• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processing Path

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A Study of Integrating ASP Databases with Customer Databases (ASP 용의 데이터베이스와 고객 데이터베이스 연동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Yoon;Lee, Jae-Won
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.5
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    • pp.1063-1072
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    • 2004
  • In the ASP(Application Service Provider) business, applications using database sometimes require some data from clients' databases. These days such data are extracted from client database using manual database operations as an EXCEL file and the ASP, once receiving this file, transfers it into the application's database using manual database operations. This paper describes how to deal with data transmitting between the client database and ASP database on the web without using database manual operations for data extraction and insertion. We propose a framework which enables to transmit client data in a systematical way, to match different attribute names of each database for sharing same attribute values, and to avoid exposing information about the network path of client database to the ASP. This approach consists of two steps of data processing. The first is extracting data from client database as XML format by using a downloaded client program from ASP site, the second is uploading and storing the XML file into the ASP database. The implemented prototype system shows the suggested data integration paradigm is valid and ASP business needing integration of client database can be activated using it.

BER performance analysis of successive interference cancellation(SIC) algorithm for W-CDMA HSDPA receiver (W-CDMA HSDPA수신기의 직렬간섭제거 알고리즘의 오류율 성능해석)

  • Koo Je-Gil
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2004
  • This paper drives the exact expression of bit error rate(BER) performance for successive interference cancellation(SIC) algorithm against multipath interference components in a high-speed downlink packet access(HSDPA) system of W-CDMA downlink and the BER performance is evaluated by numerical analysis. Numerical results showed that the average BER performance is rapidly saturated in terms of increasing the number of multipath and is revealed significant improvement for improvement Processing gain(PG). For example, the average BER Performance of the SIC algorithm is superior to the performance of conventional scheme by more than 7dB and 1.4dB for processing gain PG=54 and 128 under the two-path channel and average BER=$1.0{\times}10^{-3}$, respectively. This results also indicated that the average BER saturation is occurred at nearly one weight factor which is assigned to pilot and data channels. Likewise, the average BER performance is greatly degraded due to increasing the interference power in proportional to the number of multipath with increasing multicode K. And the smaller multipath fading channel gain is arrived later, the more the average BER performance is improved. The results of performance analysis in this paper indicated that the multipath interference cancellation is required to improve the BER performance in a HSDPA system under multicode for high-speed packet transmission, low spreading factor, and multipath fading channel.

Design of Smart Platform based on Image Recognition for Lifelog (라이프로그용 영상인식 기반의 스마트 플랫폼 설계)

  • Choi, Youngho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we designed a LBS-based smart platform for Lifelog service that can utilize the other's lifelog information. The conventional Lifelog service means that the system records the daily activities of the smart device user so the user can retrieve the early-recorded information later. The proposed Lifelog service platform uses the GPS/UFID location information and the various information extracted from the image as the lifelog data. Further, the proposed Lifelog platform using DB can provide the user with the Lifelog data recorded by the other service user. The system usually provide the other's Lifelog data within the 500m distance from the user and the range of distance can be adjustable. The proposed smart platform based on image recognition for Lifelog can acquire the image from the smart device directly and perform the various image recognition processing to produce the useful image attributes. And it can store the location information, image data, image attributes and the relevant web informations on the database that can be retrieved by the other use's request. The attributes stored and managed in the image information database consist of the followings: Object ID, the image type, the capture time and the image GPS coordinates. The image type attribute has the following values: the mountain, the sea, the street, the front of building, the inside of building and the portrait. The captured image can be classified into the above image type by the pattern matching image processing techniques and the user's direct selection as well. In case of the portrait-attribute, we can choose the multiple sub-attribute values from the shirt, pant, dress and accessory sub-attributes. Managing the Lifelog data in the database, the system can provide the user with the useful additional services like a path finding to the location of the other service user's Lifelog data and information.

A Non-Uniform Network Split Method for Energy Efficiency in a Data Centric Sensor Network (데이타 중심 센서 네트워크에서 에너지 효율성을 고려한 비균등 네트워크 분할 기법)

  • Kang, Hong-Koo;Kim, Joung-Joon;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2007
  • In a data centric sensor network, a sensor node to store data is determined by the measured data value of each sensor node. Therefore, if the same data occur frequently, the energy of the sensor node to store the data is exhausted quickly due to the concentration of loads. And if the sensor network is extended, the communication cost for storing data and processing queries is increased, since the length of the routing path for them is usually in the distance. However, the existing researches that generally focus on the efficient management of data storing can not solve these problems efficiently. In this paper, we propose a NUNS(Non-Uniform Network Split) method that can distribute loads of sensor nodes and decrease the communication cost caused by the sensor network extension. By dividing the sensor network into non-uniform partitions that have the minimum difference in the number of sensor nodes and the splitted area size and storing the data which is occurred in a partition at the sensor nodes within the partition, the NUNS can distribute loads of sensor nodes and decrease the communication cost efficiently. In addition, by dividing each partition into non-uniform zones that have the minimum difference in the splitted area size as many as the number of the sensor nodes in the partition and allocating each of them as the processing area of each sensor node, the NUNS can protect a specific sensor node from the load concentration and decrease the unnecessary routing cost.

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Delay Fault Test Pattern Generator Using Indirect Implication Algorithms in Scan Environment (스캔 환경에서 간접 유추 알고리즘을 이용한 경로 지연 고장 검사 입력 생성기)

  • Kim, Won-Gi;Kim, Myeong-Gyun;Gang, Seong-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.1656-1666
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    • 1999
  • The more complex and large digital circuits become, the more important delay test becomes which guarantees that circuits operate in time. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is developed, which enable the fast indirect implication for efficient test pattern generation in sequential circuits of standard scan environment. Static learning algorithm enables application of a new implication value using contrapositive proposition. The static learning procedure found structurally, analyzes the gate structure in the preprocessing phase and store the information of learning occurrence so that it can be used in the test pattern generation procedure if it satisfies the implication condition. If there exists a signal line which include all paths from some particular primary inputs, it is a partitioning point. If paths passing that point have the same partial path from primary input to the signal or from the signal to primary output, they will need the same primary input values which separated by the partitioning point. In this paper test pattern generation can be more effective by using this partitioning technique. Finally, an efficient delay fault test pattern generator using indirect implication is developed and the effectiveness of these algorithms is demonstrated by experiments.

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Design and Implementation of a Large-Scale Spatial Reasoner Using MapReduce Framework (맵리듀스 프레임워크를 이용한 대용량 공간 추론기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Nam, Sang Ha;Kim, In Cheol
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.3 no.10
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2014
  • In order to answer the questions successfully on behalf of the human in DeepQA environments such as Jeopardy! of the American quiz show, the computer is required to have the capability of fast temporal and spatial reasoning on a large-scale commonsense knowledge base. In this paper, we present a scalable spatial reasoning algorithm for deriving efficiently new directional and topological relations using the MapReduce framework, one of well-known parallel distributed computing environments. The proposed reasoning algorithm assumes as input a large-scale spatial knowledge base including CSD-9 directional relations and RCC-8 topological relations. To infer new directional and topological relations from the given spatial knowledge base, it performs the cross-consistency checks as well as the path-consistency checks on the knowledge base. To maximize the parallelism of reasoning computations according to the principle of the MapReduce framework, we design the algorithm to partition effectively the large knowledge base into smaller ones and distribute them over multiple computing nodes at the map phase. And then, at the reduce phase, the algorithm infers the new knowledge from distributed spatial knowledge bases. Through experiments performed on the sample knowledge base with the MapReduce-based implementation of our algorithm, we proved the high performance of our large-scale spatial reasoner.

Research Trend Analysis for Fault Detection Methods Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 사용한 단층 탐지 기술 연구 동향 분석)

  • Bae, Wooram;Ha, Wansoo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.479-489
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    • 2020
  • A fault is a geological structure that can be a migration path or a cap rock of hydrocarbon such as oil and gas, formed from source rock. The fault is one of the main targets of seismic exploration to find reservoirs in which hydrocarbon have accumulated. However, conventional fault detection methods using lateral discontinuity in seismic data such as semblance, coherence, variance, gradient magnitude and fault likelihood, have problem that professional interpreters have to invest lots of time and computational costs. Therefore, many researchers are conducting various studies to save computational costs and time for fault interpretation, and machine learning technologies attracted attention recently. Among various machine learning technologies, many researchers are conducting fault interpretation studies using the support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron, deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks algorithms. Especially, researchers use not only their own convolution networks but also proven networks in image processing to predict fault locations and fault information such as strike and dip. In this paper, by investigating and analyzing these studies, we found that the convolutional neural networks based on the U-Net from image processing is the most effective one for fault detection and interpretation. Further studies can expect better results from fault detection and interpretation using the convolutional neural networks along with transfer learning and data augmentation.

3D Medical Image Segmentation Using Region-Growing Based Tracking (영역 확장 기반 추적을 이용한 3차원 의료 영상 분할 기법)

  • Ko S.;Yi J.;Lim J.;Ra J. B.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.21 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2000
  • In this paper. we propose a semi-automatic segmentation algorithm to extract organ in 3D medical data by using a manually segmentation result in a sing1e slice. Generally region glowing based tracking method consists of 3 steps object projection. seed extraction and boundary decision by region growing. But because the boundary between organs in medical data is vague, improper seeds make the boundary dig into the organ or extend to the false region. In the proposed algorithm seeds are carefully extracted to find suitable boundaries between organs after region growing. And the jagged boundary at low gradient region after region growing is corrected by post-processing using Fourier descriptor. Also two-path tracking make it possible to catch up newly appeared areas. The proposed algorithm provides satisfactory results in segmenting 1 mm distance kidneys from X-rav CT body image set of 82 slices.

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Enhanced Grid-Based Trajectory Cloaking Method for Efficiency Search and User Information Protection in Location-Based Services (위치기반 서비스에서 효율적 검색과 사용자 정보보호를 위한 향상된 그리드 기반 궤적 클로킹 기법)

  • Youn, Ji-Hye;Song, Doo-Hee;Cai, Tian-Yuan;Park, Kwang-Jin
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2018
  • With the development of location-based applications such as smart phones and GPS navigation, active research is being conducted to protect location and trajectory privacy. To receive location-related services, users must disclose their exact location to the server. However, disclosure of users' location exposes not only their locations but also their trajectory to the server, which can lead to concerns of privacy violation. Furthermore, users request from the server not only location information but also multimedia information (photographs, reviews, etc. of the location), and this increases the processing cost of the server and the information to be received by the user. To solve these problems, this study proposes the EGTC (Enhanced Grid-based Trajectory Cloaking) technique. As with the existing GTC (Grid-based Trajectory Cloaking) technique, EGTC method divides the user trajectory into grids at the user privacy level (UPL) and creates a cloaking region in which a random query sequence is determined. In the next step, the necessary information is received as index by considering the sub-grid cell corresponding to the path through which the user wishes to move as c(x,y). The proposed method ensures the trajectory privacy as with the existing GTC method while reducing the amount of information the user must listen to. The excellence of the proposed method has been proven through experimental results.

The Seamless Handoff Algorithm based on Multicast Group Mechanism among RNs in a PDSN Area (PDSN 영역내의 여러 RN간 멀티캐스트 그룹 메커니즘 기반의 Seamless 핸드오프 알고리즘)

  • Shin, Dong-Jin;Kim, Su-Chang;Lim, Sun-Bae;Oh, Jae-Chun;Song, Byeong-Kwon;Jeong, Tae-Eui
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.9C no.1
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2002
  • In 3GPP2 standard, MIP is used and a PDSN performs the function of FA to support macro mobility. When a MS is roaming from a PDSN area to another, the mobility supported is called macro mobility, while it is called micro mobility when a MS is roaming from a RN area to another in a PDSN area. Since a PDSN performs the function of FA in 3GPP2 standard, it is possible to support mobility but its mechanism is actually for supporting macro mobility, not for micro mobility, thus it is weak in processing fast and seamless handoff to support micro mobility. In this paper, we suggest the seamless handoff algorithm barred on multicast group mechanism to support micro mobility. Depending on the moving direction and velocity of a MS, the suggested algorithm constructs a multicast group of RNs on the forecasted MS's moving path, and maximally delays RNs'joining to a multicast group to increase the network efficiency. Moreover, to resolve the buffer overhead problem of the existent multicast scheme, the algorithm suggests that each RN buffers data only after the forecasted handoff time. To prove deadlock freeness and liveness of the algorithm. we use state transition diagrams, a Petri-net modeling and its reachability tree. Then, we evaluate the performance by simulation.