• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processing Path

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Compiler triggered C level error check (컴파일러에 의한 C레벨 에러 체크)

  • Zheng, Zhiwen;Youn, Jong-Hee M.;Lee, Jong-Won;Paek, Yun-Heung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.18A no.3
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2011
  • We describe a technique for automatically proving compiler optimizations sound, meaning that their transformations are always semantics-preserving. As is well known, IR (Intermediate Representation) optimization is an important step in a compiler backend. But unfortunately, it is difficult to detect and debug the IR optimization errors for compiler developers. So, we introduce a C level error check system for detecting the correctness of these IR transformation techniques. In our system, we first create an IR-to-C converter to translate IR to C code before and after each compiler optimization phase, respectively, since our technique is based on the Memory Comparison-based Clone(MeCC) detector which is a tool of detecting semantic equivalency in C level. MeCC accepts only C codes as its input and it uses a path-sensitive semantic-based static analyzer to estimate the memory states at exit point of each procedure, and compares memory states to determine whether the procedures are equal or not. But MeCC cannot guarantee two semantic-equivalency codes always have 100% similarity or two codes with different semantics does not get the result of 100% similarity. To increase the reliability of the results, we describe a technique which comprises how to generate C codes in IR-to-C transformation phase and how to send the optimization information to MeCC to avoid the occurrence of these unexpected problems. Our methodology is illustrated by three familiar optimizations, dead code elimination, instruction scheduling and common sub-expression elimination and our experimental results show that the C level error check system is highly reliable.

Test Case Generation for Simulink/Stateflow Model Based on a Modified Rapidly Exploring Random Tree Algorithm (변형된 RRT 알고리즘 기반 Simulink/Stateflow 모델 테스트 케이스 생성)

  • Park, Han Gon;Chung, Ki Hyun;Choi, Kyung Hee
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.12
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    • pp.653-662
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes a test case generation algorithm for Simulink/Stateflow models based on the Rapidly exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm that has been successfully applied to path finding. An important factor influencing the performance of the RRT algorithm is the metric used for calculating the distance between the nodes in the RRT space. Since a test case for a Simulink/Stateflow (SL/SF) model is an input sequence to check a specific condition (called a test target in this paper) at a specific status of the model, it is necessary to drive the model to the status before checking the condition. A status maps to a node of the RRT. It is usually necessary to check various conditions at a specific status. For example, when the specific status represents an SL/SF model state from which multiple transitions are made, we must check multiple conditions to measure the transition coverage. We propose a unique distance calculation metric, based on the observation that the test targets are gathered around some specific status such as an SL/SF state, named key nodes in this paper. The proposed metric increases the probability that an RRT is extended from key nodes by imposing penalties to non-key nodes. A test case generation algorithm utilizing the proposed metric is proposed. Three models of Electrical Control Units (ECUs) embedded in a commercial vehicle are used for the performance evaluation. The performances are evaluated in terms of penalties and compared with those of the algorithm using a typical RRT algorithm.

QoS Routing Protocol Based on Virtual Grids and MultiPaths for Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크에서 이동 싱크를 위한 가상 그리드와 다중 경로 기반의 QoS 라우팅 프로토콜)

  • Yim, Jinhyuk;Lee, Euisin
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.5 no.11
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2016
  • Recently, Expectation Area-based Real-time Routing (EAR2) protocol has been proposed to support real-time routing in wireless sensor networks. EAR2 considers the expectation area of a mobile sink and uses flooding within the expectation area. However, flooding leads to excessive energy consumption and causes long delay against real-time routing. Moreover, since EAR2 uses single path to the expectation area, it is difficult to support reliable routing in sensor networks with high link failures. Thus, to overcome these limitation of EAR2, this paper proposes a reliable and real-time routing protocol based on virtual grids and multipath for mobile sinks. To support real-time routing, the proposed protocol considers expectation grids belonged to the expectation area. Instead of flooding within the expectation area, the proposed protocol uses multicasting to the expectation grids and single hop forwarding in an expectation grid because the multicasting can save much energy and the single hop forwarding can provide short delay. Also, the proposed protocol uses multipath to the expectation grids to deal with link failures for supporting reliable routing. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol is superior to the existing protocols.

A Study on the Electrical Resistivity of Graphene Added Carbon Black Composite Electrode with Tensile Strain (인장변형에 따른 그래핀복합 카본블랙전극의 저항변화연구)

  • Lee, T.W.;Lee, H.S.;Park, H.H.
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2015
  • Stretchable electrode materials are focused to apply to flexible device such as e-skin and wearable computer. Used as a flexible electrode, increase in electrical resistance should be minimalized under physical strain as bend, stretch and twist. Carbon black is one of candidates, for it has many advantages of low cost, simple processing, and especially reduction in resistivity with stretching. However electrical conductivity of carbon black is relatively low to be used for electrodes. Instead graphene is one of the promising electronic materials which have great electrical conductivity and flexibility. So it is expected that graphene added carbon black may be proper to be used for stretchable electrode. In this study, under stretching electrical property of graphene added carbon black composite electrode was investigated. Mechanical stretching induced cracks in electrode which means breakage of conductive path. However stretching induced aligned graphene enhanced connectivity of carbon fillers and maintained conductive network. Above all, electronic structure of carbon electrode was changed to conduct electrons effectively under stretching by adding graphene. In conclusion, an addition of graphene gives potential of carbon black composite as a stretchable electrode.

A 200-MHz@2.5V 0.25-$\mu\textrm{m}$ CMOS Pipelined Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer (200-MHz@2.5-V 0.25-$\mu\textrm{m}$ CMOS 파이프라인 적응 결정귀환 등화기)

  • 안병규;이종남;신경욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.465-469
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes a single-chip full-custom implementation of pipelined adaptive decision-feedback equalizer (PADFE) using a 0.25-${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ CMOS technology for wide-band wireless digital communication systems. To enhance the throughput rate of ADFE, two pipeline stage are inserted into the critical path of the ADFE by using delayed least-mean-square (DLMS) algorithm Redundant binary (RB) arithmetic is applied to all the data processing of the PADFE including filter taps and coefficient update blocks. When compared with conventional methods based on two's complement arithmetic, the proposed approach reduces arithmetic complexity, as well as results in a very simple complex-valued filter structure, thus suitable for VLSI implementation. The design parameters including pipeline stage, filter tap, coefficient and internal bit-width and equalization performance such as bit error rate (BER) and convergence speed are analyzed by algorithm-level simulation using COSSAP. The singl-chip PADFE contains about 205,000 transistors on an area of about 1.96$\times$1.35-$\textrm{mm}^2$. Simulation results show that it can safely operate with 200-MHz clock frequency at 2.5-V supply, and its estimated power dissipation is about 890-mW.

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A Commissioning of 3D RTP System for Photon Beams

  • Kang, Wee-Saing
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.119-120
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    • 2002
  • The aim is to urge the need of elaborate commissioning of 3D RTP system from the firsthand experience. A 3D RTP system requires so much data such as beam data and patient data. Most data of radiation beam are directly transferred from a 3D dose scanning system, and some other data are input by editing. In the process inputting parameters and/or data, no error should occur. For RTP system using algorithm-bas ed-on beam-modeling, careless beam-data processing could also cause the treatment error. Beam data of 3 different qualities of photon from two linear accelerators, patient data and calculated results were commissioned. For PDD, the doses by Clarkson, convolution, superposition and fast superposition methods at 10 cm for 10${\times}$10 cm field, 100 cm SSD were compared with the measured. An error in the SCD for one quality was input by the service engineer. Whole SCD defined by a physicist is SAD plus d$\sub$max/, the value was just SAD. That resulted in increase of MU by 100${\times}$((1_d$\sub$max//SAD)$^2$-1)%. For 10${\times}$10 cm open field, 1 m SSD and at 10 cm depth in uniform medium of relative electron density (RED) 1, PDDs for 4 algorithms of dose calculation, Clarkson, convolution, superposition and fast-superposition, were compared with the measured. The calculated PDD were similar to the measured. For 10${\times}$10 cm open field, 1 m SSD and at 10 cm depth with 5 cm thick inhomogeneity of RED 0.2 under 2 cm thick RED 1 medium, PDDs for 4 algorithms were compared. PDDs ranged from 72.2% to 77.0% for 4 MV X-ray and from 90.9% to 95.6% for 6 MV X-ray. PDDs were of maximum for convolution and of minimum for superposition. For 15${\times}$15 cm symmetric wedged field, wedge factor was not constant for calculation mode, even though same geometry. The reason is that their wedge factor is considering beam hardness and ray path. Their definition requires their users to change the concept of wedge factor. RTP user should elaborately review beam data and calculation algorithm in commissioning.

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Voronoi-Based Search Scheme for Road Network Databases (도로 망 데이터베이스를 위한 보로노이 기반의 탐색 방안)

  • Kim, Dae-Hoon;Hwang, Een-Jun
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.348-357
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    • 2007
  • Due to the improved performance and cost of personal mobile devices and rapid progress of wireless communication technology, the number of users who utilize these devices is increasing. This trend requires various types of services be available to users. So far, there have been many solutions provided for the shortest path problem. But, technologies which can offer various recommendation services to user depending on user’s current location are focused on Euclidean spaces rather than road network. Thus, in this paper, we extend the previous work to satisfy this requirement on road network database. Our proposed scheme requires pre-computation for the efficient query processing. In the preprocessing step, we first partition the input road network into a fixed number of Voronoi polygons and then pre-compute routing information for each polygon. In the meantime, we select the number of Voronoi polygons in proposition to the scale of road network. Through this selection, the required size of pre-computation is linearly increasing to the size of road network. Using this pre-computated information, we can process queries more quickly. Through experiments, we have shown that our proposed scheme can achieve excellent performance in terms of scheduling time and the number of visited nodes.

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Relationship between Education and Training, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance oamong Police Officers (경찰관의 교육훈련과 직무만족 및 직무성과의 관계)

  • Ahn, Dong-Hyon;Park, Young-Man;Lee, Jong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.902-912
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    • 2013
  • This study on the training of police officers job satisfaction and job performance is to identify the relationship. This study of 2012 Police Training Institute courses in related expenses 5 population in the process of initiation of a national police officer selection, and note that the sampling method used to extract a total of 300 samples, but the number of cases that were used in the final analysis, 268 people. Data processing by the SPSSWIN 18.0 factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression, path analysis. Conclusions are as follows. First, the police officer's training affects job satisfaction. In other words, work-related, of course the more positive the evaluation of job training job satisfaction is high, education, the stronger the motivation and job satisfaction also higher education can be. Second, the education and training of police officers affects job performance. In other words, work-related, educational motivation, job training curriculum for the more positive job performance rating is also high. Third, the police officer's job satisfaction affects job performance. In other words, education can be a higher job performance and job satisfaction also high. Fourth, the training of police officers on the job satisfaction and job performance directly or indirectly affected. That is, the internal job satisfaction and job performance, job training parameters are the important variables.

A Technique of Replacing XML Semantic Cache (XML 시맨틱 캐쉬의 교체 기법)

  • Hong, Jung-Woo;Kang, Hyun-Chul
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.211-234
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    • 2007
  • In e-business, XML is a major format of data and it is essential to efficiently process queries against XML data. XML query caching has received much attention for query performance improvement. In employing XML query caching, some efficient technique of cache replacement is required. The previous techniques considered as a replacement unit either the whole query result or the path in the query result. The former is simple to employ but it is not efficient whereas the latter is more efficient and yet the size difference among the potential victims is large, and thus, efficiency of caching would be limited. In this paper, we propose a new technique where the element in the query result is are placement unit to overcome the limitations of the previous techniques. The proposed technique could enhance the cache efficiency to a great extent because it would not pick a victim whose size is too large to store a new cached item, the variance in the size of victims would be small, and the unused space of the cache storage would be small. A technique of XML semantic cache replacement is presented which is based on the replacement function that takes into account cache hit ratio, last access time, fetch time, size of XML semantic region, size of element in XML semantic region, etc. We implemented a prototype XML semantic cache system that employs the proposed technique, and conducted a detailed set of experiments over a LAN environment. The experimental results showed that our proposed technique outperformed the previous ones.

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An Investigation on Gridline Edges in Screen-Printed Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

  • Kim, Seongtak;Park, Sungeun;Kim, Young Do;Kim, Hyunho;Bae, Soohyun;Park, Hyomin;Lee, Hae-Seok;Kim, Donghwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.490.2-490.2
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    • 2014
  • Since the general solar cells accept sun light at the front side, excluding the electrode area, electrons move from the emitter to the front electrode and start to collect at the grid edge. Thus the edge of gridline can be important for electrical properties of screen-printed silicon solar cells. In this study, the improvement of electrical properties in screen-printed crystalline silicon solar cells by contact treatment of grid edge was investigated. The samples with $60{\Omega}/{\square}$ and $70{\Omega}/{\square}$ emitter were prepared. After front side of samples was deposited by SiNx commercial Ag paste and Al paste were printed at front side and rear side respectively. Each sample was co-fired between $670^{\circ}C$ and $780^{\circ}C$ in the rapid thermal processing (RTP). After the firing process, the cells were dipped in 2.5% hydrofluoric acid (HF) at room temperature for various times under 60 seconds and then rinsed in deionized water. (This is called "contact treatment") After dipping in HF for a certain period, the samples from each firing condition were compared by measurement. Cell performances were measured by Suns-Voc, solar simulator, the transfer length method and a field emission scanning electron microscope. According to HF treatment, once the thin glass layer at the grid edge was etched, the current transport was changed from tunneling via Ag colloids in the glass layer to direct transport via Ag colloids between the Ag bulk and the emitter. Thus, the transfer length as well as the specific contact resistance decreased. For more details a model of the current path was proposed to explain the effect of HF treatment at the edge of the Ag grid. It is expected that HF treatment may help to improve the contact of high sheet-resistance emitter as well as the contact of a high specific contact resistance.

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