• 제목/요약/키워드: Physical Damage

검색결과 1,272건 처리시간 0.025초

림프부종의 물리치료적 접근과 관리 : 전문가 견해 (Physical Therapy Approach and Management for Lymphedema : Expert Opinion)

  • 이화경;김성열;최경욱
    • 대한통합의학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2022
  • Background : Lymphedema is a progressive disorder characterized by the impairment of lymph flow from tissues to the blood circulation system. This occurs as a result of damage to the lymphatic system. Complex decongestive therapy (CDT) is a multimodal, conservative therapeutic approach that is used for the management of lymphedema. CDT consists of a combination of compression therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, exercise, and skin care. Purpose : This study aimed to provide a review of available physical therapy interventions as well as general care guidelines for patients with lymphedema. Methods : The recommendations and guidelines for physical therapy management, medical management, and general information were reviewed from the following sources: 1) The American Physical Therapy Association, 2) The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy, and 3) The International Society of Lymphology. This review contains general information, including the medical management and the importance of physical therapy in lymphedema. Physical therapy management should be based on an assessment of the patients' presenting impairments, including based on inclusion or exclusion of physical therapy interventions. This review also outlines a step-by-step approach that starts with disease diagnosis and progression all the way through to rehabilitation as an outpatient. Conclusion : Depending on the patients' journey to recovery and the requirement for rehabilitation, physical therapy interventions should focus on the patients' needs including pain, appearance, physical function and general rehabilitation. We hope that this review will provide information on evidence-based physical therapy and general care to patients with lymphedema.

트레드밀 트레이닝이 비만 쥐의 neurotrophins와 초기발현 단백질에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Treadmill Training on Neurotrophins and Immediately Early Protein in Obese Rats)

  • 우진희;신기옥;여남회;박소영;강성훈
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제21권7호
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    • pp.985-991
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 고지방식이로 인한 비만으로 불균형된 지질구성과 산화적 손상이 신경세포형성과 초기발현단백질에 미치는 생물학적 영향을 알아보고, 규칙적인 운동의 효과를 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 실험동물은 4주령 SD rat 수컷 30마리를 1주간의 적응기간을 둔 뒤, 15주간 고지방식이를 통해 비만으로 유도하였으며, high fat diet sedentary (HDS, n=15)와 high fat diet and training (HDT, n=15)으로 분류하여 연구하였다. 운동강도는 1~4주는 저강도, 5~8주는 중강도로 주5회 실시하였다. 8주 트레이닝 후 혈청지질, 8-OHdG, MDA, neurotrophic factor, 그리고 IEG를 분석하였다. 그 결과 TC와 TG에서 HDS와 HDT 사이 유의한 차이가 나타났다(p<0.05). 8-OHdG에서 HDT는 트레드밀 트레이닝 후에 HDS보다 낮게 나타났다(p<0.05). 해마에서 c-jun, BDNF 그리고 간에서 MDA의 단백질 발현은 HDT가 트레드밀 트레이닝 후 HDS보다 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 결론적으로 8주간 트레드밀 훈련은 고지방식이 비만 유도 쥐의 혈청지질 성분의 불균형을 개선시키고, 조직과 혈청의 산화적 손상과 DNA 손상을 완화시켜 주어, 비만으로 인한 합병증 예방에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 또한 NT의 발현을 증가시킴으로써 손상된 뇌기능과 신경세포의 생성 기전 활동에 긍정적 영향을 나타냄으로써 공간적 학습기능의 향상을 가져온 것으로 판단된다.

적외선 복사에너지에 의한 시료의 물리적 손상 측정 (Measurement of Physical Demage of Samples by Infrared Radiation)

  • 정동선;김기훈;한종성;김훈
    • 한국조명전기설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국조명전기설비학회 2004년도 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.131-135
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    • 2004
  • The molecules of the substance absorbing a light obtains the radiant energy to the wavelength of the light to make thermal reactions or photochemical reactions. Specially, thermal reactions by infrared radiation brings about physical damage by temperature rise process or temperature drop process of the material. In this study, a measuring system was set up to measure the temperature rise and temperature drop of each sample by infrared radiation from light source. And a physical demage of samples by infrared radiation were measured using the measuring system.

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고유수용성 감각 정보의 변화에 관한 고찰 (Review of the changes of proprioceptive sensory information)

  • 강종호;방현수;김진상
    • PNF and Movement
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2007
  • Proprioception means the ability to perceive the sensation of position and movement of body. As it is transmitted to central nervous system and used in feed-back or feed-forward motor control, proprioception allows us to keep our normal movement and normal balance activity. However, the conditions such as injury, disease, aging and fatigue can damage the proprioceptiive sensation of position, movement and lead to a functional impairment and additional damages in musculoskeletal system, because they alter the amount of proprioceptive ability that transfer into the central nervous system. The purpose of this study was to identify the definition and the function of proprioception, to look into variations in injury, disease, aging and fatigue that can be easily met in clinical application and eventually to provide valuable aid for assessment and treatment.

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Simulation and Measurement of Thermal Ablation in a Tissue-Mimicking Phantom and Ex-Vivo Porcine Liver by Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

  • Lee, Kang Il
    • Journal of the Korean Physical Society
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    • 제73권9호
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    • pp.1289-1294
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    • 2018
  • The present study aims to investigate experimentally and theoretically thermal ablation in soft tissues by using high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to assess tissue damage during HIFU thermotherapy. The HIFU field was calculated by solving the axisymmetric Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov equation from the frequency-domain perspective. The temperature field was calculated by solving Pennes' bioheat transfer equation, and the thermal dose required to create a thermal lesion was calculated by using the thermal dose formula based on the thermal dose of a 240-min exposure at $43^{\circ}C$. In order to validate the simulation results, we performed thermal ablation experiments in a tissue-mimicking phantom and ex-vivo porcine liver for two different HIFU source conditions by using a 1.1-MHz, single-element, spherically focused HIFU transducer. The small difference between the measured and the predicted lesion sizes suggests that the implementation of the numerical model used here should be modified to iteratively allow for temperature-dependent changes in the physical properties of tissues.

모의수송 중 진동피로에 의한 복숭아의 손상 (Damage at the Peach Due to Vibrational Stress During Transportation Simulation Test)

  • 최승렬;이영희;최동수;김만수
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2010
  • Post-Harvest processing engineering is a field that studies prevention of the quality change of agricultural products during sorting, packaging, storage, and distribution after harvested. In distribution steps, agricultural products could be damaged by physical force, it is the main reason of low quality and they lost value of commodities. This study was performed to find the vibration characteristics of the peach, and to find the extent of the damage on the peach by fatigue stress. The vibration data was obtained on expressway and the vibration characteristics of peach was used to find the damage on the peach. To analyze the vibration characteristics of peach, the resonance frequency and vibration transmissibility were measured. The resonance frequency of the peach was 167.98 Hz and the transmissibility was 4.06 at resonance point. It was 150 ~ 250 Hz that the transmissibility was more than 1. And the transmissibility in simulated test was measured. When the trasmissibility was more than 1, the range was 15 ~ 65 Hz, and when it was less than 1, the range was 65 ~ 175 Hz. When the transmissibility was about 1, the range was 5 ~ 15 Hz. The damage and the vibration cycle numbers of peaches were compared with input frequency and acceleration. More damage and less cycle number happened in 30 Hz than in 62.5 Hz. The reason was that the transmissibility of 30 Hz was higher and the vibration displacement in lower frequency was more. The more acceleration and cycle number increased, the more the bruising volume of peaches increased. The bruising volume ratio for vibration fatigue was measured according to input acceleration and cycle number. Using measured data, regression models for bruising volume ratio(BVR) was developed as a function of the acceleration(A) and cycle number(CN) as follows. BVR = a * $A^b*$ $(CN)^c$

Damage Mechanism of Drift Ice Impact

  • Gong, Li;Wang, Zhonghui;Li, Yaxian;Jin, Chunling;Wang, Jing
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.1350-1364
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    • 2019
  • The ice damage occurs frequently in cold and dry region of western China in winter ice period and spring thaw period. In the drift ice condition, it is easy to form different extrusion force or impact force to damage tunnel lining, causing project failure. The failure project could not arrive the original planning and construction goal, giving rise to the water allocation pressure which influences diversion irrigation and farming production in spring. This study conducts the theoretical study on contact-impact algorithm of drift ices crashing diversion tunnel based on the symmetric penalty function in finite element theory. ANSYS/LS-DYNA is adopted as the platform to establish tunnel model and drift ice model. LS-DYNA SOLVER is used as the solver and LS-PREPOST is used to do post-processing, analyzing the damage degrees of drift ices on tunnel. Constructing physical model in the experiment to verify and reveal the impact damage mechanism of drift ices on diversion tunnel. The software simulation results and the experiment results show that tunnel lining surface will form varying degree deformation and failure when drift ices crash tunnel lining on different velocity, different plan size and different thickness of drift ice. The researches also show that there are damages of drift ice impact force on tunnel lining in the thawing period in cold and dry region. By long time water scouring, the tunnel lining surfaces are broken and falling off which breaks the strength and stability of the structure.

재난관리플랫폼을 이용한 도심지 건물군의 지진피해평가 (Earthquake Damage Assessment of Buildings in Urban Area using Disaster Management Platform)

  • 장성현;권동희;황찬규;최수영;최민호
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2019
  • 지진은 물리적 특성 상 짧은 시간에 광범위한 지역에 큰 피해를 주는 만큼, 지역사회 기능 회복을 위한 복원력 관점의 지진대응 방안이 필요하다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 공공데이터포털정보와 재난관리프로그램(Ergo-EQ)을 이용하여 시나리오지진에 의한 도심지 건물들의 지진피해를 확률론적으로 평가하였다. 대구광역시 달서구 지역의 주요 건물들에 대한 지진피해평가 수행을 위해 해당 지역의 지형데이터를 활용하고 지역의 지질 및 지반 특성을 반영한 지형도를 작성하였다. 또한, 상기 건물들의 인프라 특성을 포함하는 통합데이터베이스를 Ergo-EQ 프로그램과 연동되도록 수정하고, 각 건물들에 대해 네 단계 손상수준 별 초과확률을 분석하여 각 건물의 손상도를 평가하였다. 일련의 피해분석 결과를 통해 각 건물별 지진손상도와 이의 영향 인자 특성을 확인하였다.

Damage detection in steel structures using expanded rotational component of mode shapes via linking MATLAB and OpenSees

  • Toorang, Zahra;Bahar, Omid;Elahi, Fariborz Nateghi
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • When a building suffers damages under moderate to severe loading condition, its physical properties such as damping and stiffness parameters will change. There are different practical methods besides various numerical procedures that have successfully detected a range of these changes. Almost all the previous proposed methods used to work with translational components of mode shapes, probably because extracting these components is more common in vibrational tests. This study set out to investigate the influence of using both rotational and translational components of mode shapes, in detecting damages in 3-D steel structures elements. Three different sets of measured components of mode shapes are examined: translational, rotational, and also rotational/translational components in all joints. In order to validate our assumptions two different steel frames with three damage scenarios are considered. An iterative model updating program is developed in the MATLAB software that uses the OpenSees as its finite element analysis engine. Extensive analysis shows that employing rotational components results in more precise prediction of damage location and its intensity. Since measuring rotational components of mode shapes still is not very convenient, modal dynamic expansion technique is applied to generate rotational components from measured translational ones. The findings indicated that the developed model updating program is really efficient in damage detection even with generated data and considering noise effects. Moreover, methods which use rotational components of mode shapes can predict damage's location and its intensity more precisely than the ones which only work with translational data.

Target-free vision-based approach for vibration measurement and damage identification of truss bridges

  • Dong Tan;Zhenghao Ding;Jun Li;Hong Hao
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.421-436
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents a vibration displacement measurement and damage identification method for a space truss structure from its vibration videos. Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) algorithm is combined with adaptive threshold strategy to detect the feature points of high quality within the Region of Interest (ROI), around each node of the truss structure. Then these points are tracked by Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm along the video frame sequences to obtain the vibration displacement time histories. For some cases with the image plane not parallel to the truss structural plane, the scale factors cannot be applied directly. Therefore, these videos are processed with homography transformation. After scale factor adaptation, tracking results are expressed in physical units and compared with ground truth data. The main operational frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes are identified by using Subspace Stochastic Identification (SSI) from the obtained vibration displacement responses and compared with ground truth data. Structural damages are quantified by elemental stiffness reductions. A Bayesian inference-based objective function is constructed based on natural frequencies to identify the damage by model updating. The Success-History based Adaptive Differential Evolution with Linear Population Size Reduction (L-SHADE) is applied to minimise the objective function by tuning the damage parameter of each element. The locations and severities of damage in each case are then identified. The accuracy and effectiveness are verified by comparison of the identified results with the ground truth data.