• Title/Summary/Keyword: Producers and Consumers

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Effects of Storytelling in Advertising on Consumers' Empathy

  • Park, Myungjin;Lee, Doo-Hee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.103-129
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    • 2014
  • Differentiated positioning becomes increasingly difficult when brand salience weakens. Also, the daily increase in new media use and information load has led to a social climate that regards advertising stimuli as spamming. For these reasons, the focus of advertisement-related communication is shifting from persuading consumers through the direct delivery of information to an emphasis on appealing to their emotions using matching stimuli to enhance persuasion effects. Recently, both academia and industry have increasingly shown an interest in storytelling methods that can generate positive emotional responses and attitude changes by arousing consumers' narrative processing. The purpose of storytelling is to elicit consumers' emotional experience to meet the objectives of advertisement producers. Therefore, the most important requirement for storytelling in advertising is that it evokes consumers' sympathy for the main character in the advertisement. This does not involve advertisements directly persuading consumers, but rather, consumers themselves finding an answer through the advertisement's story. Thus, consumers have an indirect experience regarding the product features and usage through empathy with the advertisement's main character. In this study, we took the results of a precedent study as the starting point, according to which consumers' emotional response can be altered depending on the storytelling methods adopted for storytelling ads. Previous studies have reported that drama-type and vignette-type storytelling methods have a considerably different impact on the emotional responses of advertising audiences, due to their different structural characteristics. Thus, this study aims to verify that emotional response aroused by different types of advertisement storytelling (drama ads vs. vignette ads) can be controlled by the socio-psychological gender difference of advertising audiences and that the interaction effects between the socio-psychological gender differences of the audience and the gender stereotype of emotions to which advertisements appeal can exert an influence on emotional responses to types of storytelling in advertising. To achieve this, an experiment was conducted employing a between-group design consisting of 2 (storytelling type: drama ads vs. vignette ads) × 2 (socio-psychological gender of the audience: masculinity vs. femininity) × 2 (advertising appeal emotion type: male stereotype emotion vs. female stereotype emotion). The experiment revealed that the femininity group displayed a strong and consistent empathy for drama ads regardless of whether the ads appealed to masculine or feminine emotions, whereas the masculinity group displayed a stronger empathy for drama ads appealing to the emotional types matching its own gender as well as for vignette ads. The theoretical contribution of this study is significant in that it sheds light on the controllability of the audiences' emotional responses to advertisement storytelling depending on their socio-psychological gender and gender stereotype of emotions appealed to through advertising. Specifically, its considerable practical contribution consists in easing unnecessary creative constraints by comprehensively analyzing essential advertising strategic factors such as the target consumers' gender and the objective of the advertisement, in contrast to the oversimplified view of previous studies that considered emotional responses to storytelling ads were determined by the different types of production techniques used. This study revealed that emotional response to advertisement storytelling varies depending on the target gender of and emotion type appealed to by the advertisement. This suggests that an understanding of the targeted gender is necessary prior to producing an advertisement and that in deciding on an advertisement storytelling type, strategic attention should be directed to the advertisement's appeal concept or emotion type. Thus, it is safe to use drama-type storytelling that expresses masculine emotions (ex. fun, happy, encouraged) when the advertisement target, like Bacchus, includes both men and women. For brands and advertisements targeting only women (ex. female clothes), it is more effective to use a drama-type storytelling method that expresses feminine emotions (lovely, romantic, sad). The drama method can be still more effective than the vignette when women are the main target and a masculine concept-based creative is to be produced. However, when male consumers are targeted and the brand concept or advertisement concept is focused on feminine emotions (ex. romantic), vignette ads can more effectively induce empathy than drama ads.

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The Effect of R&D Expenditures on Market Value of the Firm: Focusing on Distribution Industry (연구개발투자 지출이 기업의 시장가치에 미치는 영향: 유통산업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Hoe
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - In recent digital information society, the most important factor of to increase the firm value of the distribution company is not the activity to increase the sales through the general advertisement of the unspecified majority by purchasing the finished product, but to grasp the needs of the consumers and to develop a new distribution platform that connects producers and consumers directly through consumer-tailored advertisements centering on e-commerce. Therefore each company in the distribution industry is spending a lot on research and development investment to innovate the distribution technology and distribution system, and the research and development investment expenditures can affect firm value. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of research and development investment expenditures in the distribution industry on market value of the firm. Research design, data, and methodology - As a research method, the sample firms are those which are listed on korea stock exchange market from 2011 to 2017 and the research model is Ohlson(1995) model, which is a representative valuation model using accounting information. This study analyzes the effect of distribution company's research and development investment expenditures and advertising expenditures on market value of the firm Results - The results of empirical analysis show that research and development investment expenditures for developing new distribution technology and advertising expenditures for promoting sales in the distribution company are all positively related to the market value of firm. Therefore, in describing market value of the distribution company, it is shown that the research and development investment expenditures and advertising expenditures together with the net asset and net profit are the important accounting information that explains the market value of firm. This result show that investment expenditures on research and development for the innovation of distribution technology of distribution company creates intangible intellectual assets and increases market value of the firm. Conclusions - The result of this study shows that research and development investment expenditures for the new distribution technology as well as the spending for the advertisement in the future is a very important investment expenditures that can increase the market value of the distribution company.

A Study on the Characteristics of Public Space in Specialized Restaurants at Domestic Composite Shopping Malls and Department Stores (복합쇼핑몰과 백화점 내 전문식당가의 공유 공간 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Chul-Sik;Kim, Chung-Ki
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2009
  • Domestic distribution market is in a time of transition for the present. With consumers' diverse demands, the growth of department stores, shopping malls, specialized shops and so on has been taken place radically and the competition among them also has become severe. In order to promptly and positively cope with the radically changing trend of market and the generation of competing business entities, they are necessary to establish a discriminated indoor space plan. With such desires as the expansion of leisure activities based on the increase of personal income and the up-gradation, diversification and individualization of living standard based on economic growth, the dining-out space, one of people's life environments, need a variety of changes. In the past, the specialized restaurants of composite shopping malls and department stores were a mere mediating space of food sale between producers and consumers, but today they become a discriminated and creative indoor space which representing customers' lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristic of public space of specialized restaurants at composite shopping malls and department stores and then present a discriminated spatial marketing strategy in order to find out the direction of its proceeding in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to work out basic data for the development of dining-out contents at the time of appearing diverse composite dining-out spaces in the future and of establishing a renovation plan of specialized restaurants at composite shopping malls and department stores in order to provide customers a space which could satisfy their desires. In this vein, the characteristic and composition of necessary space was analyzed based on the examination of cases. The investigator hopes that study findings are used as basic data for the study on the interrelationship between the sale space and dining-out space of composite commercial facilities and for the establishment of marketing strategy to attract customers.

Extension Educator's Role with Farmers' Markets in Rural America (미국의 농민시장에서 농촌지도요원의 역할)

  • Park, Duk-Byeong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to explore the benefits and extension's role with farmers' markets in USA. This study was conducted by literature review and case study. They help establish connections between consumers and food producers, provide an additional income source for farmers. and in general, serve as a tool for community development. First, from education to advocacy, from research to advising, extension educators have multiple roles to play in promoting the growth of farmers' markets. Second, it is essential that extension engage others who are interested in seeing the markets succeed and create opportunities for such groups to make the market unique in their given communities. Third, extension promotes farmers' markets through the creation and dissemination of how-to publications. These publications typically include tips about having a market establishing a prominent and easily accessible market location, and offering a sufficient product variety to ensure consumer satisfaction. Fourth, efforts by extension offices are already paying off for consumers, vendors, and communities. Involving those who will purchase as well as produce the foods sold at who will purchase as well as produce the foods sold at farmers' markets should diversify the audience extension educators reach. Fifth, extension educators can aid in this effort by encouraging farmers' market vendors to diversify their of offerings and to produce and sell value-added products. Sixth, many extension offices offer guides to the direct marketing venues in their counties, such as farmers' markets, pick your own operations, roadside stands, and community supported apiculture farms. Once such a guide is produced. extension educators can distribute it at workshops and inform local media about the guide so that they can publicize it. Seventh, extension educators should seek to involve those groups who can collaborators could include community economic development organizations, consumer groups, churches, food banks, land preservation organizations, school, farmers' organizations, and other community groups. Eighth, extension educators can also contribute to the improvement of existing markets by offering workshops for vendors in business management, advertizing, marketing, bookkeeping, personnel management, and food preservation. Ninth, farmer's market also provide an opportunity for extension to have face-to face communication with farmers. Tenth, if farmers' markets are well managed, these markets can provide economic, nutritive, educational, social and psychological benefits to venders and the community.

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A Theoretical Reconsideration of Contemporary Fashion Criticism (현대패션비평에 관한 이론적 재고)

  • Choi, Kyung Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to illuminate the location of fashion in contemporary society and to suggest a direction for fashion criticism in aesthetic$\hat{u}$cultural perspective. For this, literature researches about some of art criticism and fashion criticism theories and cultural studies related to fashion are performed. In this study, fashion criticism is defined as a linguistic analysis and interpretation about a variety of discursive networks around fashion as well as an aesthetic analysis of it. Considering this definition, an analytical framework for the contemporary fashion criticism combines Feldman's and Carney's models with Crane & Bovone's and Entwistle's sociological studies for aesthetic and cultural perspectives. At first, its aesthetic perspective shows 'Description'-'Descriptive formative features', 'Analysis'-'Locate the style' and 'Aesthetic value', 'Interpretation'- 'Interpretation of the fashion object' and 'Socio-cultural interpretation', 'Judgment'-'Critical judgment'. Then, its cultural perspective especially emphasizes 'Socio-cultural interpretation' of the 6 steps above. Socio-cultural interpretation gets tangled with the network of various cultural agents within the fashion system, producers/designers, retailers/suppliers, media/editors, consumers/spectators, and so on. In the course of the fashion system 5 analytical methods about the fashion object can be suggested and they are as follows: Analyses of texts, discourses and symbols of a fashion object, Analyses of fashion systems which produces symbolic values, Analyses of the communication of symbolic values and the disseminating processes through the media, Analyses of the attribution of symbolic values to a fashion object by consumers, and Cross-national studies of symbolic values expressed in a fashion object.

Development Strategies of The Hanwoo [Korean Native Cattle] Industry (한우산업의 발전전략)

  • Kim Jin Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.68-111
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    • 1998
  • The structure of the Hanwoo (Korean Native Cattle) Industry remains very weak and vulnerable to the WTO/IMF system. Considering that the majority of cattle farmers are small sized, and that marketing systems are outdated and inefficient, rapid expansion of lower priced beef imports by WTO system and rapid increasing of production costs by IMF system would lead to the deprivation of a regular source of farm income and threaten the stability of rural life. Accordingly, the Hanwoo industry should be expanded in accordance with progress in the implementation of (1) programs for the structural adjustment and (2) measures to compensate for the loss. Efforts for lowering major production factor costs needs to continue, In order to increase the supply of calves at low cost, the programs of collective cow-calf farms should be expanded, thereby reducing the cost of calf purchase, which constitutes the largest share of Hanwoo production cost. Also, feedlot operations should be encouraged for small herd farms in order to achieve a substantial saving in beef production costs by integrated operations from calf production to cattle fattening. A substantial saving would also be made by collective purchase and distribution of various inputs through the cooperatives' channels. Extension services should be strengthened for cattle farm management, cattle care and feeding, prevention of cattle disease, etc. In order to minimize cash outlays for commercial mixed feeds, utilization of far by-products as feeds should be enhanced and production of forage crops productive of resources, such as land and rural labor, during the farm o(f-season, needs to be encouraged. Also, technological development for enhancing the nutritional value of farm by-products should be encouraged. Measures for successful segregation of the Hanwoo beef market should be implemented, thereby enhancing incentive for quality beef producers and protecting consumers willing to pay higher price for quality beef. For development of the Hanwoo industry, a considerable time frame would be required in order for (1) small livestock farmers to make a successful adjustment by staying in the enterprise and achieving increased price efficiency (2) livestock farmers to acquire know-how for producing quality Hanwoo beef, (3) the ongoing Government policy of enhancing price-quality competitiveness, and for improving the quality Hanwoo beef marketing to take root. (4) consumers to increase their ability to distinguish meat quality, and others.

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A Study on Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention of Digital Cultural Contents (디지털 문화콘텐츠의 고객만족도 및 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 관한 연구 )

  • Wang, Lu;Zhang, Xindan;Pang, Qiwei;Bae, Ki-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.333-346
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of digital cultural contents characteristics, perceived values and perceived risks on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions for Chinese consumers, and contribute to the development of digital cultural contents. In addition, a total of 328 valid samples were obtained through an online survey and empirical analysis was conducted. The analysis results of the study are as follows. First, except for creativity, which are characteristics of digital cultural contexts, entertainment and interactivity also have a significantly positive effect on both customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Second, perceived value has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction and purchase intention, whereas perceived risk does not have this significant effect. Third, customer satisfaction has a partial mediating effect between the three factors(entertainment, interactivity, perceived value) and purchase intention. Therefore, to promote the development of digital cultural contents, we could promote consumers' purchase behavior by improving satisfaction through content entertainment, communication between content producers and service providers, and unity and value that customers actually feel during the consumption process.

Comparison of detergency effectiveness by the type of household washer, detergent and soil - Focused on detergency, rinsing, fabric damage and tanglement - (가정용 세탁기, 세제 및 오염의 종류별 세탁 성능 비교 - 세탁성, 헹굼성, 섬유손상도, 엉킴도를 중심으로 -)

  • Piao, Shujing;Park, Myung-Ja
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.950-960
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to provide accurate information of household washers and detergents for consumers, so that help the producers who make washing machine and detergent to get basic material and also help consumers to choose washing machine. Experiment was proceed with two type of washers to compare energy consumption, washing performance, rinsing effectiveness further, damage caused by entanglement of laundry and fabric was assessed. Detergent P and T were used to compare the performance related to differences of ingredients of detergent. Soiled fabrics of EMPA 108 set were used to evaluate performance of washing by different types of contamination. A summary of experimental results are : First, for the consumption of water, drum-type washer consumed 53% less than pulsator-type washer. On the other hand, the washing time was almost similar for both these machines, but pulsator-type washer showed shorter progress, implying that power saving was more efficient in this case. Second, the drum-type washer showed better performance for contamination with all types of detergent, but the pulsator-type washer showed better rinsing performance. Third, the drum-type washer performed less data of tangle level and fabric damage. Fourth, detergent "P" exhibited better washing performance than did detergent "T", regardless of the type of soil. And with no limit of detergent variety, water-soluble protein soil showed high removal rate, liposoluble soil especially pigment was hardly removed.

Increasing the Pig Market Weight: World Trends, Expected Consequences and Practical Considerations

  • Kim, Y.S.;Kim, S.W.;Weaver, M.A.;Lee, C.Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.590-600
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    • 2005
  • The present report has been aimed at reviewing important factors which need to be closely analyzed or considered when increasing the market weight of finishing pigs. The pig market weight has increased worldwide during the past few decades, which is attributable primarily to an increased lean gain potential of finishing pigs. To increase the market weight, however, the acceptability of larger pigs by the packer as well as pork consumers should be met first. By increasing the market weight, total number of breeding stock, as well as the facility for them, necessary for producing a given weight of pork can be reduced, whereas more building space for finishing pigs and an additional nutrition program for the later finishing period are needed. Additionally, a more thorough disease prevention program especially against ileitis and mycoplasma pneumonia may also be needed, because outbreaks of these are known to increase with increasing body weight over 110 kg. Some larger finishing pigs may deposit excessive fat that may be reduced or prevented by using hormonal and/or nutritional agents. Backfat thickness increases linearly with increasing body weight between 110 and 130 kg, whereas intramuscular fat content does not change significantly. With increasing live weight within this range, the ratios of belly and loin to carcass weight also are known to increase. Some physicochemical characteristics related to fresh and cooked meat quality including color, firmness, juiciness, etc. are known to be unaffected or slightly changed following an increase of slaughter weight. In conclusion, ratios of primal cuts and pork quality characteristics are not significantly affected by increasing the market weight. Moreover, increasing the market weight of lean-type pigs approximately up to 130 kg is normally profitable to producers, as long as packers and consumers accept larger pigs.

Essentials of Fashion as art from the Perspective of George Dickie's Institutional Theory of Art -Focus on the Structural Elements of the Fashion World- (디키의 <예술제도론>의 관점에서 본 예술로서의 패션의 본질 -패션계의 구성요소를 중심으로-)

  • Suh, Seunghee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to interpret the artistic nature of fashion from the point of view of George Dickie's Institutional theory of art, which defined art from a sociological context. Five notions to formulate the institutional definition of art were regarding the artist, work of art, public, artworld, and artworld system. These notions were applied to the fashion world, and they deduced the definitions of a fashion designer, a fashion product, a fashion consumer, and the fashion system, which indicated fashion's social status in the art system. Firstly, a fashion designer plays a collective role in the product with an understanding of the consumers, professional knowledge of the design, and knowledge of making images of fashion products. Secondly, a fashion product involves artifactuality in the form of clothes created by collaboration among producers and it is transformed into fashion by collective activity of distributors and consumers. Thirdly, a consumer is a set of people who play a leading role in the assessment and consumption of the fashion product, allow the fashion designer to read his or her taste and reflect it in the fashion product although they are not directly involved in its production. Fourthly, a fashion system is a social framework for the presentation of a fashion product by a fashion designer to a consumer, and a social institution which enables clothes to transform into fashion through design, production, display, distribution, and sales. As a result, fashion is defined as an artifact in the form of clothes created by a fashion designer and presented to a consumer by the fashion system.