• 제목/요약/키워드: PointNet++

검색결과 652건 처리시간 0.021초

초고속 비행체용 소모성 터빈엔진 사전연구 (Prestudy on Expendable Turbine Engine for High-Speed Vehicle)

  • 김유일;황기영
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2011년도 제37회 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.629-634
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    • 2011
  • 초고속 비행체에 적용 가능한 소모성 터빈엔진 개발을 위한 사전연구를 수행하였다. 엔진 요구도 및 설계점 결정을 위한 가상 운용임무형상을 선정하고, 유사급 엔진과 참고문헌 등을 통해 확보된 데이터를 활용하여 설계점 해석을 수행하였는데, 해면고도, 마하수 1.2 조건에서 터빈입구온도 3,600R에 대한 설계점 계산결과, 비추력 2599.4 ft/s, 비연료소모율 1.483 lb/($lb^*h$)이 예측되었다. 설계점 계산결과를 기준으로 두 가지 임무형상에 대한 엔진 성능해석결과, 엔진 최대 순추력을 결정하는 설계변수는 천음속 및 낮은 초음속영역에서는 터빈입구온도, 높은 초음속 영역에서는 압축기 출구온도임을 확인하였다. 이밖에도 단순, 저가, 경량의 엔진형상으로 축류형 다단압축기와 직류형 연소기, 1단 축류터빈, 고정 수축팽창 노즐이 적용된 단순터보제트엔진을 제시하였다.

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딥러닝 기반 교량 구성요소 자동 분류 (Automatic Classification of Bridge Component based on Deep Learning)

  • 이재혁;박정준;윤형철
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2020
  • 최근 BIM (Building Information Modeling)이 건설 산업계에서 폭넓게 활용되고 있다. 하지만 과거에 시공이 된 구조물에 경우 대부분 BIM이 구축되어 있지 않다. BIM이 구축되지 않은 구조물의 경우, 카메라로부터 얻은 2D 이미지에 SfM (Structure from Motion) 기법을 활용하면 3D 모델의 점군 데이터(Point cloud)를 생성하고 BIM을 구축할 수 있다. 하지만 이렇게 생성된 점군 데이터는 의미론적 정보가 포함되어 있지 않기 때문에, 수작업으로 구조물의 어떤 요소인지 분류해 주어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 구조물 구성요소를 분류하는 과정을 자동화하기 위하여 딥러닝을 적용하였다. 딥러닝 네트워크 구축에는 CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) 구조의 Inception-ResNet-v2를 사용하였고, 전이학습을 통하여 교량 구조물의 구성요소를 학습하였다. 개발된 시스템을 검증하기 위하여 수집한 데이터를 이용하여 구성요소를 분류한 결과, 교량의 구성요소를 96.13 %의 정확도로 분류할 수 있었다.

심전도 신호에서 QRS군의 단계적 검출 (Stepwise Detection of the QRS Complex in the ECG Signal)

  • 김정홍;이승민;박길흠
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.244-253
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    • 2016
  • ECG 신호에서 QRS군은 매우 중요한 심실의 탈분극 상태 정보를 제공한다. 자동으로 심전도 신호를 분석하기 위해서는 $QRS_{onset}$$QRS_{offset}$ 에 대한 정확한 정보가 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 QRS군의 전위값 변화량 및 $R_{peak}$ 와의 거리를 이용하여 Q파와 R파의 접속 부분 그리고 R파와 S파의 접속 부분을 구하였다. 다음 단계에서는 이를 기준으로 적분연산을 이용하여 $QRS_{onset}$$QRS_{offset}$ 을 검출하였다. 알고리즘의 성능을 평가하기위해 PhysioNet QT database를 사용하여 심장 전문의가 수작업으로 표시한 결과에 대한 평균과 표준편차를 계산하였다. 실험결과에서 제안한 알고리즘의 표준편차는 전문의사가 수용할 수 있는 허용치 범위 안에 속하며, 다른 알고리즘보다 더 우수함을 나타낸다.

위험률의 변화점에 대한 비모수적 추정 (Nonparametric estimation of hazard rates change-point)

  • 정광모
    • 응용통계연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 1998
  • 위험률 변화점모형에서 특별한 함수형이나 분포함수에 대한 가정을 하지 않는 일반적인 모형을 고려하였다. 이러한 모형은 지금까지 주로 다루어 왔던 상수항 위험률의 변화점모형뿐만 아니라 여러 유형의 변화점모형을 내포한다. 중도절단된 자료하에서 위험률 변화점에 관한 모수적 모형을 가정하지 않고 변화점 이전과 이후의 넬슨(Nelson) 누적위험함수 추정량의 기울기 차를 이용하여 추정량을 제안하고, 그의 점근적 성질을 규명한다. 붓스트랩 추정량의 일치성과 점근분포를 유도하고, 몇가지 분포함수의 경우에 몬테칼로 모의실험을 통해 제안된 방법의 경험적 성질을 살펴보았다. 또한, 심장병 이석환자의 생존시간 자료를 통해 변화점을 추정하고 추정량의 붓스트랩 분포를 구하였다.

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Multi-point response spectrum analysis of a historical bridge to blast ground motion

  • Haciefendioglu, Kemal;Banerjee, Swagata;Soyluk, Kurtulus;Koksal, Olgun
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제53권5호
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    • pp.897-919
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the effects of ground shocks due to explosive loads on the dynamic response of historical masonry bridges are investigated by using the multi-point shock response spectrum method. With this purpose, different charge weights and distances from the charge center are considered for the analyses of a masonry bridge and depending on these parameters frequency-varying shock spectra are determined and applied to each support of the two-span masonry bridge. The net blast induced ground motion consists of air-induced and direct-induced ground motions. Acceleration time histories of blast induced ground motions are obtained depending on a deterministic shape function and a stationary process. Shock response spectrums determined from the ground shock time histories are simulated using BlastGM software. The results obtained from uniform and multi-point response spectrum analyses cases show that significant differences take place between the uniform and multi-point blast-induced ground motions.

임의의 점 군 데이터로부터 NURBS 곡면의 자동생성 (Automatic NURBS Surface Generation from Unorganized Point Cloud Data)

  • 유동진
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제23권9호
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2006
  • In this paper a new approach which combines implicit surface scheme and NURBS surface interpolation method is proposed in order to generate a complete surface model from unorganized point cloud data. In the method a base surface was generated by creating smooth implicit surface from the input point cloud data through which the actual surface would pass. The implicit surface was defined by a combination of shape functions including quadratic polynomial function, cubic polynomial functions and radial basis function using adaptive domain decomposition method. In this paper voxel data which can be extracted easily from the base implicit surface were used in order to generate rectangular net with good quality using the normal projection and smoothing scheme. After generating the interior points and tangential vectors in each rectangular region considering the required accuracy, the NURBS surface were constructed by interpolating the rectangular array of points using boundary tangential vectors which assure C$^1$ continuity between rectangular patches. The validity and effectiveness of this new approach was demonstrated by performing numerical experiments for the various types of point cloud data.

The evolution of radiation-induced point defects near symmetrical tilt Σ5 (310) <001> grain boundary in pure δ-plutonium: A molecular dynamics study

  • Wang, Yangzhong;Liu, Wenbo;Zhang, Jiahui;Yun, Di;Chen, Piheng
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권5호
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    • pp.1587-1592
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    • 2021
  • The effects of the symmetrical tilt Σ5 (310) <001> grain boundary (GB) on the evolution of radiation-induced point defects in pure δ-plutonium (Pu) were studied by Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The evolution of radiation-induced point defects was obtained when primary knock-on atom (PKA) was respectively set as -15 Å and 15 Å far from the GB and the number of residual defects was obtained as the distance from PKA to GB was changed. According to the results, compared with vacancies, interstitial atoms were more easily absorbed by GB. In addition, the formation energy of point defects was also calculated. The results showed that there was almost no difference for the formation energy of vacancies in the all matrix. However, the formation energy of interstitial atoms close to the GB was lower than that in the other bulk regions.

역공학에서의 노이즈가 포함된 측정데이터의 분할에 관한 연구 (Study on Segmentation of Measured Data with Noise in Reverse Engineeing)

  • 이석희;김호찬;허성민
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.560-569
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    • 2002
  • The segmentation has been performed to the data of good quality in most cases, so the adoption of previous segmentation theory to the measured data with a laser scanner does not produce good result because of the characteristics of the data with noise component. A new approach to perform the segmentation on the scanned data is introduced to deal with problems during reverse engineering process. A triangular net is generated from measured point data, and the segmentation on it is classified as plane, smooth and rough segment. The segmentation result in each segment depends on the user-defined criteria. And the difference of the segmentation between the data of good quality and the data with noise is described and analyzed with several real models. The segment boundaries selected are used to maintain the characteristics of the parts during modeling process, thus they contribute to the automation of the reverse engineering.

해양온도차 발전 플랜트 성능해석 (Performance Analysis of OTEC Power Plant)

  • 엄지홍;이재용;김남진;김종보
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2000년도 추계학술대회논문집B
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2000
  • The Energy is the basis for almost all industrial activities and domestic needs. But recently there are increasing concerns internationally over environmental problems and consequent climate changes caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels. Furthermore the price of crude oil is increasing steadily with unstable supplies. In order to solve these national energy problems, the utilization of Ocean Energy is introduced as one of the best alternative technologies for the future. OTEC Power Plant has been installed at the West Inchon Power Plant Site. Temperature differences of $20{\sim}25^{\circ}C$ have been utilized for plant operations, where R22 is used as a working fluid. The system is composed of low pressure turbine, plate type heat exchanger, and pumps. In the present investigation the experimental results, such as gross power, net power and objective function, are analysed when temperature differences change from the reference design point.

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Dispersion Managed Optical Transmission Links with Optimized Optical Phase Conjugator

  • Lee, Seong-Real
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.372-376
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, new and simple optical transmission link with fixed dispersion management (DM) scheme, i.e., pre(post) compensation and residual dispersion per span (RDPS) are fixed to net residual dispersion (NRD) = 0 ps/nm, and optical phase conjugator (OPC) having optimal position depending on launch power in WDM transmission system is proposed. Also, effective launch power range of WDM channels resulting 1 dB eye opening penalty (EOP) is induced as a function of OPC position. First, it is confirmed that, for applying DM into WDM transmission link fixed pre(post)compensation and RDPS, which are independence on exact system parameters except launch power, sufficiently are used in WDM links, but OPC with optimal position is needed for effective compensating impairments of WDM channels. And, it is confirmed that effective launch power is broader in case of RDPS = 100 ps/nm than in RDPS = 50 ps/nm. But, it is shown that the best OPC position offset is -0.6 km from a point of view of power window, which is defined as difference between maximum and minimum effective launch power.