found on the prevalence of helminths amongst the Korean population in different parts of the country, and it was generally recognized that ascariasis, hookworm disease, filariasis, clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis constitute the important helminthic disease in Korea. In practical measures of parasite control activities the main measures are summarized as mass-treatment, night-soil disposal and transmission control. Among the three, the mass-treatment has been commonly applied, however, no reduction of transmission has been obtained by treatment of a population. Therefore, the ultimate eradication of parasites will depend upon the application of comprehensive environmental sanitation measures. The basic environmental measures will be concerned with (a) the safe disposal of human excreta, (b) the provision of adequate and safe water supplies in such a way as to promote a higher standard of personal hygiene in the population, and (c) the prevention of food contamination by faecal material. Additional environmental measures will deal with the improvement of housing and housing hygiene and with general community development. Community development means social and cultural as well as economic development. The control measures on the parasitic endemic diseases, such as clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis are the good examples for community health development in Korea. The control of Clonorchis and Paragonimus infections are theoretically very simple, as the infection can only invade the human body by way of encysted metacercaria which are taken into the body when eating passive intermediate hosts(fishes, crabs and crayfishes). Although prophylactic measures in the case of the infections deal with above merely consist the fishes in cooking or submerging in hot water before eating them, it is exceedingly difficult to carry out such simple measures in face of century old traditions, to which the relatively primitive population clings with great tenacity. There is no one universally applicable method of control. The choice of methods must be dictated by the nature of the environment. the habit and custom of the people. the pattern of transmission and the resources of the country. There must exist a well organized public health infrastructure. Since a control programme is of necessity on a longterm basis and continuity in its implementation is essential. An investigation should be made on the prevalence of the diseases and its relationships to irrigation engineering, freshwater ecology, agricultural methods, hydro-electric schemes, and the development of communities in affected areas. In conclusion, however. the control of clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis in Korea is not an impossible task. A combination of efforts with major emphasis on health education and mass chemotherapy coupled with governmental aid in enforcing legislative public health measures could reduce the diseases. Health education in particular attempts following four things: (a) It supplies a person with enough general knowledge about a disease to make the preventive measures. (b) It makes a person feel sufficiently about the importance of his own health to make him alter his behavior and adopt these preventive measure. (c) It makes him concerned for the health others. (d) It tries to make him feel so strongly about the first three that be supports and even initiates preventive action by the community. Educational efforts should be directed primarily toward school children because it is during the early years that most persons become infected, and also because children are less entrenched in their food habits so that, the educational process should be involved at various levels in successive changes of knowledge, attitude, beha viour, habit and custom of their lives. The most parasitic endemic diseases are related to community diseases. In caring for a sick community. the first stage is to gather epidemiological data, the next is to make inferences from it-to make the community diagnosis. The third is to prescribe community treatment or community health action part of a community health action programme. The community health action is the sum of the steps decided upon to remedy the critical features revealed by the community diagnosis. Action takes various forms; health education is the most important.

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An Awareness of Welfare Facility for the Elderly and It's Related Factors of College Students (노인복지시설(老人福祉施設)에 대한 대학생(大學生)의 의식(意識)과 관련요인(關聯要因))

  • Jowa Yooun-Teak;Nam Chul-Hyun;Park Chun-Man
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 1998
  • For the newly approach of policy with the old aged era at hand, the result which examines the 1,200 students attending professional colleges and upward in three small-to-medium sized cities, for two months, from October 1, 1996 to November 30, in order to know the change of consciousness of the growing modern young intellectual age group is as follows. 1. The objects of survey consist of 72.1% of women, 40.4% of 20 to 21 age, 49.1% of atheists, and people from big cities and fishing and agrarian village occupy equally 40.2%. Concerning the long-termed residents, 49% of them dwell in big cities. In case of the parents' age is more than 55, 31.5% in fathers, and 10.9% in mothers. 2. The types of housing in which they desire to reside in their getting older are : 72.8% of them hope to live in individual houses, 16.6% in apartments or villas, and 3.4% in social welfare facilities. Out of respondents, compared with other groups, man rather than woman, those who are 20 to 21 age group and from fishing and agrarian villages and have over 7 family members and live with their parents have a higher preference for independent houses. 3. The districts in which they hope to live when they are old are : 41.6% of them, with the highest percent, hope to live in farming villages, the older they are, the more they hope to live in agricultural district, and women of 21 years and upward hope to live in big cities. On the other hand, the preferable degree for social welfare facilities is higher each in people who are 24 years and upward, buddhists, self-boarding students, and the more poorly they are off, the higher the percent is. 4. The types of preferable welfare facilities for the elderly are : 58.2% of them think silver towns desirable, 28.4% think the charged (or free) elderly welfare facilities. Compared with other groups, the percentage which prefer silver towns is higher in women, people from big cities, residents of main family, long-termed city residents, people with higher income, people having grandparents alive, and people who had experience of taking lectures on hygienics or social welfare. 5. 50.3% of the respondents insist that provision of living expenses against old age should be insured by social security system, and 42.8% by the elderly themselves. The percentage of the former shows higher in people of 21 years and upward, women, residents of fishing and agrarian villages, christians, people in more needy circumstances and people who have experience of using a medical institution. 6. Compared with other nations, 54.5% of the respondents have an opinion that elderly welfare and welfare work in Korea stays in insufficient level and most of them are women, people from farming village, residents of head family, people having younger parents and people being worse health condition, and they have a more positive attitude about the elderly welfare work. 7. 92.3% of the respondents answered that a national budget for the elderly welfare is scarce, and the percentage is higher in people who are older, residents of big cities, people in lower living condition and people in worse health condition. 8. 35.2% of the respondents answered that the proper cost of their old age must be over 220mi11ion. The more a family's total income is, the higher the percentage is. 9. The factors which have an effect on the preference of silver towns are sex(p<0.01, the type of the present residence(p<0.05), and a family's total income(p<0.05). 10. From the survey result of the above, we comes to the conclusion that, for the sake of welfare of the increasing elderly population, government authorities and parties concerned must exert their utmost for the elderly welfare by increasing a budget of it and establishing a number of facilities of the elderly welfare and silver towns located in fresh and comfortable villages. In addition, they have to set up a course of hygienics in all the colleges and instruct the contexts on hygienic welfare as well.

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A Study on Implementation of Primary Health Care Delivery System meet to Rural Area in Korea -Village Health Voluntary Worker Development- (우리 나라 농촌지역(農村地域)에 부합하는 1차(次) 보건의료전달체계(保健醫療傳達體系) 정착구현(定着具現)에 관한 연구(硏究) -마을 보건임원(保健任員) 개발(開發)-)

  • Koo, Y.C.;Wie, J.H.;Hwang, S.J.;Choi, S.S.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 1979
  • A study was carried out from October 1977 to September 1978 in order to develope health care delively system which will meet to rural area in Korea. For the study objective a model of health care delivery system of Myun (township) area was developed which is adopted the net-work of village health voluntary worker who will play the role of bridge for communication related with health and illness between families or village people and health subcenter, and :he model health care delivery system net-work was set in the area of Soodong Myun, Yangju Gun. which is the rural health demonstration area of Ewha Womans University since 1972. The activities and attitude of 22 village health voluntary workers were observed and analized. during the study period. The results are as follows; 1. For the field activities of village health voluntary workers. a guide line which is described with specific behavioral objectives was developed and used for not only training of the workers but also evaluation of their field activities. 2. During the study period, the number of 971 village people were served primary health care service by village health voluntary worker and the service was classified largely into symptomatic medications (92%) and preventive measures (8%). 3. Comparative percentage of the number of 894 symptomatic cases cared by village health voluntary workers to 5,695 cases of patient treated by Soodong Health Subcenter during the same period was 15.7%. 4. Annual utility rate of village health voluntary worker by Myun total people was 16.1% but utility rate by Rie was varied from 38.2% to 2.8% which shown there were considerable differences in each Rie. In order to settle the village health care service, the obstructive factors of utility should be detected and their counter measure must be taken. 5. As the health need of village people increases, it is expected that the supplement of drug excluding present sit basic drugs is inevitable, but considering the ability of village health voluntary worker, the selection of additional drugs and education, plan should be carefully studied. 6. It is desirable that a financial resource for supplementary purchase of first aid kit, drugs and materials whould be alloted from village public fund like Saemaeul Women's Club fund, which has already practiced in a few villages in the study area. 7. As pointed out by village health voluntary workers, in order to improve the village health, village leaders should be in the center of it and the cooperation of whole village people is a core of healthful village development, and it is reasonable that the health subcenter backs up these voluntary health activities by village people in techniques. 8. It seems effective that a supplementary education for village health voluntary worker be accomplished by a planned education through regular meetings like worker's monthly meeting and irregular post guide when Myun Health Workers can handle the problems found during the round trip of villages. 9. It is desirable that village health voluntary workers, who are recommended by a civil voluntary organization like Saemael Woman's Club, are charged by natural villagc unit, are given a function of village health care service and used through basic education at health subcenter. 10. It is advisable that the village health voluntary worker's service is compensated not by a form of money, but by other way such as an exemption of medical fee of worker herself or her families in health subcenter can be one method. 11. Daily health activities of each village health voluntary worker should be reported to health subcenter by biweekly or monthly in order to get not only for basic data of the program but also for evaluation the program. It is recomandable that the report form should be simple and clear enough for village health voluntary worker to fill it effectively. 12. Village health care service should be developed into a Saemaeul Movement in which village people actively participate. For this, the appointed function of village health voluntary worker should be absorbed into those of living Environment Betterment Section or Family Planning Section of Saemaeul Women's Club or it is desirable that establish a new section, Village Health Promoting Section and make it involve the appointed functions of those sections mentioned above.

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The Effect of School Dental Service on Dental Health Knowledge, Beheaviors and Dental Health Status Among Elementary School Students (학교 구장보건실 운영이 초등학생들의 구강보건지식, 행태 및 건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Tae-Yong;Yun, Go-Eun;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.87-104
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    • 2009
  • Objective: In this study, the dental health care knowledge, dental health behaviors and dental health status of elementary school students were compared and analyzed in the cases of their schools having dental health care center or not one. Methods: The target groups were 167 students of A school (experimental group) where pit-and-fissure sealants, fluoride mouthrinsing, and fluoride gel application were carried out with all grades of students by school dental health care center and 158 students of B school (control group) where fluoride mouthrinsing, for all grades students and pit-and-fissure sealants for the first grade students are carried out but have no the school dental health care center. Results: This study was carried out through the answer sheets and recordings of dental inspection. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The dental health care knowledge was compared and the results showed that on average 14.2$\pm$2.1 in experimental group and 14.0$\pm$1.9 in the control group were no significantly different (p>0.05). 2. The dental health behaviors were compared and the results showed that the experimental group was significantly different(p<0.05) in terms of the number of times of dental brushing a day, the method of tooth brushing, the time of tooth brushing, the experience of tooth brushing with fluorine, the kinds of snacks and tooth brushing in school after lunch. But there was no significant difference(p>0.05) in the time of tooth brushing and the tooth brushing after eating snacks. 3. The DMF rate was compared and the results showed the significantly difference between the average experimental group and 53.8$\pm$5.0 in the control group(p<0.05). 4. The DMFT index was compared and the results showed the significantly difference between the average 0.6$\pm$2 in the experimental group and 1.4$\pm$1.6 in the control group(p<0.05). 5. The DMFI rate was compared and the results showed the significantly difference between the average 4.2$\pm$8.3 in the experimental group and 9.5$\pm$11.0 in the control group. (p<0.05). 6. The DT rate were compared and the results showed the significantly difference between the average 10.2$\pm$29.5 in the experimental group and 32.4$\pm$44.0 in the control group(p<0.05). 7. The FT rate were compared and the results showed the significantly difference between the average 88.5$\pm$31.0 in the experimental group and 67.5$\pm$44.0 in the control group(p<0.05). Conclusions: Based on the results, above there was no significant difference in dental health care knowledge between both the experimental and the control group. But we discovered that the experimental group is better than the other one in dental health care behaviors and dental health status. Therefore, we could conclude that the school dental health care center efficiently carried out the dental care and treatment. As school dental health care centers did not work out efficiently in terms of their educating on the dental health acre knowledge, the related programs to be developed and supported.

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