• Title/Summary/Keyword: Program Level

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Traffic analysis and storage allocation in a hierarchical two level network for VOD service (2계층 VOD 서비스망에서의 트래픽 분석과 저장용량 결정)

  • 김여근;김재윤;박승현;강성수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 1996
  • It is generally recognized that Video On Demand (VOD) service will become a promising interactive service in B-ISDN. We consider a hierarchical two level network architecture for VOD service. The first level consists of connected Local Video Servers(LVSs) in which a limited number of high vision programs are stored. The second level has one Central Video Server(CVS) containing all the programs served in the network. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the network traffic and to propose the storage policy for LVSs. For this purpose, we present an analysis of program storage amount in each LVS, transmission traffic volume between LVSs, and link traffic volume between CVS and LVSs, according to changing the related factors such as demand, the number of LVSs is also presented on the basis of the tradeoffs among program storage cost, link traffic cost, and transmission cost.

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The recognition response research of five sences for the first accident occurrence cognizance and spread through the analysis of railroad accident type at domestic and foreign (국내.외 철도사고유형 분석을 통해 초기 사고발생 인식.전파를 위한 오감인지 대응연구)

  • Yang, Doh-Chul;Hwang, Seong-Geun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1180-1186
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    • 2007
  • This paper contains that the current emergency response procedure through the railroad accident type at domestic and foreign, and the response program which is more systematic as a result of improving weaknesses. Because the response program at home is less sufficient than developed country's, we have made an investigation into system of classification in America, British, Germany, Japan for organizing separate emergency response code. we have researched the recognition response of five senses for minimizing the accident damage in a way of spreading the emergency response type analyzed through the accident procedure according to the feature of five senses by the first recognizer. Based on the first recognitions response of five senses, the scenario has been established according to each types and the criteria of accident has been researched through classifying the recognition of five senses response level, early response level, self-response level, outside support level.

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Parent Education for Mothers of Toddlers : Trends in Need and Knowledge Level Related to Parenting Efficacy and Parenting Stress (걸음마기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 부모교육 요구도 및 지식정도 : 그 실태와 양육효능감 및 양육스트레스와의 관계)

  • Doh, Hyun-Sim;Rhee, Sun-Hee;Oh, You-Lee;Kim, Kyung-Mee;Choi, Kyu-Ree;Kang, Na-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.127-143
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    • 2009
  • Participants in this study were 207 mothers of toddlers; they completed questionnaires on their need for and knowledge level of parent education, parenting efficacy, and parenting stress. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation coefficients. Mothers indicated high need for parent education; their knowledge level was moderate. Most mothers answered they'd like to participate in a parent education program; their preference was for small group programs implemented for 1-2 hours in the morning on weekdays for six sessions. Mothers with more knowledge of parenting information for toddlers showed higher parenting efficacy and experienced less parenting stress.

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The construction of a PLC simulator for level control (유량 제어을 위한 PLC 시뮬레이터 구성)

  • Lee, Gi-Bum;Yoon, Woo-Sik;Jeong, Hee-Don;Lee, Jin-S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07d
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    • pp.2605-2607
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    • 2000
  • This paper represents the construction of a PLC simulator for the level control of water and the speed control of the water cask. The level and speed processes are automatically operated by the PLC. The simulator system consists of PLC, program loader and control penal. The digital input and output units make the valves of the water cask the On or Off state. The analog input and output units control the level of water and the speed of the water cask. A LD program is used in the control language of PLC.

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The Effect of Benefit Appeals, Brand Types, and Construal Level on Ad-brand Congruency in Corporate Social Responsibility Messages -Aspirational vs. Accessible Brands

  • Yoo-Won Min;Kyu-Hye Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.760-777
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    • 2023
  • Fashion brands seek guidelines for effective green advertising messages, considering benefit appeals, brand types, and construal level. However, few studies have explored their simultaneous interplay. Thus, the present study conducted an experiment with a 2X2X2 between-subjects design to investigate how brand type and construal level moderate the mediating role of ad-brand congruency between benefit appeals and purchase intention. A total of 245 Millennials and Generation Z participants completed an online survey, and the data were analyzed using SPSS. A significant three-way interaction was revealed. Low-construal-level messages with concrete content showed disparities between aspirational and accessible brands concerning other-benefit appeals: Accessible brands utilizing other-benefit appeals demonstrated higher ad-brand congruency, while aspirational brands had lower ad-brand congruency. Furthermore, within aspirational brands, self-benefit appeals resulted in higher ad-brand congruency than other-benefit appeals. Finally, a moderated mediating effect was discovered, indicating that brand types and construal level moderated the mediating effect of ad-brand congruency between benefit appeals and purchase intention. The mediating effect was prominent in the context of self-benefit appeals, aspirational brands, and low-construal-level messages. This study highlights the intricate dynamics of the three factors in green advertising, providing valuable insights for crafting more targeted green advertisements.

Effect of the Characteristics of Organizational Support on Company HRD Education & Training Program (기업 HRD 교육훈련 프로그램의 조직지원 특성에 따른 효과성)

  • Ryu, Seok-Woo;Yang, Hea-Sool
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to verify how the characteristics of organizational supporting unit affect the effectiveness of company-wide HRD Education & Training program. To achieve this objective, we performed an empirical analysis, with the characteristics of organizational supporting unit comprising supervisor's support, job support, and company support as independent variables, and with the level of reaction stage, learning stage, transfer stage, and result stage as dependent variables. Empirical data was collected during the period from August 16, 2011 to September 9, 2011 by sending out questionnaires to employees of 5 securities firms listed on KOSDAQ where online and offline education & training program is running year-round with headquarter in Seoul. A total of 340 questionnaires were sent out three times for the survey, and total of 164 questionnaires were sampled for the final analysis. According to the outcome of the analysis, regarding the first hypothesis that tries to reveal how the characteristics affect the level of reaction stage, it is verified that all of supervisor's support, job support and company support have positive impact on the level of reaction stage with p value less than 0.01. In regard to the second hypothesis that tries to see how the characteristics affect the level of learning stage, it is confirmed that supervisor's support, job support and company support have significant impact on the level of learning stage with p value less than 0.05 or 0.01, respectively. Concerning the third hypothesis that aims to investigate how the characteristics affect the level of transfer stage, it is appeared that all of supervisor's support, job support and company support have positive impact on the level of transfer stage. And lastly, as for the fourth hypothesis that tries to see how the characteristics affect the level of result stage, it is analyzed that supervisor's support, job support and company support have positive impact on the level of result stage with p value less than 0.01. This study reconfirm the outcomes of previous research, which is that the effectiveness of company-wide education & training program depends not only on the contents and quality of education & training program, but also more importantly on the role of organizational supporting unit, and the working environment where what is learned in classroom can be applied to real business. Companies or experts that run education & training program in real world should recognize that the performance of training is dependent more significantly on the characteristics of organizational supporting unit rather than the design or features of education & training program.

An Education Program for Housewives' Human Resource Development Toward the Knowledge Informatization Society. For the Social Integration and a Solution of Digital Divide Between Family and Society (지식정보화사회 조성을 위한 주부의 인적자원개발 교육프로그램에 관한 연구* : 가정과 사회의 정보격차 해소와 사회적 통합을 위하여)

  • 이기영;이승미;송혜림
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the contents and effective methods of educational program for human resource development focused on the full-time housewives. For this purpose the case interviewed with 24 professionals and management leaders of women education field are performed and 445 questionares from full time housewives who participate in at least one education program are analyzed. The findings of this study are followed. 1. The most preferred programs are sports/health program(28.8%), leisure program(26.5%), household income management program(15.9%), culture/arts program(15.2%) in percentage order. And the first preferred motivation of participation in the programs is the self development(38.4%). 2. The positive effect of program is founded more with participants in family oriented program and society oriented program than in individual oriented program. And the satisfaction degree of participants in family oriented program is higher than in individual/society oriented program. 3. The degree of demands for Program management and program characteristics is higher than the demands for program installations and program supplying methods. 4. In the area of effectiveness methods the demands for program systematization according to program level are most referred.

Church Architectural Amenities Improvement Program for the Aged (고령자를 위한 교회건축 편의시설 개선방안)

  • Lee, Jong-Hee;Kim, Ju-Yeon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2010
  • This study, for church architectural amenities for the aged, with a base of 'laws on securing promotion of convenience for the disabled, aged, and pregnant women,' would like to propose improvement program after figuring out church worker (priest)'s willingness for amenities improvement, request of the aged church members, and level of request by different ages of the aged church members and total number of church members. The scope of geographical range for the study is limited to Northern side of Han River in Seoul and the churches with its own building having 500 to 3,000 people attending services, and implementation range, with a base of laws on promotion of convenience, separates specific items into mediation facility, interior facility, sanitary facility, and other facilities. The study selected 40 workers in church and 339 aged church members as subjects. As analysis method for the study, we have measured reliance level of questions by performing reliance test on each question, and performed frequency analysis in order to observe church worker's willingness to improve and request level of the aged church members. And, in order to find out the difference on opinion by the aged church members and total number of church members, we have performed "One way ANOVA," that verifies average difference. For evidence analysis we have verified all of them in attention level of p<.05, and for statistics analysis we have analyzed them using SPSSWIN 12.0 program. We are proposing improvement program based on study and analysis as next: First, since most of church workers have strong willingness to improve amenities we have learned that it is very optimistic to see improvements on church's amenities in the future. Second, since the aged church members' level of request was high on 3 of mediation facilities, elevators, and restrooms, it is desirable to improve mainly with these facilities. Third, the result on level of request for facilities based on the total number of church members revealed that the churches with 1,000-2,000 members have the highest level of request. Thus, we feel that the churches with 1,000-2,000 members should try harder to improve compared with churches with different number of members. Fourth, since the level of request on church amenities by different age group showed that the age group with 65-70 had the highest level of request on all facilities, except elevators, there are needs to apply the opinions of this age group more in depth based on this result.

Water Management Program for Sungju District (성주지구 물관리 프로그램 개발)

  • Go, Gwang-Don;Kwun, Soon-Kuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2001
  • At this project we developed water management program for sungju district. This program include flood forecast program, drought reduction program, irrigation scheduling program and database program. With these program we expect that operator can improve the irrigation efficiencies of the irrigation systems due to the timely irrigation on a right place, in a proper quantity and reduce the cost of maintenance. In agricultural engineering respect, the databases including water level, rainfall, the amount of flowing can be useful to the researcher who make a study of hydrology and hydraulics in rural area, Water management program record all of the TM/TC data to MDB format file per 10 minutes.

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Water Management Program for TM/TC (물관리자동화시스템(TM/TC)을 위한 물관리프로그램 개발)

  • go, Gwang Don;Lim, Chang Young;Kwak, Yeong Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.790-793
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    • 2004
  • TM/TC system is composed of control center, reservoirs, pumping stations and twelve canal systems. For this system we developed water management program which includes flood forecast program, drought reduction program, irrigation scheduling program and database program. With these program we expect that operators improve the irrigation efficiencies of the irrigation systems due to the timely irrigation on a right place, in a proper quantity and refute tile cost of maintenance and reduce flood and drought damages. In agricultural engineering respect, the databases including water level, rainfall, the amount of flowing can be useful to the researcher who make a study of hydrology and hydraulics in . rural area. Water management program records all of the TM/TC data to MDB format file per 10 minutes.

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