• Title/Summary/Keyword: Physical Network

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A study on the Project Planning Method of Areas near St.Pancars Station & King's Cross Station in London (런던 St.Pancars Station & King's Cross Station 인접지역의 철도역사 기반 도시재생계획에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ye-Kyeong
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.10
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    • pp.603-612
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    • 2016
  • This study will observe the following subjects based on the railroad: First, the development of St. Pancreas Station, which is the gateway to London from other Europe continent, and King's Cross Station, which connects all the intercity within London. Second, the planning characteristic of urban regeneration case which was driven from Camden district, the center of King's Cross Central, which is located in between the two stations, St. Pancreas and King's Cross. Third, based on the the two stations and urban regeneration, this study attempts to investigate the direction of urban regenerating plan and its detailed strategy. As a result, King's Cross Station, St. Pancreas Station and the King's Cross Central area, which is an adjacent area from the two stations, were a slum for a long time. However, the two close stations played a role as the United Kindom and London's railroad network by sharing the common denominator of having the international high-speed railway among the Europe continent and being the connection of National railroads within London. Eventually, based on such potential of railroad traffic, King's Cross Central area was newly regenerated. The consequence of this study has shown that not only the physical modernization of buildings, implementation of compact railroad network supporting both ground and underground of each area or traffic connection was organized in London, but also secured the pedestrian way for easier transfer and planned and allocated facilities by considering citizen's publicness and multilateral use.

Exploration of the Dance Career Intervention by AHP Method: Focusing on Vocational Guidance, Career Education and Career Counseling (AHP분석을 활용한 무용진로개입의 체계적 접근 방안 : 직업지도, 진로교육 및 상담을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji Young;Lim, Su Jin;Kim, Hyoung Nam
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.661-676
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to draw a systematic access method of career intervention for dance majors. This study conducted Delphi survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). As a result of study, 16 elements of career intervention were produced in total 4 areas. Results show that vocational guidance puts emphasis on the understanding of the various vocations, career education on the career planning and goal, career counseling on the macro-narrative to the life and career intervention network on the dance job fair and workshop. In the complex weight of all factors, ratings of weight show that dance vocation guidance and career education are demanded significantly. Results show that expansion of career alternatives, application of diversified dance career development road map to the curriculum, development of test tool and outcome standard, dance educators' systematic career intervention education and systematization of network for career support were suggested as measures for dance career intervention. This study discussed about dynamic reality and systematic access method for dance majors based on theories of Holland(1997), Super(1990), and Savickas(2005).

Short-Term Precipitation Forecasting based on Deep Neural Network with Synthetic Weather Radar Data (기상레이더 강수 합성데이터를 활용한 심층신경망 기반 초단기 강수예측 기술 연구)

  • An, Sojung;Choi, Youn;Son, MyoungJae;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Jung, Sung-Hwa;Park, Young-Youn
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.43-45
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    • 2021
  • The short-term quantitative precipitation prediction (QPF) system is important socially and economically to prevent damage from severe weather. Recently, many studies for short-term QPF model applying the Deep Neural Network (DNN) has been conducted. These studies require the sophisticated pre-processing because the mistreatment of various and vast meteorological data sets leads to lower performance of QPF. Especially, for more accurate prediction of the non-linear trends in precipitation, the dataset needs to be carefully handled based on the physical and dynamical understands the data. Thereby, this paper proposes the following approaches: i) refining and combining major factors (weather radar, terrain, air temperature, and so on) related to precipitation development in order to construct training data for pattern analysis of precipitation; ii) producing predicted precipitation fields based on Convolutional with ConvLSTM. The proposed algorithm was evaluated by rainfall events in 2020. It is outperformed in the magnitude and strength of precipitation, and clearly predicted non-linear pattern of precipitation. The algorithm can be useful as a forecasting tool for preventing severe weather.

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Drape Simulation Estimation for Non-Linear Stiffness Model (비선형 강성 모델을 위한 드레이프 시뮬레이션 결과 추정)

  • Eungjune Shim;Eunjung Ju;Myung Geol Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2023
  • In the development of clothing design through virtual simulation, it is essential to minimize the differences between the virtual and the real world as much as possible. The most critical task to enhance the similarity between virtual and real garments is to find simulation parameters that can closely emulate the physical properties of the actual fabric in use. The simulation parameter optimization process requires manual tuning by experts, demanding high expertise and a significant amount of time. Especially, considerable time is consumed in repeatedly running simulations to check the results of applying the tuned simulation parameters. Recently, to tackle this issue, artificial neural network learning models have been proposed that swiftly estimate the results of drape test simulations, which are predominantly used for parameter tuning. In these earlier studies, relatively simple linear stiffness models were used, and instead of estimating the entirety of the drape mesh, they estimated only a portion of the mesh and interpolated the rest. However, there is still a scarcity of research on non-linear stiffness models, which are commonly used in actual garment design. In this paper, we propose a learning model for estimating the results of drape simulations for non-linear stiffness models. Our learning model estimates the full high-resolution mesh model of drape. To validate the performance of the proposed method, experiments were conducted using three different drape test methods, demonstrating high accuracy in estimation.

Paradigm of the Transformation of Potential-Forming Space Under the Impact of Intellectual-Innovation Determinants

  • Khanin, Semen;Derhaliuk, Marta;Stavroyany, Serhii;Kudlasevych, Olga;Didkivska, Lesia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.340-346
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    • 2022
  • The article examines the formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants. Based on the study of different scientific views on the nature and properties of potential-forming space through the study of approaches to understanding the concept of "space" clarified the complexity and multifaceted nature of the phenomenon and found that its characteristics are relevant to the industrial development model. It is revealed that the leading modern trends related to the spread of globalization and regionalization, rapid development of information and communication technologies, diffusion of innovations accompany the transition from industrial to post-industrial development and its development, which leads to new development: changes production, nature and relations between business entities, etc. It is proved that under such conditions, the region as a key element of the economic system, acquires a leading role in achieving sustainable and balanced development. These processes significantly affect the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants, leading to the need for its transformation and change in accordance with modern realities, which is reflected in thorough research on the formation of scientific paradigm based on the formation of its theoretical foundations and methodological basis. This study reveals the essence, role, functions, structure, process of formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants. It is proved that the formation of the modern scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants occurs in the context of building a post-industrial model of development, accompanied by consideration of the region as a spatial object territories from the physical plane to the spatial environment in which the development of human capital, innovation and self-development of the region. Taking into account the above, the article outlines the prerequisites and factors of formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants.

Deep learning-based Multi-view Depth Estimation Methodology of Contents' Characteristics (다 시점 영상 콘텐츠 특성에 따른 딥러닝 기반 깊이 추정 방법론)

  • Son, Hosung;Shin, Minjung;Kim, Joonsoo;Yun, Kug-jin;Cheong, Won-sik;Lee, Hyun-woo;Kang, Suk-ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.4-7
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    • 2022
  • Recently, multi-view depth estimation methods using deep learning network for the 3D scene reconstruction have gained lots of attention. Multi-view video contents have various characteristics according to their camera composition, environment, and setting. It is important to understand these characteristics and apply the proper depth estimation methods for high-quality 3D reconstruction tasks. The camera setting represents the physical distance which is called baseline, between each camera viewpoint. Our proposed methods focus on deciding the appropriate depth estimation methodologies according to the characteristics of multi-view video contents. Some limitations were found from the empirical results when the existing multi-view depth estimation methods were applied to a divergent or large baseline dataset. Therefore, we verified the necessity of obtaining the proper number of source views and the application of the source view selection algorithm suitable for each dataset's capturing environment. In conclusion, when implementing a deep learning-based depth estimation network for 3D scene reconstruction, the results of this study can be used as a guideline for finding adaptive depth estimation methods.

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An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Global Sourcing Intention in Korean Clothing Sewing Industry: Focusing on Women's Knit Wear Production (국내 의류봉제 산업의 글로벌소싱 의향 고려요인 연구: 여성니트복종(women's knit wear) 생산을 중심으로)

  • Dabin Yoo;Sunwook Chung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - This study seeks to investigate the determinants of global sourcing intention in clothing sewing industry, in particular with its focus on women's knit wear production. Design/methodology/approach - This study collected a unique set of qualitative data through 31 in-depth interviews with fashion brands, promotion agencies, and sewing factories between July 2023 and October 2023. In addition, it analyzed the dataset using the MAXQDA to complement the research findings. Findings - We have two findings. First, the interviewees commonly mentioned the following factors as reasons for considering global sourcing: the human factors(aging of skilled technicians and labor shortages), the financial factors(gap in production unit prices at home and abroad), the relational factors(lack of novelty), and the physical factors(loss of production infrastructure and network), while the human factors(skilled workforce), the production factors(delivery date and product quality), and the relational factors(timely communication and mutual trust) as reasons for continuing domestic sourcing. Additional code analysis of interview also supports this finding. On the other hand, there was also a subtle difference between buyers(brands) and suppliers(promotion agencies and processing plants), and buyers consider the exact delivery date critical so that they could see trend-sensitive women's knit wear on time, and suppliers took production costs, labor costs, and labor shortages, which are financial factors, more seriously. Research implications or Originality - This study provides a richer and more balanced view of existing literature, which has generally tended to introduce global sourcing across the clothing industry despite the existence of various diversity within the industry. In addition, through qualitative research, we introduce that the sewing industry is carried out according to complex factors, and by revealing and categorizing the determinants of global sourcing, we supplement the existing research on the clothing sewing industry centered on survey. On a practical note, this study introduces that there is a difference in view of domestic sourcing and global sourcing between buyers(brands) and suppliers(promotion agencies and sewing factories), suggesting practical implications for revitalizing networks and deriving win-win cooperation network models among members in the future.

Analysis and Calculation of Factors Influencing the Sortie Generation Rate (SGR) of Aircraft-carrying Naval Ships (함재기탑재 함정의 소티 생성률(Sortie Generation Rate) 영향인자 분석 및 산출 연구)

  • Sunah Jung;Heechang Yoon;Seungheon Oh;Jonghoon Woo;Sangwoo Bae;Dongi Park;Woongsub Lee;Jaehyuk Lee;Hyuk Lee;Junghoon Chung
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2024
  • The Sortie Generation Rate (SGR) is a critical performance indicator for carrier-based aircraft and is a key factor for the carrier design process. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect SGR and establish a representative Sortie Generation Process (SGP) along with simulation results to calculate SGR for a naval ship equipped to carry aircraft. Detailed SGR factors are identified from the perspectives of the aircraft, aviation personnel, and aircraft carrier during the flight preparation stage, and the SGP is established accordingly. As a representative, Korean Navy's CVX basic design is chosen for detailed analysis. The physical dimension and spots for the deck design with time and probabilistic data of SGP are considered to develop a queueing network model for SGR calculation. To consider the specific probabilistic features, the model was solved with discrete event simulation tools(SimPy and AnyLogic) where the results show great agreement. Such findings on SGR factors and calculation are expected to be incorporated in the future development of SGR calculation algorithms and also present guidelines for proper design of aircraft carrier based on concrete operation concept.

A Study on the Location of Urban Parks for Green-Network Revitalization - Based on Downtown of Busan - (도시공원 입지특성에 따른 그린네트워크 활성화 연구 - 부산광역시 도심권을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Gyu-Hong;Park, Sung-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2010
  • Seen topographically, Busan is a city that is coastal and hilly. In the city, most parks have been formed around mountain areas that are not so useful. They also are unbalanced in location among different regions of the city. The purpose of this study is to find how to manage urban parks towards green network promotion. For the purpose, this researcher first analyzed physical and environmental characteristics of urban parks located within the main living spheres of Busan. Then, the researcher examined interactive relations between those parks and downtown areas surrounding them to classify types of the parks. In association, the researcher classified the entire of the city into inland and coastal regions. And the researcher examined mountainous and hilly urban parks that were 150 to 300 meters above sea level in the former region and 100 to 150 meters above sea level in the latter. Findings of the study can be summarized as follows. The above examination found that parks of Busan feature physically penetrating and overlapping with downtown areas of the city. How well the green zones of Busan in form of urban park are inter-connective and influential to each other heavily depends on shapes and functions that the downtown areas of the city have. In this study, urban parks of Busan were grouped according to their types and then analyzed. Based on results of the analysis, the researcher tried to find how to increase the utility of another urban parks that are expected to be formed and how to promote so-called the green network that integrates greens. Considering findings of the study, the researcher would make the following suggestions. In case of forming an urban park in a gently sloped green zone which is easily accessible and noticeable, it's important that the park should include a stream to which another green zone is converged or, if the park is located near a costal area, contribute to promote urban functions and openness. While, in a high-altitude green zone, it's more effective to form so-called the green way that consists of some limited usable site of the zone and greens behind it and then form a hub of regional community at the intersection between the main road and main gate to the urban park, contributing to the green network promotion.

Analysis of Behavior of Seoullo 7017 Visitors - With a Focus on Text Mining and Social Network Analysis - (서울로 7017 방문자들의 이용행태 분석 -텍스트 마이닝과 소셜 네트워크 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the usage behavior of Seoullo 7017, the first public garden in Korea, to understand the usage status by analyzing blogs, and to present usage behavior and improvement plans for Seoullo 7017. From June 2017 to May 2020, after Seoullo 7017 was open to citizens, character data containing 'Seoullo 7017' in the title and contents of NAVER and·DAUM blogs were converted to text mining and socialization, a Big Data technique. The analysis was conducted using social network analysis. The summary of the research results is as follows. First of all, the ratio of men and women searching for Seoullo 7017 online is similar, and the regions that searched most are in the order of Seoul and Gyeonggi, and those in their 40s and 50s were the most interested. In other words, it can be seen that there is a lack of interest in regions other than Seoul and Gyeonggi and among those in their 10s, 20s, and 30s. The main behaviors of Seoullo 7017 are' night view' and 'walking', and the factors that affect culture and art are elements related to culture and art. If various programs and festivals are opened and actively promoted, the main behavior will be more varied. On the other hand, the main behavior that the users of Seoullo 7017 want is 'sit', which is a static behavior, but the physical conditions are not sufficient for the behavior to occur. Therefore, facilities that can cause sitting behavior, such as shades and benches must be improved to meet the needs of visitors. The peculiarity of the change in the behavior of Seoullo 7017 is that it is recognized as a good place to travel alone and a good place to walk alone as a public multi-use facility and group activities are restricted due to COVID-19. Accordingly, in a situation like the COVD-19 pandemic, more diverse behaviors can be derived in facilities where people can take a walk, etc., and the increase of various attractions and the satisfaction of users can be increased. Seoullo 7017, as Korea's first public pedestrian area, was created for urban regeneration and the efficient use of urban resources in areas beyond the meaning of public spaces and is a place with various values such as history, nature, welfare, culture, and tourism. However, as a result of the use behavior analysis, various behaviors did not occur in Seoullo 7017 as expected, and elements that hinder those major behaviors were derived. Based on these research results, it is necessary to understand the usage behavior of Seoullo 7017 and to establish a plan for spatial system and facility improvement, so that Seoullo 7017 can be an important place for urban residents and a driving force to revitalize the city.