• Title/Summary/Keyword: Product attitudes

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The Effects of Jigsaw II Expert Groupings on Studentis Knowledge, Inquiry Ability and Attitudes at Elementary School Science Study (전문가집단을 활용한 Jigsaw II 협동학습이 과학지식, 탐구능력 및 학습태도에 미치는 영향)

  • 최영재;안미경
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2001
  • Recently, introduced open education, there are some models applied several cooperative teaming, but there is no case in applied Jigsaw Ⅱ. So this research is selected objects which are 147 students in the fifth grade in 1999' school year and 143 students in 2000's on Yongwon elementary school. It makes share a partial responsibility for planner, leader, investigator, helper, writer and reporter in the small groups, and apply the Jigsaw Ⅱ model. Qualitative and quantitative analyses show that they have effects of Jigsaw Ⅱ cooperative Learning on Student's knowledge, inquiry ability and attitudes on Elementary School Science Study. The final results are following. The significance of Knowledge has .02 in 1999 and .01 in 2000. Testification of Inquiry ability has 1.75 in 1999 and 2.25 in 2000. The significance of Attitudes has .03 in 1999 and .00 in 2000. Research that has emerged from the cooperative teaming has led us to better understandings of multi purposed roles, interactions, and communities that arise when students work together to team science. Each of students can also cooperative as co-builders, working as equal participants to create a product that is better than that while would have built by either individual alone. Upon asking their intention, cooperative loaming shows more participation.

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Value of Children - Relationships between Mothers & Daughters - (자녀에 대한 가치관 - 어머니와 딸 두세대간의 비교연구 -)

  • 박성연
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 1986
  • The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and relationship of attitudes of mothers and their daughters concerning the value of children. the secondary interest was to compare this study with the American studies done by Bormann & Stockdale(1979), and Leavy & Hough(1983). Subjects for the study were college-age daughters their married sisters, and their mothers. The“Fawcett Opinions about Children Questionnair”was used to measure beliefs about children. Pearson Product Moment Correlations were computed for mother-daughter(married), mother-daughter(unmarried), and daughter(married)-daughter (unmarried) on each of nine subscales on value of children. To study the generation differences and marriage differences, matched sample t-test were carried. Several significant relationships were found for mother-daughter (married), daughter(married)-daughter (unmarried) pairs. Only one significant relationship was found for mother-daughter(unmarried) pairs. Significant differences were found between mother's group and daughters' groups on most subscales except one or two (generation effect). Significant differences were found between married daughters and unmarried daughters on 4 subscales(marriage effect). The results did not corroborate the findings of American studies which revealed the lack of congruence between mother and daughter attitudes. It was noted that as daughters had children themselves, their attitudes toward children had become more congruent with their mothers. There was also evidence to support the generation differences between mothers and daughters values. It was concluded that both value similarity and generation differences vary as a function of the particular events as well as age-itself.

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Attitudes Toward Mini-Packaging Products: The Case of China

  • Pornpitakpan, Chanthika;Li, Qiuling;Sy-Changco, Joseph A.;Chen, Junsong
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2019
  • Proposing that the main barriers to mini-packaging success in China, in contrast to India and the Philippines, is Chinese consumers' sociocultural values and attitudes toward products in mini packages, this study investigates the factors that potentially make the China market relatively not conducive to buying products in mini packages via a survey of 468 Chinese adults in Shanghai (first-tier city) and Zhuhai (second-tier city). Results show that respondents agree that products in mini packages are difficult to store once opened, are more expensive than are larger-sized products, do not provide good value for money, entail frequent shopping, are harmful to the environment, are not advertised, and are mainly for trying new products and for traveling. They disagree with many possible reasons for the unpopularity of products in mini packages. This study's contributions are (1) providing in-depth quantitative analysis of the possible reasons mini-packaging is not popular in China, (2) offering managerial advice for using mini-packaging to increase brand competitiveness, (3) developing a scale to measure attitudes toward products in mini packages; and (4) being empirical as opposed to merely anecdotal/speculative like some studies in this area.

Analysis of Purchasing Moderating Effect on Perfume Purchasing Propensities & Behavioral Attitudes

  • JANG, Hee-In;LIM, Ju-A;SO, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study looked at perfume buying patterns among 328 adolescents. Research design, data and methodology: The purchasing behaviors and attitudes of adolescents were divided into clusters and whether the purchasing behaviors and attitudes of each cluster had a moderating effect on purchasing behavior factors was analyzed. Results: Group classification according to attitude toward perfume purchasing behavior was divided into group 1, which purchases perfume according to one's own subjective opinion, and group 2, who purchases perfume according to external factors. Among the six purchasing behavior factors, the internal pleasure-seeking (p.<001) and fashion-seeking (p.<001) factors were statistically significant in both clusters 1 and 2, and in cluster 2, economic feasibility (p.<001)) internal product. It was found to be statistically significant other than pleasure and trend-seeking, indicating that there is a difference between the two groups. Conclusion:Adolescents consider economic feasibility when purchasing perfume, so it is necessary to set low prices and diversify products for marketing plans for perfume products

A Structural Relationship among Consumers' Consumption Values, Purchase Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions toward Upcycled Food Products (업사이클링 푸드의 소비가치가 소비자의 구매태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Geum-Yeong Hwang;Ji-Bum Um
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to examine the structural relationship among consumers' consumption values, purchase attitudes, and purchase intentions toward upcycled food products. Survey data were collected from 400 consumers aged 20 and older between June 11 and June 20, 2024. The results revealed that functional value, ethical value, exploratory value, and situational value positively influenced purchase attitude, while social value, ethical value, exploratory value, and purchase attitude significantly influenced purchase intention. Purchase attitude, driven by ethical and exploratory values, was identified as a key factor explaining purchase intention. Based on these findings, the study suggests that developing innovative and original products is essential to attract consumer attention and stimulate the consumption of upcycled food. Additionally, marketing strategies that emphasize ethical responsibility and environmental benefits should be implemented. Furthermore, strengthening ESG management through sustainable business models, such as eco-friendly packaging and transparent information, can enhance positive consumer attitudes and lead to increased product purchases.

An Improved Personalized Recommendation Technique for E-Commerce Portal (E-Commerce 포탈에서 향상된 개인화 추천 기법)

  • Ko, Pyung-Kwan;Ahmed, Shekel;Kim, Young-Kuk;Kamg, Sang-Gil
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.835-840
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes an enhanced recommendation technique for personalized e-commerce portal analyzing various attitudes of customer. The attitudes are classifies into three types such as "purchasing product", "adding product to shopping cart", and "viewing the product information". We implicitly track customer attitude to estimate the rating of products for recommending products. We classified user groups which have similar preference for each item using implicit user behavior. The preference similarity is estimated using the Cross Correlation Coefficient. Our recommendation technique shows a high degree of accuracy as we use age and gender to group the customers with similar preference. In the experimental section, we show that our method can provide better performance than other traditional recommender system in terms of accuracy.

Enhanced Recommendation Algorithm using Semantic Collaborative Filtering: E-commerce Portal (전자상거래 포탈을 위한 시맨틱 협업 필터링을 이용한 확장된 추천 알고리즘)

  • Ahmed, Shohel;Kim, Jong-Woo;Kang, Sang-Gil
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.79-98
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a semantic recommendation technique for a personalized e-commerce portal. Semantic recommendation is achieved by utilizing the attributes of products. The semantic similarity of the products is merged with the rating information of the products to provide an accurate recommendation. The recommendation technique also analyzes various attitudes of the customer to evaluate the implicit rating of products. Attitudes are classifies into three types such as "purchasing product", "adding product to shopping cart", and "viewing the product information." We implicitly track customer attitude to estimate the rating of products for recommending products. Also we implement a session validation process to identify the valid sessions that are highly important for giving an accurate recommendation. Our recommendation technique shows a high degree of accuracy as we use age groupings of customers with similar preferences. The experimental section shows that our proposed recommendation method outperforms well known collaborative filtering methods not only for the existing customer, but also for the new user with no previous purchase record.

Study on the Attitude toward Innovative New Product on Movie "Sanguiwon(the Royal Tailor)" (영화 "상의원(尙衣院)"에 나타난 혁신 신제품 수용 태도 연구)

  • Seo, Yong-Mo;Oh, Chi-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the attitude toward new products through case studies. The contents of the case study applied to the study were analyzed about the attitude of the new product to the recently screened movie "Sanguiwon(the royal tailor)". The court was an institution that oversees the clothes of the royal family in the Chosun Dynasty. In a conservative and closed market environment, attitudes toward acceptance of new products are strongly influenced by internal and external factors. Authoritative and conservative attitudes to secure competitive advantage in existing markets ultimately hamper the acceptance of new products or cause externalities. Eventually, innovative resistance to new products emerges. On the other hand, the acceptance of new products in an open market will form an attitude toward new products, once they form a respectful attitude towards their own benefit or attitude. These market leaders, depending on the way they pursue their values, form an attitude to adhere to their products or accept innovation. The validity of this study was verified through other cases. Ultimately, success in the market for new products suggests that success can only be achieved by understanding the delivery of value to consumers.

A Study On the Brand Image of Korean Herbal Cosmetics (한방화장품의 브랜드 이미지에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Rang
    • Korean Journal of Korean Medical Institute of Dermatology and Aesthetics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.98-113
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    • 2005
  • This paper provides comparison and analysis between brand images of Korean herbal cosmetics and general, imported cosmetic brands, focusing on product's symbolic and functional images. The objective is to evaluate brand images of Korean herbal cosmetics to suggest a powerful brand image strategy that will be different and competitive. Data collection was performed on 300 adult women who were over 20 years of age and lived in Seoul or KyongKi area. Analysis was carried out using SPSS version 11.5 and frequency analysis, T-Test and $X^2$ verification was also performed. Analysis results for brand images of Korean herbal cosmetics are as follows. First, satisfaction scale as a purchase feature for users of Korean herbal cosmetics were 'Normal' 51.5%, 'Satisfactory' 35.1%, 'Very Satisfactory' 8.2% and 'Unsatisfactory' 5.2%. Regarding improvements, 'Efficacy, Effect' was the highest with 46%. Second, 'SEOLHWASOO' and 'BAEKOKSENG' among Korean herbal cosmetic brands, 'IOPE' and 'ISA KNOX' among general cosmetic brands and 'LANCOME' and 'CHANEL' among imported cosmetic brands displayed high recognition. Third, the symbolic and functional images of Korean herbal cosmetic brands were seen to be better compared to their general and imported counterparts. Especially, product related features of Korean herbal cosmetic brands received a more positive response compared to imported brands, which suggests that with research and improvement regarding non-product related features, functional images of herbal brands may be appraised ahead of imported brands. Fourth, there is a significant difference in brand preference according to the satisfaction of groups who actually use herbal cosmetics and the purchasing attitudes of groups who do not. Therefore, an active relationship marketing strategy is required to maximize satisfaction and to elicit favorable attitudes. By developing functional native ingredients, constructing data that can prove its efficacy and effects, and appealing its unique, differentiated symbolic value together with Orientalism, herbal medicines will be able to take off to be acknowledged worldwide.

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Product-Story Congruence and Actor Attractiveness in Product Placements in Television Drama

  • Cheon, Minhye;Ahn, Yena;Mo, Ju Hee;Park, Jee-Sun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.104-118
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    • 2016
  • As more consumers avoid ads aided by advanced technologies that conveniently block ads, traditional advertising is becoming less effective than ever before. Product placements are increasingly executed to unobtrusively expose products and brands to consumers while they watch media programs. The current study attempts to enhance our understanding of the factors that affect consumer attitude towards the brands placed in TV dramas. In particular, this study examines whether the attractiveness of actors and the congruency between the products placed and the story of the TV drama influence consumer attitudes towards the TV drama and the brand. A total of 211 male consumers in their 20s and 30s were used for data analyses. Structural equation modelling revealed that the product-story congruence had a positive impact on consumer attitude towards the TV drama as well as their attitude towards the brand. Actor attractiveness (in terms of similarity and likability) positively influenced consumer attitude towards the brand. Only the perceived likability dimension of actor attractiveness was found to affect consumer attitude towards the TV drama.