• Title/Summary/Keyword: Product Improvement

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An Analysis of Natural Motion for Product Design : Refrigerator Half Guard Installation Part Design (자연스러운 동작 분석을 통한 냉장고 Half Guard 조립체의 인간공학적 개선)

  • Park, Jang-Woon;Kim, Su-Jin;You, Hee-Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2011
  • Ergonomic product design considering users' natural use motion is of importance to improve the usability and satisfaction of a product. A five-step process of product design was developed in the present study by measuring and analyzing users' natural product-use motion with a motion capture system. The developed process was applied to ergonomic design improvement of a half guard installation part of refrigerator; new guard designs (diagonal and arc shape) were developed with the process and evaluated in terms of validity during the development as two measures (task satisfaction and similarity of natural motion). According to the evaluation result, the satisfaction at putting in- and out-task of new guard designs ($6.3{\pm}0.5$ points) was significantly higher than that of existing guard designs ($3.3{\pm}1.0$ points); the difference between natural motion and product-use motion in new guard designs ($1.0{\pm}0.3cm$) was significantly less than that of existing guard designs ($2.0{\pm}0.2cm$). The proposed process of natural motion analysis and product design is applicable to ergonomic product design and evaluation.

An Overall Product Design Process Using Robust Design and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

  • Nguyen, Nhu-Van;Azamatov, Adulaziz;Tran, Si Bui Quang;Choi, Seok-Min;Lee, Jae-Woo;Byun, Yung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2007
  • In this study, an overall product design process will be presented by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and robust design. From the conceptual design stage, the logical methods are used to select the appropriate concepts satisfying the customer requirements and the other conditions. The next phase is the embodiment design phase in which the deterministic and robust design approach are used to obtain the improvement in product design. Typically, this approach is applied for developing the simple bookshelf design. The results show the efficient approach which can be supported to develop the new product.

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A Study on the Verification Tool for the Security Level in Development Environment (개발 환경 보안수준 점검도구 연구)

  • Ko, Il-Seok
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2006
  • For the verification of the security level against a IT product development environment, we should analyze the vulnerability and the various threatening factors which exists in the IT product development environment. Also we need the evaluation criteria and tools for the evaluation and improvement of the level of information security. For that, we need evaluation indices and the standard it will be able to improve the evaluation methodology in the actual IT product development environment which will reach it will be able to apply must be researched. In this study, our aims are the development of verification tools for the security level of IT product development environment.

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Improvement of Product Development Process Based on Integrated CAE Application : Case Study on Washing Machine Development (통합적 CAE 적용을 통한 제품 설계 프로세스 개선 : 세탁기 개발 사례 중심)

  • 김석관;김태영;조용석;임원길;장성기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.846-850
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    • 1996
  • Today's product development requires simultaneous satisfaction of low cost, high quality and fast time to market. It is, however, difficult for product designers and engineers to achieve this goal due to too many requirements. This study shows integrated Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) approach can help to achieve such goal. CAE can not only support designers when decision needs to be made during concept design period but also provide evaluation of the designed parts and guidance to the best design of products during detail design period. Furthermore, integration with virtual prototyping concept can reduce number of actual prototyping and consequently reduce product development cost and time considerably. In order to demonstrate its possibility, example of washing machine development using CAE and its results are presented in this study.

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Comparative Study of Safety Regulations: Focused on the Applied Frameworks of ensuring product safety in Korea and Japan (안전기준 비교분석연구: 한국과 일본의 제품안전 확보체계를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung-Gon;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2014
  • Recently, Korea has enacted the Framework Act on Product Safety to allow comprehensive control of product safety accidents. This is a government policy aiming to ensure product safety and customer protection by strengthening the obligation of producers. However, the framework has not yet been completed in Korea. Therefore, this paper deals with improvement assignments and directions by comparing the frameworks of applied in Korea and Japan for ensuring such production safety.

Development of Electron Gun 'S-CXO'

  • Kwon, Yong-Geol;Kim, Deog-Ho;Lee, Yang-Je;Yun, Kwang-Jin;Yoon, Young-Jun
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 2001
  • To meet the demand of the display market for large, flat, high-resolution screen, the Super Common eXtended field Oval lens (S-CXO) has been developed with resolution improvement of 10% or more compared to a conventional electron gun. A new main lens structure is adopted, to enhance the effectiveness of aperture and the performance. The new main lens can be assembled using an existing assembly system

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  • Jin-Suk Kang;Seung-Ho Jung;Yoon-Bum Lee;Kwang-Myong Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1318-1323
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    • 2009
  • In recent years, dramatic advances in information technology have motivated the construction industry to improve its productivity. Computer-based information technology includes Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Digital Mock-Up (DMU) and Product Data Management (PDM). Most construction industries are trying to apply these technologies for quality improvement, reduction of construction time and cost. PDM is very useful for managing data and process related to product design and manufacturing. PDM system has various functions such as drawing and engineering document management, product structure and structure modification management, part classification management, workflow management, and project management. In this paper, PDM system was applied to the design of steel-concrete composite girder bridge. To make a practical guidance for PDM implementation to bridge design, the procedure for its implementation was presented. Consequently, this paper could be useful to enhance the efficiency of bridge design.

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Reliability Evaluation of Thruster Break for Aerogenerator (풍력발전기용 쓰러스터 브레이크의 신뢰성 평가)

  • Jung, Dong Soo
    • Journal of Applied Reliability
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2013
  • Thruster break for aerogenerator performs a role that is stopping the rotor in case of emergency such as strong wind, system abnormality or maintenance check. In this study, failure analysis and test evaluation on the thruster break for aerogenerator are proposed, and the entire process to improve reliability of the product through design improvement is presented. The typical failure case is fatigue and wear, and failure cause on these are identified and improvement plan is presented. Lastly, reliability improvement is established to analyse test results before after the life test.

A Study on the Importance of Measures for Improving PLM System Usage (PLM 시스템 활용도 향상 방안의 중요도에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Jong Kwang;Rim, Seong Taek;Min, Dai Hwan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.239-269
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    • 2022
  • Purpose This paper attempts to identify items for improving the usage of PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) systems and suggests ways to prioritize improvement items on the basis of importance. It also tries to find out differences in the importance of improvement items due to the company size, the industry, the job, or the PLM solution. Design/methodology/approach Through a survey from participants to a PLM System Conference, data were collected from a sample of 181 users who had the previous experience in using a PLM system. In order to figure out the differences in the importance among user groups, the F-test with the Scheffe test as a post-hoc analysis was used in case of equal variances and the Welch test with the Dunnett T3 test was used in case of unequal variances. Findings This study sorted out 25 improvement ideas according to their importance assessed by the PLM system users. The top five ideas are improving data consistency, error minimization, fast system response time, enhancing user recognition, and business process improvement. The support group puts higher importance than the general user group in data consistency, fast system response time, enhancing user recognition, business process improvement, dedicated team for data consistency, continuous support from management, hardware performance upgrade, output linkage to other systems, and shortening problem solving duration. The largest company group attaches significantly higher weights than the smallest company group to data consistency, error minimization, fast system response time, business process improvement, dedicated team for data consistency, security with proper access management, output linkage to other systems, and better user interface.