• Title/Summary/Keyword: Press bending

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Free vibration analysis of damaged beams via refined models

  • Petrolo, Marco;Carrera, Erasmo;Alawami, Ali Saeghier Ali Saeed
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents the free vibration analysis of damaged beams by means of 1D (beam) advanced finite element models. The present 1D formulation stems from the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF), and it leads to a Component-Wise (CW) modelling. By means of the CUF, any order 2D and 1D structural models can be developed in a unified and hierarchical manner, and they provide extremely accurate results with very low computational costs. The computational cost reduction in terms of total amount of DOFs ranges from 10 to 100 times less than shell and solid models, respectively. The CW provides a detailed physical description of the real structure since each component can be modelled with its material characteristics, that is, no homogenization techniques are required. Furthermore, although 1D models are exploited, the problem unknown variables can be placed on the physical surfaces of the real 3D model. No artificial surfaces or lines have to be defined to build the structural model. Global and local damages are introduced by decreasing the stiffness properties of the material in the damaged regions. The results show that the proposed 1D models can deal with damaged structures as accurately as a shell or a solid model, but with far lower computational costs. Furthermore, it is shown how the presence of damages can lead to shell-like modal shapes and torsional/bending coupling.

Uni-axial behaviour of normal-strength CFDST columns with external steel rings

  • Dong, C.X.;Ho, J.C.M.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.587-606
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    • 2012
  • Concrete-filled-steel-tubular (CFST) columns have been well proven to improve effectively the strength, stiffness and ductility of concrete members. However, the central part of concrete in CFST columns is not fully utilised under uni-axial compression, bending and torsion. It has small contribution to both flexural and torsion strength, while it can be replaced effectively by steel with smaller area to give similar load-carrying capacity. Also, the confining pressure in CFST columns builds up slowly because the initial elastic dilation of concrete is small before micro-crackings of concrete are developed. From these observations, it is convinced that the central concrete can be effectively replaced by another hollow steel tube with smaller area to form double-skinned concrete-filled-steel-tubular (CFDST) columns. In this study, a series of uni-axial compression tests were carried out on CFDST and CFST columns with and without external steel rings. From the test results, it was observed that on average that the stiffness and elastic strength of CFDST columns are about 25.8% and 33.4% respectively larger than CFST columns with similar equivalent area. The averaged axial load-carrying capacity of CFDST columns is 7.8% higher than CFST columns. Lastly, a theoretical model that takes into account the confining effects of steel tube and external rings for predicting the uni-axial load-carrying capacity of CFDST columns is developed.

Numerical simulation of soil-structure interaction in framed and shear-wall structures

  • Dalili, M.;Alkarni, A.;Noorzaei, J.;Paknahad, M.;Jaafar, M.S.;Huat, B.B.K.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2011
  • This paper deals with the modeling of the plane frame structure-foundation-soil system. The superstructure along with the foundation beam is idealized as beam bending elements. The soil medium near the foundation beam with stress concentrated is idealized by isoparametric finite elements, and infinite elements are used to represent the far field of the soil media. This paper presents the modeling of shear wall structure-foundation and soil system using the optimal membrane triangular, super and conventional finite elements. Particularly, an alternative formulation is presented for the optimal triangular elements aimed at reducing the programming effort and computational cost. The proposed model is applied to a plane frame-combined footing-soil system. It is shown that the total settlement obtained from the non-linear interactive analysis is about 1.3 to 1.4 times that of the non-interactive analysis. Furthermore, the proposed model was found to be efficient in simulating the shear wall-foundation-soil system, being able to yield results that are similar to those obtained by the conventional finite element method.

Experimental and numerical studies on seismic performance of hollow RC bridge columns

  • Han, Qiang;Zhou, Yulong;Du, Xiuli;Huang, Chao;Lee, George C.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.251-269
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    • 2014
  • To investigate the seismic performance and to obtain quantitative parameters for the requirement of performance-based bridge seismic design approach, 12 reinforced concrete (RC) hollow rectangular bridge column specimens were tested under constant axial load and cyclic bending. Parametric study is carried out on axial load ratio, aspect ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and transverse reinforcement ratio. The damage states of these column specimens were related to engineering limit states to determine the quantitative criteria of performance-based bridge seismic design. The hysteretic behavior of bridge column specimens was simulated based on the fiber model in OpenSees program and the results of the force-displacement hysteretic curves were well agreed with the experimental results. The damage states of residual cracking, cover spalling, and core crushing could be well related to engineering limit states, such as longitudinal tensile strains of reinforcement or compressive strains of concrete, etc. using cumulative probability curves. The ductility coefficient varying from 3.71 to 8.29, and the equivalent viscous damping ratio varying from 0.19 to 0.31 could meet the requirements of seismic design.

Experimental study on high gravity dam strengthened with reinforcement for seismic resistance on shaking table

  • Wang, Mingming;Chen, Jianyun;Fan, Shuli;Lv, Shaolan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.663-683
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    • 2014
  • In order to study the dynamic failure mechanism and aseismic measure for high concrete gravity dam under earthquake, the comparative models experiment on the shaking table was conducted to investigate the dynamic damage response of concrete gravity dam with and without the presence of reinforcement and evaluate the effectiveness of the strengthening measure. A new model concrete was proposed and applied for maintaining similitude with the prototype. A kind of extra fine wires as a substitute for rebar was embedded in four-points bending specimens of the model concrete to make of reinforced model concrete. The simulation of reinforcement concrete of the weak zones of high dam by the reinforced model concrete meets the similitude requirements. A tank filled with water is mounted at the upstream of the dam models to simulate the reservoir. The Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) that induces the first tensile crack at the head of dam is applied as the basic index for estimating the overload capacity of high concrete dams. For the two model dams with and without strengthening tested, vulnerable parts of them are the necks near the crests. The results also indicate that the reinforcement is beneficial for improving the seismic-resistant capacity of the gravity dam.

High-frequency force balance technique for tall buildings: a critical review and some new insights

  • Chen, Xinzhong;Kwon, Dae-Kun;Kareem, Ahsan
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.391-422
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    • 2014
  • The high frequency force balance (HFFB) technique provides convenient measurements of integrated forces on rigid building models in terms of base bending moments and torque and/or base shear forces. These base moments or forces are then used to approximately estimate the generalized forces of building fundamental modes with mode shape corrections. This paper presents an analysis framework for coupled dynamic response of tall buildings with HFFB technique. The empirical mode shape corrections for generalized forces with coupled mode shapes are validated using measurements of synchronous pressures on a square building surface from a wind tunnel. An alternative approach for estimating the mean and background response components directly using HFFB measurements without mode shape corrections is introduced with a discussion on higher mode contributions. The uncertainty in the mode shape corrections and its influence on predicted responses of buildings with both uncoupled and coupled modal shapes are examined. Furthermore, this paper presents a comparison of aerodynamic base moment spectra with available data sets for various tall building configurations. Finally, e-technology aspects in conjunction with HFFB technique such as web-based on-line analysis framework for buildings with uncoupled mode shapes used in NALD (NatHaz Aerodynamic Loads Database) is discussed, which facilitates the use of HFFB data for preliminary design stages of tall buildings subject to wind loads.

Shear locking-free analysis of thick plates using Mindlin's theory

  • Ozdemir, Y.I.;Bekiroglu, S.;Ayvaz, Y.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.311-331
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to study shear locking-free analysis of thick plates using Mindlin's theory and to determine the effects of the thickness/span ratio, the aspect ratio and the boundary conditions on the linear responses of thick plates subjected to uniformly distributed loads. Finite element formulation of the equations of the thick plate theory is derived by using higher order displacement shape functions. A computer program using finite element method is coded in C++ to analyze the plates clamped or simply supported along all four edges. In the analysis, 8- and 17-noded quadrilateral finite elements are used. Graphs and tables are presented that should help engineers in the design of thick plates. It is concluded that 17-noded finite element converges to exact results much faster than 8-noded finite element, and that it is better to use 17-noded finite element for shear-locking free analysis of plates. It is also concluded, in general, that the maximum displacement and bending moment increase with increasing aspect ratio, and that the results obtained in this study are better than the results given in the literature.

Application of aerospace structural models to marine engineering

  • Pagani, A.;Carrera, E.;Jamshed, R.
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.219-235
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    • 2017
  • The large container ships and fast patrol boats are complex marine structures. Therefore, their global mechanical behaviour has long been modeled mostly by refined beam theories. Important issues of cross section warping and bending-torsion coupling have been addressed by introducing special functions in these theories with inherent assumptions and thus compromising their robustness. The 3D solid Finite Element (FE) models, on the other hand, are accurate enough but pose high computational cost. In this work, different marine vessel structures have been analysed using the well-known Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF). According to CUF, the governing equations (and consequently the finite element arrays) are written in terms of fundamental nuclei that do not depend on the problem characteristics and the approximation order. Thus, refined models can be developed in an automatic manner. In the present work, a particular class of 1D CUF models that was initially devised for the analysis of aircraft structures has been employed for the analysis of marine structures. This class, which was called Component-Wise (CW), allows one to model complex 3D features, such as inclined hull walls, floors and girders in the form of components. Realistic ship geometries were used to demonstrate the efficacy of the CUF approach. With the same level of accuracy achieved, 1D CUF beam elements require far less number of Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) compared to a 3D solid FE solution.

Collapse simulations of a long span transmission tower-line system subjected to near-fault ground motions

  • Tian, Li;Pan, Haiyang;Ma, Ruisheng;Qiu, Canxing
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2017
  • Observations from past strong earthquakes revealed that near-fault ground motions could lead to the failure, or even collapse of electricity transmission towers which are vital components of an overhead electric power delivery system. For assessing the performance and robustness, a high-fidelity three-dimension finite element model of a long span transmission tower-line system is established with the consideration of geometric nonlinearity and material nonlinearity. In the numerical model, the Tian-Ma-Qu material model is utilized to capture the nonlinear behaviours of structural members, and the cumulative damage D is defined as an index to identify the failure of members. Consequently, incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs) are conducted to study the collapse fragility, damage positions, collapse margin ratio (CMR) and dynamic robustness of the transmission towers by using twenty near-fault ground motions selected from PEER. Based on the bending and shear deformation of structures, the collapse mechanism of electricity transmission towers subjected to Chi-Chi earthquake is investigated. This research can serve as a reference for the performance of large span transmission tower line system subjected to near-fault ground motions.

Experimental study on concrete-encased composite columns with separate steel sections

  • Xiao, Congzhen;Deng, Fei;Chen, Tao;Zhao, Zuozhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.483-491
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents an experimental study on the behavior of concrete-encased composite columns with multiseparate steel sections subjected to axial and eccentric loads. Six 1/4-scaled concrete-encased composite columns were tested under static loads. The specimens were identical in geometric dimensions and configurations, and the parameter of this experiment was the eccentricity ratio of the applied load. Each two of the specimens were loaded with 0, 10%, and 15% eccentricity ratios. The capacity, deformation pattern, and failure mode of the specimens were carefully examined. Test results indicate that full composite action between the concrete and the steel sections can be realized even though the steel sections do not connect with one another. The concrete-encased composite columns can develop stable behavior and sufficient deformation capacity by providing enough transverse reinforcing bars. Capacities of the specimens were evaluated based on both the Plain Section Assumption (PSA) method and the superimposition method. Results show that U.S. and Chinese codes can be accurate and safe in terms of bending capacities. Test results also indicate that the ACI 318 and Mirza methods give the best predictions on the flexural stiffness of this kind of composite columns.