• 제목/요약/키워드: PEMFCs

검색결과 138건 처리시간 0.018초

고분자전해질 연료전지에서 다양한 기체확산층의 물리적 특성과 연료전지 성능 비교 (Comparison of Cell Performance with Physical Properties of Gas Diffusion Layers in PEMFCs)

  • 이지정;김인태;장언;이홍기;심중표
    • 전기화학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.270-278
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    • 2007
  • 다양한 종류의 기체확산층 (gas diffusion layer, GDL)을 이용하여 고분자전해질 연료전지의 성능을 시험하였으며 이를 통해 GDL의 물리적 특성과 연료전지의 성능과의 상관관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 전기전도도, 기공도, air permeability, water flux, PTFE 함량, micro-porous layer (MPL)의 유무에 따른 연료전지 성능의 변화가 고찰되었다. GDL의 물리적 특성들은 서로 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있어 연료전지의 성능변화에 영향을 주었다. Carbon paper나 carbon cloth상에 MPL의 형성이 GDL의 물리적 특성을 변화시켜 연료전지의 성능을 변화시킬 수 있음을 관찰하였다. 물리적 특성과 연료전지 성능과의 관계는 전류밀도의 크기에 따라 다른 경향을 나타내거나 혹은 무관한 경향을 보였다.

고분자 전해질 연료전지용 산소환원반응을 위한 비백금촉매의 활성에 대한 최신 연구 동향 (Recent advances in Studies of the Activity of Non-precious Metal Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells)

  • 윤호석;정원석;최명호
    • 전기화학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2020
  • 수소의 화학반응 에너지를 직접 전기 에너지로 변환하는 Polymer electolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs)는 친환경 미래 운송수단 에너지원의 한 종류이다. PEMFCs의 내부에 산소 환원 반응이 매우 느리고 고가의 백금을 사용하기 때문에 이를 대체하려는 연구가 국내외에서 매우 활발히 연구되고 있다. 하지만 백금이외에 값싼 재료를 이용한 촉매의 경우 여전히 성능이 매우 상이하며 활성 향상에 대한 지표 등이 다양하다. 이에 본 총설은 non-precious metal catalyst (NPMC)의 활성 지표 등을 정리하고 최근 5년간의 자료를 요약하였다. 이를 통해 촉매재료의 선별, 합성시 주안점, 조촉매 등을 설명하며, 촉매 활성에 대한 연구의 필요성을 상기 시킬 수 있다. 이를 통해 귀금속 촉매가 널리 사용되는 분야에 적용할 수 있는 NPMC의 연구 및 개발에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 또한 향후 연구개발의 최종적인 목표를 기술한다.

표면처리된 실리콘 카바이드 섬유 복합막의 고분자 전해질 막 연료전지 성능 (Performance of Modified-Silicon Carbide Fiber Composites Membrane for Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells)

  • 박정호;김태언;전소미;조용일;조광연;설용건
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2014
  • The organic-inorganic composite membrane in polymer exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have several fascinating technological advantages such as a proton conductivity, thermal stability and mechanical properties. As the inorganic filler, silicon carbide (SiC) fiber have been used in various fields due to its unique properties such as thermal stability, conductivity, and tensile strength. In this study, composite membrane was successfully fabricated by modified-silicon carbide fiber. Modified process, as a novel process in SiC, takes reaction by phosphoric acid after oxidation process (generated homogeniusly $SiO_2$ layer on SiC fiber). The mechanical property which was conducted by tensile test of the 5wt% modified-$SiO_2@SiCf$ composite membrane was better than that of Aquivion casting membrane as well as ion cxchange capacity(IEC) and proton conductivity. In addition, the single cell performance was observed that the 5wt% modified-$SiO_2@SiCf$ composite membrane was approximately $0.2A/cm^2$ higher than that of a Aquivion casting electrolyte membrane and electrochemical impedance was improved with the charge transfer resistance and membrane resistance.

고분자전해질 연료전지용 Poly(arylene ether sulfone) 막의 특성 (Characteristics of Poly(arylene ether sulfone) Membrane for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells)

  • 정재진;신용철;이무석;이동훈;나일채;이호;박권필
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제51권5호
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    • pp.556-560
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    • 2013
  • 최근에 저가의 고분자전해질 연료전지(Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, PEMFC)용 비불소계 전해질 막 연구개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 PEMFC 운전 조건에서 Poly(arylene ether sulfone)(PAES) 막과 불소계막의 특성을 비교하였다. I-V 분극곡선, 수소투과도, 전기화학적 표면적, 막저항 및 부하 전달 저항 등을 측정 분석했다. PAES 막은 상대습도 100%에서는 불소계 막과 비슷한 성능을 보였으나 낮은 상대습도에서 이온전도도가 낮아 성능감소가 컸다.

초임계유체를 이용한 PEMFC용 자가 가습 백금/나피온 막의 제조 (Preparation of Self-humidifying Pt/Nafion Membranes using Supercritical $CO_2$ for PEMFCs)

  • 변정연;김효원;성준용;김화용
    • 청정기술
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.99-103
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    • 2007
  • 초임계함침법을 이용하여 백금을 나피온 112 막에 함침시켜 자가 가습 막을 제조하였다. 초임계이산화탄소를 용매로 하여 나피온112 막에 $Pt(II)(acac)_2$$80^{\circ}C$, 19.8 MPa 조건에서 함침한 후, $NaBH_4$ 용액을 사용하여 $50^{\circ}C$ 에서 2시간 동안의 환원과정을 통하여 Pt 입자로 환원시켜 PEMFC용 백금/나피온 자가-가습 전해질막을 제조하였다. 제조한 백금/나피온 막들을 SEM, EDS, EPMA 등의 분석을 통하여 백금 입자들이 균일하게 분산되어 함침되었음을 확인하였다. 제작한 백금/나피온 막을 무가습 조건에서 구동되는 고분자 전해질 연료전지(PEMFC)의 전해질로 적용하였을 때 $65^{\circ}C$ 구동온도에서 일반적인 나피온 112를 전해질로 사용한 경우보다 향상된 성능을 보였다.

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연료전지 무인항공기의 고도와 체공시간에 대한 특성 분석 및 최신 연구동향 (Research Trend and Analysis of Altitude and Endurance for Fuel Cell Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)

  • 조성현;김민진;손영준;양태현
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.393-404
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    • 2014
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been applied to not only military missions like surveillance and reconnaissance but also commercial missions like meteorological observation, aerial photograph, communication relay, internet network build and disaster observation. Fuel cells make UAVs eco-friendly by using hydrogen. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) show low operation temperature, high efficiency, low noise and high energy density and those characterisitcs are well fitted with UAVs. Thus Fuel cell based UAVs have been actively developed in the world. Recently, fuel cell UAVs have started to develope for high altitude UAVs because target altitude of UAVs is expanded upto stratosphere altitude. Long endurance of UAVs is essential to improve effects of the missions. Improvement of UAV endurance time could be fulfilled by developing a hydrogen fuel storage system with high energy density and reducing the weight of UAVs. In this paper, research trend and analysis of fuel cell UAVs are introduced in terms of their altitude and endurance time and then the prospect of fuel cell UAVs are shown.

고분자전해질연료전지를 위한 그래핀 기반 PtM 촉매들의 산소환원반응성 연구 (A Study on Oxygen Reduction Reaction of PtM Electrocatalysts Synthesized on Graphene for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell)

  • 양종원;최장군;조한익;박종진;권용재
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2014
  • In this research, we investigate electrical performance and electrochemical properties of graphene supported Pt (Pt/G) and PtM (M = Ni and Y) alloy catalysts (PtM/Gs) that are synthesized by modified polyol method. With the PtM/Gs that are adopted for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) as cathode of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), their catalytic activity and ORR performance and electrical performance are estimated and compared with one another. Their particle size, particle distribution and electrochemically active surface (EAS) area are measured by TEM and cyclic voltammetry (CV), respectively. On the other hand, regarding ORR activity and electrical performance of the catalysts, (i) linear sweeping voltammetry by rotating disk electrode and rotating ring-disk electrode and (ii) PEMFC single cell tests are used. The TEM and CV measurements demonstrate particle size and EAS of PtM/Gs are compatible with those of Pt/G. In case of PtNi/G, its half-wave potential, kinetic current density, transferred electron number per oxygen molecule and $H_2O_2$ production % are excellent. Based on data obtained by half-cell test, when PEMFC singlecell tests are carried out, current density measured at 0.6V and maximum power density of the PEMFC single cell employing PtNi/G are better than those employing Pt/G. Conclusively, PtNi/Gs synthesized by modified polyol shows better ORR catalytic activity and PEMFC performance than other catalysts.

GDL을 고려한 고분자전해질형 연료전지 모사 단위 유로 채널에서의 물방울 유동 특성에 대한 실험적인 고찰 (Experimental Investigation of the Water Droplet Dynamics inside the Simulated PEMFC Single Flow Channel with GDL)

  • 김한상;지용휘;인지헌;안지용
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2013
  • Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are regarded as a promising alternative to replace the existing automotive power sources. To get high performance and long-term durability for PEMFC systems, novel water management is essential. To this end, a comprehensive understanding of dynamics of the liquid water droplets within an operating PEMFC plays an important role. In this work, direct visualization of dynamic behaviors of the water droplet in the ex situ unit flow channel of a PEMFC including gas diffusion layer (GDL) is carried out as one of the fundamental studies for novel water management. Water droplet dynamics such as the movement and growth of liquid water droplets are mainly presented. Effects of GDL characteristics and inlet air flow rate on the water droplet transport and its removal from the flow channel are also discussed. The data obtained in this study can contribute to build up the fundamental operating strategy including balanced water removal capacity for automotive PEMFC systems.

가정용 고분자전해질 연료전지 공기공급시스템의 모델 기반 고장 검출 기술 (Model-based Fault Detection Method for the Air Supply System of a Residential PEM Fuel Cell)

  • 원진연;김민진;이원용;최윤영;홍종섭;오환영
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.556-566
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    • 2019
  • Recently, as the supply of residential polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) increases, the durability and lifetime of the PEMFC system are becoming important. The related studies have been mainly focused on the durability and lifetime of materials while the research on the durability and maintenance of the system level is insufficient. In this paper, a model-based fault detection method is developed considering an air supply system that is dominant to the system performance and efficiency. A commercial 1 kW residential fuel cell system is built, and experiments are conducted under various operation loads and states (normal, 6 faults). From the experimental data, nominal models and residuals are generated. With the residual pattern obtained from real-time data, the detection and classification of various faults can be possible. The technical importance of this paper is to minimize extra sensor installation by using the empirical model rather than a complex mathematical model, and to decrease the number of models by using the applicable model at three loads. Finally, the model-based fault detection method for the air supply system of a PEMFC is established and is expected to be applicable to other subsystems.

sPEEK 막으로 제조한 고분자전해질 연료전지(PEMFC) 막전극합체(MEA)의 특성 (Characteristics of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells(PEMFC) Membrane and Electrode Assembly(MEA) Using Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone) Membrane)

  • 이혜리;이세훈;황병찬;나일채;이정훈;오성준;박권필
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제54권2호
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2016
  • 최근에 저가의 고분자 전해질 연료전지(Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, PEMFC)용 비불소계 전해질 막 연구개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone)(sPEEK)막의 특성을 술폰화도, 상대습도, 단위 전지 온도에 따라 PEMFC 운전 조건에서 비교하였다. I-V 분극곡선, 수소투과도, 전기화학적 표면적, 막 저항 및 부하 전달 저항 등을 측정 분석했다. 술폰화도와 온도, 상대습도가 높을수록 성능이 높았으며, 특히 낮은 슬폰화도와 낮은 상대습도에서 이온 전도도 감소 때문에 성능이 큰 폭으로 감소함을 확인하였다.