• Title/Summary/Keyword: Practical Management

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Opportunities and Challenges for Multi-Level-Stakeholder Participation in Community-Based Ecotourism Development: The Case of the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Ghana (지역사회 기반 생태관광 개발에서 다양한 이해 관계자들의 참여 기회와 도전: 가나 Boabeng-Fiema 원숭이 보호구역 사례를 중심으로)

  • Owusu, Victor;Boafo, Yaw Agyeman
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2018
  • Community-based ecotourism (CBE), if well-developed can be a practical approach for promoting socio-economic well-being and sustaining ecological resources. The growth and its development worldwide especially in developing economies is a welcome development. The study aimed at assessing the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Ghana, as an example of traditional conservation system of management that has ensured greater community participation, equity, inclusiveness, and multi-level stakeholder partnership. In-depth interviews with key informants and documentary analysis of relevant peer reviewed and grey literature were the main qualitative data collection used. Results revealed that majority of the interviewees support and value the current system of traditional management. The enforcement of rules and regulations and other cultural and religious practices were discussed by key informants. Opportunities for multiple livelihood strategies as a result of the CBE is seen as critical for increasing local's acceptance and participation. The remarkable growth of the sanctuary, as well as the increase in human population, has created a shortage of land for domestic and other commercial purposes which is identified as posing a major challenge to the sustenance of the sanctuary. The study recommends diversification of livelihood opportunities presented by the presence of the sanctuary like the introduction of homestay concept, craft making- wood carving, painting, artisan shops.

A Study on the Causality among Customer Orientation, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment of Food Service Employees Using a Non-recursive Model (비 재귀모델을 이용한 외식기업 종사원의 고객지향성, 직무만족, 조직몰입의 인과관계 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Ji;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the causality among customer orientation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of food service employees using a non-recursive model. To do this, literary and empirical research was carried out. In the literary research, this study examined previous studies related to the concepts such as customer orientation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The empirical research was analyzed based on the questionnaire answered by 203 food service employees. Main results of this study are indicated below. First, customer orientation had a positive effect on job satisfaction(t=2.404, p=0.016). Second, job satisfaction had a positive effect on organizational commitment(t=8.555, p=0.000). Third, organizational commitment had a positive effect on customer orientation(t=6.071, p=0.000). Our main theoretical and practical implication includes the significance of extending the range of research by verifying the non-recursive causality among customer orientation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The limitations of this study are possible problems with generalization by convenience sampling in limited areas.

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Characteristics of Growth and Development of Empirical Stand Yield Model on Pinus densiflora in Central Korea (중부지방소나무의 생장특성 및 경험적 임분수확모델 개발)

  • Jeon, Ju Hyeon;Son, Yeong Mo;Kang, Jin Taek
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.106 no.2
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to construct a empirical yield table for Pinus densiflora in real forest. Since existing normal yield tables have been derived by studying and analyzing communities in ideal environment for tree growth, those tables provide more over-estimated values than ones from real forest. Because of this, there are some difficulties to apply the tables to empirical forest except for normal forest. In this study, therefore, we estimated stand growth for real forest on P. densiflora as the representative species of conifers. We used 1,957 sample plot data of P. densiflora in central Korea from National Forest Inventory (NFI) system, and analyzed through estimation, recovery and prediction in order by using Weibull function as a diameter distribution model. Weilbull and Schumacher models were applied for estimating mean DBH and mean basel area and it was found that the site index for P. densiflora in central Korea ranges from 8 to 14 at reference age 30. According to site 12 in the stand yield table, the Mean Annual Increment (MAI) of P. densiflora was $4.42m^3/ha$ at 30 years of age. Compared to existing volume table constructed before, it is showed that MAI of this study were lower. According to the paired t-test that is conducted with the gap of volume values between normal forest and real forest by site index and age, the P-value was less than 0.001 which is recognized to have a statistically significant difference. Based on the results in this study, it is considered to be helpful for practical management and management policy on P. densiflora in central Korea.

The Influence of Parenting Attitude to Using Life Time of Adolescent Children (청소년 자녀의 생활시간 사용에 부모의 양육태도가 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jeongyun;Jeon, yujin
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2016
  • This research aimed to observe adolescent children's use of time and to discover the parent-related factors that affect adolescent children's use of time. The subjects included 2,092 fourth-grade elementary school students and 2,108 first-grade middle school students. We used data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. We tested sociodemographic factors, parents characteristics, and time usage, and we studied these factors using SPSS version 23.0; the results are as follows. Firstly, in the subordinate scope of the child-rearing attitude of parents, affection fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 1.83) and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.02). Inconsistency had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 1.99), and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.12). Excessive expectations had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 2.40) and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.55). Over-involvement had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 2.68)and first-grade middle school students(M = 2.80). Finally, giving reasonable explanations had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 1.51)and first-grade middle school students(M = 1.68). Secondly, in fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 463.35) and first-grade middle school students(M = 378.75). Further, studying hours during weekdays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 456.15) and first-grade middle school students(M = 460.86). Free activity hours during had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 390.54) and first-grade middle school students(M = 387.11). Sleeping hours during holidays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 544.85) and first-grade middle school students (M = 511.74). Studying hours during holidays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students (M = 484.86) and first-grade middle school students (M = 511.74). Free activity hours during holidays had an effect on fourth-grade elementary school students(M = 518.68) and first-grade middle school students(M = 509.73). Thirdly, by observing the relative influence of related factors on adolescent children's use of time, grade(${\beta}$ = -.284), gender(${\beta}$ = -.208), over-involvement(${\beta}$ = -.380), supervising(${\beta}$ = -.217), and (${\beta}$ = .243) in terms of the child-rearing attitudes of parents was found to affect study hours($F=2.595^{**}$). The education level of fathers(${\beta}$ = -.144) results in(${\beta}$ = 1.991) and longer free activity hours for children($F= 4.116^{***}$). This research can be used to study the influence of parents'child-rearing attitudes on adolescent children's use of time and to suggest the role of parents in adolescents' ability to manage time effectively using practical.

An Exploratory Case Study on the Growth Process and Success Factors in the Research Based Spin-off Ventures;i-SENS (연구기반 스핀오프 벤처기업의 성장과정 및 성공요인에 관한 탐색적 사례연구;(주)아이센스)

  • Lee, Byoung-Heon;Kang, Won-Jin;Jeon, Ho-Eel
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.143-178
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    • 2008
  • This study is to look into the spin-off ventures which was incorporated based on the technology developed by public research institute, but underwent difficulties confronted during the development stages focused on the growth process and the factors contributed to their success. The case study was conducted with i-Sense Co., Ltd. which is a ventures organized by professors as a form of research based spin-off venture. i-Sense Co., Ltd. is a new-technology based ventures to produce self-tester for blood sugar level which was incorporated by Prof. Cha, Keun-sik and Prof. Nam, Hak-hyun of Department of Chemistry in Kwangwoon University along with the graduate course students of the Research Laboratory of the University. The two professors operated the Chemical Sensor Research Center at the Kwangwoon University where they produced many preliminary research outputs related with bio-sensors. They also executed the service works at the specialized company they established for research development to make research fund. They established i-Sense Co., Ltd. with the aim to carry out the research they want to. But contrary to the initial intention of the founders of the company, i-Sense Co., Ltd. has grown up as manufacturing company which produces and sells the self-tester for blood sugar level and is expected to be listed by Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the KOSDAQ in 2008. This study is to analyze the foundation and the growth process of i-Sense Co., Ltd. as successful research based spin-off ventures, to find out the factors contributed to their success by enabling them to overcome the difficulties experienced during the growth process, and eventually to provide with suggestive meanings in policy and practical point of view that leaded the research based spin-off ventures to success.

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A Study on the Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development Model to Systemize Entrepreneurship Education in Entrepreneurial Graduate School (AHP를 활용한 창업대학원 교과목 선호도 평가요인별 중요도에 관한 연구: 창업대학원 재학생을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Il han;Kim, Hyun sook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2016
  • Since global circumstances have become competitive, entrepreneurship has been regarded as the most important factors in economic revitalization not only in korea but also internationally. According to these changes, public entrepreneurship education has been started from the year of 2004 establishing Entrepreneurial Graduate School as a part of governmental plan. Although entrepreneurship education history is not long enough in korea, but the need for entrepreneurship education in social is now going ahead of the public education systems such as universities and graduate schools. Therefore, this study is conducted for the purpose of drawing the subject frame for systematized integration curriculum of entrepreneurship education through evaluating the importance of the subjects by Analytic Hierarchy Process analysis after being composed of 6 modularity in the Entrepreneurship subjects. This was structured based on studying the current status for entrepreneurship education in domestic universities and graduate schools. The research findings under the condition of Judgement consistency ratio 0.1 are as follows. The most important factors are in order as following; "Entrepreneurial Issues for Fund"(.242), "Entrepreneurship Plan"(.195), "Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurship mindset"(.161), "Entrepreneurial Issues for Growth & Development"(.160), "Management Skill & Strategy"(.150), and "Special Entrepreneurship"(.093). Then, these findings also represent subfactors as well. The results of this study provide the practical guidelines where the curriculums needed for the entrepreneurship education at graduate schools by suggesting consistency for the systematic and comprehensive curriculum design. It was reflected the survey result from the graduate students taking the entrepreneurship subjects. Therefore, it will contribute the foundation of the present curriculum of Entrepreneurial Graduate School.

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Analysis of Influential Factors for Diagnosis of Innovation Capability for Start-ups in Korea (창업기업의 혁신역량 영향요인 진단 연구)

  • Cho, Dae-sik;Choi, Gyung-hyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2020
  • This study empirically analyzed the relationship with major influencing factors in enhancing innovation capability of start-ups and their influence on innovation performance. If the existing innovation competency studies were analyzed from a general corporate perspective, In this study, it was analyzed from the perspective of start-up companies with less than 7 years of founding. As a result of a survey on startups, learning competency among the sub-variables of innovation competency, R&D competency and marketing competency are significant positive (+) consistent with both organizational competence related to organizational culture and organizational goals, technology commercialization competency, and close product competency. Has been shown to affect. The technical competence part does not have a significant effect on the product competency. However, it could not be interpreted that the importance of these competencies was low. This is because although technical competence did not directly affect product competency, it was analyzed as a meaningful result in relation to R&D competency. In addition, the characteristics of the company were classified into technology orientation and market orientation, and the relationship between each sub-variable was analyzed. The technical competence of a technology-oriented company did not have a significant effect on the product competency, but it was found that it had an effective effect on the R&D capacity. It is also consistent with the research findings that the initial survival rate is low as the characteristics of start-ups are often based on technology and ideas. Based on these results, There is a difference in major innovation capabilities according to the growth stage of a company. From a practical point of view, I would like to present approaches and implications for strengthening the competence of start-ups.

The Effect of Cloud Service Risks on the Intention of Purchasing Real Options: Focusing on Public Cloud Service of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (클라우드 서비스 위험이 실물옵션 채택의도에 미치는 영향: 중소기업의 퍼블릭 클라우드 서비스를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jeong-eun;Yang, Hee-dong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2015
  • Cloud Computing has drawn attention as one of 10 IT strategic technology trends and has various advantages such as cost reduction and enhancing business flexibility. However, corporations hesitate to adopt the service because of unexpected risks. Especially compared to large firm, medium and small ones use public cloud that security risk is high. Meanwhile, real option strategy has drawn attention as the method to hedge uncertainty in IT projects. Therefore, in this study causal relationships among technical, security, relational, and economic risks of cloud service will be investigated. Eventually, this study investigates how those risks influence the intention to choose the real option about the cloud service. For this study, five hypotheses is drawn, and a survey is conducted about the medium and small firms which are currently using cloud service to examine hypotheses. Since the study is at organizational level, 287 questionnaire replies are recalculated to 120 firms. For statistical analysis, Smart PLS and SPSS Statistics18 are used. As a result, technical risk of cloud service has significantly positive influence on security risk. Second, security risk and relational risk of cloud service has significantly positive influence on economic risk. Third, economic risk of cloud service has significantly positive influence on the intention to purchase the delay option or abandon option. Based on this result, this research discussed practical and academic implications and the limitations.

Application of the convergence-confinement method of tunnel design to rock masses (암반 터널에서의 시공단계를 고려한 암반-지보 거동특성 곡선적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Du-Wha;Choo, Seok-Yean;Lim, Sang-Bin;Park, Young-Jin;Ahn, Sung-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2002
  • Convergence Confinement Method (CCM) makes a more simple judgement in a ground-support reaction than numerical method. Also this method is good for the applicability of construction feedback and the analysis of field measurement. However, there has been little research with respect to the application of CCM in tunnel construction. One of the problems in CCM is a decision of the time to support installation. To decide a reasonable supporting installation time, support characteristic curve and displacement characteristic curve considering construction stage are proposed. In addition, to predict displacement distribution ratio and load distribution ratio, the time dependent support reaction curve is used. Finally, through a comparison of the result between CCM and numerical analysis, the trust of this study is proved and the practical application is proposed to control resonable tunnel construction management.

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The Development of a GIS-based Sewer-network Analysis System (GIS를 이용한 하수관망해석시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jung-Hun;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1998
  • It is one of the most crutial thing to secure efficient infrastructure of social infrastructure Including rna drinking water, sewer, gas, and electricity, etc. in modern society. Among them, the sourer system need to be properly maintained so as to sustain water quality over the large watershed thereby to provide reasonable level of living environment A few municipalities and private firms have so in been using sewer management system for assessing existing sewer network and auxiliary facilities. Such existing system can only provide functions to manage the sewer pipe itself and they can not fully estimate the amount of sewage water over the pipe through 4he network analysis due to the deficiency of the system Such a limited sewer network analysis function can only analyze the whole network under the assumption of uniformity. The results from such a process can not be fully implemented in the field. Therefore, this study emphasized the development of a sewer management system which can provide practical values from network analysts considering areal peculiarities using a zoning map utilizing a GIS. The system can support analyzing scenarios due to the changes of sewer amounts from the changes of population densities and rainfall amounts not to mention of calculating sewer amount for individual sewer pipes. furthermore, the system can support the decision making for better designing sewer facilities from the expansion of metropolitan areas and constructing satellite cities. Eventually, it will contribute to enhance the effectiveness of sewer-related works and services for residents as well as supporting a decision making for minor and major trouble-shootings.

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