• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physics-Informed Neural Network

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Physics-informed neural network for 1D Saint-Venant Equations

  • Giang V. Nguyen;Xuan-Hien Le;Sungho Jung;Giha Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.171-171
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    • 2023
  • This study investigates the capability of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for solving the solution of partial differential equations. Particularly, the 1D Saint-Venant Equations (SVEs) were considered, which describe the movement of water in a domain with shallow depth compared to its horizontal extent, and are widely adopted in hydrodynamics, river, and coastal engineering. The core contribution of this work is to combine the robustness of neural networks with the physical constraints of the SVEs. The PINNs method utilized a neural network to approximate the solutions of SVEs, while also enforcing the underlying physical principles of the equations. This allows for a more effective and reliable solution, especially in areas with complex geometry and varying bathymetry. To validate the robustness of the PINNs method, numerical experiments were conducted on several benchmark problems. The results show that the PINNs could be achieved high accuracy when compared with the solution from the numerical solution. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of using PINNs and highlights the benefits of integrating neural network and physics information for improved efficiency and accuracy in solving SVEs.

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Estimation of bubble size distribution using deep ensemble physics-informed neural network (딥앙상블 물리 정보 신경망을 이용한 기포 크기 분포 추정)

  • Sunyoung Ko;Geunhwan Kim;Jaehyuk Lee;Hongju Gu;Kwangho Moon;Youngmin Choo
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2023
  • Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) is used to invert bubble size distributions from attenuation losses. By considering a linear system for the bubble population inversion, Adaptive Learned Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (Ada-LISTA), which has been solved linear systems in image processing, is used as a neural network architecture in PINN. Furthermore, a regularization based on the linear system is added to a loss function of PINN and it makes a PINN have better generalization by a solution satisfying the bubble physics. To evaluate an uncertainty of bubble estimation, deep ensemble is adopted. 20 Ada-LISTAs with different initial values are trained using the same training dataset. During test with attenuation losses different from those in the training dataset, the bubble size distribution and corresponding uncertainty are indicated by average and variance of 20 estimations, respectively. Deep ensemble Ada-LISTA demonstrate superior performance in inverting bubble size distributions than the conventional convex optimization solver of CVX.

Solving partial differential equation for atmospheric dispersion of radioactive material using physics-informed neural network

  • Gibeom Kim;Gyunyoung Heo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.2305-2314
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    • 2023
  • The governing equations of atmospheric dispersion most often taking the form of a second-order partial differential equation (PDE). Currently, typical computational codes for predicting atmospheric dispersion use the Gaussian plume model that is an analytic solution. A Gaussian model is simple and enables rapid simulations, but it can be difficult to apply to situations with complex model parameters. Recently, a method of solving PDEs using artificial neural networks called physics-informed neural network (PINN) has been proposed. The PINN assumes the latent (hidden) solution of a PDE as an arbitrary neural network model and approximates the solution by optimizing the model. Unlike a Gaussian model, the PINN is intuitive in that it does not require special assumptions and uses the original equation without modifications. In this paper, we describe an approach to atmospheric dispersion modeling using the PINN and show its applicability through simple case studies. The results are compared with analytic and fundamental numerical methods to assess the accuracy and other features. The proposed PINN approximates the solution with reasonable accuracy. Considering that its procedure is divided into training and prediction steps, the PINN also offers the advantage of rapid simulations once the training is over.

Generation of Synthetic Particle Images for Particle Image Velocimetry using Physics-Informed Neural Network (물리 기반 인공신경망을 이용한 PIV용 합성 입자이미지 생성)

  • Hyeon Jo Choi;Myeong Hyeon, Shin;Jong Ho, Park;Jinsoo Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2023
  • Acquiring experimental data for PIV verification or machine learning training data is resource-demanding, leading to an increasing interest in synthetic particle images as simulation data. Conventional synthetic particle image generation algorithms do not follow physical laws, and the use of CFD is time-consuming and requires computing resources. In this study, we propose a new method for synthetic particle image generation, based on a Physics-Informed Neural Networks(PINN). The PINN is utilized to infer the flow fields, enabling the generation of synthetic particle images that follow physical laws with reduced computation time and have no constraints on spatial resolution compared to CFD. The proposed method is expected to contribute to the verification of PIV algorithms.

Analysis on Strategies for Modeling the Wave Equation with Physics-Informed Neural Networks (물리정보신경망을 이용한 파동방정식 모델링 전략 분석)

  • Sangin Cho;Woochang Choi;Jun Ji;Sukjoon Pyun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.114-125
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    • 2023
  • The physics-informed neural network (PINN) has been proposed to overcome the limitations of various numerical methods used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) and the drawbacks of purely data-driven machine learning. The PINN directly applies PDEs to the construction of the loss function, introducing physical constraints to machine learning training. This technique can also be applied to wave equation modeling. However, to solve the wave equation using the PINN, second-order differentiations with respect to input data must be performed during neural network training, and the resulting wavefields contain complex dynamical phenomena, requiring careful strategies. This tutorial elucidates the fundamental concepts of the PINN and discusses considerations for wave equation modeling using the PINN approach. These considerations include spatial coordinate normalization, the selection of activation functions, and strategies for incorporating physics loss. Our experimental results demonstrated that normalizing the spatial coordinates of the training data leads to a more accurate reflection of initial conditions in neural network training for wave equation modeling. Furthermore, the characteristics of various functions were compared to select an appropriate activation function for wavefield prediction using neural networks. These comparisons focused on their differentiation with respect to input data and their convergence properties. Finally, the results of two scenarios for incorporating physics loss into the loss function during neural network training were compared. Through numerical experiments, a curriculum-based learning strategy, applying physics loss after the initial training steps, was more effective than utilizing physics loss from the early training steps. In addition, the effectiveness of the PINN technique was confirmed by comparing these results with those of training without any use of physics loss.

Physics informed neural networks for surrogate modeling of accidental scenarios in nuclear power plants

  • Federico Antonello;Jacopo Buongiorno;Enrico Zio
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.9
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    • pp.3409-3416
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    • 2023
  • Licensing the next-generation of nuclear reactor designs requires extensive use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to investigate system response to many operational conditions, identify possible accidental scenarios and predict their evolution to undesirable consequences that are to be prevented or mitigated via the deployment of adequate safety barriers. Deep Learning (DL) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support M&S computationally by providing surrogates of the complex multi-physics high-fidelity models used for design. However, DL and AI are, generally, low-fidelity 'black-box' models that do not assure any structure based on physical laws and constraints, and may, thus, lack interpretability and accuracy of the results. This poses limitations on their credibility and doubts about their adoption for the safety assessment and licensing of novel reactor designs. In this regard, Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are receiving growing attention for their ability to integrate fundamental physics laws and domain knowledge in the neural networks, thus assuring credible generalization capabilities and credible predictions. This paper presents the use of PINNs as surrogate models for accidental scenarios simulation in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). A case study of a Loss of Heat Sink (LOHS) accidental scenario in a Nuclear Battery (NB), a unique class of transportable, plug-and-play microreactors, is considered. A PINN is developed and compared with a Deep Neural Network (DNN). The results show the advantages of PINNs in providing accurate solutions, avoiding overfitting, underfitting and intrinsically ensuring physics-consistent results.

Exploring the power of physics-informed neural networks for accurate and efficient solutions to 1D shallow water equations (물리 정보 신경망을 이용한 1차원 천수방정식의 해석)

  • Nguyen, Van Giang;Nguyen, Van Linh;Jung, Sungho;An, Hyunuk;Lee, Giha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.12
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    • pp.939-953
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    • 2023
  • Shallow water equations (SWE) serve as fundamental equations governing the movement of the water. Traditional numerical approaches for solving these equations generally face various challenges, such as sensitivity to mesh generation, and numerical oscillation, or become more computationally unstable around shock and discontinuities regions. In this study, we present a novel approach that leverages the power of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to approximate the solution of the SWE. PINNs integrate physical law directly into the neural network architecture, enabling the accurate approximation of solutions to the SWE. We provide a comprehensive methodology for formulating the SWE within the PINNs framework, encompassing network architecture, training strategy, and data generation techniques. Through the results obtained from experiments, we found that PINNs could be an accurate output solution of SWE when its results were compared with the analytical method. In addition, PINNs also present better performance over the Artificial Neural Network. This study highlights the transformative potential of PINNs in revolutionizing water resources research, offering a new paradigm for accurate and efficient solutions to the SVE.

Machine Learning Model for Low Frequency Noise and Bias Temperature Instability (저주파 노이즈와 BTI의 머신 러닝 모델)

  • Kim, Yongwoo;Lee, Jonghwan
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2020
  • Based on the capture-emission energy (CEE) maps of CMOS devices, a physics-informed machine learning model for the bias temperature instability (BTI)-induced threshold voltage shifts and low frequency noise is presented. In order to incorporate physics theories into the machine learning model, the integration of artificial neural network (IANN) is employed for the computation of the threshold voltage shifts and low frequency noise. The model combines the computational efficiency of IANN with the optimal estimation of Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with soft clustering. It enables full lifetime prediction of BTI under various stress and recovery conditions and provides accurate prediction of the dynamic behavior of the original measured data.

A Review of Seismic Full Waveform Inversion Based on Deep Learning (딥러닝 기반 탄성파 전파형 역산 연구 개관)

  • Sukjoon, Pyun;Yunhui, Park
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.227-241
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    • 2022
  • Full waveform inversion (FWI) in the field of seismic data processing is an inversion technique that is used to estimate the velocity model of the subsurface for oil and gas exploration. Recently, deep learning (DL) technology has been increasingly used for seismic data processing, and its combination with FWI has attracted remarkable research efforts. For example, DL-based data processing techniques have been utilized for preprocessing input data for FWI, enabling the direct implementation of FWI through DL technology. DL-based FWI can be divided into the following methods: pure data-based, physics-based neural network, encoder-decoder, reparameterized FWI, and physics-informed neural network. In this review, we describe the theory and characteristics of the methods by systematizing them in the order of advancements. In the early days of DL-based FWI, the DL model predicted the velocity model by preparing a large training data set to adopt faithfully the basic principles of data science and apply a pure data-based prediction model. The current research trend is to supplement the shortcomings of the pure data-based approach using the loss function consisting of seismic data or physical information from the wave equation itself in deep neural networks. Based on these developments, DL-based FWI has evolved to not require a large amount of learning data, alleviating the cycle-skipping problem, which is an intrinsic limitation of FWI, and reducing computation times dramatically. The value of DL-based FWI is expected to increase continually in the processing of seismic data.

Estimating urban inundation using physics-informed deep learning: a case study of the Oncheon-cheon catchment (물리정보 기반 딥러닝을 이용한 도시침수 해석: 온천천 유역 사례)

  • Woo, Hyuna;Choi, Hyeonjin;Kim, Minyoung;Noh, Seong Jin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.12
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    • pp.989-1001
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    • 2024
  • The increasing frequency of urban flooding, driven by extreme rainfall events due to climate change, necessitates the rapid production of flood information for prompt response. However, physically based models are limited in real-time applications due to the high computational cost of generating high-resolution flood information. This study developed and evaluated a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based deep learning model that can rapidly and accurately reproduce the spatial distribution analysis results of a physically based model for urban flooding. For the Oncheon-cheon catchment, flood analysis data at a 10-meter spatial resolution were generated using a physically based model for various synthetic rainfall scenarios. This data was then used to train and construct the CNN model. The model was validated using quantitative metrics, including the Hit Rate (HR), False Alarm Ratio (FAR), and Critical Success Index (CSI), by comparing the maximum inundation depth analysis results of the 2014 and 2020 historical flood events to those of the physically based model. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the impact of temporal variability in rainfall on the performance of the deep learning model. The maximum inundation depth simulation exhibited high reproducibility, with an HR value of 0.98, an FAR of 0.12, and a CSI of 0.85 for the 2014 event, and an HR value of 0.92, an FAR of 0.19, and a CSI of 0.76 for the 2020 event. The analysis of rainfall window size indicated that the CNN model achieved optimal performance with a 6-hour rainfall window for the 2014 event and a 2-hour window for the 2020 event. Additionally, the deep learning-based model reduced computation time by approximately 98% compared to the sequential calculation of the physically based model and by approximately 90% compared to the parallel calculation, enabling near real-time computation. The proposed deep learning-based model is a computationally efficient and accurate alternative to physically based models, making it a useful tool for real-time urban flood prediction and early warning systems.