• 제목/요약/키워드: Protection Law

검색결과 969건 처리시간 0.029초

UNCITRAL 제2 실무작업반의 제34차 회의 동향 (Some Developments at the Thirty-Fourth Session of the UNCITRAL Working Group II(Arbitration and Conciliation))

  • 강병근
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.181-215
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    • 2001
  • The thirty-fourth session of UNCITRAL Working Group on Arbitration was held in New York. Among the topics discussed at the session, many delegations agreed to reform the article 7 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration in light of the development of electronic commerce. As for the article 2(2) of the New York Convention, it was agreed to reflect the changes of the article 7 not in the form of a treaty amendment but in the form of an interpretative statement. The topic as to provisional measures has been found so difficult to reach an agreement that most of its texts submitted by the secretariat were left untouched for the lack of time. However, most provisions of the legislative texts on conciliation were dealt with by delegations. The next session is to be held in Vienna. While the Korean Arbitration Act of 1966 was fully amended in 1999, it seems interesting to look at the development in which the arbitration community of the world has already begun discussing the new dimension of the law and practice of international commercial arbitration. It may be considered early to start a new project of reforming the Korean Arbitration Act at this time when only three years passed after it was fully amended. It is, however, worthwhile to remember that some progressive efforts were aborted in amending the Arbitration Act of 1966. One of them is about the same issue on the insertion of some provisions on the enforcement of interim measures of protection to which the priority is given by the Working Group. It seems fair to say that it would not be dangerous to follow the developments and to adapt ourselves to such trends shown in the session. In Korea, the words “arbitration” and “conciliation” are misleadingly interchanged although these two words should be differentiated from each other in the sense of third-party binding decision. It is self-evident from the Korean Arbitration Act and judicial decisions that arbitral awards bind the disputing parties and are to be treated as final judgements by the competent courts. It is, however, not uncommon to find that the word “arbitration” is misinterpreted as having the same meaning of the word “conciliation”. One of the reasons for the confusion is that many legislations in Korea provide for conciliation as having the meaning of arbitration and vice versa. It may be probable that the proposed legislative texts on conciliation could be a kind of useful method to prevent such confusion from being uncontrollable. It is, therefore, necessary that the legislative texts should be introduced into Korea as a legislation on conciliation.

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언론소송에 나타난 보도의 개별적 연관성과 당사자적격 (A Study on the Doctrine of Standing in the Suits caused by the Press Reports)

  • 이승선
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제34권
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    • pp.161-195
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    • 2006
  • 언론보도로 인한 피해의 구제를 도모하기 위한 '언론중재법'이 제정 시행에 들어가고, 법원은 공적존재의 공적사안에 관한 언론보도의 면책범위를 확대하는 법리를 채택하고 있다. 법의 시행과 소송실무에서 가장 중요한 문제 중의 하나가 누가 언론보도의 피해자인가 하는 점인데 흔히 보도의 '개별적 연관성'으로 이해할 수 있다. 이는 당사자적격 여부를 판단하는 기준이 되는바, 이 논문에서는 당사자적격의 법리 변화와 이를 언론소송에 어떻게 적용할 수 있는가, 하는 점을 탐색하였다. 언론이 익명 모자이크 처리해서 보도한 경우, 집단 기관 단체에 대한 보도와 그 구성원간의 개별적 연관성, 혹은 그 반대의 경우, 그리고 정부기관의 당사자적격에 대한 법원의 판례를 검토한 바, 우리 법원은 언론보도로 인한 피해자의 특정, 즉, 개별적 연관성의 범위를 대체로 넓히고 있었다. 이러한 당사자적격의 확대가 법원의 공적존재의 공적사안 면책론 법리와 배치되는 것이라고 보기 어렵고 사인의 사적사안에 대한 언론보도의 익명원칙을 준수할 필요성이 언론에 요구된다. 물론 공적존재의 공적사안 면책론은 확대될 필요가 있고, 언론소송에서 언론이 패하지 않은 지름길은 보도의 공공성과 진실성 확보를 위해 최선을 다하는 길이라 여겨진다.

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케이프타운 협약및 의정서 상 항공기 장비의 국제담보권에 관한 법적 제도 (The Legal Regime for International Interests in Aircraft Equipment under the Cape Town Convention and Protocol)

  • 이강빈
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.125-162
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    • 2007
  • 운송장비의 국제담보권에 관한 협약 및 항공기 장비에 특유한 사안에 관한 운송장비의 국제담보권 협약 의정서가 UNIDROIT 및 ICAO의 공동 후원 하에 케이프타운에서 개최된 외교회의에서 2001년 11월 16일 채택되었다. 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서는 2006년 3월 1일 발효되었다. 케이프 타운 협약 및 의정서는 국제등록에 의하여 지지 될 항공기 장비의 저당, 소유권유보 및 리스 담보권의 설정, 완성 및 우선권에 관한 국제 법적 제도를 규정하고 있다. 이 논문의 목적은 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서의 목적 및 원칙을 설명하고, 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서상 항공기 장비의 국제담보권 및 그들의 보호를 위한 국제등록에 관한 조항들을 검토하고, 그리고 한국의 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서 가입상의 문제점에 관하여 논의하는 것이다. 이 논문의 예상되는 결과로는, 효과적 방식으로 고가 또는 특히 경제적 중요성이 있는 항공기 장비의 취득 및 이용의 금융을 촉진하고, 매년 매우 많은 금액의 금융비용을 절약하는데 기여할 것이며, 또한 항공기 장비의 국제담보권이 전세계적으로 인정되고 보호 될 것이다.

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인체 유래 물질의 재산권성에 대한 의료법학적 고찰 (Medicolegal Study on Human Biological Material as Property)

  • 이웅희
    • 의료법학
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.455-492
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    • 2009
  • (Background) Recent biotechnological breakthroughs are shedding new lights on various ethical and legal issues about human biological material. Since Rudolph Virchow, a German pathologist, had founded the medical discipline of cellular pathology, issues centering around human biological materials began to draw attention. The issues involving human biological materials were revisited with more attention along with series concerns when the human genome map was finally completed. Recently, with researches on human genes and bioengineering reaping enormous commercial values in the form of material patent, such changes require a society to reassess the present and future status of human tissue within the legal system. This in turn gave rise to a heated debate over how to protect the rights of material donors: property rule vs. no property rule. (Debate and Cases) Property rule recognizes the donors' property rights on human biological materials. Thus, donors can claim real action if there were any bleach of informed consent or a donation contract. Donors can also claim damages to the responsible party when there is an infringement of property rights. Some even uphold the concept of material patents overtaking. From the viewpoint of no property rule, human biological materials are objects separated from donors. Thus, a recipient or a third party will be held liable if there were any infringement of donor's human rights. Human biological materials should not be commercially traded and a patent based on a human biological materials research does not belong to the donor of the tissues used during the course of research. In the US, two courts, Moore v. Regents of the University of California, and Greenberg v. Miami Children's Hospital Research Institute, Inc., have already decided that research participants retain no ownership of the biological specimens they contribute to medical research. Significantly, both Moore and Greenberg cases found that the researcher had parted with all ownership rights in the tissue samples when they donated them to the institutions, even though there was no provision in the informed consent forms stating either that the participants donated their tissue or waived their rights to ownership of the tissue. These rulings were led to huge controversy over property rights on human tissues. This research supports no property rule on the ground that it can protect the human dignity and prevent humans from objectification and commercialization. Human biological materials are already parted from human bodies and should be treated differently from the engineering and researches of those materials. Donors do not retain any ownership. (Suggestions) No property rule requires a legal breakthrough in the US in terms of donors' rights protection due to the absence of punitive damages provisions. The Donor rights issue on human biological material can be addressed through prospective legislation or tax policies, price control over patent products, and wider coverage of medical insurance. (Conclusions) Amid growing awareness over commercial values of human biological materials, no property rule should be adopted in order to protect human dignity but not without revamping legal provisions. The donors' rights issue in material patents requires prospective legislation based on current uncertainties. Also should be sought are solutions in the social context and all these discussions should be based on sound medical ethics of both medical staffs and researchers.

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임플란트 시술상 의료과오의 소송상 쟁점에 관하여 -계약의 법적성격 및 입증책임 완화를 중심으로- (Regarding Issues on the Lawsuit of Medical Malpractice in the Implant Procedure -Focusing on the contract's legal character and the mitigation of burden of proof-)

  • 한태일
    • 의료법학
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.143-163
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    • 2018
  • 임플란트 시술은 소위 상업화된 의료에 속하고 상대적으로 시술자체가 단순 명료하며 그 시술이 성공가능성은 거의 100%에 달한다. 또한 환자에게 건강을 위한 불가피한 수단이기 보다는 선택적 수단의 의미를 지니는바 자기결정권의 보호를 위한 설명의무의 중요성이 특히 강조되기도 한다. 이러한 특성에 비추어 임플란트 시술 계약에 대하여는 도급의 성격이 강조되어 경우에 따라서는 식립 자체의 실패만으로도 의사의 과실이 존재한다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 임플란트 시술은 상업화된 의료로서 단순 명료한 의료행위인바 과실여부는 직업적 평균인이 아닌 일반인의 상식을 기준으로 판단되어야 할 것이므로, 임플란트 시술 후 악결과가 발생한 환자는 예를 들어, 시술 중 과도한 통증과 출혈이 발생하였음에도 의사가 별 다른 조치를 취하지 않았다는 등을 입증하면 충분하고 그 전문가의 입장에서 의료행위가 적절치 못하였다는 점까지 밝혀야 하는 것은 아니다. 한편, 임플란트 의료과오 판결들을 살펴보건대 법원은 명시적으로 임플란트 시술계약을 도급이라고 판단하고 있지는 않더라도, 식립 자체의 성공여부로 의사의 과실을 판단하고 있어 일의 완성을 목적으로 하는 도급계약과 유사한 특성을 어느 정도 인정하는 듯 보인다. 또한 제시하고 있는 의료과실의 구체적 내용들에 비추어 의료과실의 판단도 일반인의 상식에 기초한 것으로 보인다.

ADR을 통한 저작권분쟁 해결에 관한 검토 (The Role of ADR in the Resolution of the Copyright Disputes)

  • 김선정
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.85-112
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    • 2011
  • These days utilization of copyright in daily life and economic activities is becoming more important than ever, and IT technology is developing day by day. Along with those fact, copyright infringement and dispute is naturally increasing. This thesis dealt with the 3 different issues of ADR on copyright. The First part, introduce ADR system that was performed by Korea Copyright Committee according to Copyright law. This paper evaluate the committee's efforts to provide resolution of copyright disputes via conciliation was effective. So it needs to be look over several countries' ADR, beside conventional judicial remedy. And Korea's copyright conciliation system which is successfully operating also introduced. Second, In many countries, including South Korea are take advantage of conciliation as the way to settle down the dispute over copyright. Furthermore, looked over if we can use arbitration as tool to settle dispute or not. Currently in Korea, patent dispute is handled by Industrial Property Dispute Conciliation Committee(The Invention Promotion Act Ch.5) and Layout-design Review and Mediation Committee(The Act on the Layout-designs of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Art.29-34), but using performance of those two committee is still too low. In comparison, the copyright committee, a affiliation organization of the ministry of culture, sports and tourism has much more result in conciliation compare with patent dispute. Copyright disputes has arbitrability of it's subject-matter and many regulating organs are interested in it. (especially, binding of arbitral award and final resolution). Take advantage of both conciliation and arbitration could be good way to resolve copyright disputes. Third, the writer look at the proposal on the creation of Northeast Regional Center for Intellectual Property ADR. Because of the nature of copyright and rapid development of internet technology, international use of work become more frequent and accordingly infringement cases are increasing. The role of commercial arbitration regimes and institutions which has progressed significantly worldwide level, but which has only just begun in the intellectual property ADR area, leads also to a clash of often very different legal cultures and protection in a market economy. International cooperation in regional area with conflict interests becomes an important alternative. But it will depend on the building of regional institutions and mechanisms. The feasibility of this proposal and preconditions were examined. Establishment of new international organization requires a lot of time, cost and efforts. And risk of failure is much too high. Therefore factual, statistical review should be preceded. In addition, technical measures, such as on-line arbitration is necessary to review also. Furthermore in order to establish new organization, the relative law, legal environment, public sentiment and international compliance must be carefully considered with factual review about the needs and economic benefits of each country Yet on complex regulatory matters such as IP and ADR, a great deal of the potential benefits from international standards arises not from the international legal framework nor even the formal content of national legislation, but from the informed and effective use made of the possibilities within the system, including by policymakers and regulators.

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케이프타운 협약및 의정서 상 항공기 장비의 국제담보권에 관한 법적 제도 (The Legal Regime for International Interests in Aircraft Equipment under the Cape Town Convention and Protocol)

  • 이강빈
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제spc호
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    • pp.105-135
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    • 2007
  • 운송장비의 국제담보권에 관한 협약 및 항공기 장비에 특유한 사안에 관한 운송장비의 국제담보권 협약 의정서가 UNIDROIT 및 ICAO의 공동 후원 하에 케이프타운에서 개최된 외교회의에서 2001년 11월 16일 채택되었다. 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서는 2006년 3월 1일 발효되었다. 케이프 타운 협약 및 의정서는 국제등록에 의하여 지지 될 항공기 장비의 저당, 소유권유보 및 리스 담보권의 설정, 완성 및 우선권에 관한 국제 법적 제도를 규정하고 있다. 이 논문의 목적은 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서의 목적 및 원칙을 설명하고, 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서상 항공기 장비의 국제담보권 및 그들의 보호를 위한 국제등록에 관한 조항들을 검토하고, 그리고 한국의 케이프타운 협약 및 의정서 가입상의 문제점에 관하여 논의하는 것이다. 이 논문의 예상되는 결과로는, 효과적 방식으로 고가 또는 특히 경제적 중요성이 있는 항공기 장비의 취득 및 이용의 금융을 촉진하고, 매년 매우 많은 금액의 금융비용을 절약하는데 기여할 것이며, 또한 항공기 장비의 국제담보권이 전세계적으로 인정되고 보호 될 것이다.

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현행 게임규제정책의 한계와 과제 : 합리적인 규제를 위한 고려사항 (Limitations and Challenges of Game Regulatory Law and Policy in Korea)

  • 권헌영
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.149-164
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    • 2014
  • The laws and policies governing Korea's game regulations are becoming more and more topics for debate as we enter the Age of Internet. The nature of the basis for Internet regulations and policies are not rooted in freedom of speech or fundamental values of democracy, but rather focused on solving real-world problems such as protection of the youth. Furthermore, the reality is that regulatory devices for keeping the social order such as regulating gambling are being applied directly to games without consideration on the characteristics of Internet gaming, raising concerns that the expansion of constitutional values and innovative empowerment inherent to the Internet are being weakened. The Geun-Hye Park Administration which succeeded Myung-Bak Lee's Administration, even went so far as to implement the so-called "Shutdown Policy", which prohibits access to Internet games during pre-defined time zones and also instigated a time zone selection rule. In order to curb the gambling nature of Internet games, government-led policies such as the mandatory personal identification and prohibition of player selection or in other words mandatory random player selection are being implemented. These institutions can inhibit freedom of speech, which is the basis of democracy, violate the right of equality through unreasonable discrimination between domestic and foreign service providers, and infringe upon the principles of administrative law, such as laws, due process in policies, and balance in among policies and governmental bodies. Going forward, if Korea's Internet game regulations and polices is to develop in a rational manner, regulatory frameworks will need to be designed to protect the nature of the Internet and its innovative values that enable the realization of constitutional values; for example, the Internet acting as the "catalytic media for freedom of expression as a fundamental human right ", which has already been acknowledged by the Korea's Constitutional Court. At the same time, transparent procedures should be put into place that will allow diverse participation of stakeholders including game service providers, game users, the youth and parents in the legislation and enforcement process of regulatory institutions; policies will also need to be transformed to enable not only regulatory laws but also self-regulation system to be established. And in this process, scientific and empirical analysis on the expected effects before introducing regulations and the results of enforcing regulations after being introduced will need to be strengthened.

"해양경비법" 검토와 발전방안 (The Examination and Development Plan of Maritime Policing Act)

  • 노호래
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제32호
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    • pp.95-122
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    • 2012
  • 2012년 8월 23일에 시행예정인 "해양경비법"은 해상에서의 경찰권 발동의 근거법을 제정했다는 점에서 그 의의가 있으나 다음과 같은 한계가 있다. 첫째로, 해양경찰의 조직법적 근거가 미약하다. 이는 행정조직 설치의 근거를 법률이 아니라 하부령인 대통령령과 국토해양부령에 위임하는 형태로 엄격한 의미에서 행정조직법정주의에 어긋나는 측면이 있다. 둘째로, "해양경비법" 제14조의 항해보호조치 규정은 이미 발생한 해상집단행동에 대한 조치 중심으로 기술되어 있으므로 사전예방적인 측면을 더 강화하여 "해상집회시위의 사전신고제", "해상집회시위의 금지구역설정" 등의 규정의 신설이 필요하다고 생각된다. 셋째로, "해양경비법" 제22조 과태료는 과중한 측면이 있다. 해양경찰의 해상검문검색에 대한 불응에 대하여 200만원을 부과하는 것은 과중한 편이다. 해상의 특수성을 인정하더라도 과중한 측면이 있으므로 100만원 정도를 부과하는 것이 합당할 것으로 생각된다. 넷째로, 해양경찰내에 자원관리부서를 신설하여 해양조사 및 자원관리 역량을 강화하고, 다른 기관의 해양조사선박을 지원하고, 해양경찰이 직접 조사할 필요성이 있으며, 주변국과 해양자원 관련사항을 발생한 경우 효율적 대응이 필요하다.

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제천의 관속식물상 (Floristic Study of Jecheon)

  • 한정은;임진아;오연숙;이만규;최미숙;김갑성;김효진;안진성;최은경;이호균;이병윤
    • 환경생물
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.176-210
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 한국의 중부에 위치한 제천의 관속식물상을 밝히고 주요 식물을 조사하였다. 2013년 3월부터 동년 10월까지 총 18회의 현지조사를 수행하였다. 그 결과 127과 411속 678종 9아종 70변종 6품종 2교잡종의 765분류군의 분포를 확인하였다. 환경부 법적보호종인 멸종위기야생식물은 6분류군이며, IUCN 평가기준에 따른 적색목록은 21과 26속 29종의 29분류군으로 확인되었다. 한반도 고유종은 25분류군이 조사되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 122분류군으로 5등급 12분류군, 4등급 13분류군, 3등급 34분류군, 2등급 11분류군, 1등급 52분류군으로 나타났다. 외래식물은 58분류군(7.58%)이 조사되었다.