• Title/Summary/Keyword: Performance-based HR

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Development of Solar Warehouse for Drying and Storing the Agricultural Products (농산물(農産物) 건조(乾燥) 및 저장(貯藏)을 위(爲)한 태양열(太陽熱) 저장고(貯藏庫)의 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Man Soo;Chang, Kyu Seob;Kim, Soung Rai;Jeon, Byeong Seon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.357-370
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    • 1982
  • Recent concern regarding price and availability of fossil fuels has spurred the interest in alternative sources for farm crop drying. Among the available options such as biomass energy, wind power, nuclear energy and solar energy etc., the increasing attention is being directed to the utilization of heat from solar energy especially for farm crop drying. Even though solar energy is dispersed over a large land area and only a relatively small amount of energy can be simply collected, the advantages of solar energy is that the energy is free, non-polluting. The study reported here was designed to help supply the informations for the development of simple and relatively inexpensive solar warehouse for farm crop drying and storage. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to determine the performance of the solar collector fabricated, to compare solar supplemented heat drying with natural air drying and to develop a simulation model of temperature in stored grain, which can be used to study the effects due to changes in ambient air temperature. For those above objectives, solar collector was fabricated from available materials. Corrugated steel galvanized sheet, painted flat black, was used as absorbers and clear 0.2mm polyethylene sheet was the cover material. The warehouse for rough rice drying and storage was constructed with concrete block, and the solar collector was used as the roof of warehouse instead of original roofing system of it. The results obtained in this study were as follows: 1. The thermal efficiency of the solar collector was average 26 percent and the overall heat transfer coefficient of the collector was approximately $25kJ/hr.m^2\;^{\circ}K$. 2. Solar heated air was sufficient to dry one cubic meter of rough rice from 23.5 to 15.0 percent in 7 days and natural air was able to dry the same amount of rough rice from 20.0 to 5 percent in l2 days. 3. Drying with solar heat reduced the required drying time to dry the same amount of rough rice into a half compared to natural air drying, but overdrying problems of the bottom layer were so severe that these problems should be thoroughly analyzed. 4. Simulation model of temperature in stored grain was developed and the results of predicted temperature agreed well with test results. 5. Based on those simulated temperature, changes in the grain-temperature were a large at the points of the wallside and the damage of the grain would be severe at the contact area of wall.

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Development of an Automated Algorithm for Analyzing Rainfall Thresholds Triggering Landslide Based on AWS and AMOS

  • Donghyeon Kim;Song Eu;Kwangyoun Lee;Sukhee Yoon;Jongseo Lee;Donggeun Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2024
  • This study presents an automated Python algorithm for analyzing rainfall characteristics to establish critical rainfall thresholds as part of a landslide early warning system. Rainfall data were sourced from the Korea Meteorological Administration's Automatic Weather System (AWS) and the Korea Forest Service's Automatic Mountain Observation System (AMOS), while landslide data from 2020 to 2023 were gathered via the Life Safety Map. The algorithm involves three main steps: 1) processing rainfall data to correct inconsistencies and fill data gaps, 2) identifying the nearest observation station to each landslide location, and 3) conducting statistical analysis of rainfall characteristics. The analysis utilized power law and nonlinear regression, yielding an average R2 of 0.45 for the relationships between rainfall intensity-duration, effective rainfall-duration, antecedent rainfall-duration, and maximum hourly rainfall-duration. The critical thresholds identified were 0.9-1.4 mm/hr for rainfall intensity, 68.5-132.5 mm for effective rainfall, 81.6-151.1 mm for antecedent rainfall, and 17.5-26.5 mm for maximum hourly rainfall. Validation using AUC-ROC analysis showed a low AUC value of 0.5, highlighting the limitations of using rainfall data alone to predict landslides. Additionally, the algorithm's speed performance evaluation revealed a total processing time of 30 minutes, further emphasizing the limitations of relying solely on rainfall data for disaster prediction. However, to mitigate loss of life and property damage due to disasters, it is crucial to establish criteria using quantitative and easily interpretable methods. Thus, the algorithm developed in this study is expected to contribute to reducing damage by providing a quantitative evaluation of critical rainfall thresholds that trigger landslides.

Enhancement of Inter-Image Statistical Correlation for Accurate Multi-Sensor Image Registration (정밀한 다중센서 영상정합을 위한 통계적 상관성의 증대기법)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soo;Lee, Jin-Hak;Ra, Jong-Beom
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • Image registration is a process to establish the spatial correspondence between images of the same scene, which are acquired at different view points, at different times, or by different sensors. This paper presents a new algorithm for robust registration of the images acquired by multiple sensors having different modalities; the EO (electro-optic) and IR(infrared) ones in the paper. The two feature-based and intensity-based approaches are usually possible for image registration. In the former selection of accurate common features is crucial for high performance, but features in the EO image are often not the same as those in the R image. Hence, this approach is inadequate to register the E0/IR images. In the latter normalized mutual Information (nHr) has been widely used as a similarity measure due to its high accuracy and robustness, and NMI-based image registration methods assume that statistical correlation between two images should be global. Unfortunately, since we find out that EO and IR images don't often satisfy this assumption, registration accuracy is not high enough to apply to some applications. In this paper, we propose a two-stage NMI-based registration method based on the analysis of statistical correlation between E0/1R images. In the first stage, for robust registration, we propose two preprocessing schemes: extraction of statistically correlated regions (ESCR) and enhancement of statistical correlation by filtering (ESCF). For each image, ESCR automatically extracts the regions that are highly correlated to the corresponding regions in the other image. And ESCF adaptively filters out each image to enhance statistical correlation between them. In the second stage, two output images are registered by using NMI-based algorithm. The proposed method provides prospective results for various E0/1R sensor image pairs in terms of accuracy, robustness, and speed.

Dietary Intakes, Plasma Levels and Urinary Excretions of Taurine in Adolescents and Adults Residing in Seoul Area (서울지역 청소년 및 성인의 타우린 섭취량, 혈중 농도 및 소변내 배설량에 관한 연구)

  • 박태선;강혜원;박정은;조세현
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.440-448
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    • 2001
  • As diverse physiological functions of taurine have been reported, taurine-containing health drinks and products are marketed worldwide for the treatment of various conditions such as improvements of liver, heart and circulatory functions or as an aid to athletic performance. Although animal studies have shown that taurine is fairly safe when supplemented in the diet for an extended period, the effective dose range of taurine for dietary supplements is in controversy. Reports on dietary taurine intakes have been sparse, and would serve as a guideline for determining an appropriate taurine dosage. The present study was aimed to estimate dietary intake level of taurine using the taurine content database of commonly used food stuffs established recently in our laboratory, and also to evaluate plasma concentration and urinary excretion of taurine in adolescents and adults residing in Seoul area. Dietary taurine intakes of the subjects were 219$\pm$16.9mg/day for 16-19 years old(n=123), 177$\pm$18.1mg/day for adults older than 20 years old(n=123). Male subjects(n=115) consumed 216$\pm$21.1mg of taurine/day, while female subjects(n=131) consumed 181$\pm$14.3mg of taurine/day(p<0.05). The level of dietary taurine intake was positively correlated with the levels of dietary intakes of energy, carbohydrate, total lipids, cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin B$_1$, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorous, sodium and potassium at p<0.01, and with dietary intakes of iron and animal lipids at p<0.05, respectively. Plasma taurine concentration of subjects were 135$\pm$5.9$\mu$mol/L, which is considered to be within a normal range for healthy subjects. The subjects excreted 1158$\pm$72.7nmol/ of tarine mg creatinine in their urine, which is approximated as 150-170mg of taurine/24hr urine based on the assumption that 18mg creatinine/kg/day is excreted in the urine of healthy adults, and this would be about 80% of the daily taurine intake observed in the same subjects. Dietary taurine intake level was positively correlated with plasma taurine concentration, as well as with urinary taurine excretion corrected by creatinine excretion at p<0.05. The present study was the first report of taurine intake, and plasma concentration and urinary excretion of taurine in a Korean population so far, and these results would serve as an index for the future study evaluating taurine status in a diverse population within and outside Korea. (Korean J Nutrition 34(4) : 440~448, 2001)

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Cost and Effectiveness Comparison of Immediate Colposcopy Versus Human Papillomavirus DNA Testing in Management of Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance in Turkish Women

  • Kececioglu, Mehmet;Seckin, Berna;Baser, Eralp;Togrul, Cihan;Kececioglu, Tugban Seckin;Cicek, Mahmut Nedim;Gungor, Tayfun
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.511-514
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    • 2013
  • Background: A small but significant proportion of cases with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) may harbour CIN 2-3, or even invasive carcinoma. Although immediate colposcopy, HPV-DNA testing or expectant management are three recommended options in ASCUS triage, a consensus does not currently exist on which one of these approaches is the most efficient. In this study, we aimed to compare the performance and cost of immediate colposcopy and colposcopy based on the human papillomavirus (HPV) testing for detecting histologically confirmed high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in women with ASCUS. Materials and Methods: Records of 594 women with an index Papanicolaou smear showing ASCUS were retrospectively analyzed. Women in the immediate colposcopy arm were referred directly to colposcopy (immediate colposcopy group, n=255) and those in the HPV triage arm were proceeded to colposcopy if the high-risk HPV (hrHPV) test was positive (HPV triage group, n=339). High grade CIN (CIN2+) detection rate and treatment costs were compared between the groups. Results: The detected rate of CIN2+ was higher in the HPV triage group compared to immediate colposcopy group (8% vs. 1.6%, p=0.011). In the HPV triage group, the total cost, cost per patient, and the cost for detecting one case of high grade CIN were higher than the immediate colposcopy group (p<0.001). Conclusions: In women with ASCUS cytology, HPV DNA testing followed by colposcopy is more costly than immediate colposcopy, but this approach is associated with a higher rate of CIN2+ detection. This findings suggest that HPV DNA testing combined with cervical cytology could reduce the referral rate to colposcopy.

Design of a Holter Monitoring System with Flash Memory Card (플레쉬 메모리 카드를 이용한 홀터 심전계의 설계)

  • 송근국;이경중
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 1998
  • The Holter monitoring system is a widely used noninvasive diagnostic tool for ambulatory patient who may be at risk from latent life-threatening cardiac abnormalities. In this paper, we design a high performance intelligent holter monitoring system which is characterized by the small-sized and the low-power consumption. The system hardware consists of one-chip microcontroller(68HC11E9), ECG preprocessing circuit, and flash memory card. ECG preprocessing circuit is made of ECG preamplifier with gain of 250, 500 and 1000, the bandpass filter with bandwidth of 0.05-100Hz, the auto-balancing circuit and the saturation-calibrating circuit to eliminate baseline wandering, ECG signal sampled at 240 samples/sec is converted to the digital signal. We use a linear recursive filter and preprocessing algorithm to detect the ECG parameters which are QRS complex, and Q-R-T points, ST-level, HR, QT interval. The long-term acquired ECG signals and diagnostic parameters are compressed by the MFan(Modified Fan) and the delta modulation method. To easily interface with the PC based analyzer program which is operated in DOS and Windows, the compressed data, that are compatible to FFS(flash file system) format, are stored at the flash memory card with SBF(symmetric block format).

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Drying of Crops with Solar Heated Air -Drying of Rough Rice - (태양열을 이용한 농산물건조에 관한 연구 (I)-벼의 건조에 대하여)

  • 이문남;금동혁;류능환
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.100-113
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    • 1978
  • Drying grain with conventional artificial drying methods requires great quantities of petroleum fuels. Depletion of fossil fuel increases the need of the utilization of solar energy as an alternative to petroluem fuels for drying grain , an energy intensive agricultural operation. Many techniques for the utilization of solar energy in grain drying have been developed, however, there are many problems in adopting solar energy as an energy sources for drying grain. Futhermore, very little research has been done on solar grain drying in Korea. This study was conducted to evaluate the availability of solar energy for drying of rough rice in Chuncheon, Suweon, and Jinju areas based on 50year meteorological data, and to analyze experimentally the performance of a solar air collector for dying grain, and to find the effects of solar heated air compared to unheated air on the rate of drying and energy consumption required for drying of rough rice. The results of this study was may be summarized as follows ; 1. Monthly average daily total radiation on a horizontal surface in October was 260.6 ly/day for Chuncheon, 240.3 ly/day for Suweon , and 253.4 ly/day for Jinju area, respectively. 2. the ratio of monthly average daily diffuse radiation to daily total radiation on a horizontal surface was approximately 0.41 for Chuncheon, 0.45 for Suweon, and 0.44 for Jinju area, respectively. 3. Although the statistical distribution curves of daily total radiation for the three locations were not identical , the differences among them were not large and may be neglected for many practical purposes. 4. I was estimated that the optimum tilting angle of the collector in October was approximately 46 degrees for Chuncheon and Suweon and 45 degrees for Jinju. 5. The ratio of the total radiation on a optimum tilting plane to that on a horizontal plane was estimated to be 1.36 for Chuncheon, 1.31 for Suweon, and 1.27 for Jinju , respectively. 6. The collection efficiency of the solar air collector ranged from 47. 8 to 51. 5 percent at the air flow rates of 251. 1-372.96 $m^3$/hr. High efficiency remained nearly , constant during the best sunshine hours, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and decreased during other hours. More energy was collected as the air flow rate incresed. 7. The average temperature rise in the drying air from the solar collector for the test period varied from $6.5^\circC$ to $21.8^\circC$ above the ambient air temperature. 8. Solar-dried rough rice averaged 13.7 percent moisture (w.b.) after 130 hours of drying with the air flow rate of 1. 64 ccm/$m^3$, and rough rice dried with natural air averaged 15.1 percent moisture (w.b.) after 325 hours of drying with the same air flow rate. 9. Energy saving of 2.4 kwh per $m^3$ percentage point of moisture removed was obtained from solar heated air drYing. The solar bin used 53.3 percent less energy per percentage point of moisture removed than the natural air bin.

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The Performance of Pollutant Removal Using Nonpoint Treatment Filtration Device and Analysis of the Filter Backwashing Effect (여과형 비점오염 처리장치의 오염물질 제거특성 및 역세척 분석)

  • Lee, Jun-ho;Yang, Seung-ho;Bang, Ki-woong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2015
  • Hydrocyclone is widely used in industry, for its simple design, high capacity, low maintenance and low operational cost. The objective of this study is to develop hydrocyclone coagulation and filtration system. The system is made of hydrocyclone ballasted coagulation with polyaluminium chloride silicate (PACS) and upflow filter to treat micro particles in urban storm runoff. Roadside sediment particles (< $200{\mu}m$) was mixed with tap water to make various turbid suspensions to simulate urban storm runoff. The filter cartridge was filled with polyethylene media system and ran 1hr per everyday and total operation time were 8.19hrs and backwashing everyday after end of operation. The operation condition of flowrate was $8.2{\sim}11.9m^3/day$ (mean $10.1m^3/day$) and surface overflow rate (SOR) based on filter surface area was $45.5{\sim}65.9m^3/m^2/day$ (mean $55.7m^3/m^2/day$). The range of PACS dosage concentration was 14.0~31.5 mg/L. As the results of operation, the range of removal efficiency of turbidity, SS were 81.0~95.8% (mean 89.5%) 81.8~99.0% (mean 91.4%), respectively. An increase of filtration basin retention time brought on increased of removal efficiency of turbidity and SS, and increase of SOR brought on decreased of removal efficiency. During the first flush in urban area, storm runoff have an high concentration of SS (200~600 mg/L) and the filtration bed becomes clogged and decreased of removal efficiency. Backwashing begins when the drainage pipe valve at the filtration tank bottom is completely open (backwashing stage 1). Backwashing stage 2 was using air bubbles and water jet washing the media for 5 mins and open the drainage valve. After backwashing stage 1, 2, 61.83~64.04%, 18.53~27.51% of SS loading was discharged from filtration tank, respectively. Discharged SS loading from effluent was 7.12~14.79% and the range of residual SS loading in fliter was 2.26~5.00%. The backwashing effects for turbidity, SS were 89.5%, 91.4%, respectively. The hydrocyclone coagulation and filtration with backwashing system, which came out to solve the problems of the costly exchange filter media, and low efficiency of removing micro particles of filter type nonpoint treatment devices, is considered as an alternative system.

Bioequivalence of Atorva Tablet® to Lipitor Tablet® (Atorvastatin 20 mg) (리피토정® (아토르바스타틴 20 mg)에 대한 아토르바정®의 생물학적동등성)

  • Lim, Hyun-Kyun;Lee, Tae-Ho;Lee, Jae-Hyun;Youm, Jeong-Rok;Song, Jin-Ho;Han, Sang-Beom
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2008
  • The present study describes the evaluation of the bioequivalence of two atorvastatin tablets, Lipitor $Tablet^{(R)}$ (Pfizer, reference drug) and Atorva $Tablet^{(R)}$ (Yuhan, test drug), according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Forty-nine healthy male Korean volunteers received each medicine at the atorvastatin dose of 40 mg in a $2{\times}2$ crossover study with a two weeks washout interval. After drug administration, serial blood samples were collected at a specific time interval from 0-48 hours. The plasma atorvastatin concentrations were monitored by an high performance liquid chromatography -tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) employing electrospray ionization technique and operating in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) and positive ion mode. The total chromatographic run time was 4.5 min and calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 0.1-100 ng/mL for atorvastatin. The method was validated for selectivity, sensitivity, linearity, accuracy and precision. $AUC_t$ (the area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to 48hr) was calculated by the linear log trapezoidal rule method. $C_{max}$ (maximum plasma drug concentration) and $T_{max}$ (time to reach $C_{max}$) were complied trom the plasma concentration-time data. Analysis of variance was carried out using logarithmically transformed $AUC_t$ and $C_{max}$. No significant sequence effect was found for all of the bioavailability parameters indicating that the crossover design was properly performed. The 90% confidence intervals of the $AUC_t$ ratio and the $C_{max}$ ratio for Atorva $Tablet^{(R)}$ / Lipitor $Tablet^{(R)}$ were ${\log}\;0.9413{\sim}{\log}\;1.0179$ and ${\log}\;0.831{\sim}{\log}\;1.0569$, respectively. These values were within the acceptable bioequivalence intervals of ${\log}\;0.8{\sim}{\log}\;1.25$. Based on these statistical considerations, it was concluded that the test drug, Atorva $Tablet^{(R)}$ was bioequivalent to the reference drug, Lipitor $Tablet^{(R)}$.

Relationship Between Amyloid Positivity and Sleep Characteristics in the Elderly With Subjective Cognitive Decline

  • Kyung Joon Jo;SeongHee Ho;Yun Jeong Hong;Jee Hyang Jeong;SangYun Kim;Min Jeong Wang;Seong Hye Choi;SeungHyun Han;Dong Won Yang;Kee Hyung Park
    • Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2024
  • Background and Purpose: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a progressive decline in cognition and performance of daily activities. Recent studies have attempted to establish the relationship between AD and sleep. It is believed that patients with AD pathology show altered sleep characteristics years before clinical symptoms appear. This study evaluated the differences in sleep characteristics between cognitively asymptomatic patients with and without some amyloid burden. Methods: Sleep characteristics of 76 subjects aged 60 years or older who were diagnosed with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) but not mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or AD were measured using Fitbit® Alta HR, a wristwatch-shaped wearable device. Amyloid deposition was evaluated using brain amyloid plaque load (BAPL) and global standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) from fluorine-18 florbetaben positron emission tomography. Each component of measured sleep characteristics was analyzed for statistically significant differences between the amyloid-positive group and the amyloid-negative group. Results: Of the 76 subjects included in this study, 49 (64.5%) were female. The average age of the subjects was 70.72±6.09 years when the study started. 15 subjects were classified as amyloid-positive based on BAPL. The average global SUVR was 1.598±0.263 in the amyloid-positive group and 1.187±0.100 in the amyloid-negative group. Time spent in slow-wave sleep (SWS) was significantly lower in the amyloid-positive group (39.4±13.1 minutes) than in the amyloid-negative group (49.5±13.1 minutes) (p=0.009). Conclusions: This study showed that SWS is different between the elderly SCD population with and without amyloid positivity. How SWS affects AD pathology requires further research.