• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical shape

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A Study on the "Holing-Bowl(받침그릇, 承盤) for the Jung-Byoung(정병, 淨甁)" or The Sacred Water-pot (정병 받침그릇(淨甁 承盤) 살핌 -고려불화(佛畵)-수월관음그림(水月觀音圖)으로 -)

  • Ghang, soon-hyoung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.34
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    • pp.124-136
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    • 2001
  • Among many different types of wares, we have amazing Sacred Water-pot(따르개, 注子) from Goryo-period(고리, 高麗, 918-1392). The stylistic peculiarity of Jung-Byoung(정병, 淨甁) is described in "Goryo-Dhogyoung, 고리도경, 高麗圖經", the classical design canon. It is said, "A sharpened mouth with narrow and prolonged neck is attached upon the broad mouth with thicker and even longer neck of the pot whose body intimates to the shape of melon." One could find this Jung-Byoung similar to the Indian drinking water jar, Kundika, which has been. even today, an everyday article in houses as well as in temples. In the early Buddhist cult, the object had been adopted as personal belonging of the Bodhisattvas(보살, 菩薩), especially of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara(관세음보살,觀世音菩薩). In short, the purifying character of water is met by the sacred ware to deliver the refreshing Sweet-Water(Holy-Water, 깨맑물, 단물, 단이슬물, 정수, 감로, 감로수, 성수, 淨水, 甘露, 甘露水, 聖水): For the holy purpose of fulfilling the thirst of people, of symbolozing the virtuous dharma. Thus, Ggamslkh-Byoung(깨맑병,淨水), the literal Korean name, denotes purifying and clarifying and clarifying water-pot to us. Among many other Asian countries, India, China, Korea, and Japan have a profound cult of the sacred water-pot(Ggamalkh-Byoung, Jung-Byoung, 깨맑병, 정병, 정수병, 감로병, 감로수병, 淨甁, 淨水甁, 甘露甁, 甘露水甁). Therefore, this charming holy object drew much attention not only from master artisans to shape and deliver them to people but also from painters and sculptors for their endowment of the sacred images dedicated to Buddha(부처,佛,佛陀). In China, the sacred water pot emerged in the period of Tang(당, 唐, 618~907)-Period and underwent much sophistication later on, I. e., from earthenware, ceramic-porcelain, bronze, and silver. However, the following represents a challenge to the well-known Goryo-Thangka(고리불화, 高麗佛畵) Painting of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara to our speculation on the Sacred Water-pot(정병, 淨甁). The image suggests, when examined closely, that the Sacred Water-pot has been accompanied by, or placed in, a transparent glasswere(유리그릇) or crystalbowl(수정그릇)! We have no other physical proof of the existence of such a Holding-Bowl(받침그릇, 承盤), except for in this particular painting. This Holding-Bowl would have not been a mere elaboration on the practicality of controling the drips from the mouth of the pot. As in the chapter on Tang-ho(탕호, 湯壺), or thermal bowl, in the "Goryo-Dhogyoung" it advises readers that this style of bowl is to be filled with hot water, and thus function as a preserver of heat in the water inside the pot. As an offering to the Buddha, the Sacred Water-pot could have been used for serving him hot tea. Hence the sacred bottle is to contain the refreshing water, the water transcends to nectar, and the nectar is prepared as a nectar tea to offer the Buddha. For both the Holding-Bowl of Ggamalkh-Byoung(Jung-Byoung)and the Celestial-Robe(날개옷, 天衣) of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, whose specified character is the Water-Moon(수월, 水月) in this particular Thangka(불화, 佛畵) painting, the transparency is essential. This is to refer to the purity and the lucid clarity of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and at a deeper level, to refer to the world of Buddhas-the Tushita(Paradise, Heaven, Eden, 극락, 불세계, 極樂, 佛世界). Howerver, without the discovery of an actual Holding-Bowl, accompanied by a Sacred Water-pot, such speculation will necessarily remain hypothetical. Nevertheless, there is an abundance of evidence of our ancient craftsmanship in jade and ctystal, dating back to the Bronze Age(1000~2B.C.) in Korea. By the time of the Three Kingdom-Period(삼국시대, 三國時代, 57B.C.~935A.D.), and especially the Silla(신라, 新羅, 57B.C.~935A.D.)-Empire, the jade and crystal ornamentation had become very intricate indeed. By the Goryo-Period(918~1392) and Chosun-Period(조선, 朝鮮,1392~1910),crystal-ware and jade art were popular in houses and Buddhist temples, whose master artsanship was heightened in the numerous Sarira-Cases(사리그릇, 舍利器), containing relics and placed inside Stupas(탑, 투, 搭)! Therefore, discovering a tiny part of the crystal or jade Holding-Bowl for the Sacred Water-pot and casting full light on this subject, would not be totally impossible. Lastly the present article shares the tiny hope for a sudden emergence of such a Holding-Bowl.

A Study on Industrial Potential of Artificial Intelligence through the Cases of Film and Artificial Intelligence Art (예술에서 살펴본 인공지능의 미래 산업화 가능성 - 영화와 인공지능 예술을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hee-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.50
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    • pp.423-452
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    • 2018
  • The possibility of future industrialization of artificial intelligence was studied through aspects of artificial intelligence art and movie. The field of artificial intelligence is developing by imitating humans through past and present, so it can be inferred that it is important to grasp the future image presented in movie and artificial intelligence art. Human values are represented differently in artificial intelligence films and arts. Artificial intelligence film and art are concerned with the external and internal aspects of human values, respectively. The AI movie looks at similar external aspects in human and AI shape and function, but artificial intelligence art deals with human alienation and lack of communication due to artificial intelligence technology development. Artificial intelligence in movies is a direction to visualize the imagination for artificial intelligence technology, and artificial intelligence art is expressed in the way of making and implementing works using technology. The future of artificial intelligence, which we have shown in imagination in movies today, is being realized technologically. Artificial intelligence art reflects the problems of artificial intelligence technology that can be appeared through current technology, and human problems that may arise from artificial intelligence technology development. Movies and artificial intelligence art reflect the current problems, and through them we can see the future of artificial intelligence. The future of artificial intelligence in movies is an artificial intelligence service that provides human convenience, cyborg artificial intelligence industry, industry that uses exoskeleton robot and exoskeleton suit, and artificial intelligence secretary. If we look at the future of artificial intelligence through the artificial intelligence art in terms of the problems of artificial intelligence technology and the problem of human value, there are artificial intelligence to learn from trial and error or mistakes, self-expression and communication by lifelogging, recovery of miscommunications by a reflective thinking, and an expansion of the area of artificial intelligence artist through human uncertainty. The future industrialization potential of artificial intelligence as study through aspects of artificial intelligence art and movie is an industry that extends the five senses, an industry that improves the insufficient physical ability of the human, an industry that enhances the physical ability of the human being, and an industry that maintains psychological and mental well-being.

Effect of Orthodontics Patients' Orthodontics Characteristics on the Living Quality Related to Oral Health (OHIP) (교정환자의 교정치료 특징이 구강건강관련 삶의 질(OHIP)에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Sung-Uk;Oh, Na-Rae;Jeong, Mi-Ae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to promote effective health management of orthodontics patients by determining the effect that the factors related to orthodontics would have on the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP), and the subjects of this study was the local residents of Gangwon-do Province. The mean score of OHIP for the subjects was 2.97, while the mean score of physical factor was 3.01. The mean score of psychological factor was found to be 2.93. Thus, the orthodontics was found to have more influence on psychological factor. The item that had the greatest influence among the 10 items of Oral Health Impact Profile was found to be the question, "Have you ever felt shy due to your dental shape?" which had the mean score of 2.66. The characteristics that had significant effect on OHIP among general characteristics were found to be the age, religion, occupation, income, smoking or non-smoking status(p<0.05). In terms of the age, the age of 20 or less had the greatest effect with the mean score of 2.53. In relation to the occupation, the production/sales occupation had an influence with the mean score of 2.56 (p<0.05). Those with income exceeding KRW 4 million were found to have the mean score of 2.83 and 2.78. It turned out that the smokers had greater effect compared to the non-smokers in relation to the smoking/non-smoking status as the income was higher (p<0.05). The characteristics of orthodontics were manifested as the health perception in relation to Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) (p<0.05). Regarding the reason why they underwent the orthodontics, the 'uncomfortable feeling in chewing' was found to have the mean score of 2.69 and 2.67 (p<0.05). Regarding the orthodontics period, 1 to 2 years were found to have the mean score of 2.80 and 2.74, thus having an influence (p<0.05). In relation to the regret/non-regret over orthodontics, those who indicated that they regretted were found to have the mean score of 2.65 and 2.60 (p<0.05). Analysis of the relationship between Characteristics of orthodontic treatment and OHIP, orthodontic treatment reasons, oral health awareness, whether orthodontic treatment regret showed a statistically significant correlation. it is considered necessary to make constant efforts to help orthodontics patients, both physically and psychologically, in the course of treatment and improve their quality of lives.

A Survey on Intake of Protein Supplement of University Students Majoring in Physical Education (체육교육전공 대학생들의 단백질 보충제 섭취실태)

  • Lee, Jooeun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.10
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    • pp.1607-1613
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate intake of protein supplements by university students majoring in physical education. Intake experience rate, reasons for intake, purchasing place, effectiveness, satisfaction level, and side effects were analyzed using a questionnaire. Of 476 students, those who consumed protein supplements were 198 (41.6%). Male's intake experience rate was significantly higher than that of females, and members of health-related clubs also consumed more protein than non-members. The main purchasing place was internet shopping malls, and users obtained information from their friends or upperclassmen. The most frequently consumed protein supplement was 'WPH', and the most frequent reason for intake was 'building muscle or maintaining body shape'. For effectiveness, 'normal' was 49.0% and 'effectiveness' was 33.3%. For satisfaction, 'satisfaction' was 45.5% and 'normal' was 43.4%. The rate of side effects was 44.9%, and digestive issues such as diarrhea and indigestion were observed with high frequency. The results of this study show that education is needed for nutritional knowledge, adequate intake, and side effects of protein supplements.

Properties of Wildbirds Habitat according to Biotope Types at Seom River and Wonju Stream (원주시 섬강, 원주천의 비오톱유형별 야생조류 서식특성 연구)

  • Noh, Tai-Hwan;Pi, Jae-Hwang;Choi, Jin-Woo;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.676-689
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    • 2013
  • This study is to understand the current situation of Wonju Stream, which flows through Wonju, Kangwon-do, and Seom River, the national river located outside of Wonju, by investigating all river areas using biotope type. Also, this research looked into the relationship between biotope and appearance of wild birds by investigating the location of their appearance. Biotope groups are 'scale', 'shape', and 'landscape'. And, biotope types are 'moisture', 'physical environment', and 'existence of vegetation'. Biotope subtypes are 'river area', 'physical environment', 'vegetation type', and 'usage of land'. Seom River is classified as 21 different sections, and Wonju Stream is classified as 19 different sections. Wild birds are investigated on breeding season, which was January and May of 2008. By marking each bird's location of appearance, it figured out properties of biotope according to the location of bird's appearance. 31 species, 795 birds in spring were founded, and 49 species, 4,348 birds are founded in winter at Seom River area. Also, 34 species, 427 birds in spring, and 33 species, 3,442 birds are founded in winter at Wonju Stream area. In winter, 26 species, 547 birds, and in spring, 12 species, 72 birds at natural river with estuaries in confluence of Seom River area are founded. Also, 34 species, 1412 birds in winter, and 24 species, 341 birds in spring are founded at natural river with estuaries and wetland plants. This means that because agricultural rivers have wide river width, slow flow speed, and many different types of biotope, these rivers can be good habitats for wild birds. The precise investigations and classifications of biotope, which especially are hard for linear rivers, were done to understand the whole and current situation of rivers. Furthermore, the data that shows the locations of wild birds can basically be used for a recovery of biological habitats, a constructing of ecological streams, a river-maintenance, and an enhancement of biodiversity of Wonju. Also, because the types of biotope are altered by rain, a continuous monitoring for maintaining ecosystem of rivers are highly needed.

FEA estimates of margin design in all ceramic crowns (완전 도재관을 위한 지대치 형성시 변연 형태에 따른 응력 분포의 유한요소법적 비교)

  • Han, Sang-Hyun;Cho, Jung-Hyeon;Lee, En-Jung;Jeong, Suk-In;Oh, Nam-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • Statement of problem: Over the past decade, increased demand for esthetically pleasing restorations has led to the development of all-ceramic systems. Recent reports suggest that the all-ceramic crowns have excellent physical properties, wear resistance, and color stability. In addition, numerous ceramics have excellent biocompatibility, a natural appearance, and improved physical bonding with resin composite luting agents. However, the brittle nature of ceramics has been a major factor in their restriction for universal usage. Functional occlusal loading can generate stress in the luting agent, and the stress distribution may be affected by the marginal geometry at the finish line. Tooth preparation for fixed prosthodontics requires a decision regarding the marginal configuration. The design dictates the shape and bulk of the all ceramic crowns and influences the fit at the margin. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution within marginal configurations of all- ceramic crowns (90-degree shoulder, 110-degree shoulder, 135-degree shoulder). Material and methods: The force is applied from a direction of 45 degrees to the vertical tooth axis. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was selected to determine stress levels and distributions. Results and conclusion: The result of stress level for the shoulder marginal configuration was more effective on stress distribution at 135-degree shoulder margin. But the stresses concentrated around at 135-degree shoulder margin. The stress decreased apically at the surface between cements and alumina core, and increased apically at the surface between alumina core and veneering porcelain.

Studies on the Desertification Combating and Sand Industry Development(IV) - Technology Development for Sanddune Fixation and Sandy Land Conservation in China - (사막화방지(沙漠化防止) 및 방사기술개발(防沙技術開發)에 관한 연구(硏究)(IV) - 중국(中國)의 사구고정(沙丘固定) 및 방사공법분석(防沙工法分析) -)

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong;Lee, Kyung-Joon;Choi, Hyung-Tae;Lee, Sang-Ho;Park, Joo-Won;Wang, Lixian;Zhang, Kebin;Sun, Baoping
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.3
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    • pp.277-294
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    • 2001
  • This study is aimed to analyze and to evaluate the technology development for sanddune fixation and sandy land conservation in China, resulting from the project of "Studies on the desertification combating and sand industry development". There are various types of sanddunes, including shrub-bunch type, dendritic, honey combed lattice, crescentic, parabolic, pyramid, complex and irregular types, domed, and so on. The height distribution ratios of these sanddunes are 13% of less than 5m, 17% of 6~10m, 18% of 11~25m, 14% of 26~50m, 28% of 51~100m, 10% of more than 100m, and so on. In dry land of China, shifting direction of the sanddune is mainly varying with main direction of wind, but types of shifting sanddunes have many differences in accordance with region, topography, size and shape of sanddunes. The main sanddune fixation technologies could be divided into the bio-ecological measures, physical measures and chemical measures. The bio-ecological measures include such vegetation measures as shrub-grasses measures, sandbreaks between sand dunes, sand fixation shelterblets and establishment of farmland shelterbelts, etc. The physical measures include establishment of high-sanddune stabilization walls and low-sanddune stabilization walls, sanddune fixation levees and coverage method with sediment clay, etc. The chemical measures include fixation-materials spraying and synthetical liquid spraying methods, etc. Besides, irrigation and sand settlement measures, shifting sand trapping channel, ditchsand fixation measures, etc. have been effectively applied.

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Pedological Characteristics of Asian Dust in Korea (한국에 강하한 황사의 토양학적 특성)

  • Zhang, Yong-Seon;Kim, Yoo-Hak;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Lee, Gye-Jun;Kim, Myung-Sook;Kim, Sun-Kwan;Weon, Hang-Yeon;Joa, Jae-Ho;Eom, Ki-Cheol;Kim, Sang-Hyo;Kwak, Han-Kang;Kim, Han-Myeong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2005
  • Asian dust was collected in Korea and soils in the arid area of northern China were analysed for its physical and chemical properties, and mineral compositions for in order to interpret the origin of Aeolian soils and estimate the effect of dust wind on the soil environment in Korea. Asian dust was collected at Suwon in Korea from 2002 to 2004. Soil samples were collected from the desert and Loess plateaus around Gobi desert in China. As a result of analysis of desert soil distributed on northern region and Loess soils in China, it was observed that soil pH was about 9, organic matter 11 to $23g\;kg^{-1}$, and CEC 7.1 to $18.4cmolc\;kg^{-1}$, showing a high spatial variation among different sampling locations. About 62 to 80% of particles were composed of quartz and feldspars, 2 to 14% calcite ($CaCO_3$) and dolomite [$Ca{\cdot}Mg(CO_3)_2$], and trace other clay minerals. All the dust particles in Korea were below 50 m in diameter, and the mineral compositions were quartz, mica, feldspar and some clay minerals. Major components of clay mineral of Asian dust was mainly illite as compared to the kaolin of soils in Korea. The base saturation of exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na in the Asian dust was above 250% due to the high content calcite. Most of upland soil in Suwon was thin and sharp type, but Asian dust in Korea was the spherical shape. Asian dusts in Suwon, Korea, did not show a definite mineralogical variation of the dust during the collection period. Difference between the Asian dust collected in Korea and the soils in arid area of China was observed in the physical and chemical properties, especially for particle size distribution, cations such as Ca, Mg, K and Na. However, some similarities were found on the mineral compositions and chemical properties between Asian dust collected in Korea and the loess of China.

The Effect of Kinesio Taping on the Change of Muscle Strength and Endurance in Trunk Flexion and Extension in Chronic Low Back Pain(CLBP) (만성요통 환자의 테이핑 적용 시체간의 굴곡과 선전의 근력과 지구력의 변화 측정)

  • Kim, Su-Hyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the muscle strength and endurance of the lumbar at flexion and extension were determined using an isokinetic muscle strength meter (Biodex) in patients with chronic lumbar go (10 male and 10 females), and the changes in muscle strength and endurance of the lumbar at flexion and extension after application of Y-shaped sacrospinalis muscle taping, typically used for patient with lumbar go, were studied. In addition, the sacrospinalis muscle taping of a different shape (I-shaped taping) was applied bilaterally centering on the spine, and the muscle strength and endurance of the lumbar at flexion and extension were determined and compared with those before taping. In addition, the results after application of Y-shaped taping and I-shaped taping were also compared. 1. The extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of Y-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). The flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio taping and after application of Y-shaped taping did not show the level of significance. 2. The flexor muscle endurance of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and application of Y-shaped taping did not show the level of significance. The extensor muscle endurance of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of Y-shaped taping did not show the level of significance. 3. The extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). The flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). 4. The flexor muscle endurance of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance. The extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). 5. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec did not show the level of significance. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/ sec showed the level of significance (p<.05). 6. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec did not show the level of significance. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec did not showed the level of significance (p<.05).

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Seismic response characteristics of the hypothetical subsea tunnel in the fault zone with various material properties (다양한 물성의 단층대를 통과하는 가상해저터널의 지진 시 응답 특성)

  • Jang, Dong In;Kwak, Chang-Won;Park, Inn-Joon;Kim, Chang-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1061-1071
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    • 2018
  • A subsea tunnel, being a super-sized underground structure must ensure safety at the time of earthquake, as well as at ordinary times. At the time of earthquake, in particular, of a subsea tunnel, a variety of response behaviors are induced owing to relative rigidity to the surrounding ground, or difference of displacement, so that the behavior characteristics can be hardly anticipated. The investigation aims to understand the behavior characteristics switched by earthquake of an imaginary subsea tunnel which passes through a fault zone having different physical properties from those of the surrounding ground. In order to achieve the aim, dynamic response behaviors of a subsea tunnel which passes through a fault zone were observed by means of indoor experiments. For the sake of improved earthquake resistance, a shape of subsea tunnel to which flexible segments have been applied was considered. Afterward, it is believed that a D/B can be established through 3-dimensional earthquake resistance interpretation of various grounds, on the basis of verified results from the experiments and interpretations under various conditions. The present investigation performed 1 g shaking table test in order to verify the result of 3-dimensional earthquake resistance interpretation. A model considering the similitude (1:100) of a scale-down model test was manufactured, and tests for three (3) Cases were carried out. Incident seismic wave was introduced by artificial seismic wave having both long-period and short-period earthquake properties in the horizontal direction which is rectangular to the processing direction of the tunnel, so that a fault zone was modeled. For numerical analysis, elastic modulus of the fault zone was assumed 1/5 value of the modulus of individual grounds surround the tunnel, in order to simulate a fault zone. Resultantly, reduced acceleration was confirmed with increase of physical properties of the fault zone, and the result from the shaking table test showed the same tendency as the result from 3-dimensional interpretation.