• Title/Summary/Keyword: Program Level

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Comparative Analysis on Blood Fatigue Variables after Isokinetic and Isotonic Exercise Training in Elite Athletes

  • Seo, Seong-Wook;Kim, Kyoung;Im, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2022
  • PURPOSE: This study examined the changes in the blood fatigue variables caused by isokinetic and isotonic exercise training. METHODS: Ten healthy adult males with at least one year of athletic experience participated. The participants performed the isokinetic circuit exercise program first, followed by an isotonic circuit exercise program. A two-hour break was allowed between the isokinetic circuit exercise program and the isotonic circuit exercise program. The circuit exercise program consisted of four items (Squat, Deadlift, Shoulder press, and Bench press). The blood samples were analyzed for the LDH, CPK, and Cortisol levels. RESULTS: The LDH level in the isokinetic group was significantly different from the isotonic group. In particular, the change in LDH level in the isokinetic group was 33.30% lower than that of the isotonic group. The serum CPK level of the isokinetic group showed a 10.03% lower decrease than the isotonic group, but the difference was not significant. The Cortisol level was relatively unchanged in the isotonic group, but it decreased in the isokinetic group. On the other hand, the Cortisol level did not show a significant difference between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The isokinetic group showed alleviation of the three indices, unlike the isotonic group. Further studies associated with the changes in blood fatigue variables through various exercise programs and exercise intensity will be needed.

Effects of Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention Program Designed for Workers in Small Scale Workplaces (소규모 사업장 근로자에 대한 뇌.심혈관질환 예방 프로그램 적용 효과)

  • Kang, Hea-Jeoung;Moon, Deog Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: This study was conducted in order to prepare fundamental data and assess the short-term effects of applying cerebrovascular disease prevention programs by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in Korea. Methods: The number of study subjects was 2,676 workers (58.5%) who were able to evaluate the level of incidence risk at pre- and post-applications of the program, among the 4,576 total workers who were enrolled in the cerebrovascular disease prevention program during 2011. The guidelines for this prevention program were adopted from KOSHA GUIDE H-1-2010. To determine the program' effectiveness, the workers'risks for cerebrovascular disease were assessed pre- and post-application of the program. Results: The blood pressure level was significantly reduced by 4.09 mmHg for the mean systolic blood pressures and 5.47 mmHg for diastolic blood pressures, respectively. The mean level of total cholesterol and BMI were also reduced significantly by 2.07 g/dl and 0.1 $0.1kg/m^2$. The rate of smoking was decreased by 4.0% and the percentage of workers engaging in regular exercise was increased by 29.8%. The level of overall cerebrovascular disease risk was reduced among 1,451 (70.7%) of 2,052 workers at low risk and above. The level of cerebrovascular disease risk was lower in the improved group for health behavior than the unimproved group (odds ratio =1.7, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The author considers that the application of the cerebrovascular disease prevention program by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency reduced cerebrovascular diseases risks among workers who were enrolled in the cerebrovascular disease prevention program and it must be accompanied by an improvement in health behavior for prevention of cerebrovascular disease.

Development and Implementation of a Self-directed Critical Care Nursing e-Learning Program (자기주도형 중환자간호 이러닝 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Keum Soon;Kim, Jin-A;Ahn, Jung Won
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a self-directed e-learning program for ICU nurses and to evaluate how the proposed e-learning program affects the level of knowledge, nursing performance and job satisfaction of ICU nurses. Methods: The e-learning program was developed with the Computer Assisted Instruction Design Model using sources of self-efficacy which included the inactive attainment, vicarious experience, and verbal persuasion of ICU nurses. The program was evaluated by experts. Following the revision of the program, it was applied to a total of 59 ICU nurses (experimental group n=29, control group n=30) from three hospitals. Four weeks later, we measured the level of knowledge, nursing performance and job satisfaction. Results: The level of knowledge significantly improved in the experimental group (t=5.691, p<.001). Moreover, the level of nursing performance significantly increased in the areas of circulatory diagnostic test (t=2.143, p=.039), EKG (t=2.911, p=.006), aortic balloon pump (t=2.491, p=.017), and nebulizer therapy (t=2.085, p=.044). Overall, job satisfaction did not significantly increase (t=1.664, p=.105); however, job satisfaction in terms of relationships with coworkers (t=2.371, p=.023) and the needs of nursing performance (t=2.940, p=.006) were significantly increased. Conclusion: The results showed that the proposed e-learning program using sources of self-efficacy from ICU nurses was an effective learning method to increase the level of knowledge and nursing performance. The propose de-learning program would be a useful teaching tool for ICU nurses improving the quality of ICU patient care.

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Changes in the Level of Performance of Activities of Daily Living and Depression of the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment through the Participation in the Cognitive Program (인지프로그램 참여에 따른 경도인지장애 노인들의 일상생활활동 수행과 우울 수준의 변화)

  • Son, Sung-Min;Bak, Ah-Ream
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.511-520
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    • 2021
  • This study was a pre and post quasi-experimental design study using a single group about the analysis of the changes in the performance level of activities of daily living and depression of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment through the participation in the cognitive program. Study subjects were the 16 elderly with mild cognitive impairment using a W welfare center in J city and they participated in cognitive program for a total of 8 weeks, twice a week. The assessment about the performance level of activities of daily living and depression were performed through the program. As the results, after participating in the program, study subjects' performance level of activities of daily living were significantly significant improved, and depression levels were statistically significantly reduced. Thus, to improve the performance level of activities of daily living and reduce the depression levels of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment, the cognitive program should be used as a intervention program and then in the process, it is necessary to actively induce the participation of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment.

The Development and Effects of an Upper Extremity Exercise Program Based on Patterned Sensory Enhancement for Home-bound Stroke Patients (재가 뇌졸중 환자를 위한 패턴화된 감각향상(PSE) 상지운동 프로그램의 개발 및 효과)

  • Hong, Myung-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.192-203
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop and assess the feasibility of an upper extremity exercise program based on Patterned Sensory Enhancement (PSE) for home-bound stroke patients by measuring the level of upper extremity function, depression, and interpersonal relationship. Methods: The experiments were performed on stroke patients at three different rehabilitation centers in Incheon City. Twenty patients participated in the experimental group or in the control group. The program was executed three times a week for 6 weeks. Data were collected from August to October, 2006. Manual Function Test was used to quantify and evaluate upper extremity function. The depression level and the effectiveness of interpersonal relationship were quantified and measured using CES-D and Relationship Change Scale, respectively. Results: The effectiveness of upper extremity function of stroke patients who participated in the PSE upper extremity exercise program was higher than that of non-participating patients. The depression level decreased and interpersonal relationship improved in the stroke patients who participated in this program compared to those who did not. Conclusion: These findings prove that the PSE upper extremity exercise program for home-bound stroke patients was an effective strategy for enhancing upper extremity function, decreasing the depression level, and improving interpersonal relationships.

An Analysis of the Complexity Measurement Factor for a Program (프로그램에 대한 복잡도 측정인자 분석)

  • 이규범;송정영
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2002
  • Measurement of the object, messages, clones, capsulation, inheritance, etc. that are conventional object-oriented paradigm characteristics as a method of measurement of the complexity of object-oriented programs has been reported. In this paper, the measures that are helpful to designing and coding of JAVA program, which is the representative language of object-oriented programs, are applied to six measures(i,e., Halstead's Program Volume, Program Level, Program Impurity, Macabe's Cyclomatic Number, Handerson-Seller's lock of cohesion in method and Sullivan's PVG.) suggested in the present study by referring to several actual programs as example for comparative analysis.

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A Method Enabling Program-Level CQI for Accreditation of Engineering Education (공학교육인증을 위한 프로그램 레벨의 CQI 구현 방안)

  • Sim, Chun-Bo;Park, DongGook
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2013
  • Accreditation of engineering education as initiated by Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea (ABEEK) centers around three key issues: program outcomes, assessment/evaluation thereof, and continuous quality improvement (CQI). Most engineering departments, however, are neither adequately familiar with nor well prepared for the issues, especially CQI. The CQI in almost all departments seems to be overly confined in individual courses and the final capstone design courses for seniors; there is no evidence that CQI is not limited to the course level but flows through all courses in the curriculum. This paper presents a sound and viable framework for CQI implementation in which course-level CQI is integrated into the department/program-level CQI.

Impacts of Reward Accrual Effort on Redemption Behavior in a Multi-Vendor Loyalty Program

  • Kim, Ji Yoon;Lee, Janghyuk;Kim, Sang Yong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 2017
  • This research explores two key facets of behavior (reward point accrual and redemption) that consist of a loyalty program. It focuses on assessing the impact of accrual effort level on three types of redemption behavior: speed, unit size, and hedonic preference at the individual level by using large scale transaction data from a multi-vendor loyalty program providing flexible environment for point accrual and redemption. Findings from this research demonstrate that customers tend 1) to speed up point redemption, 2) to enlarge the size of redeemed points, and 3) to prefer utilitarian rewards as the level of effort at the accrual stage of reward point increases.

The Development of Modular Program for Environmental Values Education (환경가치교육을 위한 모듈식 프로그램 개발)

  • Park, Mie-Jeong;Choi, Byung-Mo
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2003
  • The ultimate objective of environmental education is to develop characteristics of the affective domain being the basis for environmental behavior. As this need, the researchers developed a modular program for environmental values education suited elementary school's actuality. In practice of program development, researchers analyzed the contents of environmental education in current curriculum. Researchers set up development principles of modular program according to the level of elementary moral development. The system of this modular program consists of three levels like environmental awareness, environmental literacy, environmental responsibility, and each module is made up of three subjects representing these levels. So this modular program is classified with three level's modular group like low grade, center grade, and high grade. And set in array after selecting value strategies suited each grade level. The expectant effects of this program for environmental values education are as follows: Students form sound environmental values and attitudes for environment through various strategies that develop environmental awareness and environmental literacy. And those strategies provides various experiences to construct knowledge, value, and attitude about environment by oneself working together with teacher. So teacher and students can utilize easily at school or in nature. Besides, since it relates with single environmental problem from awareness to participation about environment, teachers can conduct elementary environmental curriculum more systematically and effectively.

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Analysis of Operational Status and Effectiveness of Single-Track Accredited Program in ABEEK (공학교육인증의 단일인증프로그램 운영실태 및 효과분석)

  • Han, Jiyoung
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted using the literature review and survey research to analyze the operational status and effectiveness of the single-track accredited program, which has been mandatory since 2016. The research targets to achieve the purpose of the study were the nationwide engineering education accreditation system operating colleges, departments, and engineering education innovation centers. Finally, 183 copies were collected from faculty members at 69 colleges and 554 copies at the department level. As a result of the survey, the college recognized more positively about the operation of the single-track accredited program, and more than 50% of respondents said that there were difficulties due to the operation of the system. The contents required were analyzed and presented. Based on this, the engineering education accreditation system, including the single-track accredited program, suggested the direction of support at the government level and the ABEEK level to better settle down in the field of engineering colleges.