• 제목/요약/키워드: Post plasma

검색결과 450건 처리시간 0.026초

Tribological Properties of Annealed Diamond-like Carbon Film Synthesized by RF PECVD Method

  • Choi, Won-Seok
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.118-122
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    • 2006
  • Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were prepared on silicon substrates by the RF PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) method using methane $(CH_4)$ and hydrogen $(H_2)$ gas. We examined the effects of the post annealing temperature on the tribological properties of the DLC films using friction force microscopy (FFM). The films were annealed at various temperatures ranging from 300 to $900^{\circ}C$ in steps of $200^{\circ}C$ using RTA equipment in nitrogen ambient. The thickness of the film was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and surface profile analysis. The surface morphology and surface energy of the films were examined using atomic force microscopy and contact angle measurement, respectively. The hardness of the DLC film was measured as a function of the post annealing temperature using a nano-indenter. The tribological characteristics were investigated by atomic force microscopy in FFM mode.

Re-evaluation of Dietary Methionine Requirement by Plasma Methionine and Ammonia Concentrations in Surgically Modified Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

  • Bae, Jun-Young;Ok, Im-Ho;Lee, Seung-Hyung;Hung, Silas S.O.;Min, Tae-Sun;Bai, Sung-Chul C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제24권7호
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    • pp.974-981
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    • 2011
  • This study was designed to re-evaluate the dietary methionine requirement by means of the plasma methionine and ammonia concentrations in surgically modified rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. A total of 35 rainbow trout averaging $505{\pm}6.5$ g (initial body weight, mean${\pm}$SD) were randomly distributed into seven groups with five fish in each group. After 48 h of feed deprivation, each group of fish was fed one of seven L-amino acid based diets containing 0.5% cystine and graded levels of methionine (0.25, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80 or 0.95% of diet, dry matter bases) by intubation at 1% body weight on dry matter basis. Blood samples were taken at 0, 5 and 24 h after intubation. Post-prandial plasma free methionine concentrations (PPmet, 5 h after intubation) and post-absorptive plasma free methionine concentrations (PAmet, 24 h after intubation) of fish fed diets containing 0.60% or higher methionine were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of fish fed diets containing 0.50% or lower methionine. PPmet and PAmet in fish fed diets containing 0.60% or higher methionine were not significantly different except PPmet of fish fed diet containing 0.95% methionine. Post-prandial plasma ammonia concentrations (PPA, 5 h after intubation) of fish fed diets containing 0.70% or higher methionine were significantly higher than those of fish fed diets containing 0.60% or lower methionine, and PPA of fish fed diets containing 0.25 and up to 0.60% methionine were not significantly different from each other. Broken-line model analyses on PPmet, PAmet, and PPA indicated that the dietary methionine requirement of rainbow trout was between 0.59 (1.69) and 0.67 (1.91) % of diets (% dietary protein bases) when the diets contained 0.5% cystine.


  • Kim, Yoo Jung;Kwon, Ryun-Young;Chae, Jongchul
    • 천문학회지
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • The recent study of Chae et al. (2017) found a one-to-one correspondence between plasma blobs outflowing along a ray formed after a coronal mass ejection (CME) and small X-ray flares. In the present work, we have examined the spatial configuration and the eruption process of the flares that are associated with the blobs by analyzing EUV images and magnetograms taken by the SDO/AIA and HMI. We found that the main flare and the successive small flares took place in a quadrupolar magnetic configuration characterized by predominant magnetic fields of positive polarity, two minor magnetic fragments of negative polarity, and a curved polarity inversion line between them, which suggests that the formation process of the blobs may be similar to that of the parent CME. We also found that the successive flares resulted in a gradual change of the quadrupolar magnetic configuration, and the relevant migration of flaring kernels. The three-dimensional geometry and the property of the current sheet, that is often supposed to be embedded in an observed post-CME ray, seem to keep changing because of mutual feedback between the successive flares and the temporal change of the magnetic field configuration. Our results suggest that the observed post-CME rays may not reflect the characteristics of the current sheet responsible for the impulsive phase of the flare.

Removal of Post Etch/Ash Residue on an Aluminum Patterned Wafer Using Supercritical CO2 Mixtures with Co-solvents and Surfactants: the Removal of Post Etch/Ash Residue on an Aluminum Patterned Wafer

  • You, Seong-sik
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2017
  • The supercritical $CO_2$ (sc-$CO_2$) mixture and the sc-$CO_2$-based Photoresist(PR) stripping(SCPS) process were applied to the removal of the post etch/ash PR residue on aluminum patterned wafers and the results were observed by scanning of electron microscope(SEM). In the case of MDII wafers, the carbonized PR was able to be effectively removed without pre-stripping by oxygen plasma ashing by using sc-$CO_2$ mixture containing the optimum formulated additives at the proper pressure and temperature, and the same result was also able to be obtained in the case of HDII wafer. It was found that the efficiency of SCPS of ion implanted wafer improved as the temperature of SCPS was high, so a very large amount of MEA in the sc-$CO_2$ mixture could be reduced if the temperature could be increased at condition that a process permits, and the ion implanted photoresist(IIP) on the wafer was able to be removed completely without pre-treatment of plasma ashing by using the only 1 step SCPS process. By using SCPS process, PR polymers formed on sidewalls of metal conductive layers such as aluminum films, titanium and titanium nitride films by dry etching and ashing processes were removed effectively with the minimization of the corrosion of the metal conductive layers.

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저온 대기압 플라즈마를 이용한 해수 및 어류 병원성 세균 3종에 대한 살균소독효과 (Low frequency plasma disinfectant effect in seawater and three major fish bacterial disease pathogens)

  • 김수진;박신후;지보영;김영재;권문경
    • 한국어병학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2020
  • Fish bacterial diseases have spread and caused serious problem for cultured marine fish in Korea. The important bacterial disease affecting mariculture such as olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) are caused by Edwardsiella tarda, Vibrio scophthalmi and Streptococcus parauberis. For the bacterial disease protection in aquaculture industry, the water treatment is needed in aquaculture system. During the last decades atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma in contact with liquids have received a lot of attention of environmental and medical application. In this study, we determined the disinfectant effect in seawater and three major fish bacterial disease pathogens by using low frequency plasma treatment. Three fish bacteria (E. tarda, V. schophthalmi, S. parauberis) were not detected within 16 min, 150 min and 270 min of 20 L, 500 L and 1 ton seawater post low frequency plasma treatment, respectively. Three major fish bacterial disease pathogens were not detected within 2 min after the low frequency plasma treatment, suggesting that the low frequency plasma possess disinfectant effectiveness.

초전도자석 지지각 설계 및 구조해석 (A Design and Structural Analysis of the Superconducting Magnet Supporting Post)

  • 허남일;도철진;사정우;조승연;임기학;KSTAR설계팀
    • 한국초전도저온공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국초전도저온공학회 2000년도 KIASC Conference 2000 / 2000년도 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 2000
  • The superconducting magnet supporting post of the KSTAR system is a flexible structure that absorbs thermal shrink of the superconducting magnet and also a rigid structure that supports the weight of the magnet and dynamic loads. In this work, a structural analyses for the post under the loads were performed. As a result, it turns out that the post would be safe when it is exposed to the loads, such as magnet weight, thermal contraction, and plasma vertical disruption load. And, Buckling and modal analysis results of the post are presented.

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Ar 플라즈마 처리에 따른 Al-doped ZnO 박막특성변화 (The effect of Ar plasma treatment on Al-doped ZnO)

  • 진선문;안철우;조남인;남형진
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of the post Ar plasma treatment at different RF powers for various durations on electrical, structural, and optical properties of relatively thin Al-doped zinc oxide films. The sheet resistance was observed to decrease rapidly for the first 5min, beyond which the resistance apparently saturated. As the RF power increased, the grain size and the interplanar distance of (002) planes also increased. The observed decrease in sheet resistance was stated to be a consequence of Al and/or Zn interstitials as well as grain growth. It was also found that Ar plasma treatment increased the transmittance of Al-doped zinc oxide films in most of the visible light range below the blue light.

Sintering of LTCC Tape on Alumina Substrates for Multilayered Structure

  • Kim, Hyo-Tae;Nam, Myung-Hwa;Chun, Byung-Joon;Kim, Jong-Hee
    • 한국분말야금학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국분말야금학회 2006년도 Extended Abstracts of 2006 POWDER METALLURGY World Congress Part2
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    • pp.908-909
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    • 2006
  • The HTCC based multilayer structure plasma head unit have some difficulties in fabrication due to complicated post-processes, such as heat treatment at reduced atmosphere, re-bonding of each layer, and silver metallization. On the other hand, LTCC based technology provides relatively simple process for multilayer plasma unit except weak mechanical properties. To overcome this problem a combined scheme using both LTCC and HTCC technology has been developed in our group, recently. In this work, we report the structural design, materials selection, joining of LTCC with HTCC substrate, and co-firing process for the fabrication of multilayered atmospheric plasma head unit.

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