• Title/Summary/Keyword: Path navigation

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Autonomous Navigation System of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Structural Inspection (무인 구조물 검사를 위한 자율 비행 시스템)

  • Jung, Sungwook;Choi, Duckyu;Song, Seungwon;Myung, Hyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.216-222
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    • 2021
  • Recently, various robots are being used for the purpose of structural inspection or safety diagnosis, and their needs are also rising rapidly. Among the structural inspection using robots, a lot of researches has recently been conducted on inspection of various facilities and structures using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). However, since GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) signals cannot be received in an environment near or below structures, the operation of UAVs has been done manually. For a stable autonomous flight without GNSS signals, additional technologies are required. This paper proposes the autonomous flight system for structural inspection consisting of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), path planning, and controls. The experiments were conducted on an actual large bridge to verify the feasibility of the system, and especially the performance of the proposed SLAM algorithm was compared through comparative analysis with the state-of-the-art algorithms.

Method for C-arm Based Guide Needle Insertion Assistant System for Endoscopic Disc Surgery (C-arm 영상 기반 척추 디스크 내시경 수술을 위한 가이드 바늘 삽입 보조 시스템)

  • Yoon, Hyon Min;Cho, Hyunchul;Park, Kyusic;Shin, Sangkyun;Lee, Deukhee
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2015
  • Due to an increased sitting time in work, lumbar disc disease is one of the most frequent diseases in modern days, and this occasionally requires surgery for treatment. Endoscopic disc surgery, one of the common disc surgeries, requires a process of inserting a guide needle to the target disc for which the insertion path is manually planned by drawing lines on the patient's skin while monitoring the fluoroscopic view of the lumbar. Such procedure inevitably exposes both surgeon and patient to the fluoroscopy radiation emitted from the c-arm for a long time. To reduce the radiation exposure time, this study proposes a computer assisted method of calculating the 3D guide needle path by using 2D c-arm images of the disc in 3 different angles. Additionally, a method of the guide robot control based on the 3D needle path was developed by implementing the Hand-eye Calibration method to calculate the transformation matrix between the c-arm and robot base coordinate systems. The proposed system was then tested for its accuracy.

Vision Sensor-Based Driving Algorithm for Indoor Automatic Guided Vehicles

  • Quan, Nguyen Van;Eum, Hyuk-Min;Lee, Jeisung;Hyun, Chang-Ho
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we describe a vision sensor-based driving algorithm for indoor automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) that facilitates a path tracking task using two mono cameras for navigation. One camera is mounted on vehicle to observe the environment and to detect markers in front of the vehicle. The other camera is attached so the view is perpendicular to the floor, which compensates for the distance between the wheels and markers. The angle and distance from the center of the two wheels to the center of marker are also obtained using these two cameras. We propose five movement patterns for AGVs to guarantee smooth performance during path tracking: starting, moving straight, pre-turning, left/right turning, and stopping. This driving algorithm based on two vision sensors gives greater flexibility to AGVs, including easy layout change, autonomy, and even economy. The algorithm was validated in an experiment using a two-wheeled mobile robot.

Using The Fixed ZRP Based MANET (MANET 기반의 Fixed ZRP를 이용한 효율적인 경로 탐색 기법)

  • Kim, Nack Hyun;Lee, Hoon Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.463-466
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    • 2009
  • MANET(Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) mean network that configured to mobile device without the help of Fixed infra. Node in MANET constraints have such as liquidity and battery. Node concentrated areas or the size of the network becomes large that causes some issues. It's the problem of routing overhead when path set, path navigation and reset path. In this paper ZRP(Zone Routing Protocol) and ZHLS(Zone-Based Hierarchical Link State) are analyzed. As a result, offers the Fixed ZRP.

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[Retracted]Design and Implementation of Optimized Profile through analysis of Navigation Data Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ([논문철회]무인비행기의 항행 데이터 분석을 통한 최적화된 프로파일 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Won Jin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2022
  • Among the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, drones that have grown rapidly and are being used in various industries can be operated by the pilot directly or can be operated automatically through programming. In order to be controlled by a pilot or to operate automatically, it is essential to predict and analyze the optimal path for the drone to move without obstacles. In this paper, after securing and analyzing the pilot training dataset through the unmanned aerial vehicle piloting training platform designed through prior research, the profile of the dataset that should be preceded to search and derive the optimal route of the unmanned aerial vehicle was designed. The drone pilot training data includes the speed, movement distance, and angle of the drone, and the data set is visualized to unify the properties showing the same pattern into one and preprocess the properties showing the outliers. It is expected that the proposed big data-based profile can be used to predict and analyze the optimal movement path of an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Development of Autonomous Driving Electric Vehicle for Logistics with a Robotic Arm (로봇팔을 지닌 물류용 자율주행 전기차 플랫폼 개발)

  • Eui-Jung Jung;Sung Ho Park;Kwang Woo Jeon;Hyunseok Shin;Yunyong Choi
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, the development of an autonomous electric vehicle for logistics with a robotic arm is introduced. The manual driving electric vehicle was converted into an electric vehicle platform capable of autonomous driving. For autonomous driving, an encoder is installed on the driving wheels, and an electronic power steering system is applied for automatic steering. The electric vehicle is equipped with a lidar sensor, a depth camera, and an ultrasonic sensor to recognize the surrounding environment, create a map, and recognize the vehicle location. The odometry was calculated using the bicycle motion model, and the map was created using the SLAM algorithm. To estimate the location of the platform based on the generated map, AMCL algorithm using Lidar was applied. A user interface was developed to create and modify a waypoint in order to move a predetermined place according to the logistics process. An A-star-based global path was generated to move to the destination, and a DWA-based local path was generated to trace the global path. The autonomous electric vehicle developed in this paper was tested and its utility was verified in a warehouse.

Autonomous-flight Drone Algorithm use Computer vision and GPS (컴퓨터 비전과 GPS를 이용한 드론 자율 비행 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Junghwan;Kim, Shik
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2016
  • This paper introduces an algorithm to middle-low price drone's autonomous navigation flight system using computer vision and GPS. Existing drone operative system mainly contains using methods such as, by inputting course of the path to the installed software of the particular drone in advance of the flight or following the signal that is transmitted from the controller. However, this paper introduces new algorithm that allows autonomous navigation flight system to locate specific place, specific shape of the place and specific space in an area that the user wishes to discover. Technology developed for military industry purpose was implemented on a lower-quality hobby drones without changing its hardware, and used this paper's algorithm to maximize the performance. Camera mounted on middle-low price drone will process the image which meets user's needs will look through and search for specific area of interest when the user inputs certain image of places it wishes to find. By using this algorithm, middle-low price drone's autonomous navigation flight system expect to be apply to a variety of industries.

3D Global Dynamic Window Approach for Navigation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

  • Tusseyeva, Inara;Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Yong-Gi
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2013
  • An autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle is a type of marine self-propelled robot that executes some specific mission and returns to base on completion of the task. In order to successfully execute the requested operations, the vehicle must be guided by an effective navigation algorithm that enables it to avoid obstacles and follow the best path. Architectures and principles for intelligent dynamic systems are being developed, not only in the underwater arena but also in related areas where the work does not fully justify the name. The problem of increasing the capacity of systems management is highly relevant based on the development of new methods for dynamic analysis, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and adaptation. Among the large variety of navigation methods that presently exist, the dynamic window approach is worth noting. It was originally presented by Fox et al. and has been implemented in indoor office robots. In this paper, the dynamic window approach is applied to the marine world by developing and extending it to manipulate vehicles in 3D marine environments. This algorithm is provided to enable efficient avoidance of obstacles and attainment of targets. Experiments conducted using the algorithm in MATLAB indicate that it is an effective obstacle avoidance approach for marine vehicles.

A Study on the Design Requirement of a Small Ring Laser Gyroscope for Medium-Grade Inertial Navigation (중급성능의 관성항법을 위한 소형 링레이저 자이로 설계 규격 연구)

  • Kim, Cheon-Joong;Shim, Kyu-Min;Park, Heung-Won;Lyou, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.788-795
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we present the requirements specification to develop the small ring laser gyroscope(RLG) which is applicable to the medium-grade inertial navigation system(INS) widely used as a main navigation system. To this end, first we analyse the performance specifications of RLG which is needed to configure the medium-grade INS and then we present the design results of RLG to meet the performance specifications, based on the overseas technology survey and the theoretical analysis. It is also shown in this paper what technology is required to develop a small RLG.

Development of Tele-operation Interface and Stable Navigation Strategy for Humanoid Robot Driving (휴머노이드 로봇의 안전한 차량 주행 전략 및 원격 제어 인터페이스 개발)

  • Shin, Seho;Kim, Minsung;Ahn, Joonwoo;Kim, Sanghyun;Park, Jaeheung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.904-911
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a novel driving system by the humanoid robot to drive a vehicle in disaster response situations. To enhance robot's capability for substituting human activities in responding to natural and man-made disaster, the one of prerequisite skills for the rescue robot is the mounted mobility to maneuver a vehicle safely in disaster site. Therefore, our driving system for the humanoid is developed in order to steer a vehicle through unknown obstacles even under poor communication conditions such as time-delay and black-out. Especially, the proposed system includes a tele-manipulation interface and stable navigation strategies. First, we propose a new type of path estimation method to overcome limited communication. Second, we establish navigation strategies when the operator cannot recognize obstacles based on Dynamic Window Approach. The effectiveness of the proposed developments is verified through simulation and experiments, which demonstrate suitable system for driving a vehicle in disaster response.