• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patient-based

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Vancomycin Induced Lupus Flare in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Clinical Case Report (전신성 홍반성 루푸스 환자에서 Intravenous Vancomycin 투여로 인한 루푸스 활성기 증례 보고)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Jin;Lee, Yu-Jeung
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.276-279
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    • 2011
  • We report an unusual case of lupus flare induced by intravenous vancomycin in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Due to methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus in wound culture, intravenous vancomycin was administered to the patient. The patient had been on vancomycin for several days then she experienced fever, malar rash, and vomiting. Based on laboratory results, it was confirmed as lupus flare. Oral prednisolone was given to the patient for symptom control. However, when vancomycin was readministered, the patient had similar symptom to the previous one more intensively. Vancomycin was stopped then the patient became stable. This case report demonstrates that intravenous vancomycin may manifest as lupus flare in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

The Process of Accepting Patient Deaths among Korean Nurses: Grieving over Dying

  • Yi, Mi Joung
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.56-65
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Nurses' acceptance of patient deaths enables them to practice holistic end-of-life care and pursue positive living. The place where most deaths occur in Korea has changed from home to medical institutions, making it necessary to understand the process through which nurses who practice end-of-life care accept patient deaths. This study aimed to obtain insight into nurses' experiences of accepting patient deaths and to develop a practical theory regarding the context of this process. Methods: This qualitative study investigated nurses' process of acceptance of patient deaths based on grounded theory. Results: A core category of this process was found to be "grieving over dying", which consisted of the following steps: "being close by", "being attentive", "acknowledging together", and "accompanying." Conclusion: This study established that nurses' attentiveness toward dying people is due to their grief over patient deaths, and clarified Korean nurses' process of accepting patient deaths and its related factors.

The Patient Families' Diet and Health Behavior Living in Rural, Korea - Comparison of Non-Patient Families Living in Rural - (환자가 있는 농촌가족의 식행동과 건강행동 - 환자가 없는 농촌가족과 비교 -)

  • Rhie, Seung-Gyo;Chung, Kum-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2005
  • Recent trends in agricultural globalization have brought on a crisis to our already impoverished Korean farmers. This study was proposed to assist in comparing the health and dietary characteristics of farmer families that have chronic disease patients to farmer families that do not have chronic disease patients. For the study, 1870 families were selected from 9 rural Korean provinces. Trained evaluators interviewed farmer housewives to collect demographic, health behavior, and dietary relative information about family members. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS (ver 8.2). Chi-square tests and General Linear Models were also used. In general, patient family members were older than non-patient family members. For patient families, the mean age was 70.4 for husbands and 64.3 for wives. For non-patient families, the mean age was 64.2 for husbands and 57.3 for wives. Therefore we analyzed the data after we stratified the subjects based on the wife's age of 65. Patient families snacked less and 'dined out' less than non-patient families. However, they consumed cookies more frequently, and milk and fruits less frequently, when compared to non-patient families. There were no significant differences in nutrient supplementation, and/or instant food intake frequencies between patient families and non-patient families. Sixty-two percent of patient family members complained about health problems such arthritis, lumbago, numbness, shoulder pain, dizziness, and others, whereas 52olo of non-patient family members complained about Farmers' syndrome. Husband cigarette smoking was not significantly different among groups. However, the smoking patterns of the wives was significantly higher in patient families. Alcohol consumption was also higher in patient families. In summary, it was determined that rural patient families had poorer dietary behavior and poorer health in general, when compared to non-patient families, and accordingly, diverse community-level health and nutritional support are suggested to solve the farmers' health problems and to improve their quality of life.

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Comparison of medical use and medical expenses between participants and non-participants in the home-based care pilot project for rehabilitation patients (재활환자 재택의료 시범사업 참여자와 미참여자의 의료이용 및 진료비 비교)

  • Ji Man Kim;Sang Gyu Lee;Young Geon Ji
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • Purposes: When rehabilitation services are provided remotely using information and communication technologies to patients living at home, there is an advantage in providing rehabilitation services to individuals in their everyday social and physical environment, which can improve functional outcomes and satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the pilot project by analyzing the outpatient and inpatient medical use and expenses of patients who participated in the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project. Methodology: To analyze the effectiveness of the home-based care pilot project for rehabilitation patients, health insurance claims data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service was used. The subjects of analysis were patients who had undergone major lower extremity joint replacement surgery, including hip, knee, and ankle joint replacement surgery, and patients who had lower extremity fracture surgery, which were the targets of the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project. To compare medical use and expenses between patients participating in the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project and those not participating, chi-square test, t-test, and multiple regression analysis were performed. Findings: As a result of analyzing the number of medical use cases and expenses of patients who participated and those who did not participate in the rehabilitation patient home-based care pilot project, the average outpatient medical use and outpatient medical expenses per person for participating patients were lower than those for patients who did not participate. The average hospitalization cost per person and the average length of stay per person were also lower than those of patients who did not participate. Practical Implications: Home-based care for rehabilitation patients continues to provide medical services at home, not at medical institutions, and can be expected to reduce readmissions and complications by resolving patients' emergency situations at home or on their own, thereby reducing medical use.

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A Legal Study on Division of Labor and Collaboration within the Same Medical Institution (동일 의료기관 내에서의 분업과 협진에 대한 법적 고찰)

  • Baek, Kyoung-hee
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.27-55
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    • 2023
  • The term "Collaborative medical care" commonly used in South Korea refers to the case where doctors from different medical departments work together to treat a patient within the same medical institution. Therefore, "Collaborative medical care" represents the aspect of a medical team where various medical professionals collaborate based on their expertise to treat patients. Additionally, doctors from different specialties within the medical team engage in horizontal division of labor at an equal status, distributing legal responsibilities according to the principles of division of labor. The Supreme Court also acknowledges cases where multiple doctors collectively provide medical treatment through division of labor or collaboration and states that the doctor who initially attended to the patient must accurately inform the subsequent attending doctor about the patient's condition to enable appropriate measures. In medical institutions with multiple specialties, when doctors from different specialties collaborate to provide medical treatment, the doctor who attended to the patient initially must decide whether collaboration is necessary based on the patient's condition. Subsequently, they must inform the doctor from the relevant specialty about the patient's condition accurately to facilitate appropriate actions. The successor doctor who participates in collaborative medical care must actively communicate relevant treatment information related to the patient's condition with the predecessor doctor who requested collaboration, exchange opinions, and do so until the patient's treatment concludes. However, the determination of the necessity of collaborative medical care should be based on the patient's condition at the time, and it cannot be asserted that collaborative medical care is mandatory in all cases. Whether there is negligence in the decision about the necessity of collaboration will be assessed based on the legal principles of a doctor's duty of medical care.

Nursing Students' Error and Recovery in Transfusion Simulation for Safety Competency (환자 안전 역량을 위한 수혈 시뮬레이션에서 간호학부생의 오류 발생과 복구 수준)

  • Kim, Eun Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the types of errors that occurred and were recovered in a simulated transfusion scenario by nursing students. Methods: Twenty-eight teams of a total of 89 nursing students participated in a transfusion simulation using a high fidelity simulator. Data were collected by observing rule based errors and built in errors recovered according to the framework of Eindhoven model. Reflective journaling was used to identify perceived safety-threatening errors and commitment to improvement. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: All teams committed the rule based errors in the scenario. The most common errors occurred in the coordination category related to communication with physician. Most of students perceived the transfusion reaction as a safety-threatening error. Conclusion: The findings indicate that students lack patient safety competence. The simulation training to decrease errors and improve safe practice provides nursing students with an effective strategy to develop patient safety competence.

A Clinical Case Report of Soyangin Patient with Peripheral Coldness (양독백호탕으로 호전된 소양인 사지 말단부위 냉증 환자 1례 보고)

  • Oh, Hyun-Joo;Hwang, Min-Woo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.288-297
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    • 2017
  • Objectives The purpose of this study was to report significant improvement of peripheral coldness in patient, who was diagnosed with 'Soyangin Chest-heat symptomatic pattern' and applied medication based on Sasang Constitutonal medicine. Methods The patient was treated with herbal medications, according to his own symptomatology. The objective outcome was measured by thermography and the subjective sensation was assessed by using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results The symptoms of peripheral coldness improved remarkedly without any side effects. Accessory symptoms and original symptoms also changed for the better. Conclusions This results show that it is available that peripheral coldness is treated with herbal medications according to Sasang Constitutional medicine, especially ingenious in terms of the fact that some patient can be diagnosed with heat-based condition on the basis of original symptoms, although his/her chief complaint is classified as cold pattern.

Visualized Multi-Dimension Access to Database (다차원 시각화 방법을 이용한 데이터베이스 접근방법)

  • Paik Woo-Jin;Jwa Dae-Hoon;Kim Buy-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Information Management Conference
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2006
  • Traditionally, nurses keep the written patient records, which are referred as nursing care plan. Nursing care plan reports are one of the most important documents in the application of nursing processes. Typically, nurses prepare the plans by including general patient information as well as the patient's medical history information. In addition, the patient's developmental history and other specific health related information are part of the plans. The plans are usually concluded with the goals of the nursing care plan, nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes of the care, and possible nursing interventions. The nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions are defined by North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA). This means that the nurses will select the appropriate diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions from an approved set. We developed a web-based nursing care plan generation system. In this paper, we report our work on developing a visual interface to the NANDA nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions database as a part of the web-based nursing care plan generation system.

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A case report of postpartum patient with panic disorder (공황장애를 동반한 산후풍 환자 치험 1례)

  • Jeong, Ji-Ye;Kim, Kyung-Soo;Yang, Seung-Joung
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2005
  • Purpose The purpose of this study is to report the effect of oriental treatments for the postpartum patient who is diagnosed as panic disorder. Methods : The patient had been in admitted to Dongshin Oriental Hospital from 2004. 10. 28 to 2004. 11. 27 This patient was treated with oriental methods such as herb medication, acupuncture, moxibustion therapy etc. Results : As a result of oriental treatments based on planing treatment according to diagnosis, the symptom of postpartum disease with panic disorder was improved. Conclusion : It is thought that the clinical study about the treatment of the postpartum disease with panic disorder based on planing treatment according to diagnosis, should be required.

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Simulation of a Mobile Patient Monitoring System with Load-balancing (부하 조절을 지원하는 이동환자 상시 모니터링 시스템 시뮬레이션)

  • Choi, Eun Jung;Kim, Myuhng Joo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2010
  • A Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is a promising infrastructure for the future U-healthcare system. In a WSN for the U-healthcare system, both biometric data and location data are transferred hierarchically from lots of mobile patients to the base station server and some countermeasures are made in real time if necessary. In this process, we encounter the load-balancing problem when many patients gather in a specific area. We also encounter the data duplication problem when each patient moves into an area monitored by several supervisors. The second problem is closely related to the first one. In this paper, we propose a mobile patient monitoring system with priority-based policy in load-balancing to solve the previous two problems and perform a DEVS Java-based system simulation to verify the system efficiency.