• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plant planning

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Characterization of Phenotypic Traits and Evaluation of Glucosinolate Contents in Radish Germplasms (Raphanus sativus L.)

  • Kim, Bichsaem;Hur, Onsook;Lee, Jae-Eun;Assefa, Awraris Derbie;Ko, Ho-Cheol;Chung, Yun-Jo;Rhee, Ju-hee;Hahn, Bum-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.575-599
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    • 2021
  • The edible roots of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) are consumed worldwide. For characterization and evaluation of the agronomic traits and health-promoting chemicals in radish germplasms, new germplasm breeding materials need to be identified. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the phenotypic traits and glucosinolate contents of radish roots from 110 germplasms, by analyzing correlations between 10 quantitative phenotypic traits and the individual and total contents of five glucosinolates. Phenotypic characterization was performed based on descriptors from the UPOV and IBPGR, and glucosinolate contents were analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM). Regarding the phenotypic traits, a significant correlation between leaf length and root weight was observed. Glucoraphasatin was the main glucosinolate, accounting for an average of 71% of the total glucosinolates in the germplasms; moreover, its content was significantly correlated with that of glucoerucin, its precursor. Principal component analysis indicated that the 110 germplasms could be divided into five groups based on their glucosinolate contents. High levels of free-radical scavenging activity (DPPH) were observed in red radishes. These results shed light on the beneficial traits that could be targeted by breeders, and could also promote diet diversification by demonstrating the health benefits of various germplasms.

Methane Oxidation Potentials of Rice-associated Plant Growth Promoting Methylobacterium Species

  • Kang, Yeongyeong;Walitang, Denver I.;Seshadri, Sundaram;Shin, Wan-Sik;Sa, Tongmin
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2022
  • BACKGROUND: Methane is a major greenhouse gas attributed to global warming partly contributed by agricultural activities from ruminant fermentation and rice paddy fields. Methanotrophs are microorganisms that utilize methane. Their unique metabolic lifestyle is enabled by enzymes known as methane monooxygenases (MMOs) catalyzing the oxidation of methane to methanol. Rice absorbs, transports, and releases methane directly from soil water to its stems and the micropores and stomata of the plant epidermis. Methylobacterium species associated with rice are dependent on their host for metabolic substrates including methane. METHODS AND RESULTS: Methylobacterium spp. isolated from rice were evaluated for methane oxidation activities and screened for the presence of sMMO mmoC genes. Qualitatively, the soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO) activities of the selected strains of Methylobacterium spp. were confirmed by the naphthalene oxidation assay. Quantitatively, the sMMO activity ranged from 41.3 to 159.4 nmol min-1 mg of protein-1. PCR-based amplification and sequencing confirmed the presence and identity of 314 bp size fragment of the mmoC gene showing over 97% similarity to the CBMB27 mmoC gene indicating that Methylobacterium strains belong to a similar group. CONCLUSION(S): Selected Methylobacterium spp. contained the sMMO mmoC gene and possessed methane oxidation activity. As the putative methane oxidizing strains were isolated from rice and have PGP properties, they could be used to simultaneously reduce paddy field methane emission and promote rice growth.

Analysis of Morphological Characteristics and Variation in Five Populations of Zabelia tyaihyonii in South Korea

  • Nam, Jae Ik;Kim, Mun Seop;Song, Jeong Ho;Seo, Jeong Min;Choi, Go Eun;Kim, Young Ki
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.619-628
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: Native to the limestone zones of the Korean Peninsula, Zabelia tyaihyonii is a popular plant for landscaping. As it is now classified as a rare species, the conservation of its genetic resources is necessary. Methods: In this study, which aimed to understand the morphological variation of Z. tyaihyonii, 18 characteristics of Z. tyaihyonii from five habitats were examined. Results: Of these 18 characteristics, 16 characteristics showed significant differences among sites, and the coefficient of variation ranged from 5.4% (for corolla lobe number) to 31.3% (for flower number). Notable variations were observed in the size of flower and calyx lobe. When the corolla length and calyx lobe length were used as the classification key of Z. tyaihyonii, the sites were divided into those with small, intermediate, and large values. Hair was observed on the filament of all samples, a finding which conflicts with an earlier report. Rather than classifying Z. tyaihyonii into different species on the basis of corolla length (COL) and calyx lobe length (CALL) values, we recommend modifying the species description to incorporate the variation in these characteristics of interest. Principal component analysis results showed that the first main component was highly correlated with the traits related to the size of the calyx lobe (length: 0.819, width: 0.758), and the second main component was highly correlated with the traits related with the size of the inflorescence (length: 0.790, width: 0.626). Conclusion: Several notable variations were identified among the characteristics related to inflorescence and calyx lobe. There is little genetic exchange among groups, or each group is influenced by micro environmental factors, because sites that are located nearby. In addition, the difference between COL and CALL, which is used as the classification key for Z. tyaihyonii, was divided into small group, large group, and intermediate group, regardless of the sites' geographical distance.

Development of Plant Engineering Analysis Platform using Knowledge Base (지식베이스를 이용한 플랜트 엔지니어링 분석 플랫폼 개발)

  • Young-Dong Ko;Hyun-Soo Kim
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2022
  • Engineering's work area for plants is a technical area that directly affects productivity, performance, and quality throughout the lifecycle from planning, design, construction, operation and disposal. Using the different types of data that occur to make decisions is important not only in the subsequent process but also in terms of cyclical cost reduction. However, there is a lack of systems to manage and analyze these integrated data. In this paper, we developed a knowledge base-based plant engineering analysis platform that can manage and utilize data. The platform provides a knowledge base that preprocesses previously collected engineering data, and provides analysis and visualization to use it as reference data in AI models. Users can perform data analysis through the use of prior technology and accumulated knowledge through the platform and use visualization in decision-support and systematically manage construction that relied only on experience.

Current Situations of Domestic Cultivation and Cultivation Management Technology in Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) (아열대 작물 백향과(Passiflora edulis Sims)의 국내 재배현황 및 재배관리기술 실태)

  • Chang-Yung Kim;Doo-Weon Lee;Dea-Min Oh;Ho-Cheol Ko
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2021.04a
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    • pp.39-39
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    • 2021
  • 지구온난화에 따른 기후변화로 과거에는 재배되지 않았던 아열대 작물의 국내재배가 확대되고 있다. 백향과(Passiflora edulis Sims)는 브라질 남부지역이 원산지인 아열대작물로 국내에서도 전국적으로 재배가 되고 있어서, 국내 재배현황과 재배농가의 관리기술 실태를 조사하여 재배 애로사항 및 발전과제를 도출코져 하였다. 백향과의 국내 재배는 2010년부터 시작되어 2017년에는 201농가 54.7ha로 정점을 이루고, 점차 감소하여 2019년에는 156농가 36.5ha에서 재배되고 있다. 재배농가가 많았던 지역은 남원, 담양, 화순, 김천, 고창 등 이었다. 백향과의 재배체계는 대부분의 농가가 비닐하우스 시설에서 겨울철 난방에 의한 다년 재배로 1년 2회 수확하고 있으며, 극히 일부농가는 1년 재배체계로 매년 묘목을 다시 심는 형태이다. 백향과의 국내 육성품종은 없으며, 외국에서 도입한 자색종 또는 교잡종을 주로 재배하고 있다. 현재 국립종자원에 '일반종', '타이농1하오', '황금' 3품종이 생산/수입 판매 신고되어 있다. 초기에 도입한 접목묘를 재배하면서 국내에서 삽목묘를 육성하여 많은 농가가 재배하고 있다. 백향과는 덩굴성이기 때문에 지주를 설치하여 재배하는데 재식거리, 수형, 가지유인 등을 농가별로 다양한 방법으로 하고 있는 실정이다. 개화기에 인공수분 작업이 필요하고, 수확은 과일이 성숙하여 저절로 낙과하면 주어서 수확한 과일은 주로 생과로 판매하는데 전화 및 인터넷 주문에 의한 직거래가 가장 많고, 일부 마트 및 로컬푸드에 판매하고 있다. 국내재배 안전성 향상을 위하여 필요시 되는 기술개발 과제는 적응 품종육성 및 무병묘 생산 보급, 고품질 백향과 생산을 위한 재배관리 기술, 시설재배 환경관리 기술, 소비 증대를 위한 가공 이용 기술 개발 등으로 전문기관에서의 연구개발이 필요하다.

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Current Situations of Domestic Cultivation and Cultivation Management Technology in Momordica charantia L. (여주(Momordica charantia L.)의 국내 재배현황 및 재배관리기술 실태)

  • Chang-Yung Kim;Doo-Weon Lee;Jae-Gyun Gwag;Ho-Cheol Ko
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.75-75
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    • 2020
  • 여주(Momordica charantia L.)는 인도 동부와 남중국 등 열대 아시아 지역이 원산지로, 열대 및 아열대를 비롯하여 온대 지역까지 널리 재배되며, 열매를 식용으로 하여 주로 채소로 재배되고 있는데, 쓴맛 때문에 '쓴오이' 라고도 부르지만 당뇨와 고혈압 등 성인병과 장 기능 개선 성분을 함유하고 있다고 알려지는 등 건강기능성 작물로 국내에서도 전국적으로 재배가 되고 있어서, 국내 재배현황과 재배농가의 실태를 조사하여 재배 애로사항 및 발전과제를 도출코져 하였다. 여주의 국내 재배는 2012년 재배면적이 10ha에서 빠르게 증가하여 2017년 606농가 107.9ha로 정점을 이루고, 점차 감소하여 2019년 232농가 59.9ha에서 재배 하였으며, 2019년 재배면적이 많았던 시군은 함양, 강진, 양주, 천안 등 이었다. 여주의 재배작형은 보통재배(육묘후 노지재배) 농가가 가장 많고, 노지재배(직파), 반촉성재배(조숙재배), 촉성재배 형태의 농가가 있는데, 보통재배(육묘후 노지재배)는 3월 하순~4월 상순에 파종 및 육묘한 후 5월상순 노지에 정식하여, 6월 하순부터 가을에 서리가 내리기 전까지 수확한다. 농가의 재배품종은 일본 등 외국도입종의 종자를 종자회사로 부터 구입하여 재배하고 있으며, 재식방법, 시비관리, 줄기유인 등 표준재배법이 정립되지 못하여 농가별로 다양한 방법으로 재배하고 있는 실정이다. 수확은 열매가 완전히 익기전에 생여주 상태에서 수확하고 있으며, 일반 재배농가는 생여주 판매가 10~20%, 건여주 판매가 80~90% 비율이며, 생여주로 100% 건조업체에 판매하기도 하고, 건여주로 100% 건조하여 판매하는 농가도 있다. 국내재배 안전성 향상을 위하여 필요시 되는 기술개발 과제는 용도별 품종육성 및 종자생산 보급, 고품질 여주 생산을 위한 재배관리 기술, 지역별 생산 여주과실의 성분 품질관리 및 건조 가공기술, 여주의 건강기능성 식품 지정 고시 방안 등으로 전문기관에서의 연구개발이 필요하다.

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Ethnobotanical importance of the endemic taxa in the Egyptian flora

  • Mohamed Mahmoud El-Khalafy;Dalia Abd El-Azeem Ahmed;Kamal Hussein Shaltout;Soliman Abdelfattah Haroun;Yassin Mohamed Al-Sodany
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 2023
  • Background: Endemic species are important components in the flora of most world regions. Most of these species have become threatened and exposed to extinction within the last few years. The present study aims to evaluate the ecosystem services offered by the endemic plant taxa in Egypt and the threats that affect them. Twenty-five field visits were conducted during summer 2018 to spring 2022 to several locations all over Egypt. In each location, the main habitats, national distribution, abundance, goods and threats were recorded. Results: Egypt has 41 endemic taxa belonging to 36 genera and 20 families inhabiting 10 main habitats. Rocky surfaces and sandy formations have the highest number of endemic species. The relation between the number of endemic taxa and the abundance categories indicated that 2 taxa are rare (4.9% of the total taxa), while the remaining were very rare (95%). The most represented offered good was the medicinal uses (32 taxa = 78%), while fuel plants were only represented by 2 taxa (2 taxa = 4.9%). Besides, 14 taxa (34.1% of the total studied taxa) have at least 1 environmental service. Soil fertility (7 taxa = 50%) was the most represented, followed by sand accumulations (6 taxa out of 14 taxa = 43%), while shading plant was the least (1 taxon = 7.1%) (Rosa arabica). The most represented threat is over-cutting and over-collecting (38 taxa = 92.7%), while mining and quarrying is the least represented (4 taxa = 9.8%). Conclusions: The potential and actual goods, services and threats of the endemic taxa were assessed as follows; field observation, information collected from local inhabitants and herbalists, and a literature review. The present study recommended planning a strategy about the importance, threats and conservation of endemic taxa in Egypt that would help in the protection and rescue of these plants and increase awareness about the importance of these plants.

An empirical study of the risk-benefit perceptions between the nuclear and non-nuclear groups towards the nuclear power plant in Bangladesh

  • Md Shafiqul Islam;Swapnil Roy;Sadia Lena Alfee;Animesh Pal
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.12
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    • pp.4617-4627
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    • 2023
  • Public perception of benefit over risk is the de facto factor in planning, construction, operation, halting, or phase-out of a nuclear power plant in any country. Even if there are multiple pathways of perceiving risk/benefit among different stakeholders, the perception of nuclear and non-nuclear groups needs to be individually tracked to help understand sectoral influence. Related studies were basically performed between the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and non-STEM groups. However, there are no such studies between the nuclear and non-nuclear groups. This study investigated the risk-benefit perceptions between the nuclear group (N = 102) and the non-nuclear group (N = 467) using survey data to measure their stake and identify the underlying factors by validating the hypotheses, through descriptive analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results showed that risk perception is significantly high in the non-nuclear group (as the P-value is > 0.001 to <0.01) while the benefit perception is slightly low in the nuclear group (as the P-value is > 0.01 to <0.05). The non-nuclear group was significantly influenced by risk perception due to a lack of involvement in nuclear activities. Notably, the nuclear group is less interactive in disseminating nuclear energy benefits to the non-nuclear group. Surprisingly, misperceptions and lack of confidence about the benefits of nuclear energy also exist in the nuclear group. The study emphasizes debunking nuclear myths in the nuclear and non-nuclear groups through meaningful interactions and demands effective public awareness-building programs by competent authorities for the growth of the nuclear industry.

Development of monitoring system to prevent inflow of marine life into the nuclear power plant (해양생물의 원전 취수구 유입 방지를 위한 모니터링 시스템 개발)

  • Tae-Jong KANG;Eun-Bi MIN;Joong-Ro SHIN;Doo-Jin HWANG
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2024
  • Climate change has led to a significant increase in jellyfish populations globally, causing various problems. For power plants that use nearby seawater for cooling, the intrusion of jellyfish into intake systems can block the flow, leading to reduced output or even shutdowns. This issue is compounded by other small marine organisms like shrimp and salps, making it urgent to develop solutions to prevent their intrusion. This study addressed the problem using the BioSonics DT-X 120 kHz scientific fish finder to conduct preliminary tank experiments. We also deployed underwater acoustic and camera buoys around the intake of nuclear power plant, utilizing a bidirectional communication system between sea and land to collect data. Data collection took place from July 31, 2023 to August 1, 2023. While harmful organisms such as jellyfish and salps were not detected, we successfully gathered acoustic data on small fish measuring backscattering strength (SV). Analysis showed that fish schools were more prominent in the evening than during the day. The highest fish distribution was observed at 3:30 AM on July 31 with an SV of -44.8 dB while the lowest was at 12:30 PM on the same day with an SV of -63.4 dB. Additionally, a solar-powered system was used to enable real-time data acquisition from sea buoys with smooth communication between the land server and the offshore buoy located 1.8 km away. This research developed an acoustic-based monitoring system for detecting harmful organisms around the intake and provided foundational data for preventing marine organism intrusion and planning effective measures.

Improving on Planting in Small Scale Development - The Case of Seoul - (소규모 대지의 조경 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 서울시를 사례로 -)

  • Cho, Yong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2009
  • Under the Korea Building Act, anyone planning to build a building or buildings on a site over $200m^2$ must plant plants over a specific area. In large scale development this rule is adhered to well, but such is not the case in small scale development. Therefore, special attention must be given to small scale development. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the current situation and practice of planting at small scale development sites in Seoul, and then suggest policies for improving them. In this study using the data covering Seongbuk-Gu and Gangnam-Gu, which was surveyed in 2002, the current situation and practice of planting at small scale development sites was analyzed. After a questionnaire survey was conducted with government officers and building owners, the same analysis was made. Then the policies for improvement were extracted. The results are as follows: 1. In superordinate planning stage, because the minimum standards are too low, those must be strengthened. Any district plan does not control planting in private building lots. This requests active application of planting in private building lots as a design control measure in district planning. 2. In the building design stage, there are no guidelines. The obligation of building set-back between adjacent buildings by the Korean Building Act produces mass shaded and inferior planting beds. The act also is blocking landscape architects' participation in small scale development. And wall installations deteriorate the streetscape and growth of plants with shading. Therefore guidelines must be made. 3. In each stage of the building permit, the permit for building completion, and maintenance the Korean Building Act is blocking landscape architects' participation in small scale development, so the planting plan is completely handled by nonprofessional persons. Therefore, the act should be amended in order to make way for landscape architects' participation in each stage of the small scale development process.