• Title/Summary/Keyword: Proposed model

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Improved SIM Algorithm for Contents-based Image Retrieval (내용 기반 이미지 검색을 위한 개선된 SIM 방법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2009
  • Contents-based image retrieval methods are in general more objective and effective than text-based image retrieval algorithms since they use color and texture in search and avoid annotating all images for search. SIM(Self-organizing Image browsing Map) is one of contents-based image retrieval algorithms that uses only browsable mapping results obtained by SOM(Self Organizing Map). However, SOM may have an error in selecting the right BMU in learning phase if there are similar nodes with distorted color information due to the intensity of light or objects' movements in the image. Such images may be mapped into other grouping nodes thus the search rate could be decreased by this effect. In this paper, we propose an improved SIM that uses HSV color model in extracting image features with color quantization. In order to avoid unexpected learning error mentioned above, our SOM consists of two layers. In learning phase, SOM layer 1 has the color feature vectors as input. After learning SOM Layer 1, the connection weights of this layer become the input of SOM Layer 2 and re-learning occurs. With this multi-layered SOM learning, we can avoid mapping errors among similar nodes of different color information. In search, we put the query image vector into SOM layer 2 and select nodes of SOM layer 1 that connects with chosen BMU of SOM layer 2. In experiment, we verified that the proposed SIM was better than the original SIM and avoid mapping error effectively.

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A Proposal of USN-based DER(Decentralized Energy Resources) Management Algorithm (USN 기반의 댁내 분산 전력 관리 알고리즘 제안)

  • Cho, Young-Rok;Jang, Min-Seok;Lee, Yon-Sik;Bae, Seok-Chan;Kim, Weon-Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.824-827
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    • 2011
  • Needs for Smart Grid development are increasing all over the world as a solution to its problem according to depletion of energy resources, climatic and environmental rapidly change and growing demand for electrical power. Especially decentralized power is attracting world's attention. In this mood a new era for a unit scale of decentralized power environment is on its way in building. However there is a problem to have to be solved in the uniformity of power quality because the amount of power generated from renewable energy resources such as wind power and solar light is very sensitive to climate fluctuation. And thus this paper tries to suggest an energy management algorithm on basis of real time monitoring for meteorological data. The proposed EMS model embodies the method for predicting the power generation by monitoring and analyzing the climatic data and controling the efficient power distribution between the renewable energy and the existing power. The ultimate goal of this paper is to provide the technological basis for achieving zero-energy house.

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Teaching and Actual Condition of Internet Ethics of the Undergraduate Students (인터넷 윤리의식의 실태 분석 및 교육 효과 측정)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Kang, Moon-Seol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.1257-1269
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    • 2010
  • The internet which is fast spread over all areas of our lives provides us with benefits of efficiency, productivity, and amusement; however, its features as an anonymous and non-face-to-face medium have raised a serious social issue of the collapse of internet ethics due to the abuse of it. Thereupon, the importance of internet ethics education has been highlighted to prevent side effects resulted from the internet and cultivate human-centered internet culture. In this paper, we suggests desirable methods for internet ethics education based on the investigation and analysis of the status of university freshmen's internet ethics. This research conducted a survey and analyzed its result after categorizing the status of internet ethics into the invasion of private information, invasion of intellectual property rights, harmful information, internet communication culture, cyber violence, internet addiction, and internet fraud. And based on the result of analyzing their internet ethics, this paper suggests desirable methods for internet ethics education. Next, internet ethics education was conducted by applying the proposed methods for internet ethics education, and its educational effect was evaluated. According to the result of verifying the educational effect measured statistically, it has proved that the suggested internet ethics education is effective to improve undergraduates' internet ethics.

A Personal Digital Library on a Distributed Mobile Multiagents Platform (분산 모바일 멀티에이전트 플랫폼을 이용한 사용자 기반 디지털 라이브러리 구축)

  • Cho Young Im
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1637-1648
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    • 2004
  • When digital libraries are developed by the traditional client/sever system using a single agent on the distributed environment, several problems occur. First, as the search method is one dimensional, the search results have little relationship to each other. Second, the results do not reflect the user's preference. Third, whenever a client connects to the server, users have to receive the certification. Therefore, the retrieval of documents is less efficient causing dissatisfaction with the system. I propose a new platform of mobile multiagents for a personal digital library to overcome these problems. To develop this new platform I combine the existing DECAF multiagents platform with the Voyager mobile ORB and propose a new negotiation algorithm and scheduling algorithm. Although there has been some research for a personal digital library, I believe there have been few studies on their integration and systemization. For searches of related information, the proposed platform could increase the relationship of search results by subdividing the related documents, which are classified by a supervised neural network. For the user's preference, as some modular clients are applied to a neural network, the search results are optimized. By combining a mobile and multiagents platform a new mobile, multiagents platform is developed in order to decrease a network burden. Furthermore, a new negotiation algorithm and a scheduling algorithm are activated for the effectiveness of PDS. The results of the simulation demonstrate that as the number of servers and agents are increased, the search time for PDS decreases while the degree of the user's satisfaction is four times greater than with the C/S model.

Development of an aequorin-based assay for the screening of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor antagonists (CRF1 길항제 스크리닝을 위한 에쿼린 기반 세포실험 개발연구)

  • Noh, Hyojin;Lee, Sunghou
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7575-7581
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    • 2015
  • Corticotropin-releasing factor(CRF), one of the stress driven neuropeptides, was widely proposed to influence hair loss and re-growth. For the development of receptor antagonists, the screening system based on intracellular calcium signal process was developed and optimized. The aequorin parental cells were transfected with CRF1 receptor and alpha 16 promiscuous G protein cDNA to establish HEK293a16/hCRF1, a stable cell line for the human CRF1 receptor. In HEK293a16/hCRF1 cells, the range of sauvagine dose response was 12-fold higher($EC_{50}:15.21{\pm}1.83nM$) than in the transiently expressed cells, hence essential conditions for the antagonist screening experiments such as the robust signals and high solvent tolerance were secured. The standard antagonists for the CRF1 receptor, antalarmin and CP154526, resulted $IC_{50}$ values of $414.1{\pm}5.5$ and $290.7{\pm}1.9nM$, respectively. Similar results were presented with frozen HEK293a16/hCRF1 cells. Finally, our HEK293a16/hCRF1 cells with the aequorin based cellular functional assay can be a model system for the development of functional cosmetics and modulators that can have a clinical efficacy on hair re-growth.

A Study on Generalization of Security Policies for Enterprise Security Management System (통합보안관리시스템을 위한 보안정책 일반화에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyun-H.;Chung, Tai-M.
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.9C no.6
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    • pp.823-830
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    • 2002
  • Enterprise security management system proposed to properly manage heterogeneous security products is the security management infrastructure designed to avoid needless duplications of management tasks and inter-operate those security products effectively. In this paper, we propose the model of generalized security policies. It is designed to help security management build invulnerable security policies that can unify various existing management infrastructures of security policies. Its goal is not only to improve security strength and increase the management efficiency and convenience but also to make it possible to include different security management infrastructures while building security policies. In the generalization process of security policies. we first diagnose the security status of monitored networks by analyzing security goals, requirements, and security-related information that security agents collect. Next, we decide the security mechanisms and objects for security policies, and then evaluate the properness of them on the basis of security goals, requirements and a policy list. With the generalization process, it is possible to integrate heterogeneous security policies and guarantee the integrity of them by avoiding conflicts or duplications among security policies. And further, it provides convenience to manage many security products existing in large networks.

Investigation of Impact Factor and Response Factor of Simply Supported Bridges due to Eccentric Moving Loads (이동하중의 편측재하에 따른 단순교의 충격계수 및 응답계수 변화 분석)

  • Hong, Sanghyun;Roh, Hwasung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2018
  • The proposed model to predict the bridge load carrying capacity uses the impact response spectrum. The spectrum is based on Euler-Bernoulli beam and the center of the bridge width for the moving load location. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the eccentric moving load effects on the impact factor and response factor. For this, this study considers 10 m width and two-lane simply supported slab bridges and performs the moving load analysis to investigate the variations of peak impact factor and corresponding response factor. The numerical results show that the eccentric load increases both the static and dynamic displacements, but the impact factor is decreased since the incremental amount of static displacement is bigger than that of dynamic displacement. However, the difference of the impact factors between the center and eccentric loadings is small showing less than 0.5%p. In the response factor, the eccentric loading increases both the static and dynamic response factors, compared to the center loading. The difference of the response factor is only 0.18%p. It shows that the eccentric loading has very small effects on the response factor, thus the impact factor response spectrum which is generated based on the center moving load can be used to determine the response factor.

Population Viability Analysis of a Gold-spotted Pond Frog (Rana chosenica) Population: Implications for Effective Conservation and Re-introduction (금개구리 (Rana chosenica) 개체군의 생존분석: 개체군의 효과적인 보존과 야생복귀를 위한 제안)

  • Cheong, Seok-Wan;Sung, Ha-Cheol;Park, Dae-Sik;Park, Shi-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2009
  • Population viability analysis of a Gold-spotted pond frog (Rana chosenica) population at Cheongwon-gun, Chungbuk, in South Korea was conducted and we proposed several suggestions for effective conservation and re-introduction of the species. Simulating a developed model over 1,000 times predicted that the population will exist over 30 years with a relatively low growth rate of 0.113, but with a high probability of extinction as 81.1%. Population growth and extinction probability were the most greatly depended on the rate of successful metamorphosis. In the case of outbreak of amphibian diseases such as Chytridiomycosis and Ranavirus, the population will be easily extinct within 4 years with 100% probability. In a habitat of which carrying capacity is 200, to successfully re-introduce an extinct population, it is initially needed to put 100 individuals of which 83% is males and its age structure is normal-distributed. If we additionally conducts artificial supplementation of 10% individuals every 2 years from 4 years to 10 years after initial reintroduction, the population will become a stable with 0.297 growth rate and 0.290 extinction rate. Our results are the first case of amphibian population viability analysis in Korea and could be used to develop effective conservation and re-introduction plans for endangered Gold-spotted pond frog.

Multi-Level Correlation LMS Algorithm for Digital On-Channel Repeater System in Digital TV Broadcasting System Environment (DTV 방송 시스템 환경에서 동일 채널 중계기를 위한 다중 레벨 상관 LMS 기법)

  • Lee, Je-Kyoung;Kim, Jeong-Gon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the equalizer techniques that is able to adopt the digital on-channel repeater for 8VSB-based DTV system has been analyzed and we propose an effective equalizer structure which can reduce the error propagation phenomenon by the feedback signal and improve the receiver performance at the same time. In order to confirm the effective cancellation of the feedback signal, the multi-level Correlation LMS scheme is proposed through the analysis of conventional basic LMS based DFE and Correlation LMS algorithm and as compared with the conventional method, we can confirm the reduction of error propagation. When performing the computer simulation, as the Brazil channel model which is very popular for DTV broadcasting system is adopted, the result is drawn by comparing and analysing the equalizer algorithm. We have examine the symbol error rate which is in the range of 15~25dB of operation receipt SNR and MSE(Mean Square Error) in the DTV broadcasting system. As a result of comparing with the existing method, the signal-noise ratio which is necessary for maintain the bit error correction ability that the means of proposal is same is reduced by about 2~5dB, and in the rate of convergence through the MSE, we found the reduction of needed time.

Generating Extreme Close-up Shot Dataset Based On ROI Detection For Classifying Shots Using Artificial Neural Network (인공신경망을 이용한 샷 사이즈 분류를 위한 ROI 탐지 기반의 익스트림 클로즈업 샷 데이터 셋 생성)

  • Kang, Dongwann;Lim, Yang-mi
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.983-991
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to analyze movies which contain various stories according to the size of their shots. To achieve this, it is needed to classify dataset according to the shot size, such as extreme close-up shots, close-up shots, medium shots, full shots, and long shots. However, a typical video storytelling is mainly composed of close-up shots, medium shots, full shots, and long shots, it is not an easy task to construct an appropriate dataset for extreme close-up shots. To solve this, we propose an image cropping method based on the region of interest (ROI) detection. In this paper, we use the face detection and saliency detection to estimate the ROI. By cropping the ROI of close-up images, we generate extreme close-up images. The dataset which is enriched by proposed method is utilized to construct a model for classifying shots based on its size. The study can help to analyze the emotional changes of characters in video stories and to predict how the composition of the story changes over time. If AI is used more actively in the future in entertainment fields, it is expected to affect the automatic adjustment and creation of characters, dialogue, and image editing.