• 제목/요약/키워드: Production and Delivery

검색결과 524건 처리시간 0.026초

A Case Study on Application of Dispatching Rule-Based Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) System (디스패칭 룰 기반의 Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) 시스템 활용 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jae-yong;Shin, Moonsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2015
  • Up-to-date business environment for manufacturers is very complex and rapidly changing. In other words, companies are facing a variety of changes, such as diversifying customer requirements, shortening product life cycles, and switching to small quantity batch production. In this situation, the companies are introducing the concept of JIT (just-in-time) to solve the problem of on-time production and on-time delivery for survival. Though many companies have introduced ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems and MRP (material requirement planning) systems, the performance of these systems seems to fall short of expectations. In this paper, the case study on introducing an APS (advanced planning and scheduling) system based on dispatching rules to a machining company and on finding a method to establish an efficient production schedule is presented. The case company has trouble creating an effective production plan and schedule, even though it is equipped with an MRP-based ERP system. The APS system is applied to CNC (computer numerical control) machines, which are key machines of the case company. The overall progress of this research is as follows. First, we collect and analyze the master data on individual products and processes of the case company in order to build a production scheduling model. Second, we perform a pre-allocation simulation based on dispatching rules in order to calculate the priority of each order. Third, we perform a set of production simulations applying the priority value in order to evaluate production lead time and tardiness of pre-defined dispatching rules. Finally, we select the optimal dispatching rule suitable for work situation of the case company. As a result, an improved production schedule leads to an increase in production and reduced production lead time.

A Study on UCC Video Editing for Sensibility Delivery (감성 전달을 위한 UCC 동영상 편집 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Bum;Kim, Kyoung-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 2011
  • UCC (User Created Contents) video rapidly rose as key contents of internet pop culture as a medium of 'sensibility delivery' that is created by a user without a commercial purpose. 'Sensibility delivery' is the ultimate purpose of UCC video and it can only be completed with 'well composed' storytelling. However, it is difficult to expect high degree of completion from noncommercial UCC videos due to an instable production environment and many variables. Thus, this study has been suggested 'detailed storytelling editing' process from editing phase in order to minimize problems of instable UCC videos. This suggestion based on actual results and award winning works of UCC videos of a team of research will raise a bond of sympathy, lead creative change, and expand the function of 'sensibility delivery' by increasing the degree of completion of work with unified final cut.

Manipulation of Tissue Energy Metabolism in Meat-Producing Ruminants - Review -

  • Hocquette, J.F.;Ortigues-Marty, Isabelle;Vermorel, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.720-732
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    • 2001
  • Skeletal muscle is of major economic importance since it is finally converted to meat for consumers. The increase in meat production with low costs of production may be achieved by optimizing muscle growth, whereas a high meat quality requires, among other factors, the optimization of intramuscular glycogen and fat stores. Thus, research in energy metabolism aims at controling muscle metabolism, but also liver and adipose tissue metabolism in order to optimize energy partitioning in favour of muscles. Liver is characterized by high anabolic and catabolic rates. Metabolic enzymes are regulated by nutrients through short-term regulation of their activities and long-term regulation of expression of their genes. Consequences of liver metabolic regulation on energy supply to muscles may affect protein deposition (and hence growth) as well as intramuscular energy stores. Adipose tissues are important body reserves of triglycerides, which result from the balance between lipogenesis and lipolysis. Both processes depend on the feeding level and on the nature of nutrients, which indirectly affect energy delivery to muscles. In muscles, the regulation of rate-limiting nutrient transporters, of metabolic enzyme activities and of ATP production, as well as the interactions between nutrients affect free energy availability for muscle growth and modify muscle metabolic characteristics which determine meat quality. The growth of tissues and organs, the number and the characteristics of muscle fibers depend, for a great part, on early events during the fetal life. They include variations in quantitative and qualitative nutrient supply to the fetus, and hence in maternal nutrition. During the postnatal life, muscle growth and characteristics are affected by the age and the genetic type of the animals, the feeding level and the diet composition. The latter determines the nature of available nutrients and the rate of nutrient delivery to tissues, thereby regulating metabolism. Physical activity at pasture also favours the orientation of muscle metabolism, towards the oxidative type. Consequently, breeding systems may be of a great importance during the postnatal life. Research is now directed towards the determination of individual tissue and organ energy requirements, a better knowledge of nutrient partitioning between and within organs and tissues. The discovery of new molecules (e. g. leptin), of new molecular mechanisms and of more powerful techniques (DNA chips) will help to achieve these objectives. The integration of the different levels of knowledge will finally allow scientists to formulate new types of diets adapted to sustain a production of high quality meat with lower costs of production.

Influence of Rabbit Sire Genetic Origin, Season of Birth and Parity Order on Doe and Litter Performance in an Organic Production System

  • Zotte, Antonella Dalle;Paci, Gisella
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to compare both the performance of litters derived from two sire genetic origins (SGO), Vienna Blue (VB) and Burgundy Fawn (BF), along successive seasons of birth (SB; winter, spring, summer and autumn), and doe reproductive performance in an organic production system. A total of fifty-eight does consisting of a mixture of crosses of several medium-large size breeds at different parity order (P, 1 = nulliparous; 2 = primiparous; ${\geq}3$ = multiparous) and twelve males (6 VB and 6 BF) were housed indoors at environmental conditions that followed seasonality. An extensive reproductive rhythm was used and kits were weaned at $46{\pm}6$ d of age. Doe reproductive performance and the data of 105 litters (55 from VB and 50 from BF SGO) were recorded throughout the SB. No statistically significant differences related to SGO effect were observed. As regards parity order, multiparous does showed higher live weights (LW) (p<0.05), total born (p<0.01), total born alive (p<0.05) per delivery, and litter weight of born alive (p<0.05), but lower milk output at 21st d than primiparous does (p<0.05). The extensive reproductive rhythm mainly increased litter performance at birth in multiparous does but was not sufficient to permit a complete recovery of body reserves lost during lactation. Autumn SB negatively affected doe LW variation between deliveries. The number of pups born and born alive per delivery (p<0.05) and litter size at 21 d of age and at weaning (p<0.01) were lower during hot SB. Due to the lower litter size of pups born in summer and autumn, their individual weight at 21st d of age and daily individual growth rate 0 to 21 d were higher than those of pups born in winter (p<0.001). Litter performance at 21st d of age and individual pup pre-weaning growth rate were poorer for those born in spring than in other seasons due to the harmful effects of increased environmental temperatures. SB affected most of the performance traits of does and young rabbits reared under the organic farming system. The rabbits seemed better suited to organic rearing conditions during winter than in other seasons. The worst results overall were obtained in the spring SB, whereas the hot SB negatively affected both doe energy balance and prolificacy. In conclusion, the pups of the 2 SGO showed good pre-weaning performance and seemed suited to the organic rabbit production system.

An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Global Sourcing Intention in Korean Clothing Sewing Industry: Focusing on Women's Knit Wear Production (국내 의류봉제 산업의 글로벌소싱 의향 고려요인 연구: 여성니트복종(women's knit wear) 생산을 중심으로)

  • Dabin Yoo;Sunwook Chung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - This study seeks to investigate the determinants of global sourcing intention in clothing sewing industry, in particular with its focus on women's knit wear production. Design/methodology/approach - This study collected a unique set of qualitative data through 31 in-depth interviews with fashion brands, promotion agencies, and sewing factories between July 2023 and October 2023. In addition, it analyzed the dataset using the MAXQDA to complement the research findings. Findings - We have two findings. First, the interviewees commonly mentioned the following factors as reasons for considering global sourcing: the human factors(aging of skilled technicians and labor shortages), the financial factors(gap in production unit prices at home and abroad), the relational factors(lack of novelty), and the physical factors(loss of production infrastructure and network), while the human factors(skilled workforce), the production factors(delivery date and product quality), and the relational factors(timely communication and mutual trust) as reasons for continuing domestic sourcing. Additional code analysis of interview also supports this finding. On the other hand, there was also a subtle difference between buyers(brands) and suppliers(promotion agencies and processing plants), and buyers consider the exact delivery date critical so that they could see trend-sensitive women's knit wear on time, and suppliers took production costs, labor costs, and labor shortages, which are financial factors, more seriously. Research implications or Originality - This study provides a richer and more balanced view of existing literature, which has generally tended to introduce global sourcing across the clothing industry despite the existence of various diversity within the industry. In addition, through qualitative research, we introduce that the sewing industry is carried out according to complex factors, and by revealing and categorizing the determinants of global sourcing, we supplement the existing research on the clothing sewing industry centered on survey. On a practical note, this study introduces that there is a difference in view of domestic sourcing and global sourcing between buyers(brands) and suppliers(promotion agencies and sewing factories), suggesting practical implications for revitalizing networks and deriving win-win cooperation network models among members in the future.

A Study on the Improvement Case of Cosmetic Packaging Process Using ARENA Simulation (아레나 시뮬레이션을 활용한 화장품 포장공정의 개선사례 연구)

  • Lee, Nam-Su;Lee, Jae-Yong;Jo, Eun-Hyeon;Lee, Dong-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2020
  • Demand for cosmetics with functionality and eco-friendliness has increased dramatically due to recent aging, well-being trends, and increased interest in beauty. Cosmetics production in 2014 was 8,970.4 billion won, an increase of about 50% compared to 6,014.6 billion won in 2010. In the midst of this, similar companies in intense competition are pursuing differentiated strategies and innovation activities to solve quality, price and delivery problems. In particular, cosmetics packaging work is getting more difficult due to the increasing bill of materials (BOM) and difficult assembly methods. Therefore, in this study, the following problems were identified and suggestions for the improvement of the packaging Many research laboratories such as biotechnology, chemistry, and pharmaceuticals, which are undergoing various studies, are equipped with ready-made laboratory safety equipments such as bio-safety workbenches, aseptic bases, and exhaust workbenches. However, most researchers are disadvantaged in using existing safety equipment. This is because existing safety equipment can not take into account all of the unique characteristics of the research. For this reason, researchers are demanding the development of customized safety equipment that is well suited to their research needs. process of Company C, which is facing difficult situation to respond to the customer 's delivery due to the 52 - hour work week. First, we used the stopwatch to find the difficulty process in the packaging process and show ways to improve it. Second, to improve the efficiency of line balancing in the packaging process, we integrate processes, improve work methods, and perform simple automation. As a result, the prepare loss for replacement was reduced by 1 minute from 5 minutes, resulting in a 23% increase in productivity from 112 ea./hour to 137ea./ hour per person. At this time, the LOB of the packaging process was improved from 70% to 82% by operating one more production line through one person per line, total 9 people saving.

Effects of Donor Cell Treatments on the Production of Transgenic Cloned Piglets (공여세포 처리 조건이 형질전환 복제돼지 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Dae-Jin;Kwak, Tae-Uk;Oh, Keon-Bong;Kim, Dong-Hoon;Yang, Byoung-Chul;Im, Gi-Sun;Kim, Jin-Hoi;Park, Jin-Ki;Hwang, Seong-Soo
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of donor cell treatments on the production of transgenic cloned piglets. Ear fibroblast cell obtained from NIH MHC Inbred minipig was used as control. The GalT knock-out/CD45 knock-in (GalT/CD46) transgenic cell lines were established and used as donor cells. The reconstructed GalT/CD46 embryos were surgically transferred into oviduct of naturally cycling surrogate sows (Landrace ${\times}$ Yorkshire) on the second day of standing estrus. Unlike control (1.2 kV/cm, 75.4%), the fusion rate of the GalT/CDl6 donor cells was significantly higher in 1.5 kV/cm, (84.5%) than that of 1.25 kV/cm, (20.2%) (p<0.01). When the number of the transferred embryos were more than 129, the pregnancy and delivery rates were increased to 13/20 (65%) and 5/20 (25%) compared to less then 100 group [1/6 (16.7%) and 0/6 (0%)], respectively. To analyze the effect of donor cell culture condition on pregnancy and delivery rates, the GalT/CD46 donor cells were cultured with DMEM or serum reduced medium. In serum reduced medium group, the pregnancy and delivery rates were improved to 8/12 (66.7%) and 5/12 (41.7%) compared to DMEM group [3/7 (42.9%) and 0/7 (0%)], respectively. In conclusion, it can be postulated that an appropriate fusion condition and culture system is essential factors to increase the efficiency of the production of transgenic cloned piglets.

The Effect of Virtual Reality Content Production Types on Customer Satisfaction (Virtual Reality 콘텐츠 제작 유형이 고객 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Dongseon;Lim, Daehyun;Kim, Kyonghwan;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • 제48권3호
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    • pp.433-451
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the type of virtual reality content production affects the interaction and immersion that is a virtual reality characteristic, and to provide the platform companies and content producers with the basic information necessary to provide the production and service of content suitable for VR characteristics. Methods: Based on the data collected in the survey, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used. The measurement tools used in this study were studied through three-dimensional composition, including the characteristics and interaction and immersion of content produced in 2D, 3D and 360°, which are elements of virtual reality characteristics. Results: The results of this study are as follows. Among the types of content production, content produced with 2D and 360 technologies was found to affect immersion, while content produced in 3D affected interaction. Motion sickness has been investigated to affect both immersion and interaction. Conclusion: Service-provided platform enterprises and content-making enterprises should consider content-making and providing services that suit service characteristics and purposes, taking into account the characteristics of interaction and immersion in content-making investment and service delivery.

A Noise Control of a Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) (부유식 석유생산/저장/하역 선박(FPSO)의 소음예측 및 저감)

  • Kim, Dong-Hae;Ko, Kyung-Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2004년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.550-553
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the demand for the Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading facility (FPSO) which has some economic and technical advantages, has increased in offshore oil production areas. The 36,8000 DWT class FPSO was built in Hyundai Heavy Industries and will be installed in Offshore Angola. She dose not have self-propulsion system, but has additional facilities for oil production and positioning system. Main noise sources are contributing to the cabin noise of the accommodation are classified into three classes such as the machinery in the engine room and the deckhouse, HVAC system, and the topside equipments. In general, the noise regulation for the offshore structure is severer than that of the cargo ship and acceptable noise limit of cabin is specified as 45 dB(A). This paper describes the procedure of noise analysis, the countermeasures of noise control, and the measurement results of the quay trial. In order to minimize the noise levels, careful attention have to be paid by the special committee of experts from the initial design stage to the delivery. Proper countermeasures, considering the characteristics of sources and receiver spaces, were applied from the noise prediction and various experiment results. Finally, this ship was successfully delivered with excellent noise properties. The technology to minimize the noise levels for FPSO has been established throughout the construction of this ship.

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Production and Supply of Milk in Joseon during Japanese Colonial Period (1910~1945) (일제 강점기(1910~1945) 조선의 우유 생산과 보급)

  • Lee, Kyou-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.400-410
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to discuss how 'milk' was produced and supplied introduced and spread in the modern Joseon period. Condensed milk and powdered milk were mainly consumed in Joseon during the Japanese colonial period since they could be conveniently preserved for a long time, although raw milk was also produced and consumed. For areas adjacent to farms, milk delivery service was offered while areas with great consumption received an additional supply from different areas by rail. Since no manufacturing plants were operational in Korea, condensed milk and powdered milk consumed in Joseon had to be imported. In the case of condensed milk, when production in Japan increased, extra supply was aggressively sent into their colony, Joseon. The 'Gyeongseong Milk Association' founded in 1937 is considered significant in that it led to standardization of the production system and prices as well as pasteurization of milk. In the late Japanese colonial era, milk production and consumption were controlled. As milk was purchased as a war supply, the milk consumption market became distorted and limited.