• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public attitude

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Culture and Art Policies of Korean government for Traditional Dancing Digital Contents (전통춤 디지털 콘텐츠에 관한 문화예술정책 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Won;Rhyu, Ji-Sung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.156-171
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    • 2012
  • It is the time of the Korean Wave booming throughout the world, placing Korean culture in the center of the world and its added value is unaccountable. At this prosperity, the preserving of the archetype of Korean dancing and digital contents making is becoming a task not only for the government but also for the private sector because culture industry has enormous added values. To achieve such goals, contents development is an urgent matter but establishing the value of the archetype of Korean traditional dancing must have priority. The public has to take an active role in rediscovering the values of traditional culture, and as the representative of Korean identity traditional dancing must be the object of a systematic art policy. This study will review the current status of 'digital contents program of the archetype of culture' for traditional dancing and will reconsider the modern value of preserving the archetype of culture to make a suggestion to the direction of culture art policies in the near future. The study acknowledged the lack of technical personnel majoring in the archetype of traditional dancing and the need of reviewing the credibility of historical research procedures. Even with the studies by industry-university collaboration and positioning of specialists, effective policies that will form the foundation for private firms to train personnels is in urgent need. In other words, training personnels, allocation of resource, securing funds, policies promoting collaboration between private and individual businesses, and the commercial recognition at private firms are still far from establishing. This is due to the fact that archetype of culture is not a business that creates revenue immediately, therefore the recognition of traditional dancing as an investable item by business-oriented firms or movements are difficult to find. To overcome such situation, software oriented policies that establish open communication and sharing with the public should be done at first rather than the quantity oriented hardware policies of contents development. Through this process the public can change the attitude on traditional dancing and traditional dancing could be newly recognized as a creative repository of culture and as public businesses giving birth to economic value.

Factors associated with the attitude of South Korean adults toward food aid to North Korea (남한 성인의 대북식량지원에 대한 태도 관련 요인)

  • Nam, Youngmin;Yoon, Jihyun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.215-229
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study examines the attitude of South Korean adults toward food aid to North Korea and factors associated with it. Methods: An online survey involving 1,000 adults aged 19-69 years was conducted between September-October 2019. Throughout South Korea, the subjects were proportionally distributed with respect to gender, age, and region, to represent South Korean adults. Results: A total of 44.6% of the respondents agreed (Agreement group), 36.7% disagreed (Disagreement group), and 18.7% neither agreed nor disagreed to food aid to North Korea. Compared to the Disagreement group, the Agreement group had a higher concern of food aid to North Korea and a more positive perception on the effect of it. The Agreement group selected "direct assistance from the government" whereas the Disagreement group chose "support through international organizations" as the most appropriate channel for food aid to North Korea. Logistic regression analysis revealed that South Korean adults showing a more positive perception on the effect of food aid to North Korea were more likely to agree to the aid (odds ratio [OR], 19.32). Moreover, compared to the conservatives, the progressives were more likely to agree to food aid to North Korea (OR, 5.94). South Korean adults in their 40-50s were more likely to agree to food aid to North Korea than those in their 20-30s (OR, 2.81). South Korean adults with a higher concern of food aid to North Korea (OR, 3.93) and a greater positive perception on Korean unification (OR, 1.88) were more likely to agree to food aid to North Korea. Conclusion: The most important factor associated with the attitude of South Korean adults toward food aid to North Korea was their perception on the subsequent effect. As strategies to draw social consensus on food aid to North Korea, we recommend systematizing the monitoring process on the effect of providing food aid to North Korea and informing the public of the outcomes.

The Recognition about Food Wastes Treatment at Yongin Area

  • Kim, Jeong-Hyun;Kang, Hee-Joo;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Hwang, Seong-Hee;Kim, Yong-Chul;Kim, Pan-Gyi
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.329-343
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    • 2004
  • We conducted to investigate citizen's attitude to the treatment of food waste in Yongin city. The respondent of $41.81\%$ throws the food waste eliminate from home and store less than 1l in Yongin. When they dump the food waste, they speak out the inconvenience of damaged envelope by animals in case of home and store. This caused troubles for reason of sanitary. So a local autonomous entity must carefully consider of expand use specially designed container as like apartment house. They give an answer that the collecting time of food waste is suitable form dawn till morning. This answer shows the satisfaction of the period time to collect the food waste. They prefer to be appointed the exclusive place to collect food waste. The service interval of collect is suitable 1 time a day. They want to increase the number of washing of the collecting container. This is good method for sanitary condition, but the care of the period time to collect the food waste is more efficient than the care of the number of washing the collecting container. The care of the period time minimizes to incur the enmity of the people and to pollute in environment. The major of respondent handled the food waste after keeping the basket or a kit. This fact shows to us almost citizen doesn't feel the seriousness to remove the moisture of the food waste. Recently, many solutions which can be disposal efficiently are getting magnified and improved owing to increase utilities channel to loss in quantities and dry the food waste. We expect the reduction of food waste is solved getting easily step by step. The results of the awareness about the facility of food waste show citizen prefer recycling facility to the other facilities. If recycle facility and incineration facility are constructed, they were worried about bed smell. When some facility of the food waste is constructed, they have to maintain and to handle not to incur the enmity of the people. The spread rate of specially designed container already increased, the citizen set a high value on the use of specially designed container more than amount-rate vinyl envelope that people have used for several years. In the cost treatment about food waste, the major respondent answered the use cost of specially designed container is suitable price. So we can know the use charge is proper level. The majority of citizen more prefer autonomous plan which voluntary atmosphere creation and public information by mass media than levy system and rising treatment cost which forced plan. The citizens have pretty positive thinking of incineration, so the government needs more efforts for a public notice, which includes the incineration is no more than abandoned thing. Each of local self government has to sort the food waste and make kind of resource system related to collecting and carrying, constructing a suitable facility, proper disposal of the food waste and producing harmless in our surrounding in order to solve the invisible problems. To do above mentioned things, we have to analyze referred several problems till now. Also, to minimize the side effect, the government will have to improve through enforce the system.

Gastroscopic Findings of Rural Residents with Symptoms of Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorder (만성(漫性) 위장장애증상(胃腸障碍症狀)을 가진 농촌주민(農村住民)들의 위내시경(胃內視鏡) 검사소견(檢査所見))

  • Park, Jung-Han;Chun, Byung-Yeol;Lee, Dong-Koo;Choi, Yong-Whan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.19 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted in July-August, 1984, to define the causes of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in rural population and to provide data for the management of such patients. A household survey was conducted to identify all the residents of Youngchun and Sungiu counties in Kyungpook province who were over 20 years of age, had chronic upper gastrointestinal symptoms for over the last 6 months, never had medical examination for the symptoms, and volunteered to participate in the gastroscopic examination. Gastroscopy was done for 106 males and 108 females. Gastric ulcer was found in 16.8% of all the examinees, duodenal ulcer in 15.4%, gastritis in 14.0%, and gastric cancer in 3.7%. No lesion was found by gastroscopy in 52.3%. Gastric ulcer more common in male(26.4%) than in female(7.4%) (p<0.01) and the same was true for duodenal ulcer(20.8% of male, 10.2% of female). Gastric cancer was found in 7.5% of the male while none of the female had gastric cancer. A higher proportion of the female (68.5%) showed normal finding in the gastroscopy than the male(35.9%) (p<0.01). No significant association was found between the upper gastrointestinal symptoms and the gastroscopic findings. The higher prevalence rate of gastric ulcer than that of duodenal ulcer in this study which is the reverse of the study findings of urban area in Korea and western countries may be related in part with the dietary habit and social environment of the rural population. Although early diagnosis is the most important for the treatment of gastric cancer, many of the people with chronic upper gastrointestinal complaints defer the diagnosis and treatment. It is may be due to lack of the knowledge of diseases and the health care attitude of the rural people. A national program for the health education and mass screening for the gastric cancer should be developed.

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A Basie Health Survey of the Yonsei Community Health Service Area, Seoul (연세지역(延世地域)에 대(對)한 보건기초조사(保健基礎調査))

  • Yang, Jae-Mo;Kim, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 1968
  • Introduction In order to improve medical education through the introduction of a concept of comprehensive health care of a community, an area surrounding the University Campus was chosen for the Community Health Service Project. It has been on operation for last 4 years with its major emphasis on family planning services, and maternal and child health care. The major objectives of this survey at the area are to obtain: 1) The demographic data, 2) The health need and trend of medical care, 3) The attitude and practice in maternity care to be used for further improvement of the planning and the services of the project. Population and Survey Method Out of three Dongs of the Community Health Service Area, only two Dongs namely Changchun and Yonhee were selected for the survey. Total number of households and population in the area studied was 3,683 and 21,857 respectively. An interview was performed with questionnaire schedule which was recorded by interviewers. This includes the degree of utilization of health services provided by the Community Health Service Program such as family planning, prenatal care during their last pregnancy, delivery history and complications of the delivery as well as the incidence of illnesses in general. Prior to the interview, all interviewers were trained for interviewing technique for two days. The survey was carried out during the period from October December 1967. Results 1) Demographic Data : 41.3% of the population studied were children under age 15 and only 3.5% were over 60 years of age. Crude birth rate and crude death rate of this area studied during the period of November 1966-October 1967 were 20.5 and 7.7 respectively. Infant mortality rate during the same period was 35.9. 50.4% of the 2,832 households fell into the category of middle class, 39.8% to the lower class and 9.5% to the upper class in economic condition. 19.8% of 2,832 householders had no formal education, 22.7% primary school, and 57.5% middle or higher school education. 2) Health Status and Utilization of the Community Health Service: Those who suffered from many illnesses during the month of October, 1967 were 690(4.6% of 14,891 persons). Classification of these patients into the type of disease shown respiratory diseases 27.4%, gastrointestinal diseases 18.1%, tuberculosis 10.9%, skin and genitourethral diseases 4.5% and gynecologic patients 4.5%. Only 55.9% of the patients received medical care at hospital or doctor's clinic. But among TB and gynecologic patients, 70.7% and 72.4% were treated at medical facilities. 10.6% of 2,832 householders interviewed has ever utilized the Community Health Service Program provided by the Yonsei Medical School, Classifying these clients into the type of service, 35.9% utilized the wellbaby clinic, 31.0% the family planning clinic, 14.7% the home delivery care, and the rest utilized other services such as the premarital guidance cinlic and the sanitary inspection service. 3) Maternity Care: 23.6% of 2,151 deliveries were done at medical facilities such as hospital, private clinic, while 76.4% were done at home. Acceptance rate of prenatal care was 32.6% as whole, but 49.6 of 774 women who had the prenatal care service had their deliveries at medical facility. 45.1% of total deliveries were attended by medical and or paramedical personnel. 75.8% of the deliveries of those received prenatal care were attended by medical and or paramedical personnel while only 27.8% of the deliveries of those who did not have prenatal care attended by medical and or paramedical personnel. 49.8% of deliveries of the upper class, 29.8% of the middle class and 9.9% of the lower class were attended by medical and or paramedical personnel. 6.2, 3.3% and 24.8% of mothers reported about their xeperience of edema, coma and fever during the period of trimester of pregnancy and puerperium. 4) Family Planning: The rate of practice of family planning was 27.9%. 31.7% of them were by IUD, 2.9% by oral pill, 15.2% by sterilization and the rest by traditional methods. Those women who had 3 to 4 children had highest(30.2%). Practice rate among the various methods of family planning, oral pill was the most popular method to whom had 2 or less children. In relation between the practicing rate of family planning and living standard, the upper, middle and lower class practiced 37.5, 29.4 and 19.9% respectively.

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Awareness of Oral Health Workforce on the National Health Insurance Coverage of Topical Fluoride Application (구강보건인력의 전문가불소도포 건강보험 급여화에 대한 인식)

  • Lee, Sun-Ho;Lee, Heung-Soo;Oh, Hyo-Won
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the awareness of oral health workforce and the attitude concerning the health insurance benefit on topical fluoride application. The subjects are 173 dentists and 288 dental hygienists. The data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 12.0 statistical program. The findings of the study were as follows: Agree's (including strongly agree) ratios regarding to the health insurance benefit of topical fluoride application was 92.5% for dentists and 90.8% for dental hygienists. Appropriate age of health insurance benefit about the topical fluoride application was elementary, middle and high school students (8~19 years). This response ratio was high 45.7% for dentists and 43.2% for dental hygienists. Appropriate copayment (mean value) of health insurance about topical fluoride application coverage showed that NaF, $SnF_2$ solution and acidulated phosphate fluoride gel were 25,782 Korean Won (KRW) for dentist and 14,282 KRW for dental hygienist. Fluoride varnish copayment was 31,705 KRW for dentist and 17,979 KRW for dental hygienist. Fluoride iontophoresis copayment was 40,156 KRW for dentist, and 21,210 KRW for dental hygienist. The frequency of health insurance benefits about topical fluoride application was high in 'unlimited (37.5%)' for the dentists and 'two times (31.3%)' for dental hygienists. In conclusion, topical fluoride application should be included as one of the health insurance benefit items for oral health.

A Study on the Locational Decision Factors of Discount Stores : The Case of Cheonan (종합슈퍼마켓의 입지 결정 요인에 관한 연구 : 천안상권을 중심으로)

  • So, Jang-Hoon;Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we investigate several factors that affect the locational decision of discount stores by using previous studies on the marketing area and the location of commercial facilities. We selected 21 primary variables that are expected to influence the decision of store location and, by factor analysis, grouped them into five underlying factors. Among these, the demographic factor, which shows the potential purchasing power level, had the greatest impact on the locational decision for the store. However, we found individual stores positioned according to unique locational characteristics in addition to the demographic factor. It means that we have to additionally consider if the vicinity of the market is based on any physical properties. Many previous studies proposed four decision factors for store location: the economic factor, the demographic factor, the land utilization factor, and traffic factor. However, the fivefold factors-our distinctive contribution-are more concrete and persuasive according to Korean reality. We show that location preference is based on the following criteria: (1) the area is densely populated, (2) houses stand close together, (3) residents have a high income level, (4) road traffic is developed and easy to access, and (5) public transportation is well developed. The demographic factor has the greatest impact on the location of a discount store. The number of households has a greater relevance to the demographic factor than does the individual consumer. Second, discount stores relatively prefer places where houses are located close together because such places offer easy access to the market. Third, a place whose residents have a high income level will be preferred, with its large cars and excellent traffic conditions. Fourth, a location would be highly rated if the roads around commercial facilities are well developed and their accessibility is good. Finally, discount stores must be located close to bus stops because female consumers, including housewives-the most important customers-evaluate stores based on distance. In this research, the variable of consumer attitude and preference was excluded, and the location factors of discount stores were analyzed according to a microscopic view through physical spatial data. In the future, the opening of new discount stores based on the five factors indicated above will require a comparatively shorter time from the first project feasibility analysis. In addition, the result of our study can be applied to the field of public policy for constructing and attracting large-scale distribution facilities.

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Professional Belief and Attitude of Dental Hygiene Students (치위생(학)과 학생들의 전문직업적 신념 및 태도)

  • Yang, Seung-Kyeong;Kim, Young-Nam
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the professionalism of dental hygiene students as dental hygienists, who received education to become dental hygienists. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. Concerning the relationship of degree programs to the factors of professionalism, there were statistically significant gaps in use of the professional organization as a major reference, beliefs in service to the public and autonomy according to degree programs(p<0.001), and statistically significant gaps were found belief in self-regulation and sense of calling to the field according to degree programs(p>0.05). 2. As for connections between geographic region and the factors of professionalism, there were statistically significant differences in use of the professional organization as a major reference and sense of calling to the field(p<0.001) according to geographic region. Statistically significant gaps were found in beliefs in service to the public and autonomy(p<0.01), and there were statistically significant differences in self-control(p>0.05). 3. Concerning links between the background of the establishment of the educational system and the factors of professionalism, there were statistically significant differences in use of the professional organization as a major reference, beliefs in service to the public, sense of calling to the field and autonomy(p<0.001), and a belief in self-regulation(p<0.05). 4. In regard to the background variables of the students, there were statistically significant differences in their background variables according to bachelor's degree programs(p>0.05), and statistically significant gaps were found according to geographic region and the background of the establishment of the educational system(p<0.001).

On the (Un-)Possibility of a Labor Film in the Early Period of Democratization -A Study of Guro Arirang (민주화 초기 노동자 영화의 (불)가능성 -<구로아리랑> 연구)

  • Oh, Ja-Eun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.9-41
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    • 2020
  • Park Jong-won's debut film "Guro Arirang," based on a short story of the same title by Lee Moon-yeol, is the first commercial film to deal with labor struggles from a worker's point of view in the wake of the 1987 democratic movement, and a pioneering work in terms of representing female workers the Korean cinema has traditionally turned away from. In this film Park Jong-won tried to win the sympathy of the middle class for labor movement in spite of the red scare which still stood firm in the Korean society at that time. To convey its progressive message in a form acceptable to the middle class public, the film portrays labor issues in the light of universal humanity and ethics, not in terms of class hostility or struggle. Park Jong-won calls this point of view "common sense of normal people" and emphasizes its universality and objectivity. This study critically examines the cinematic strategies to deal with labor issues in a form acceptable to the public in a conventional and commercial film and the ideological implications of the "common sense of normal people" reflected in such strategies. The first chapter of the study reveals that the film destroys the irony of the original story and reduces the complex constellation of the characters to the conflict between pure good and evil, creating a melodramatic composition in which the good falls victim to evil. The tragedies suffered by the workers in the film are of course intended to arouse the audience's strong sympathy and solidarity with them. The second chapter shows that the film's various scenes and episodes converge on the them of compassion and grief, and are mostly based on cultural and real experiences and events that caused great public sensations at that time. Especially in the last decisive scene of the movie, the memory of the June 1987 uprising is strongly recalled. So "Guro Arirang" can be seen as a patchwork of proven cases of compassion and grief. The third chapter examines the implications of the scene where the workers turn back demands for wages and put the issues of human treatment and trust to the forefront at the crucial moment of their struggle. It appeals to universal moral values and sentiments that everyone has to acknowledge and removes the political dimension from the workers' campaign. While the film tends to become a pure story of humanity marginalizing irreconcilable conflicts of class interest, the workers fall to the position of passive victims who can be deeply sympathetic on the one hand, and on the other, are idealized as leaders with noble attitude keeping themselves aloof from the hard reality. As a result, the movie loses its realistic ground and weakens its narrative probability. The scenes reminiscent of the 1987 uprising which evoke the solidarity between working and middle class fail to integrate harmoniously into the whole story of the film and remain only as fragmentary parts of the patchwork of compassion and grief.

A Study on the Ambivalent Characteristic Displayed in Niki de Saint Phalle's Assemblages and Shooting Paintings by Looking Into Her Trauma (니키 드 생 팔의 트라우마를 통해 살펴본 아상블라주와 사격회화의 양면적 특성)

  • Yoo, Ka-Eun
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.6
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to show that the reason behind the ambivalent characteristic displayed in Niki de Saint Phalle's works is in her trauma and how such characteristic can be extracted from her works. During her creative years, Saint Phalle worked on various materials from different genres such as assemblages, shooting paintings, a series on Bride and Monster, 'Nana', 'Tarot Garden'and public sculptures. One commonality found among her various works is the ambivalent characteristic that contains contrasting elements simultaneously. Saint Phalle suffered a terrible psychological damage inflicted by her parents during her childhood. Specifically, she was sexually assaulted by her father and emotionally neglected by her mother, the trauma that affected her for the rest of her life. As a result, she came to develop extreme love- hate relationships with her parents and this became the main reason for the ambivalent characteristic displayed in her works. The love-hate relationship Saint Phalle developed can be identified through various researches done on the subject of the affect of sexual assault. It is common for incest victims to develop ambivalent feelings towards the perpetrator and Saint Phalle was no exception. Dissociation disorder and a snake well explain the trauma from her father. It is a generally accepted belief in the field of psychology that dissociation disorder commonly occurs to children who experience incest. And dissociation disorder is similar to the characteristic of ambivalence in the sense that a single entity contains more than two contrasting elements at the same time. In addition, the amputated doll objects used in her assemblages coincide with the expression of body detachment of people with dissociation disorder. These facts clearly indicate that the trauma from her father is showing through in her works. A snake is a subject matter that reflects the ambivalent tendency of Saint Phalle that resulted from her trauma. She remembers her father's rape as an image of a snake which is related to a phallic symbol in mythology or art reflecting her trauma. Moreover, she displays a similar pattern of ambivalent emotion like love and hate or fear towards a snake and her father. This is also confirmed by her portrayal of a snake as a monster or reversely as a creature with fundamental vitality in her works. The lack of affection from her mother can be explained by her mother's maternal deprivation. It appears that Saint Phalle's mother possessed all the causes for maternal deprivation such as maternal separation, personality disorder and inappropriate attitude towards child rearing. Especially, a study that shows mother's negative attitude towards child breeding tends to increase dissociation experience of children is another important evidence that supports Saint Phalle's dissociation tendency. These traces of Saint Phalle's trauma are clearly revealed in her assemblages and shooting paintings. The violent objects in her assemblages such as a hammer, razor, nail represent the rage and defensiveness towards her father. The objects such as fragments of broken plates of feminine patterns, pots and mirrors that her mother used symbolize the affection towards her mother. On the other hand, the destructed objects can be interpreted as her hate and resentment towards her mother. Shooting paintings contain her extreme fury and hate. Things such as acts of shooting and the image associated with blood after shooting are blunt expressions of her bursts of emotions. I have tried to define and classify the ambivalent characteristics shown in her assemblages and shooting paintings as hate, rage, violence, calm, love and pleasure according to the frame of Thanatos and Eros. Out of the six, hate, rage, violence and clam are associated with Thanatos while love and pleasure are associated with Eros and they correspondingly form an ambivalent structure. These ambivalent characteristics can be found in her assemblages and shooting paintings. The objects in her assemblages such as a razor, saw, hammer imply hate, rage, violence and the silence felt throughout her works represent calmness. And, as mentioned, the feminine objects can be seen as symbolizing love. In shooting paintings, hate, rage, violence can be found in the use of force and in the traces of watercolor after shooting, and a sense of pleasure in her feelings of catharsis after her shooting. Moreover, a shielded calmness can be found on the plywood all covered with plaster before the shooting. This study looked into the ambivalent characteristic of Saint Phalle's works by examining her trauma to find its correlation, and a meaning of this study can be found from the fact that it refocused the origin of Saint Phalle who is generally known as a feminist artist. Additionally, a meaning of the study can be found also from the fact that it examined the ambivalent characteristics of her works through a frame of Thanatos and Eros.

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