• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical shape

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Analysis on Relations between Travel time and Watershed Characteristics (유역특성(流域特性)과 홍수도달시간(洪水到達時間)과의 상관해석(相關解析))

  • Suh, Seung Duk;Lim, Kyu Dong
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.5
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire and analyse the relation between traveltime (Tc) and watetshed physical characteristics surveyed such as river length (L), Lea, river main slope (s), base length of time area diagram, and storage constant (k). The results obtained in this study are as follows. The average widths of watersheds were with the range from 4.6 kilometers to 16.7 kilometers. The shape factors of main stream ranged from 0.08 to 0.37. The average slopes to main 8tream were within the range of 1.7-5.5 meter per kilometer. The relation between the base length and traveltime from S. C. S. method, Rational method, and RZIHA+KRAVEN method were derived $Tc=0.524{\times}1.35^c$ (r=0.98), $Tc=0.628{\times}1.339^c$, (r=0.98), $Tc=0.667{\times}1.342^c$ (r=0.97). The base length of the time-area diagram (c) for the IUH was derived as $c=0.9(\frac{L.L_{ca}}{\sqrt{s}})^{0.35}$ and correlation coefficient was 0.98 which defined a high significance. The storage constant K, derived in this study was $K=8.32+0.0213{\frac{L}{\sqrt{s}}}$ with correlation coefficient (0.96). The relation between storage Constant and conventional formula were figured out $Tc=0.0003{\times}3.323^k$ (r=0.97). $Tc=0.00045{\times}3.268^k$ (r=0.99) and $Tc=0.0004{\times}3.26^k$ (r=0.963). The base length (c) and storage constant (k) of time-Area Diagram were very important parts that determined traveltime for flood events. In the estimate of travel time for predicting flood volume, the formula of $Tc=0.524{\times}1.35^c$ that would be available to apply the Nak - Dong river watershed area and homogeneous watershed characteristics was found.

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Tactile Sensing for Virtual Interaction as a Part of Ubiquitous Game Development (유비쿼터스게임의 상호작용 구성요소 개발을 위한 촉각응용)

  • Lee, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.1062-1068
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    • 2007
  • In order to design and develop a ubiquitous game, it is necessary to develop a natural and flexible interface between the real world and the virtual world, based on social and physical context awareness. We design user interface model and the tactile sensing system that performs virtual interaction and collection of the sensor data. It is sensitive so the collected data should be filtered, rearranged and analyzed. This information is quite different from stylus input, keyboard, button or mouse for interaction. We detect kicked 3D force position of a ball, moment of area, moment of inertia and modified ball shape using tactile sensing system and analyzed data. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach is desirable and robust as well as the results can be used realistic actions and reactions considering attack force and to make interesting environments for ubiquitous game.

Temperature dependence of the effective anisotropy in Ni nanowire arrays

  • Meneses, Fernando;Urreta, Silvia E.;Escrig, Juan;Bercoff, Paula G.
    • Current Applied Physics
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.1240-1247
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    • 2018
  • Magnetic hysteresis in Ni nanowire arrays grown by electrodeposition inside the pores of anodic alumina templates is studied as a function of temperature in the range between 5 K and 300 K. Nanowires with different diameters, aspect ratios, inter-wire distance in the array and surface condition (smooth and rough) are synthesized. These microstructure parameters are linked to the different free magnetic energy contributions determining coercivity and the controlling magnetization reversal mechanisms. Coercivity increases with temperature in arrays of nanowires with rough surfaces and small diameters -33 nm and 65 nm- when measured without removing the alumina template and/or the Al substrate. For thicker wires -200 nm in diameter and relatively smooth surfaces- measured without the Al substrate, coercivity decreases as temperature rises. These temperature dependences of magnetic hysteresis are described in terms of an effective magnetic anisotropy $K_a$, resulting from the interplay of magnetocrystalline, magnetoelastic and shape anisotropies, together with the magnetostatic interaction energy density between nanowires in the array. The experimentally determined coercive fields are compared with results of micromagnetic calculations, performed considering the magnetization reversal mode acting in each studied array and microstructure parameters. A method is proposed to roughly estimate the value of $K_a$ experimentally, from the hysteresis loops measured at different temperatures. These measured values are in agreement with theoretical calculations. The observed temperature dependence of coercivity does not arise from an intrinsic property of pure Ni but from the nanowires surface roughness and the way the array is measured, with or without the alumina template and/or the aluminum support.

A Study on the Simplified Representation of Product Model for Shipbuilding CIMS (조선 CIM을 위한 제품 모델의 간명한 표현법)

  • D.Y. Yoon;H.J. Jo;H.W. Suh;K.E. Kim;Y.H. Ko;W.J. Lee;H.J. Kim;H.G. Lim;I.K. Woo;C.B. Song
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of CIM for shipbuilding should be focused on the efficient processing of information among design, process planning and scheduling activities. The most essential technology for shipbuilding CIM is the product model. This model should not only define a physical product "ship" but also a process "ship production". Major activity for ship production is assembly, which requires intensive use of the relationships among parts of ship structure. Other production information are painting area. shape. weight, etc. The fact that major ship structure is "stiffened-plate" type, which allows us to handle the plate thickness as non-geometric information for practical purpose. Therefore. the geometric model for ship product model should handle the relationship among parts(so called topology) efficiently. We find that a face oriented non manifold data structure can meet this requirement. We apply this non-manifold data structure to the ship compartmentation, structural design, and assembly.

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Analysis of a Marine Propeller in Steady Flow by a Higher-Order Boundary Element Method (고차경계요소법을 이용한 정상 유동중의 프로펠러 해석)

  • K.J. Paik;S.B. Suh;H.H. Chun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2001
  • Low-order panel methods are being used to design marine propellers. Since the potential value over each panel for these methods is assumed to be a constant, the accuracy of prediction is known to be limited. Therefore, a higher order boundary element method(HOBEM) has been studied to enhance the accuracy of prediction. In this paper, a HOBEM representing the body boundary surfaces and physical quantities by a 9-node Lagrangian shape function is employed to analyse the flow around marine propellers in steady potential flow. First, the numerical results for a circular wing with thickness variations are compared with Jordan's linear solution. Then, the computational results of two propellers(DTRC 4119 & DTRC 4842 propeller) are compared with the experimental and numerical results published. The pressure distribution on the surface of the propeller is also compared with experimental data.

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A Study on the Transition Process of Fisheries Industry, Fisheries Institute of West Coast of Korea (Around the Gogunsan Islands and adjacent Area) (우리 나라 서해안(西海岸)의 수산업(水產業) 및 수산교육기관(水產敎育機關)의 변천과정(變遷過程)에 관한 사적(史的) 고찰(考察) (고군산(古群山) 군도(群島)의 인접지역(隣接地域)을 중심(中心)으로))

  • Lee, Kil-Rae
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.24-42
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    • 1999
  • I have studied historical transition process of fisheries industries, fisheries Institute in abreast of developing fisheries industries of west coast of Korea since 1910 year with regard to the Gogunsan Is. The results were summarized as follows. In 1910 year, fishery industry has been carried out shifting fishing gear e.g set-net in shallow waters, small stow net, small seine net adapting to the tophorgrapical feature, shape of coast, oceanic condition, however, the fishing gear and fishing method were undeveloped, so that, Japanese fishermen had been exploited fisheries resources penetrating the fishing ground. Most important species were lot of captured croaker, cod, spanish mackeral, sea abream, herring in coastal sea. nowaday, squid, anchovy, shrimp, crab, pompret were much captured. The species were captured in 18 century were not captured. It is rarely than that period. Fishereis aquatic culture had been not farmed till 1960 year, but sea laver, shrimp, crab, had been breeded 1970 year also, the fresh water fish e.g. eel, cat-fish had been breeded activately. The fisheries processing industry were composed of salt. icing, dry, method. the salted fish industry had been prevailed at Gangyng, Kwangchon, Kunsan, Julpo comparatively. The fisheries institute had been established at Kunsan at first, but institute established in other region had been abolished in a short time. This phenomenon was related with development of fisheries resources. The western coast fisheries industries had been wasted of decreasing of fisheries resources, variation of environment. Accordingly, the study of preserving the marine resources. educated man power who engaged in fisheries field have to accomplish. Sea was dying with reason of loss of mud in west coast factory waste, waste of life the increase of accident of sea polluted, each illegal fishing industry physical and chemical reason etc. in this respect, Kusan maritime college, fisheries developing agency, institute have to take important role for developing fishing industry.

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Anisotropic Acorn-like Particle Fabrication Via a Dynamic Phase Separation Method (동적 상분리법을 이용한 이방성 도토리형상 입자 제조)

  • Park, Chul Ho;Baek, Il-hyun
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2019
  • Anisotropic particles have been issued in various fields due to their unique physical properties. Herein, a novel dynamic phase separation method (DPS) is introduced to fabricate anisotropic acorn-like nanoparticles. DPS consists of two dynamic conditions; solvent evaporation and nonsolvent induced precipitation. The bottom layer is controlled by feeding the water as a non-solvent diluent, and the phase separation of the upper layer relies on the diffusion and evaporation of a volatile good solvent. At this condition, the acorn-like particles were fabricated. Under a closed box filled with water (spontaneous phase separation), monodisperse polystyrene (PS) particles were synthesized. At the coexistence between DPS and spontaneous phase separation, the sizes of cap and particle were changed. Also, the volume of PS solutions influences on the particle shape. Since the unique structures could be utilized into various applications, if advanced techniques such as membrane-based controlled water feeding is developed, monodisperse acorn-like particles could be tuned.

Pre-treatment of oily wastewater using a coagulation-DAF process with slit-nozzle (슬릿노즐기반 응집·공기부상공정을 통한 유류폐수 전처리)

  • Choi, Sangki;Kim, Youngmo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.479-485
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    • 2018
  • Large amounts of oily wastewater discharged from various industrial operations (petroleum refining, machinery industries and chemical industries) cause serious pollution in the aquatic environment. Although dissolved air flotation (DAF) separating oil pollutants using microbubbles represents current practice, bubble size cannot be selectively controlled, and lots of power is required to generate microbubbles. Therefore, to investigate performance of the DAF process, this study examined the distribution of different sizes of microbubbles resulting from changes in physical shear force via modifying shapes of a slit-nozzle without an additional power supply. Three types of slit-nozzles (different angle, shape and length of the slit-nozzle) were used to analyze the distribution of bubble size. At a slit angle of $60^{\circ}$, shear force was 4.29 times higher than a conventional slit, and particle size distribution (PSD) in the range between 2 and $20{\mu}m$ more than doubled. Treatment efficiency of synthetic oily wastewater through the coagulation-DAF process achieved 90% removal of COD by injecting $FeCl_3$ and PACl of 250 mg/L and 100 mg/L, respectively, and the same performance resulted using $FeCl_3$ of 200 mg/L and PACl of 80 mg/L employing a slit-nozzle angle of $60^{\circ}$. This study shows that a coagulation-DAF process using a modified slit-nozzle can improve the pre-treatment of oily wastewater.

3D Reconstruction of Structure Fusion-Based on UAS and Terrestrial LiDAR (UAS 및 지상 LiDAR 융합기반 건축물의 3D 재현)

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Kang, Joon-Oh;Oh, Seong-Jong;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Urban Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2018
  • Digital Twin is a technology that creates a photocopy of real-world objects on a computer and analyzes the past and present operational status by fusing the structure, context, and operation of various physical systems with property information, and predicts the future society's countermeasures. In particular, 3D rendering technology (UAS, LiDAR, GNSS, etc.) is a core technology in digital twin. so, the research and application are actively performed in the industry in recent years. However, UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) have to be solved by compensating blind spot which is not reconstructed according to the object shape. In addition, the terrestrial LiDAR can acquire the point cloud of the object more precisely and quickly at a short distance, but a blind spot is generated at the upper part of the object, thereby imposing restrictions on the forward digital twin modeling. The UAS is capable of modeling a specific range of objects with high accuracy by using high resolution images at low altitudes, and has the advantage of generating a high density point group based on SfM (Structure-from-Motion) image analysis technology. However, It is relatively far from the target LiDAR than the terrestrial LiDAR, and it takes time to analyze the image. In particular, it is necessary to reduce the accuracy of the side part and compensate the blind spot. By re-optimizing it after fusion with UAS and Terrestrial LiDAR, the residual error of each modeling method was compensated and the mutual correction result was obtained. The accuracy of fusion-based 3D model is less than 1cm and it is expected to be useful for digital twin construction.

A Study on Quality Characteristic and Stability Improvement of Vibration-Proof Polyurethane Mat (방진용 폴리우레탄 매트의 물리적 특성과 안정성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Kyung-Ha;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2019
  • Along with industrial development, various architectural structures have become bigger and higher, leading to an expansion in the size and capacity of construction equipment. And with the development of public transportation, the use of subways as a means of transportation in the city center is increasing, so that vibrations and structural noises are emerging as a new environmental issue. Considering that architectural structures may be used from several decades to hundreds of years after the time of construction, they can be seen as semi-permanent. Due to changes in the vibration-proof polyurethane mats installed in the foundation of these structures, settling may occur and vibration reduction may become inadequate. Therefore, in view of service life, it is necessary to have a high-level standard of reliability and stability. In accordance with this, the Floating Floor System, which uses soft polyurethane foam and can be constructed within a relatively short period of time, has excellent vibration resistant characteristics. It is presented as a great alternative solution to the issue of vibrations caused by subways, railways and building structures. At present, vibration-proof polyurethane mats have been developed up to the same product level as in other advanced countries. However, in the construction of structure foundations, the physical properties of this product and its shape incur changes. If they are installed as such in the structure of a building, it may cause significant impact on stability, requiring that this cause be urgently identified and improved.