• Title/Summary/Keyword: Probability Map

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Analysis of the Outdoor Design Conditions for Greenhouse Heating and Cooling Systems in Korea (온실의 냉난방시스템 설계용 외부기상조건 분석)

  • Nam, Sang-Woon;Shin, Hyun-Ho
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.308-319
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    • 2016
  • In order to set the outdoor weather conditions to be applied to the design standard of the greenhouse heating and cooling system, outdoor air temperature and heating degree-hour for heating design, dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and solar irradiance for cooling design were analyzed and presented. For every region in Korea, we used thirty years from 1981 to 2010 hourly weather data for analysis, which is the current standard of climatological normal provided by KMA. Since the use of standard weather data is limited, design weather conditions were obtained using the entire weather data for 30 years, and the average value of the entire data period was presented as a design standard. The design weather data with exceedance probability of 1, 2.5, and 5% were analyzed by the TAC method, and we presented the distribution map with exceedance probability of 1% for heating and 2.5% for cooling which are recommended by design standards. The changes of maximum heating load, seasonal heating load and maximum cooling load were examined by regions, exceedance probabilities, and setpoint temperatures. The proposed outdoor design conditions can be used not only directly for the greenhouse heating and cooling design, but also for the reinforcement of heating and cooling facilities and the establishment of energy saving measures. Recently, due to the climate change, sweltering heat in summer and abnormal temperature in winter are occurring frequently, so we need to analyze weather data periodically and revise the design standard at least every 10 years cycle.

A Study on the Probability of BLEVE of Above-ground LP Gas Storage Tanks Exposed to External Fire (지상식 LPG 저장탱크의 외부화재에 의한 BLEVE 가능성 해석)

  • Lee Seung-Lim;Lee Young-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.7 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the BLEVE probability of LP gas storage tanks which are relatively more dangerous, by the deductive calculating method using the results of Birk's pilot tank test and the required heat capacity of BLEVE. The result that BLEVEs can occur in only above 43.68 percent of liquid filling level under $600^{\circ}C$ of tank pate temperature and $53^{\circ}C$ of inner liquid temperature, was obtained and will be useful for preventing the BLEVE of LP gas storage tanks in fire sites. In addition, this research showed conditions of external leak and fire causing BLEVE, based on 15ton capacity of LP gas tank which has the same specifications as those in Puchon LP gas filling station accident. The result of the calculation is that the minimum pool fire conditions of BLEVE are above 7.2mm equivalent diameter under a liquid release condition and above 17.6mm equivalent diameter under a two-phase release condition. In the end, the result of calculating the pool size corresponding the above conditions using EFFECTS version 2.1, concludes that a minimum of 3.3 meters of diameter and 10.4 meters of height should be needed for BLEVE outbreak.

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Sedimentary type Non-Metallic Mineral Potential Analysis using GIS and Weight of Evidence Model in the Gangreung Area (지리정보시스템(GIS) 및 Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 강릉지역의 퇴적기원의 비금속 광상부존가능성 분석)

  • Lee Sa-Ro;Oh Hyun-Joo;Min Kyung-Duck
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.1 s.36
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    • pp.129-150
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    • 2006
  • Mineral potential mapping is an important procedure in mineral resource assessment. The purpose of this study is to analyze mineral potential using weight of evidence model and a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment to identify areas that have not been subjected to the same degree of exploration. For this, a variety of spatial geological data were compiled, evaluated and integrated to produce a map of potential mineral in the Gangreung area, Korea. for this, a spatial database considering mineral deposit, topographic, geologic, geophysical and geochemical data was constructed for the study area using a GIS. The used mineral deposits were non-metallic(Kaolin, Porcelainstone, Silicastone, Mica, Nephrite, Limestone and Pyrophyllite) deposits of sedimentary type. The factors relating to mineral deposits were the geological data such as lithology and fault structure, geochemical data, including the abundance of Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Sr, V, Zn, $Cl^-,\;F^-,\;{PO_4}^{3-},\;{NO_2}^-,\;{NO_3}^-,\;SO_{42-}$, Eh, PH and conductivity and geophysical data, including the Bouguer and magnetic anomalies. These factors were used with weight of evidence model to analyze mineral potential. Probability models using the weight of evidence were applied to extract the relationship between mineral deposits and related factors, and the ratio were calculated. Then the potential indices were calculated by summation of the likelihood ratio and mineral potential maps were constructed from Geographic Information System (GIS). The mineral potential maps were then verified by comparison with the known mineral deposit areas. The result showed the 85.66% in prediction accuracy.

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Terrain Slope Estimation Methods Using the Least Squares Approach for Terrain Referenced Navigation

  • Mok, Sung-Hoon;Bang, Hyochoong
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a study on terrain referenced navigation (TRN). The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is adopted as a filter method. A Jacobian matrix of measurement equations in the EKF consists of terrain slope terms, and accurate slope estimation is essential to keep filter stability. Two slope estimation methods are proposed in this study. Both methods are based on the least-squares approach. One is planar regression searching the best plane, in the least-squares sense, representing the terrain map over the region, determined by position error covariance. It is shown that the method could provide a more accurate solution than the previously developed linear regression approach, which uses lines rather than a plane in the least-squares measure. The other proposed method is weighted planar regression. Additional weights formed by Gaussian pdf are multiplied in the planar regression, to reflect the actual pdf of the position estimate of EKF. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted, to compare the performance between the previous and two proposed methods, by analyzing the filter properties of divergence probability and convergence speed. It is expected that one of the slope estimation methods could be implemented, after determining which of the filter properties is more significant at each mission.

Wild Ginseng Searching Application through SNS (SNS 연동 산삼 찾기 애플리케이션)

  • Han, Jung-Soo;Kim, Gui-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposed image matching technique that find out the truth of the wild ginseng through smart phone when the common person discovered a plant like a wild ginseng. Also sharing a location and information by SNS, we can improve the probability of wild ginseng discovery. Image matching technique using OpenCV porting in android finds out the truth of the wild ginseng with comparing existing it. Thus we are able to compare and analysis them in our application program. For more verification, we added marking function of wild ginseng position for information sharing between users.

Development of a Cooperative Heterogeneous Unmanned System for Delivery Services (물류수송을 위한 이종 협업 무인 시스템 개발)

  • Cho, Sungwook;Lee, Dasol;Jung, Yeondeuk;Lee, Unghui;Shim, David Hyunchul
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1181-1188
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a novel concept foran unmanned delivery service using a cooperative heterogeneous unmanned system consisting of a self-driving car and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The proposed concept is suitable to deliver parcels in high-density and high-rise urban or residential areas. In order to achieve the proposed concept, we will develop acooperative heterogeneous unmanned system. Customers can order goods using a smartphone application and the order information, including the position of the customer and the order time, and the package is transported automatically by the unmanned systems. The system assigns the tasks suitable for each unmanned vehicle by analyzing it based on map information. Performance is validated by experiments consisting of autonomous driving and flight tests in a real environment. For more evaluation, the landing position error analysis is performed using circular error probability (CEP).

Post-processing of 3D Video Extension of H.264/AVC for a Quality Enhancement of Synthesized View Sequences

  • Bang, Gun;Hur, Namho;Lee, Seong-Whan
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.242-252
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    • 2014
  • Since July of 2012, the 3D video extension of H.264/AVC has been under development to support the multi-view video plus depth format. In 3D video applications such as multi-view and free-view point applications, synthesized views are generated using coded texture video and coded depth video. Such synthesized views can be distorted by quantization noise and inaccuracy of 3D wrapping positions, thus it is important to improve their quality where possible. To achieve this, the relationship among the depth video, texture video, and synthesized view is investigated herein. Based on this investigation, an edge noise suppression filtering process to preserve the edges of the depth video and a method based on a total variation approach to maximum a posteriori probability estimates for reducing the quantization noise of the coded texture video. The experiment results show that the proposed methods improve the peak signal-to-noise ratio and visual quality of a synthesized view compared to a synthesized view without post processing methods.

Estimation of Probability rainfall isohyetal map of Gyengbuk Province (경북지역의 확률강우량도 산정)

  • Park, Ki-Bum;Lee, Su-Hyung;Kim, Do-Hun;Lee, Hyo-Jin;Cha, Sang-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.939-942
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 경북지역의 11개 관측소와 인근 9개의 관측소의 강우자료를 이용하여 경북지역에 한정된 확률강우량도를 작성하였다. 최근 행정구역별 치수계획의 수립이 빈번해지고 소규모 유역의 개발로 인한 홍수량 산정 등이 빈번해지고 있다. 그러나 대부분이 강우관측소가 유역내에 위치해 있지 않고 인접한 기상관측소의 자료를 이용하고 있는 실정이고, 공공기관이나 실무를 수행함에 있어 유역의 강우량 적용에 있어 소규모 유역의 강우량이 지점강우량에 의해 결정되므로 어느 정도의 편차를 보이는지 추정이 사실상 곤란하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 경북지역에 한정하여 지점강우량을 빈도해석하여 확률강우량도를 작성하여 강우관측소가 인접하지 않아도 소규모 유역의 확률강우량의 근사치를 추정하여 지점빈도해석과 비교할 수 있도록 확률강우량도를 작성하였다. 경북지역인근 강우관측소의 자료를 강우 분석하여 확률분포형을 선정한 결과 거창, 구미, 대구, 문경, 밀양, 봉화, 안동, 영덕, 영주, 울산, 의성, 제천 충주, 추풍령, 합천은 Gumbel 분포가 적합한 것으로 나타났으며, 보은은 2변수 Log-Gumbel 분포가 적합한 것으로 나타났으며, 영천, 울진, 태백은 Gamma 분포가 적합한 것으로 나타나고 포항은 GEV 분포가 적합한 것으로 나타났다.

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  • Yoon Bo-Yeol;Kim Choen
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.698-701
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    • 2005
  • This paper examines that is extracted certain information in forest areas within high resolution imagery based on wavelet transformation. First of all, study areas are selected one more species distributed spots refer to forest type map. Next, study area is cut 256 x 256 pixels size because of image processing problem in large volume data. Prior to wavelet transformation, five texture parameters (contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, homogeneity, Angular Second Moment (ASM≫ calculated by using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Five texture images are set that shifting window size is 3x3, distance .is 1 pixel, and angle is 45 degrees used. Wavelet function is selected Daubechies 4 wavelet basis functions. Result is summarized 3 points; First, Wavelet transformation images derived from contrast, dissimilarity (texture parameters) have on effect on edge elements detection and will have probability used forest road detection. Second, Wavelet fusion images derived from texture parameters and original image can apply to forest area classification because of clustering in Homogeneous forest type structure. Third, for grading evaluation in forest fire damaged area, if data fusion of established classification method, GLCM texture extraction concept and wavelet transformation technique effectively applied forest areas (also other areas), will obtain high accuracy result.

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Obstacle Avoidance of a Mobile Robot Using Low-Cost Ultrasonic Sensors with Wide Beam Angle (지향각이 넓은 저가의 초음파센서를 이용한 이동로봇의 장애물 회피)

  • Choi, Yun-Kyu;Choi, Woo-Soo;Song, Jae-Bok
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.1102-1107
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    • 2009
  • An ultrasonic sensor has been widely used as a range sensor for its low cost and capability of detecting some obstacles, such as glasses and black surfaces, which are not well detected by a laser scanner and an IR sensor. Although low-cost sensors are preferred for practical service robots, they suffer from the inaccurate and insufficient range information. This paper proposes a novel approach to obstacle avoidance using low-cost anisotropic ultrasonic sensors with wide beam angle. In this paper, obstacles can be detected by the proposed sensor configuration which consists of one transmitter and three receivers. Because even wide obstacles are represented by a point, which corresponds to the intersection of range data from each receiver of the anisotropic sensor, a robot cannot avoid wide obstacles successfully. This paper exploits the probabilistic mapping technique to avoid collision with various types of obstacles. The experimental results show that the proposed method can robustly avoid obstacles in most indoor environments.