• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patient-based

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Patient Understanding of Patient Safety: Based on Results from Focus Group Discussion (환자안전에 대한 환자의 이해: 초점집단토의 결과를 중심으로)

  • Jeehye Im;Minsu Ock
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: To examine the degree of recognition regarding the concept of patient safety, as perceived by the patient, using a focus group discussion. Methods: A focus group discussion was conducted with a patient group comprising seven patients. Results: When the participants heard the term "patient safety" they seemed to understand it to be related to the hospital environment or satisfaction with the overall hospitalization experience. The participants emphasized communication between the medical staff and the patients in relation to the explanation of treatments, as well as the provision of information regarding prevention, experience, and the treatment of incidents with patient safety. They agreed on the need for indicators reported by patients. However, they emphasized that additional items and a questionnaire method that considers the patients' point of view are needed. Conclusion: It is necessary to establish and implement various strategies that can raise the awareness of patient safety using patient safety indicators and increase participation in patient safety activities.

Estimation of Home Care Nursing Cost to the Patient with Cerebrovascular Disease based on a Bundle of Home Care Nursing Service (뇌혈관질환 환자군의 가정간호 행위묶음 수가연구)

  • Hong, Jin-Ui;Yun, Soon-Nyoung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.26-38
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate home care nursing cost for the patient with Cerebrovascular Disease based on a bundle of home care nursing services This study was conducted through four steps. The first step was to investigate home care nursing activities that were offered to the patient with Cerebrovascular Disease(CD) by home care nurse. The second step was to investigate the time spent on home care nursing service and to calculate labor and manufacturing cost. The third step was to calculate home care nursing cost per minute. And at the fourth step, home care nursing cost for a patient with Cerebrovascular Disease based on a bundle of home care nursing service was calculated. The results of the study were as follows: 1) The number of direct home care nursing activities for the patient with CD was 108, and the time of each activity was spent from 1 to 10 minutes. 2) Average time per visit was 51 minute, and the firs visit time were spent 1.6 times higher than 2nd visit time. 3) Nursing cost per minute(cost per visit ${\\}\;22,565\;\div\;$ average time per visit 51 minutes) was ${\\}\;442$. The cost per visit was calculated on Basic visiting cost(nurse's labor cost ${\\}\;15,760$ + management cost ${\\}\;6,805$) divided by average time per visit(51 minutes). 4) Home care nursing cost to the patient with CD based on bundle of home care nursing service was consisted of basic home care nursing cost, the cost of a bundle of service practiced on visit. and transportation fee. Basic home nursing cost(the time spent on basic home nursing service 20 minutes ${\times}$ nursing cost per minute ${\\}\;442$) was ${\\}\;8,840$. The cost of the bundle of home care nursing services to the patient with CD was calculated as self care ${\\}\;2.898$, Tracheostomy care ${\\}\;10,166$, immobility care ${\\}\;6,188$, sore care ${\\}\;6,188$. Foley care ${\\}\;6,630$, and Levin tube or Gastrostomy care ${\\}\;7.514$. Transportation fee which was composed of the labor cost for transportation(${\\}\;5,122$) and the car management cost(${\\}\;3.876$) was ${\\}\;8,998$. Home care nursing cost to the patient with CD based on bundle of home care nursing services consisted of basic home care nursing cost, the cost of a bundle of service practiced on visit, and transportation fee. It will contribute to improve quality of home care service, because of giving appreciate incentives to home care nurses. And it will be more efficient than current cost of hospital based home care. But it need to management than calculation of the current fee-for-services of home care.

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  • Seo, Kwang-Suk;Chang, Ju-Hea;Shin, Teo-Jeon;Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2009
  • A 26-year-old female patient with Down syndrome visited to recieve dental treatment under gnenral anesthesia 6 years ago. The patient had difficulties in oral examination, radiograph taking and laboratory test. The patient had congenital heart disease and medical consultation based on the echocardiography was provided by a cardiologist indicating that the patient could tolearte general anesthesia during dental treatment. And two times of general anesthesia were administered during a dental treament with the interval of 3 years and no postoperpative complicaton was reported. At the third dental operation, the patient had a relatively good condition and her prescreening test revealed no abnormalities. Without further consultation with a cardiologist, general anesthesia was administered to the patient. Anaesthesia was based on thiopental and ventilation of desflurane and $N_2O$ in oxygen via an endotracheal tube with an appropriate monitoring. During the maintenance of anesthesia, the blood pressure of the patient started to drop and the oxygen saturation also began to decrease. Consequently, the proceding operation was discontinued and also inhalation anesthesia was ceased. As the patient was recovered from anesthesia, her systemic conditions were alleviated. After the complete recovery of the patient, she visited the cardiologist, and the cardiologic test revealed her severe right ventricular dilatation. In the anesthesia of patients with congenital heart disease, information on their systemic conditions needs to be undated from the medical consultation, which assures the safety of treatment.

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A Study on the Characteristics of the Patient Group in a Convalescent Hospital Inpatients: Based on the Medical Record Information (일개 요양병원 입원환자의 환자분류군 특성에 관한 연구 : 의무기록 정보를 바탕으로)

  • Lim, Bo-Ra;Ahn, Sang-Yoon;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.324-334
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    • 2019
  • This study investigates the characteristics of patients hospitalized at a convalescent hospital, by considering patient groups based on their medical record information. It further analyzes and correlates the factors, thus providing basic data required to improve the patient classification system at convalescent hospitals. The data includes total information of 213 medical records of patients discharged from a convalescent hospital in the Jeonbuk region during a period of one year, from January to December 2016. The study examines and correlates the days of hospitalization and the number of diseases, revealing a positive correlation having a correlation coefficient, thereby indicating that infliction with a greater number of diseases results in longer hospitalization. Based on these findings, the study raises the need to revise and supplement items on the patient assessment report to help determine the patient groups and identify medical efforts to be actually provided to patients. In addition, a proper care service system for each patient group based on their respective problems that are intensively managed according to the patient groups will be an essential element in the efficient management of convalescent hospitals. Furthermore, an important task addressed will be in managing the health of the elderly population at the national level.

Factors Influencing the Patient Safety Management Activity of Nursing Students (간호대학생의 환자안전관리활동에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jang, Keong Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.358-366
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This purpose of this study was to identify the level of knowledge and attitude of patient safety and patient safety management activity (PSMA) and identify influencing factors of PSMA in nursing students. Methods: The participants were 210 fourth-year nursing students in C and G city. Data were collected with structured questionnaires from October 10 to November 10, 2017. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression with SPSS 21.0 were used. Results: As a result, the level of knowledge of patient safety was 9.05, attitude of patient safety was 4.07, and PSMA was 4.22. The factors influencing PSMA were knowledge and attitude of patient safety. The regression model explained 77% of PSMA. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that a systematic education program considering factors influencing the patient safety management activities of nursing students be developed.

The Design Project Based on the Proference and the Actual Condition of Patient's Clothes (환자복(患者腹)의 실태(實態)및 선호도(選好度)에 따른 디자인 기획(企劃))

  • Ryu, Mi-Ae;Park, Ok-Lyun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2004
  • This paper has the meaning to plan new design of patient's cloth focusing on its aesthetic aspect through surveying actual condition of use of patient's cloth and reflecting color or pattern that patient prefers to it. Substantial purpose of this paper is 1) to survey actual condition of patient's cloth on the basis of general hospital of downtown of Busan City, 2) to revise difficulty of patient's cloth and survey and analyze color and pattern that patient prefers and 3) to suggest new patient's cloth design using color and pattern that meets function that is not difficult for patient's activity and cure and stabilizes patient's mind on the basis of the result of analysis. The result of this paper is like follow. 1. Problem of current patient's cloth is that most hospital uses patient's cloth having white background and hospital logo of blue or green color and its length is too long so it requires adjustment of length of sleeves and pants 2. The result from analyzing preferred patient's cloth is that patient prefers patient's cloth classified by man and woman, one that its length of sleeves and pants are adjusted and one that there is no collar in its neckline. Regarding color, male patient prefers mild indigo color(5PB7/7) and mild green color (5G9/2) and female patient prefers bright purple color and bright scarlet color(5YR8/7). Regarding pattern, both of man and woman prefers natural pattern. 3. This paper planned total 6 kinds of patient's cloth (common patient's cloth: 2 kinds, male patient's cloth: 2 kinds and female patient's cloth: 2 kinds) through revising difficulty and using new color and pattern according to result of preference.

A Case Report of Symptom Improvement after lobectomy in Male Breast Cancer with Lung Metastasis Patient Treated with Korean Medicine based Integrative Cancer Treatment (남성 유방암 폐전이 환자의 폐절제술 후 한의기반 통합암치료로 증상 호전에 대한 증례보고)

  • Ko, Eun ju;Ha, Su-jeong;Park, Ji-hye;Park, So-jung;Lee, Yeon-weol;Cho, Chong-kwan;Yoo, Hwa-seung
    • Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to report improvement of symptoms after lobectomy of male breast cancer lung metastasis treated with Korean Medicine based Integrative Cancer Treatment (ICT). Methods: A male left breast cancer patient diagnosed with metastasis on lung at July 2019. After Video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) left lower lobe (LLL) lobectomy and En bloc wedge resection the patient visited the Daejeon korean medicine hospital of Daejeon university East West Cancer Center (EWCC) to treat operation-site (op-site) pain, dysphagia, anorexia with Korean Medicine Treatment. The patient was treated with Korean Medicine based ICT for an approximately 20 days. The clinical outcomes were measured by National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (NCI-CTCAE), Numeral rating scale (NRS) and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). The safety of treatment was verified by blood tests. Results: After treatment, op-site pain was improved from NRS 9 to 6, dysphagia and anorexia were relieved from NRS 9 to 2. And ECOG score of the patient was improved from grade 2 to 1. Conclusion: This case study suggests that Korean Medicine based ICT may help to improve post operative sequelae in metastatic lung cancer patient.

System Specification-based Design and Verification of Mobile Patient Monitoring System (이동 환자 상시 모니터링 시스템의 시스템 명세 기법 기반 설계와 검증)

  • Choi, Eun-Jung;Kim, Myuhng-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2010
  • To realize the U-healthcare system, the mobile patient monitoring system is of the essence. In this monitoring system, a patient's real-time data on biometrics and location must be transferred to predeterminate destination server ceaselessly. As the number of mobile patients increases steadily or mobile patients are moving into some specific area, the load balancing solution to real-time data congestion problem is needed. In this paper, we propose a new mobile patient monitoring system with Torus topology where three layers are connected hierarchically and the intermediate layer takes charge of priority-based load balancing. For the formalized design and verification of proposed system, we describe the overall structure with connectivity among its components and implement major components in pseudo-code by adopting a system specification-based approach. This approach makes the design and verification of our mobile patient monitoring system more flexible and accurate.

Design of FPGA-based Wearable System for Checking Patients (환자 체크를 위한 FPGA 기반 웨어러블 시스템 설계)

  • Kang, Sungwoo;Ryoo, Kwangki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.477-479
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    • 2017
  • With the recent advances in medical technology and health care, the prevention and treatment of diseases has developed. Accordingly aging has rapidly progressed. In this life span and aging society, demand for diagnostic centered medical care is increasing rapidly. In this paper, we propose a wearable patient check system based on FPGA that can be controlled by sensors. In the existing hospital, a doctor or nurse visited the patient every hour to check the condition. However, in this paper, patients, doctors and nurses can check the patient's condition at the desired time using patient check system. In addition, the tilt sensor is used for the patient who is uncomfortable to easily control. The proposed FPGA-based hardware architecture consists of an algorithm for enlarged image processing, a TFT-LCD Controller, a CIS Controller, and a Memory Controller to output the patient's status image. Implemented and validated using the DE2-115 test board with Cyclone IV EP4CE115F29C7 FPGA device and its operating frequency is 50MHz.

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Comparative Study of Hospital Architecture Design Guidelines and Frameworks for the Patient Safety - Focused on the US and UK (환자안전을 위한 병원건축 설계지침과 디자인 기본구조 비교조사 - 미국과 영국을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Youngaee;Lee, Hyunjin;Song, Sanghoon
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the changes in hospital accreditation evaluations, the changes in hospital building design guidelines, and the development of design indicators for reducing medical accidents in the state-of-the-art healthcare providers. Methods: The changes and tools were carefully investigated and compared that had been taken place and used in the building certification standards, design guidelines, and patient safety design standards to reduce accidents in the United States and the United Kingdom. Results: First, medical accidents are recognized as multiple defense layers rather than personal ones, and a public reporting and learning system is created, reporting the accidents in question publicly and suggesting ways to improve them based on the data at a time. Second, for the accreditation institute that secures the service quality of medical institutions, detailed standards for patient safety are continuously updated with focus on clinical trials. The United States is in charge of the private sector, but on the other hand the United Kingdom is in charge of the public sector. Third, the design guidelines are provided as web-based tools that complement various guidelines for patient safety, and are improved and developed as well. Fourth, detailed approaches are continuously developed and provided to secure patient safety and reduce medical accidents through appropriate research, evidence-based design and strict evaluations. Implications: When medical institutions make efforts to strength patient safety methods through valid design standards, accidents are expected to decrease, whereby hospital finances are also to be improved. A higher level of medical quality service will sure be secured through comprehensive certification evaluation.