• Title/Summary/Keyword: Protein quality

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Comparison of genome-wide association and genomic prediction methods for milk production traits in Korean Holstein cattle

  • Lee, SeokHyun;Dang, ChangGwon;Choy, YunHo;Do, ChangHee;Cho, Kwanghyun;Kim, Jongjoo;Kim, Yousam;Lee, Jungjae
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.913-921
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The objectives of this study were to compare identified informative regions through two genome-wide association study (GWAS) approaches and determine the accuracy and bias of the direct genomic value (DGV) for milk production traits in Korean Holstein cattle, using two genomic prediction approaches: single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ss-GBLUP) and Bayesian Bayes-B. Methods: Records on production traits such as adjusted 305-day milk (MY305), fat (FY305), and protein (PY305) yields were collected from 265,271 first parity cows. After quality control, 50,765 single-nucleotide polymorphic genotypes were available for analysis. In GWAS for ss-GBLUP (ssGWAS) and Bayes-B (BayesGWAS), the proportion of genetic variance for each 1-Mb genomic window was calculated and used to identify informative genomic regions. Accuracy of the DGV was estimated by a five-fold cross-validation with random clustering. As a measure of accuracy for DGV, we also assessed the correlation between DGV and deregressed-estimated breeding value (DEBV). The bias of DGV for each method was obtained by determining regression coefficients. Results: A total of nine and five significant windows (1 Mb) were identified for MY305 using ssGWAS and BayesGWAS, respectively. Using ssGWAS and BayesGWAS, we also detected multiple significant regions for FY305 (12 and 7) and PY305 (14 and 2), respectively. Both single-step DGV and Bayes DGV also showed somewhat moderate accuracy ranges for MY305 (0.32 to 0.34), FY305 (0.37 to 0.39), and PY305 (0.35 to 0.36) traits, respectively. The mean biases of DGVs determined using the single-step and Bayesian methods were $1.50{\pm}0.21$ and $1.18{\pm}0.26$ for MY305, $1.75{\pm}0.33$ and $1.14{\pm}0.20$ for FY305, and $1.59{\pm}0.20$ and $1.14{\pm}0.15$ for PY305, respectively. Conclusion: From the bias perspective, we believe that genomic selection based on the application of Bayesian approaches would be more suitable than application of ss-GBLUP in Korean Holstein populations.

A Shinpung Typed Large Grain and High-Yielding Peanut Variety 'Daan' (단경 소분지 대립 다수성 땅콩 신품종 '다안')

  • Pae, Suk-Bok;Lee, Myoung-Hee;Kim, Sung-Up;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Oh, Ki-Won;Jung, Chan-Sik;Song, Deok-Young;Baek, In-Youl;Lee, Young-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 2017
  • A new peanut variety 'Daan'(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang 2014. This was developed from the cross between 'Iksan 31' with Virginia typed short stem and 'Dakwang' with Shinpung-typed larger grain. 'Daan' which is a Shinpung plant type had 13 branches per plant and its length of main stem was 44cm. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long ellipse-shaped large kernel. Its yield components showed 34 pods per plant, 127 g of 100-seed-weight and 75% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials (RYT). Seed quality showed 47.8% of crude oil and 28.3% of protein content. This variety showed resistant to early leaf spot and had more resistant to late leaf spot, stem rot and lodging, compared to reference variety. In the regional yield trials for 3 years 'Daan' was more productive than reference variety by 16% with 5.00 MT/ha for grain production.

Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Enzyme and Microorganism on Growth Performance, Carcass Quality, Intestinal Microflora and Feces Odor in Broiler Chickens (효소제와 미생물제제의 첨가 급여가 육계의 생산성, 도체성적, 장내 미생물 및 계분 악취에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Cheol Ju;Sun, Sang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.275-283
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    • 2020
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the addition of enzymes and microorganisms to broiler feed on productivity, carcass characteristics, intestinal microflora, and feces odor. A total of one-hundred eighty 180 chicks (Ross 308) were randomly assigned to 5 treatments with 3 replications each having 12 birds per pen. The experimental group was divided into 0.1% EZ group (0.1% metallo-protease added to the feed), 0.2% EZ group (0.2% metallo-protease added to the feed), M group (2.0% Bacillus veleznesis CE 100 added to the feed), and MW group (2.0% Bacillus veleznesis CE 100 added to the feed and drinking water). In the results, final body weight, body weight gain, the feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency, and energy efficiency were not significantly different among all treatments in across all periods. Carcass weight, proventriculus, gizzard, heart, small intestine, cecum, and rectum weight were not significantly different among all of the treatments. However the liver weight was significantly higher in the 0.1% EZ group than in the control, M and MW groups (P< 0.05). E. coli was significantly lower in MW than in the control and M (P<0.05), and it was significantly higher in the M than 0.2% EZ and MW (P<0.05). H2S emissions in feces was not significantly different among all treatments, but NH3 emissions was were significantly higher in 0.1% EZ than in MW (P<0.05). In conclusion, the addition of 0.1% of metallo-protease was effective in the development of the liver of broilers.

Biochemical Characteristics and Dietary Intake according to the Frequency of Milk Consumption in Korean Adolescents: Data from the 2010~2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (한국 청소년의 우유섭취 빈도에 따른 혈액 생화학적 특성 및 영양 섭취: 2010~2011 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Ji Hyun;Kim, Sook-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.485-501
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the biochemical characteristics and dietary intake of adolescents aged 12 to 18 years according to the frequency of milk consumption. Methods: Data from the 2010~2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was used for the study. The study examined adolescents' (12~18 years) demographic characteristics (house income level, residence region, skipping or not-skipping of breakfast/lunch/dinner, eating-out frequency), anthropometric characteristics (height, weight, weight status), biochemical characteristics (fasting plasma glucose, blood urea nitrogen, creatine, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, hemoglobin, hematocrit) and nutrient intakes through quantitative and qualitative evaluation using the Korean Dietary Reference Intakes (KDRI), index of nutrition quality (INQ), nutrition adequacy ratio (NAR) of 3 groups (< 1/week, 1~6/week, ≥ 1/day) according to the frequency of milk consumption. Results: There were significant differences in gender and income levels among the 3 groups. There were no differences in height, weight, and weight status among groups. There were differences in biochemical characteristics and nutrient intake. In boys, there were differences in the mean of BUN and HDL-cholesterol, in quantitative intakes of riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium by KDRI levels, in qualitative intakes of riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus by INQ and riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus by NAR among 3 groups. In girls, there were differences in the mean of blood urea nitrogen, creatine, HDL-cholesterol, in quantitative intakes of protein, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus by KDRI levels, in qualitative intakes of riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus by INQ and riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus by NAR among the 3 groups. Conclusions: In Korean adolescents, boys had a higher frequency of milk consumption than girls, and higher the income level, higher the frequency of milk consumption. Consumption of milk appeared to have a positive association with triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, and indices related to muscle mass. Regular consumption of milk is an important factor in enhancing the intake of riboflavin, calcium, and phosphorus, which adolescents lack. The results of the study indicate a need to prepare an environment and education program to increase milk consumption in adolescents at home and school.

'Gwangyoung', Forage Triticale Cultivar of Winter Hardiness, Resistance to Lodging and High-Yielding (내한 내도복 다수성 조사료용 트리티케일 품종 '광영' 개발)

  • Han, Ouk-Kyu;Ku, Ja-Hwan;Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Jin-Jin;Woo, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 2021
  • 'Gwangyoung', a winter forage triticale cultivar (X Triticosecale Wittmack), was developed at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2018. The cultivar 'Gwangyoung' has leaves of wide width, medium length, and green color, and spikes of medium length and yellowish-brown color, and a large grain of yellowish-brown color. The heading date of the cultivar 'Gwangyoung' was April 22 which was similar to check cultivar 'Shinyoung'. Its tolerance or resistance to cold, lodging, wet injury powdery mildew, and leaf rust were also similar to those of the check cultivar. The leaf blade ratio of 'Gwangyoung' (27.5%) was higher than that of 'Shinyoung' (21.2%). The average forage fresh and dry matter yield of cultivar 'Gwangyoung' at milk-ripe stages were 50.0 and 17.6 MT ha-1, respectively, which were higher than those (47.7 and 17.1 MT ha-1) of the check cultivar. The silage quality of 'Gwangyoung' was lower than that of the check cultivar 'Shinyoung' in crude protein content (5.3%) and total digestible nutrients (61.3%), while was higher than the check cultivar in neutral detergent fiber (58.2%) and acid detergent fiber (34.9%). 'Gwangyoung' showed the silage of 1 grade and a grain yield of 6.03 MT ha-1.

Effect on Different Yields of Drying Rate of Italian Ryegrass Hay Making during Spring Season (봄철 이탈리안 라이그라스의 생산 수량 차이가 건초 제조 시 건조율에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Park, Hyung Soo;Choi, Ki Choon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.216-220
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    • 2020
  • This field evaluated the effect of different yields on the drying rate of Italian ryegrass ("Kowinearly", Lolium multiflorum Lam.) hay during the spring season. The experiment was performed at Hwaseong, 2015. The different yields of the plot were selected by growth and development check. Three treatments were 35 t/ha(Y1), 45 t/ha(Y2), and 60 t/ha(Y3). After harvest with conditioner, it was conducted tedding 1/day. It was investigated patterns for changes in moisture content. The changes in moisture content were respectively Y1 from 78.9% to 14.4%, Y2 from 79.1% to 18.3%, and Y3 from 77.9% to 25.5% for 5days. It was no different significantly for changes in moisture content by yields from 1st day ~ 2nd day, But It was different significantly from 3rd day to 5th day. the content of neural detergent fiber(NDF) and acid detergent fiber(ADF) were respectively about 34%, 59%, regardless of yields (P>0.05). Crude protein of Yields Y1, Y2, and Y3 were respectively 6.9%, 8.7%, and 9.4% (P<0.05). The result of this study that the higher yields, the slower it dried. The Quantity is a factor to effect on drying rate.

Identification and functional prediction of long noncoding RNAs related to intramuscular fat content in Laiwu pigs

  • Wang, Lixue;Xie, Yuhuai;Chen, Wei;Zhang, Yu;Zeng, Yongqing
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2022
  • Objective: Intramuscular fat (IMF) is a critical economic indicator of pork quality. Studies on IMF among different pig breeds have been performed via high-throughput sequencing, but comparisons within the same pig breed remain unreported. Methods: This study was performed to explore the gene profile and identify candidate long noncoding RNA (lncRNAs) and mRNAs associated with IMF deposition among Laiwu pigs with different IMF contents. Based on the longissimus dorsi muscle IMF content, eight pigs from the same breed and management were selected and divided into two groups: a high IMF (>12%, H) and low IMF group (<5%, L). Whole-transcriptome sequencing was performed to explore the differentially expressed (DE) genes between these two groups. Results: The IMF content varied greatly among Laiwu pig individuals (2.17% to 13.93%). Seventeen DE lncRNAs (11 upregulated and 6 downregulated) and 180 mRNAs (112 upregulated and 68 downregulated) were found. Gene Ontology analysis indicated that the following biological processes played an important role in IMF deposition: fatty acid and lipid biosynthetic processes; the extracellular signal-regulated kinase cascade; and white fat cell differentiation. In addition, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-protein kinase B, and mammalian target of rapamycin pathways were enriched in the pathway analysis. Intersection analysis of the target genes of DE lncRNAs and mRNAs revealed seven candidate genes associated with IMF accumulation. Five DE lncRNAs and 20 DE mRNAs based on the pig quantitative trait locus database were identified and shown to be related to fat deposition. The expression of five DE lncRNAs and mRNAs was verified by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The results of qRT-PCR and RNA-sequencing were consistent. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that the different IMF contents among pig individuals may be due to the DE lncRNAs and mRNAs associated with lipid droplets and fat deposition.

Effect of feeding a diet comprised of various corn silages inclusion with peanut vine or wheat straw on performance, digestion, serum parameters and meat nutrients in finishing beef cattle

  • Zhang, Hongrui;Zhang, Liyang;Xue, Xiao;Zhang, Xiaoxia;Wang, Hongyi;Gao, Tengyun;Phillips, Clive
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2022
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the feeding value, meat nutrients and associative effects of a diet comprised of various corn silages inclusion with peanut vine or wheat straw in finishing beef cattle. Methods: One hundred and eighty Simmental crossbred beef steers were blocked and assigned to the follow treatments: i) whole plant corn silage-based diet (control, WPCS), ii) mixed forages-based diet (replacing a portion of corn silage with wheat straw, WPCSW), iii) corn stalklage-based diet (CS), and iv) sweet corn stalklage-based diet (SCS). Each group consisted of 5 repeated pens with 9 steers/pen. The diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic with same forage to concentrate ratio. Experimental diets were fed for 90 d. Results: The effective ruminal degradability of dry matter and crude protein were highest for WPCS diet (p<0.05), for neutral detergent fiber was highest in SCS diet (p<0.05). The average daily gain was greater for cattle offered the WPCS diet, intermediate with WPCSW and SCS and lowest with CS (p<0.001). The concentration of non-esterified fatty acid in serum was higher for steers fed with CS and SCS diets than those offered WPCS and WPCSW steers (p<0.001). The treatments did not affect the general nutritional contents and amino acids composition of Longissimus dorsi of steers (p>0.05). Conclusion: The corn silage-based diet exhibited the highest feeding value. The sweet corn stalklage and wheat straw as an alternative to corn silage offered to beef cattle had limited influence on feeding value and meat nutrients. However, the value of a corn stalklage-based diet was relatively poor. To sum up, when the high quality forage resources, such as corn silage, are in short supply, or the growth rate of beef cattle decreases in the later finishing period, the sweet stalklage and wheat straw could be used as a cheaper alternative in feedlot cattle diet without sharp reducing economic benefits.

Effects of Water-deficit Stress on Yield and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Rice during the Early Tillering Stage (분얼기 수분 스트레스가 벼 생육 특성 및 엽록소 형광 반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Chae-Min;Shin, Jong-Hee;Kwon, Jung-Bae;Won, Jong-Gun;Kim, Sang-Kuk
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    • v.67 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to evaluate the growth, yield, and grain quality characteristics of rice varieties that were subjected to water stress during the tillering stage. We also sought to identify whether water stress could be indicated via the plants' response to chlorophyll fluorescence. In this study, we induced water stress by intentionally cutting off water for 30 days, starting 15 days after transplanting the rice varieties to a greenhouse. We analyzed nine rice varieties, including Ilpum, which is the most frequently cultivated variety in Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. The control group was planted in a paddy field where irrigation was entirely dependent on rainfall. Our results revealed that the heading stage of the nine studied varieties occurred approximately ten days earlier in the rain shelter than in the field. Moreover, the rice yield, head rice rate, and palatability score decreased by 18.6%, 17.1%, and 8.3%, respectively, while protein content increased by 20.2% compared with the control group. The Saenuri and Haimi varieties showed the lowest reduction in yield under the water stress conditions, while the Daebo and Samkwang varieties showed the highest reduction in yield. The chlorophyll fluorescence response after re-irrigation was measured between July 30th and August 17th. The ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence (FV/FM) values failed to recover to their baseline values, resulting in either no change or a reduction in fluorescent response, even after re-irrigation of Daebo and Samkwang varieties. These results can be utilized as empirical data for drought-affected farms to select resistant varieties that can respond to spring drought in the southern plains of Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Effects of Microbial Additives and Silo Density on Chemical Compositions, Fermentation Indices, and Aerobic Stability of Whole Crop Rice Silage (미생물 첨가와 사일로 밀도가 총체벼 사일리지의 영양소 함량, 발효특성 및 호기적 안전성에 미치는 영향)

  • Joo, Young Ho;Jeong, Seung Min;Seo, Myeong Ji;Lee, Seong Shin;Choi, Ki Choon;Kim, Sam Churl
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2022
  • The present study investigated effects of microbial additives and silo density on chemical compositions, fermentation indices, and aerobic stability of whole crop rice (WCR) silage. The WCR ("Youngwoo") was harvested at 49.7% dry matter (DM), and ensiled into 500 kg bale silo with two different compaction pressures at 430 kgf (kilogram-force)/cm2 (LOW) and 760 kgf/cm2 (HIGH) densities. All WCR forage were applied distilled water (CON) or mixed inoculants (Lactobacillus brevis 5M2 and Lactobacillus buchneri 6M1) with 1:1 ratio at 1x105 colony forming unit/g (INO). The concentrations of DM, crude protein, ether extract, crude ash, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber of whole crop rice before ensiling were 49.7, 9.59, 2.85, 6.74, 39.7, and 21.9%, respectively. Microbial additives and silo density did not affect the chemical compositions of WCR silage (p>0.05). The INO silages had lower lactate (p<0.001), but higher propionate (p<0.001). The LOW silages had higher lactate (p=0.004). The INO silages had higher yeast count (p<0.001) and aerobic stability (p<0.001). However, microbial counts and aerobic stability were not affected by silo density. Therefore, this study concluded that fermentation quality of WCR silage improved by microbial additives, but no effects by silo density.