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A Study on the Selection and Usage of Traditional Medicine Based on the Outpatients of Oriental Medicine Clinic (한의원 래원환자의 한방의료 선택과 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Taek;Park, Young-Jae;Lee, Sang-Chul;Huh, Youong;Park, Young-Bae
    • The Journal of the Society of Korean Medicine Diagnostics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to obtain basic data about medical consumer's behavior by the examination of the demographic characteristics, experience of medical service and attitude toward traditional medicine based on the outpatients of oriental medicine clinic. Methods: The participants of this study are outpatients in 5 oriental medicine clinics located in the metropolitan area. The resources were collected from the self-administration questionnaire survey. 202 samples were collected. The SPSS 13.0 for windows was used for statistical analysis: One-way ANOVA, $x^2-test$, correlation analysis were used to verify the results. Results & Conclusions: The results from this study are as follow. 1, The group which are in low-ade educational background and income selected traditional medicine for the promotion of health. In this group, traditional medicine was consumed with higher purchasing frequency and more satisfaction and considered more safe and effective, on the other hand western medicine was consumed with lower frequency. People In this group highly evaluated the kindness of oriental medicine doctor and more interested in health. 2. The group which selected traditional medicine for the treatment of disease more frequently consumed traditional medicine. People In this group highly evaluated the efficacy and economical efficiency of traditional me야cine and the kindness of oriental medicine doctor. 3. The group which selected traditional medicine for the management of disease iess : frequently consumed western medicine. People In this group highly evaluated the efficacy of traditional medicine. 4. Purchasing frequency on traditional medicine was higher in the 50year above group than $30{\sim}39year$, 29year and below group.(P<0.1) 5. Purchasing frequencyy on traditional medicine slightly correlated with the satisfaction of traditional medicine and the kindness of oriental medicine doctor. The satisfaction of traditional medicine strongly correlated with the kindness of oriental medicine doctor. 6. The efficacy of traditional medicine and the kindness of oriental medicine doctor were highly evaluated in the $10{\sim}19times$ experience group and 20times above experience group than $1{\sim}4times$ experience group.

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XRCC1 Gene Polymorphism, Clinicopathological Characteristics and Stomach Cancer Survival in Thailand

  • Putthanachote, Nuntiput;Promthet, Supannee;Suwanrungruan, Krittika;Chopjitt, Peechanika;Wiangnon, Surapon;Chen, Li-Sheng;Yen, Ming-Fang;Chen, Tony Hsiu-Hsi
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.14
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    • pp.6111-6116
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    • 2015
  • Background: Stomach cancer is one of leading causes of death worldwide. In Thailand, the incidence and mortality of stomach cancer are in the top ten for cancers. Effects of DNA repair gene X-ray repair cross complementary protein 1 (XRCC1) polymorphisms and clinicopathological characteristics on survival of stomach cancer in Thailand have not been previously reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of XRCC1 gene and clinicopathological characteristics on survival of stomach cancer patients in Thailand. Materials and Methods: Data and blood samples were collected from 101 newly diagnosed stomach cancer cases pathologically confirmed and recruited during 2002 to 2006 and followed-up for vital status until 31 October 2012. Genotype analysis was performed using real-time PCR-HRM. The data were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method to yield cumulative survival curve, log-rank test to assess statistical difference of survival and Cox proportional hazard models to estimate adjusted hazard ratio. Results: The total followed-up times were 2,070 person-months, and the mortality rate was 4.3 per 100 person-months. The median survival time after diagnosis was 8.07 months. The cumulative 1-, 3-, 5-years survival rates were 40.4%, 15.2 % and 10.1 % respectively. After adjustment, tumour stage were associated with an increased risk of death (p= 0.036). The XRCC1 Gln339Arg, Arg/Arg homozygote was also associated with increased risk but statistically this was non-significant. Conclusions: In addition to tumour stage, which is an important prognostic factor affecting to the survival of stomach cancer patients, the genetic variant Gln339Arg in XRCC1 may non-significantly contribute to risk of stomach cancer death among Thai people. Larger studies with different populations are need to verify ours findings.

Diagnostic Coincidence of Radiologic Measurement Methods of the Proximal Femur Anterior-posterior Projection for Assessment of Osteoporosis (근위대퇴부 정면 영상을 이용한 골다공증 평가 시 방사선적 계측의 진단일치도)

  • Kang, Yeong-Han;Cho, Kwang-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are relationships between radiologic parameters for osteoporosis by the proximal femur radiograhps and bone mineral density, as assessed by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DEXA). Proximal femur anterior-posterior projection were taken from 112 individuals who undergoing DEXA. Radiographic parameters including canal-to-calcar ratio(CCR) and cortical thickness indices(CTI) were measured and compared with bone mineral density($g/cm^2$), T-score. The intramedullary femoral canal width(FW) and calcar width(CW) at osteoporosis group was significantly larger than that of control group. The CCR were correlated negatively with bone mineral density($g/cm^2$)(r=-0.340, p<0.01), and the CTI were correlated positively(r=0.624). The diagnostic accuracy of CCR for osteoporosis was 63.4%, and kappa value was 0.271. And the accuracy of CTI was 67.0%, and kappa value was the level of fair agreement(${\kappa}$=0.258). The proximal femur with large CCR and small CTI had lower T-scores. When evaluating proximal femur anterior-posterior radiographs, those patients with the thinnest femur diaphyseal cortices should be referred for further osteoporosis investigation.

The Relationship between the Personality of Elementary School Students and the Safety Accidents in the School (초등학생의 성격특성과 학교안전사고)

  • Kim, Chang-Hee;Park, Young-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.4
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2003
  • This study was not intended to analyze out the realities of the safety accidents in school. The purpose of this study was to find out the personality of elementary school students in 6th grade and analyze the relationship between the personality of elementary school students and the safety accidents in the school. We made a visit 12 elementary school personally in the B city of Gyeonggi Province and gave out 552 questionaries in order to accomplish the purpose of this study. And we analyzed the 501 answer data except the unfittable data 51 sheets-in case of no answer or untruthfulness. The inspection of the personality used the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ) and the questionnaires of the safety accidents in the school were reorganized of the questionnaires which were used in Chun-Ok, Joen(1997) and One-Yong, Kim(1999)'s study to correspond with our purpose of study. Answer sheets were gone through the t and x2 test by using the program of SPPS. First, elementary school students are in the formative period in the life of a man. So many students's personality was in the middle group rather than in high and low group. In regard of the distintion between the boy students and the girl students, the boy students had higher score in Psychoticism(P) but the girl students had higher score in Neutroticism(N). And Lie(L) was showing a little more score in the girl students. Second, there was significant difference in the investigation of safety accidents in school according to sex distinction. 1) Comparing the boy students and the girl students, the rate of accidents was higher in boy rather than girl. And there was significant difference. 2) Comparing the grade of the school, the rate of accidents was higher in upper grade than lower grade both girls and boys. 3) In the kind of accidents, the traumatic Injuries were very popular and the next were contusions. There was significant difference in the traumatic injury and nosebleed. 4) The results of injured parts showed that the injuries of foot, leg, hand, arm hold a large majority. And there was a significant difference in head, face, foot, leg and etc. 5) Most accidents broke out during the break time and then accidents happened after school were the next. The flowings were lunch time and class time. There was a significant difference in accidents happened during the class, break time and lunch time. 6) Comparing the subjects, the most accidents broke out in the class of physics. 7) Among the cause of accidents, one's own carelessness was showing the highest rate. There was a significant distintion in the fight and game. 8) The safety accidents took place most in playground, and there was a significant difference. 9) Being slight wound was showing almost in the degrees of damage. And there was a significant difference. Third, the boy students were not showing the significant difference in relation to the personality, the frequency of accidents and the degrees of damage. But the girl students were showing the significant difference in relation to the Extraversion-Introversion(E) and the frequency of accidents. And there were a significant difference between E and N. Also they were showing the intense damages.

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Corrosion Characteristics by CCPP Control in Simulated Distribution System (CCPP 조절에 따른 모의 상수관로의 부식특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Do-Hwan;Lee, Jae-In;Lee, Ji-Hyung;Han, Dong-Yueb;Kim, Dong-Youn;Hong, Soon-Heon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1249-1256
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to investigate the efficiency of the corrosion prevention in the simulated distribution system using CCPP(Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential) as the anti-corrosive index by adjusting pH, total dissolved solids, alkalinity and calcium hardness in the water treatment pilot process. The materials of the simulated distribution system(SDS) were equiped with same materials of real field water distribution system. CCPP concentrations controlled by $Ca(OH)_2$, $CO_2$ gas and $Na_2CO_3$ in the simulated distribution system and uncontrolled by the chemicals in the general water distribution system were average 0.61 mg/L and -7.77 mg/L. The concentrations of heavy metals like Fe, Zn, Cu ions in effluent water of the simulated distribution system controlled with water quality were decreased rather than the general water distribution system uncontrolled with water quality. In simulated distribution system(SDS), corrosion prevention film formed by CCPP control was observed that scale was come into forming six months later and it was formed into density as time goes on. We were analyzed XRD(X-ray diffraction) for investigating component of crystal compounds and structure for galvanized steel pipe(15 mm). Finding on analysis, scale was compounded to $Zn_4CO_3(OH)_6{\cdot}H_2O$ (Zinc Carbonate Hydroxide Hydrate) after ten months late, and it was compounded on $CaCO_3$(Calcium Carbonate) and $ZnCO_3$(Smithsonite) after nineteen months later.

The Clinical Characteristics of Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage : A Retrospective Study of 21cases (미만성 폐포 출혈의 임상 양상과 예후)

  • Ham, Hyoung-Suk;Roh, Gil-Hwan;Kang, Eun-Hae;Kang, Soo-Jung;An, Chang-Hyeok;Suh, Gee-Young;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.614-623
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    • 2000
  • Background : Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is rare but often fatal. To determine the clinical manifestations of DAH, its etiology, clinical course and prognosis were studied. Method : A retrospective analysis was performed in 21 patients that were diagnosed as DAH. Diagnosis of DAH was based on the presence of the "classical triad" of hemoptysis, anemia, and rapidly progressive infiltrates on chest X-ray and a finding of bronchoalveolar lavage or lung biopsy. Results : Thirteen patients (61.9%) had collagen vascular diseases (CVDs) as underlying disease and 10 patients had systemic lupus erythematosus. Females were more prevalent in CVD than in non-collagen vascular disease (NCVD). Otherwise, there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of clinical manifestations. Dyspnea (95.2%), cough (76.2%), hemoptysis (61.9%), and fever (33.0%) were frequent symptoms. The initial creatinine level was higher in CVD than in NCVD ($3.27{\pm}3.15$ mg/dl vs. $1.19{\pm}0.94$ mg/dl, p=0.030). The corresponding drop in hemoglobin level was $2.69{\pm}1.26$ g/dl. Maximal drop in hemoglobin preceded the progression of infiltrates on the chest radiograph by $1.38{\pm}4.22$ days. The mortality rate was higher in the patients with NCVD than in those with CVD (50.0% vs. 23.1%). Conclusion : The DAH can occur not only in patients with CVD but also in those with NCVD. Higher creatinine level CVD in patients is associated with renal involvement in conjunction with DAH. The maximal drop in hemoglobin preceeding the progression of infiltrates on the chest radiograph suggests that the drop in hemoglobin is important for diagnosing DAH.

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Fertilization Effects on Allometric Equations and Biomass in a Moso Bamboo (Phllostachys pubescens) Stand (맹종죽 임분에 시비가 상대생장식 및 바이오매스에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Chang-Gyu;Baek, Gyeongwon;Park, Seong-Wan;Yoo, Byung Oh;Jung, Su Young;Lee, Kwang Soo;Kim, Choonsig
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.106 no.4
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    • pp.380-387
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to determine fertilization effects on allometric equations and biomass production in a Moso bamboo (Phllostachys pubescens) stand of the Gajwa National Experimental Forests, Jinju, Korea. The study site was fertilized for approximately 30 years to produce edible bamboo shoots. Total 20 bamboos (10 fertilized and 10 unfertilized) were cut to develop allometric equations and to estimate biomass accumulation of each bamboo component. Allometric equations of each bamboo component in the fertilized and unfertilized plots were significant (P < 0.05) with diameter at 20 cm from ground ($D_{20}$), diameter at breast height (DBH), culm height (H), and $DBH^2{\cdot}H$. Aboveground biomass estimated by the allometric equations (DBH) was significantly higher in the unfertilized plots ($106.38Mg\;ha^{-1}$) in culm density of $6,833culm\;ha^{-1}$ than in the fertilized ($57.68Mg\;ha^{-1}$) plots in culm density of $4,633culm\;ha^{-1}$. The proportion of each biomass component was culm (79%), followed by branches (14%) and leaf (7%) in the fertilized plots, whereas it was culm (81%), followed by branches (13%), and leaf (6%) in the unfertilized plots. The results indicate that aboveground biomass accumulation in a Phllostachys pubescens stand was little affected by fertilizer application because of the difference of culm density.

Numerical analysis of water flow characteristics after inrushing from the tunnel floor in process of karst tunnel excavation

  • Li, S.C.;Wu, J.;Xu, Z.H.;Li, L.P.;Huang, X.;Xue, Y.G.;Wang, Z.C.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.471-526
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    • 2016
  • In order to investigate water flow characteristics after inrushing in process of karst tunnel excavation, numerical simulations for five case studies of water inrush from the tunnel floor are carried out by using the FLUENT software on the background of Qiyueshan high risk karst tunnel. Firstly, the velocity-distance curves and pressure-distance curves are drawn by selecting a series of probing lines in a plane. Then, the variation characteristics of velocity and pressure are analyzed and the respective optimized escape routes are made. Finally, water flow characteristics after inrushing from the tunnel floor are discussed and summarized by comparing case studies under the conditions of different water-inrush positions and excavation situations. The results show that: (1) Tunnel constructors should first move to the tunnel side wall and then escape quickly when water inrush happens. (2) Tunnel constructors must not stay at the intersection area of the cross passage and tunnels when escaping. (3) When water inrush from floor happens in the left tunnel, if tunnel constructors meet the cross passage during escaping, they should pass through it rapidly, turn to the right tunnel and run to the entrance. (4) When water inrush from floor happens in the left tunnel, if there is not enough time to escape, tunnel constructors can run to the trolley and other equipment in the vicinity of the right tunnel working face. In addition, some rescuing equipment can be set up at the high location of the cross passage. (5) When water inrush from floor happens in the cross passage, tunnel constructors should move to the tunnel side wall quickly, turn to the tunnel without water inrush and run to the entrance. (6) When water inrush from floor happens in the cross passage, if there is not enough time to escape, tunnel constructors can run to the trolley and other equipment near by the left or the right tunnel working face. The results are of important practical significance and engineering value to ensure the safety of tunnel construction.

Evaluation of Insole-equipped Ankle Foot Or thosis for Effect on Gait based on Biomechanical Analysis (인솔 장착형 단하지 보조기의 생체 역학적 분석을 통한 보행 영향성 평가)

  • Jung, Ji-Yong;Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Kyung;Trieu, Pham Hai;Won, Yong-Gwan;Kwon, Dae-Kyu;Kim, Jung-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of insole-equipped ankle-foot-orthoses (AFO) on gait. 10 healthy males who had no history of injury in the lower extremity participated in this study as the subjects. The foot of each subject was first scanned, and the insole fit to the plantar was made using BDI-PCO(Pedcad Gmbh, Germany). The subject then was made to walk on a treadmill under four experimental conditions: 1) normal walking, 2) walking wearing AFO, 3) walking wearing AFO equipped with the insole, 4) walking wearing pneumatic-ankle-foot-orthosis (pAFO) equipped with the insole. During walking, foot pressure data such as maximum force, contacting area, peak pressure, and mean pressure was collected using Pedar-X system (Novel Gmbh, Germany) and EMG activity of lower limb muscles such as gastrocnemius medial head, gastrocnemius lateral head, and soleus was recorded using MP150 EMG module (BIOPAC System Inc., USA). Collected data was then analyzed using paired t-test in order to investigate the effects of the insole. As a result of the analysis, when insole was equipped, overall contacting area was increased while both the highest peak pressure and the mean pressure were significantly decreased, and EMG activity of the lower limb muscles was decreased. On the contrary, the cases of wearing AFO showed the decreased contacting area and the increased pressures. Therefore, the AFO equipped with a proper insole fit well to the foot can help comfortable walking by spreading the pressure over the entire plantar.

A Diagnostic Study on High School Students' Health and Quality of Life - Based on the PRECEDE model - (고등학생의 건강 및 삶의 질에 대한 진단적 연구 - PRECEDE 모형을 근간으로 -)

  • Yoo Jae-Soon;Hong Yeo-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.3
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    • pp.78-98
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    • 1997
  • Health education, as the most fundamental concept for national health promotion, alms for developing the self-care ability of the general public. High school days are regarded as the period when most important physical, mental and social developments occur, and most health-related behaviors are formed. School health education is one of the major learning resources influencing health potential in the home and community as well as for the individual student. High school health education in Korea has a fundamental systemic flaw in that health-related subjects are divided and taught under various subjects areas at school. In order to achieve the goal of school health education, it is essential to make a systematic assessment of the learner's concerns connected with his health and life, and the factors affecting them. So far, most of the research projects that had been carried out for improving high school health education were limited in their concerns to a particular aspect of health. Even though some had been done in view of comprehensive school health education, they failed to Include a health assessment of the learner. Therefore, in this study the high school students' concerns related to health and life were investigated in the first place on the basis of the PRECEDE model, developed by Green and others for the purpose of a comprehensive diagnostic research on high school health education. This study was done in two steps : one was the basic study for developing research instrument and the other was the main one. The former was conducted at five high schools in Seoul and Cheongju for 2 months-beginning in March, 1996. The students were asked to respond to questions related to their health and lives in unstructured open-ended question forms. On the basis of analysis of the basic study, the diagnostic instruments for the quality of life, health problems, health behavior and educational factors were constructed to be used for the collection of data for main study. An expert panel and the pilot study were used to improve content validity and reliability of the instruments. The reliability of the instruments was measured at between .7697 and .9611 by the Cronbach $\alpha$. The data for this study were collected from the sample consisted of the junior and senior classes of twenty general and vocational high schools in Seoul and Cheongju for two months period beginning in July, 1996. In analyzing the data, both t-test and $X^2$-test were done by using SAS-$PC^+$ Program to compare data between the sexes of the high school students and the types of high school. A canonical correlation analysis was carried out to determine the relationships among the diagnostic variables, and a multivariate multiple regression analysis was conducted by using LISREL 8.03 to ascertain the influences of variables on the high school students' health and quality of life. The results were as follows : 1) The findings of the hypothesis tests (1) The canonical correlation between the educational diagnosis variables and behavioral, epidemiological, social diagnosis variables was .7221, which was significant at the level of p<.001. (2) The canonical correlation between the educational diagnosis variables and the behavior variables was .6851, which also was significant (p<.001). (3) The canonical correlation between the behavioral diagnosis variables and the epidemiological variables was 4295, which was significant (p<.001). (4) The canonical correlation between the epidemiological diagnosis variables and the social variables was .6005, which was also significant (p<.001). Therefore, the relationship between each diagnosis variable suggested by the PRECEDE model had been experimentally proven to be valid, supporting the conceptual framework of the study as appropriate for assessing the multi-dimensional factors affecting high school students' health and quality of life. Health behavior self-efficacy, the level of parents' interest and knowledge of health, and the level of the perception of school health education, all of which are the educational diagnostic variables, are the most influential variables in students' health and quality of life. In particular, health behavior self-efficacy, a causative factor, was one of the main influential variables in their health and quality of life. Other diagnostic variables suggested in the steps of the PRECEDE model were found to have reciprocal relations rather than a unidirectional causative relationship. The significance of this research is that it has diagnosed the needs of high school health education by the learner-centered assessment of variety of factors related to the health and the life of the students. This research findings suggest an integrated system of school health education to be contrived to enhance the effectiveness of the education by strengthening the influential factors such as self-efficacy to improve the health and quality of the lives of high school students.

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