• Title/Summary/Keyword: Out of distribution

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Investigation into Occupational Disease of Merchant Crew (상선승무원들의 질병실태 조사)

  • Kim Jae-Ho;Chang Seong-Rok;Moon Serng-Bae;Ha Hae-Dong;Yang Won-Jae;Lee Sang-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.6 s.112
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    • pp.551-559
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to find out morbidity rate and pattern of disease and affect of variables related disease and medical management of seafares'. The subjects this study were 1049 seafares' were took education in Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology. This questionnaire was focused on finding the basic data for prevention of disease and promotion health for the seafares'. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Chi-square, cross tab, linear regression by SPSS 10.1 package. The result of this study are as follow. 1)The morbidity rate within recent 12 months was 69.0%. 2)there were significant differences qf occurred disease in age(p<0.05), income(p<0.01), career of ship on board(p<0.01), rank(p<.01), perceived health status(p<0.01), worry of health(p<0.01), fatigue symptoms(0.01), satisfy of job(p<0.05), rest time(p<0.05) 3) Considering disease unable to work more than 4 hour, the number of those who had oral disease 7.3%> tinea 6.6%> gastric ulcer 6.4, and musculoskeletal disease group were 20.9%, which revealed the highest rate oral disease 13.6%> skin disease> 12.4%, digestive disease> 12.1%. 4) As refer to medical management, The pain above 31days 35.7%, hospitalization and treatment below 7days were each 50.2%, 42.8%, medical service were doctor's office 27.9, which revealed the highest rate.

Aerial Distribution of Bacterial Groups of Xanthomonas oryzae (Uyeda et Ishiyama) Dowson in Korea (벼 흰빛잎마름병균의 균군의 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Yong Chull;Lee Soon Gu;Chung Bong Jo;Cho Yong Sup
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.18 no.1 s.38
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 1979
  • Studies on bacterial groups of X. oryzae in Korea has been continued annually since 1975. The present report maintained the result of recent Studies covering on 224 isolates collected front 191 portions of all over the country during the period from 1977 to 1978. The four bacterial groups, I, II, III and V, were found with the ratio of 79, 16, 3 and 3 per-cent, respectively. Variable bacterial groups were found in Chung- nam province while in Jeon- nam province the group II was more pre4valent than group I. Variety-group 'Kimmaze' maintained much more of heterogeneous bacterial groups, and it was significant, especially, on cultivar Milyang $\#23$. Variety-group 'Kogyoku' maintained group II, only while it was possible to isolate group I, II, and III from variety group 'Rantai-emas.' Isolates from Kresek symptom, mostly on Milyang $\#23$, belonged to group I and group II, and their occurring incidence were 20 and 8 out of 28 isolates, respectively. Variability of bacterial group was differed with the location of fields. There were homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, respectively, regardless of host varieties in a given locations.

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A Study on the Daily Probability of Rainfall in the Taegu Area according to the Theory of Probaility (대구지방(大邱地方)의 확률일우량(確率日雨量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young Ki;Na, In Yup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 1971
  • With the advance of civilization and steadily increasing population rivalry and competition for the use of the sewage, culverts, farm irrigation and control of various types of flood discharge have developed and will be come more and more keen in the future. The author has tried to calculated a formula that could adjust these conflicts and bring about proper solutions for many problems arising in connection with these conditions. The purpose of this study is to find out effective sewage, culvert, drainage, farm irrigation, flood discharge and other engineering needs in the Taegu area. If demands expand further a new formula will have to be calculated. For the above the author estimated methods of control for the probable expected rainfall using a formula based on data collected over a long period of time. The formula is determined on the basis of the maximum daily rainfall data from 1921 to 1971 in the Taegu area. 1. Iwai methods shows a highly significant correlation among the variations of Hazen, Thomas, Gumbel methods and logarithmic normal distribution. 2. This study obtained the following major formula: ${\log}(x-2.6)=0.241{\xi}+1.92049{\cdots}{\cdots}$(I.M) by using the relation $F(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}{\int}_{-{\infty}}^{\xi}e^{-{\xi}^2}d{\xi}$. ${\xi}=a{\log}_{10}\(\frac{x+b}{x_0+b}\)$ ($-b<x<{\infty}$) ${\log}(x_0+b)=2.0448$ $\frac{1}{a}=\sqrt{\frac{2N}{N-1}}S_x=0.1954$. $b=\frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{m}b_s=-2.6$ $S_x=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits^N_{i=1}\{{\log}(x_i+b)\}^2-\{{\log}(x_0+b)\}^2}=0.169$ This formule may be advantageously applicable to the estimation of flood discharge, sewage, culverts and drainage in the Taegu area. Notation for general terms has been denoted by the following. Other notations for general terms was used as needed. $W_{(x)}$ : probability of occurranec, $W_{(x)}=\int_{x}^{\infty}f_{(n)}dx$ $S_{(x)}$ : probability of noneoccurrance. $S_{(x)}=\int_{-\infty}^{x}f_(x)dx=1-W_{(x)}$ T : Return period $T=\frac{1}{nW_{(x)}}$ or $T=\frac{1}{nS_{(x)}}$ $W_n$ : Hazen plot $W_n=\frac{2n-1}{2N}$ $F_n=1-W_x=1-\(\frac{2n-1}{2N}\)$ n : Number of observation (annual maximum series) P : Probability $P=\frac{N!}{{t!}(N-t)}F{_i}^{N-t}(1-F_i)^t$ $F_n$ : Thomas plot $F_n=\(1-\frac{n}{N+1}\)$ N : Total number of sample size $X_l$ : $X_s$ : maximum, minumum value of total number of sample size.

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Spatio-temporal Distributions of Polychaete Communities and Benthic Environmental Characteristics of the Harbor Area of Busan Port, Korea (부산항 주변 저서다모류군집의 시.공간 분포와 저서환경의 특징)

  • Jung, Rae-Hong;Yoon, Sang-Pil;Kim, Youn-Jung;Choi, Min-Kyu;Lee, Won-Chan
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.125-138
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the benthic condition around Busan Port by analysing spatio-temporal distribution pattern of polychaete community and some benthic environmental factors. Field survey was seasonally carried out at 15 stations covering in and outside of Busan Port from February to December, 2007. Water temperature, salinity and the type of surface sediment showed little changes among the stations, but factors related to organic enrichment such as TOC, AVS, coprostanol showed an obvious contrast, especially between in and outside of Busan Port. A total of96 species occurred and mean density was 1,814 ind./$m^2$. Species richness was higher at outer port than inner port, but density was higher at inner port. Dominant species were Aphelochaeta monilaris, Magelona japonica, Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, etc. and many of them were typical species of organically enriched area. From the multivariate analyses, the whole study area was composed of two distinct polychaete communities located at the inside and outside of the port, and seasonal changes didn't have any influential effects on the structure. Coprostanol and AVS, indicators of organically enriched condition, well explained the community structures of polychaete worms in the vicinity of Busan Port. In this context, the innermost area of North Harbor was in a highly enriched state.

Response of File Fish to the Attraction Lamp (유도등에 대한 말쥐치의 반응)

  • An, Yeong-Il;Yang, Yong-Rim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 1987
  • The response of file Navodon modestus (GUNTHER) to attraction lamps in line and an adaptation lamp was carried out in the experimental water tank (550L$\times$58W$\times$73H cm). The rate of attraction was investigated in accordance with the intervals of time lighted on and off (1, 5, 10 minute), the intensities of adaptation lamp (1, 10, 20 W) and the two conditions of light stimulus which were the movement of lighted zone (NORMAL) and decrement of lighted zone (NEGA). The results are as follows: 1. Under Normal condition, the variation coefficients which show variation of attraction rate according to the time intervals and the intensities of adaptation lamps were 16.78% (1 min.), 9.71% (5 min.), 8.96% (10 min.), 9.71% (1 W), 15.00% (10W) and 21.08% (20 W) respectively, and attraction rates of the last section was 80.0% (1 min.), 86.0% (5 min.), 85.0% (10 mim.), 86.0% (1 W), 78.7% (10W) and 72.7% (20 W) respectively. 2. Under Nega condition, the file fish was almost distributed all in the illuminated sections, and the majority of the distribution section was adjacent to the extinguished section regardless of the time intervals and the adaptation lamps. 3. Under Nega condition, the variations of attraction rate in the last section became L type, and the attraction rates, when the rest except for the last attraction lamp was extinguished, were 96.7% (1 min.), 100% (5 min.), 96.0% (10 mim.), 100% (1 W), 100% (10W) and 88.0% (20 W) respectively.

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Community and Population Structure of Berchemia berchemiaefolia Forest (망개나무림(林)의 군집(群集) 구조(構造)와 개체군(個體群) 구조(構造))

  • Lee, Joon Hyouk;Yun, Chung Weon;Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.4 s.161
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2005
  • This research was carried out in order to make clear population and community structure of Berchemia berchemiaefolia forest surveyed from October 1998 to October 2004 which was located in Janggok-Ri Gunwi-Gun, Kyungpook province. B. berchemiaefolia community was classified into 3 groups such as Picrasma quassioides group, Carex ciliata-marginata group and Typical group using ZM methods. In case of floristic composition structure according to crown stories, B. berchemiaefolia occupied 42.82%, 34.43%, and 5.28%, in tree layer, subtree layer and shrub layer, respectively. Importance value of Quercus variabilis, Platycarya strobilacea and Quercus serrate species was generally high. Species diversity of Picrasma quassioides group indicated 1.6669 which was highest value among the 3 vegetation groups. Population of B. berchemiaefolia showed overall the structure of reverse J type in DBH class showing the peak between 6 cm and 10 cm and reached 14 meters in height class, and the age structure of the population ranged from 11 years to 60 years showing regular distribution type. Stump sprout or/and epicormic branch made numerous stems around original stump of previous generation which was considered to be cut and disappeared by residents. Seedlings or/and saplings of B. berchemiaefolia were intensively occurred in the opened areas of forest road. Those things could be certainly considered to establish management plan of B. berchemiaefolia forest.

Applications of XPS and SIMS for the development of Si quantum dot solar cell

  • Kim, Gyeong-Jung;Hong, Seung-Hwi;Kim, Yong-Seong;Lee, U;Kim, Yeong-Heon;Seo, Se-Yeong;Jang, Jong-Sik;Sin, Dong-Hui;Choe, Seok-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.297-297
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    • 2010
  • Precise control of the position and density of doping elements at the nanoscale is becoming a central issue for realizing state-of-the-art silicon-based optoelectronic devices. As dimensions are scaled down to take benefits from the quantum confinement effect, however, the presence of interfaces and the nature of materials adjacent to silicon turn out to be important and govern the physical properties. Utilization of visible light is a promising method to overcome the efficiency limit of the crystalline Si solar cells. Si quantum dots (QDs) have been proposed as an emission source of visible light, which is based on the quantum confinement effect. Light emission in the visible wavelength has been reported by controlling the size and density of Si QDs embedded within various types of insulating matrix. For the realization of all-Si QD solar cells with homojunctions, it is prerequisite not only to optimize the impurity doping for both p- and n-type Si QDs, but also to construct p-n homojunctions between them. In this study, XPS and SIMS were used for the development of p-type and n-type Si quantum dot solar cells. The stoichiometry of SiOx layers were controlled by in-situ XPS analysis and the concentration of B and P by SIMS for the activated doping in Si nano structures. Especially, it has been experimentally evidenced that boron atoms in silicon nanostructures confined in SiO2 matrix can segregate into the Si/$SiO_2$ interfaces and the Si bulk forming a distinct bimodal spatial distribution. By performing quantitative analysis and theoretical modelling, it has been found that boron incorporated into the four-fold Si crystal lattice can have electrical activity. Based on these findings, p-type Si quantum dot solar cell with the energy-conversion efficiency of 10.2% was realized from a [B-doped $SiO_{1.2}$(2 nm)/$SiO_2(2\;nm)]^{25}$ superlattice film with a B doping level of $4.0{\times}10^{20}\;atoms/cm^2$.

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Estimation of demersal fish biomass using hydroacoustic and catch data in the marine ranching area (MRA) of Jeju (제주바다목장해역에서 수중음향과 어획데이터를 활용한 저층 어류의 현존량 추정)

  • Lee, Jae-Bong;Oh, Taeg-Yun;Yeon, In-Ja;Kim, Byung-Yeob;Shin, Hyeon-Ok;Hwang, Bo-Kyu;Lee, Kyung-Hoon;Lee, Yoo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 2012
  • Hybrid surveys using hydroacoustic and fish sampling gears such as trammel net, trap were conducted to investigate total biomass, distribution and dominant fish species of the demersal fishes in the marine ranching area (MRA) of Jeju. Four surveys were carried out in June, August, October and November using 38kHz quantitative echo sounder. Catch data using trammel net and trap were used to calculate biomass and to examine dominant fish species. Fish schools were mainly detected in the waters of 20 meters below and around Chagwido waters. By the result of fishing experiments, fish species living in MRA of Jeju were about 40 species, dominant fish species of a detectable fish such as Family Sparidae and Family Monacanthidae etc. were identified 59.4~68.8% of total biomass. Based on the hydroacoustic data, fish length-weight function and target strength information, mean density of the demersal fish estimated were as follows; 0.88g/$m^2$ on June, 1.12g/$m^2$ on August, 1.35g/$m^2$ on October and 1.18g/$m^2$ on November. An estimated average biomass in MRA of Jeju was founded 20.5 tons in 2007, 20.6 tons in 2008, 23.0 tons in 2009, 25.9 tons in 2010. The results showed that biomass of MRA is getting increased slowly. Therefore the hybrid survey method using hydroacoustic and fish sampling gears is assured an effective biomass survey in the waters of mixed species.

Hydrogenation of Methyl Dodecanoate Using Copper Chromite (분산액에서의 Copper Chromite 합성 및 Methyl Dodecanoate의 수소화반응)

  • Kang, Ho-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Park, Jong-Mok;Kim, Dong-Pyo;Lee, Byung Min
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2009
  • The hydrogenation reaction of methyl dodecanoate for the synthesis of 1-dodecanol has been carried out in the presence of a copper chromite catalyst. The catalysts were synthesized by ceramic method, co-precipitation, and improved co-precipitation method and the particles were characterized by SEM and XRD. Also, the products of the reaction were assigned by GC, GC/MSD and NMR. The particles synthesized by each method showed (1) a spherical shape with the size of 3.2 to $7.0{\mu}m$, (2) an agglomerated spherical shape with the size of 50 to 500 nm and (3) a spherical shape with smaller particle size, respectively. Especially, in order to control the size of particles, the particles were synthesized in various dispersant solutions as Span 80, polyacrylate, and polyethyleneglycols (PEGs). The particles synthesized in PEG (Mw = 4000) solution showed the smallest particle size of 30 to 50 nm and the regularity of the particle size distribution. Our experimental results elucidated that the activity of catalyst for hydrogenation increases with decreasing the size of catalyst particle. The highest yield of dodecanol in the hydrogenation reaction was 95.5% when copper chromite synthesized in the PEG solution was used as a catalyst in the optimized reaction condition.

A Study on the Apparel Industry and the Clothing Culture of North Korea (북한(北韓)의 의류산업(衣類産業)과 의생활문화(衣生活文化) 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.158-175
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to understand and improve the clothing habits and the apparel industry of North Korea in preparation for the reunification of South and North Korea. For this study, literary data, reports, periodicals, interviews and internet data of the two Koreas were reviewed. North Korean clothing habits used to be monotonous and uniform but nowadays people's clothes have become somewhat brighter in color and more diverse in design than before. In particular, liberal and individual dressing habits appeared among the privileged classes. When taking part in national events, women have to wear the traditional Korean costume, Hanbok, while men wear business suits for formal wear. In general, men don't wear Hanbok. Students have to be in uniforms but blue jeans, T-shirts with English logos were popular among them reflecting their sensitivity and openness towards western cultures. The brides usually wear pink Hanboks and the bridegrooms wear black business suits for their wedding. North Koreans also wear Hanbok on national holidays like South Koreans. Clothing is the most important item in the trade of process commission between North and South Korea. Trading items are mid to low end men's clothing for the most part due to less emphasis on fashion in the North. The processing is indirect trade and composed of sample making and contracting, sending out materials and production, carrying in goods and setting accounts. To activate South-North trade, establishment of infrastructure, stabilization of shipping, reducing high costs of distribution, building direct communication system by setting up office in a neutral zone and simplifying procedures in applying for the South and North Korea Economic Cooperation Fund. On the other hand, clothing and textiles education is carried on at art colleges, light industries colleges and commercial colleges in Pyongyang. Clothing institutes which study Hanbok and Western clothes, are installed in each city and province. Graduates who majored in clothing and textiles are posted in institutes or apparel factories. Their job is designing, patternmaking and sewing for their customers. Most of them are women and in good state of economic conditions. The North Korean clothing industry has been the core national industry that has developed based on overseas demand form the mid 1980s. The standard is that of South Korea in the early 1980s. In 1999, trade of North Korean textile products with trade counterparts such as Japan and China was $1.3 million in exports and $1.27 in imports. Of this amount the export takes up 25.4% of the total exports in North Korea. However, fundamentally even in sectors that are irrelevant to politics such as the fashion clothing industry, trust between the South and North should be a prerequisite. Only through this can exchange between North and South and economic cooperation contribute towards the reunification.

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