• Title/Summary/Keyword: Organic Cooperation

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A Study on the Cooperative Organization Model among Family Farms for the Value Enhancement of Crop-Livestock Cycling Organic Agriculture - Case of Crop-Livestock Cycling Organic Pig Farm - (경종-축산 순환 유기농업의 가치 증진을 위한 농가 간 협동조직화 모델 연구 - 경종-축산 순환 양돈 농가를 사례로 -)

  • Choi, Deog-Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.367-386
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    • 2020
  • The significance of this study was to analyze the quality value of organic livestock pork for the first time based on the results of managing and testing the cycling organic farming of black pork and vegetables within farm for two years. The results of analysis could be summarized as follows. First, the pork of experimental group with crop-livestock cycling farming showed the excellent quality and high consumer preference compared to the control group of general pork or pork from non-crop-livestock cycling organic farming. In the content ratio of Omega-3 as a representative essential fatty acid, it was 1.46 that was about 2.8 times more than general pork (0.52). In case of Omega-6, it had about 2.5 times more than general pork. Especially, the U/S ratio value which was the content ratio of Unsaturated Fatty Acid (UFA, U) of Saturated Fatty Acid (SFA, S), was largely shown in pork (2.93) from cycling organic farming. Second, it would be necessary to maintain the economies of scope shown in crop-livestock cycling organic farming, and the high quality value of livestock products. For this, there should be a value chain model that could realize the economies of scope and economies of scale at the same time based on scaling and diversification through cooperative organization between farmers. Through this, it would be possible to establish a cycling model called 'community cooperative agriculture' by forming local internal markets through cooperation of production-processing and integration of distribution-sale-consumption. For the managerial activation of this cooperative organization, the government should promote/support the small crop-livestock cycling organic farming cooperative organization in local unit. For securing the reliability of crop-livestock cycling organic agricultural products and crop-livestock cycling organic livestock products, it would be necessary to review the introduction of Participatory Guarantee System (PGS).

Pixel driving method of OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode) Display (OLED 디스플레이 픽셀 구동방식)

  • Lee Jung-Ho;Chae Kyu-Su;Kim Min-Nyun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.154-156
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    • 2004
  • 고도의 정보가 집약되고 응용되기 시작하면서 정보를 표현하고자 하는 방법에 대한 연구는 더욱 절실히 요구되고 있다. 자연색에 가까운 고품질의 색상의 화면을 제공하기 위해 디스플레이의 무게와 크기, 전력소모 등의 많은 부분에 대해 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 모든 기능을 충족시켜주는 차세대 디스플레이인 OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode)에 대한 구동 드라이브를 디지털 회로에 응용하고자 정확한 동작에 필요한 방법에 대해 소개하고 개선점에 대한 연구를 하였다.

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The Improvement of Certification Institution for Small Farming Cycling System (소규모 경축순환농업 육성을 위한 인증제도 개선 방안)

  • Choi, Deog-Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.435-461
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted field surveys and theoretical discussion whether small farmers thinks there are economics of scope in small organically grown cropslivestock farming cycling system. The discussions are summarized as follows. At the end of October 2011, the cycling agriculture farms are only a total of 15 farmers, 0.1% of total organic farms in Korea. The FMD disease, FTA, family farm structure, the importance of animal health and welfare, agricultural cycles, when considering the valuation of the multifunctionality, alternative agriculture is small farming cycling system. Organic agriculture is a 'cooperation-cycling-family farm' in the interaction it is important to understand. The two groups were surveyed. Group 1 is 6 farmers who practicing cycling farming system, and Group 2 is the 33 farmers who wish to cycling farming system. Interview survey and the survey results was obtained as follows. First, We find that there are strong economies of scope, due to a decreased costs have increased net profit. Second, the multifunctional values is realized also cycling farming system. Third, but some certification standards leads to high transaction cost. Thus, a small family farm who wishing to target organic livestock certification standards need to improve.

A Case Study on Production and Marketing Activities of Organic Farming Products in Regional Integrated Farming Group (지역농업조직의 유기농산물 생산 및 판매활동에 관한 사례연구-충남 연기군 전의신협 생산협동반의 사례를 중심으로-)

  • 박현태;강창용
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 1995
  • Some devices of sustaining the small scale farming in the changing social and economic conditions in which comparative disadvantages are evidently to be experienced in the near future, are becoming a central proposition in the Korean agriculture. In this connection, development of integrated activities in farming among individual farmers within a region may be an important device of overcoming prevailing limits of resource possession and use of individual farmers. These inter-farm or inter-group cooperation and integration can be promoted through establishing efficient cooperative system within a farming district. This study was undertaken to find facts pertaining to situations leading to successful performence of cooperative systems in group farming. In this study, The case in Cheunee Myun, Yungi-Gun, Chungchungnam-Do in which farming is specialized in production of so called "organic farming products" and farmers are integrated for increasing their productivity.ductivity.

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Establishing a marketing strategy model for academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities (기업과 대학간의 산학협력마케팅 전략모델 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Jeong-Keun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Because of the emphasis on the necessity of academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities, there are various ongoing academic-industrial cooperation programs led by the government. As government actively supports such cooperation as policy,and universities vitalize new technology development, academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities is being recognized as an important growth engine for companies the competitiveness of academic-industrial cooperation is also attracting more interest. The government has vitalized human resource fostering, practical R&D, and technology transfer to companies since 2012 by executing a "leading university fostering project for academic-industrial cooperation." Based on an organic interlink among universities, industry, and research institutes, the government also created and is promoting several models of such cooperation between companies and universities to support shared growth of industry and local universities. The purpose of academic-industrial cooperation is growth and benefit fromtechnology development, technical cooperation, and technology transfer between companies and universities. Research design, data, and methodology - As more academic-industrial cooperation efforts are ledby companies due to the limitation in technology-focused commercialization cooperation, the academic-industrial cooperation system became fragmented and it is losing the potential for future advancement. Specifically, as differences between universities grow, academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities based on new technology from universities is finding difficulty advancing,while systematic support from companies to enhance the performance of businesses created by academic-industrial cooperation is also insufficient. Accordingly, this study established a growth model for the advancement of academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities and suggested a plan to strengthen the competitiveness and promote the future advancementof academic-industrial cooperation between companies and universities by analyzing the current situation of such cooperation and diagnosing its issues. Results - This study explored the concept and current status of academic-industrial cooperation relationships and analyzed related issues. For such cooperative organizations to be competitive, the employment environment of professional human resources for academic-industrial cooperation should be improved and measures to secure professional resources should be taken as early as possible. Though the academic-industrial cooperation now is being led by government, there is a limitation based on business models, which require creation of profit; however, an academic-industrial cooperation model still cannot stand alone without the support of government. This study also pointed out that a having only a plan to build competitiveness of companies and universities for academic-industrial cooperation is not sufficient. Conclusions - In order to increase the competitiveness of academic-industrial cooperation, a detailed growth-sharing model for academic-industrial cooperation should be developed, and there should be more joint development processes for the advancement of such cooperation in which the need for technology development can be verified in advance. In addition, beyond focusing on technology-focused academic-industrial cooperation, a network between companies and universities searching for ideas for academic-industrial cooperation in the fields of human and social aspects should be created. A new academic-industrial model linking current cooperation between companies and universities to the local area should be built based on such academic-industrial cooperation in human and social fields.

Operating characteristics of Floating Gate Organic Memory (플로팅 게이트형 유기메모리 동작특성)

  • Lee, Boong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5213-5218
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    • 2014
  • Organic memory devices were made using the plasma polymerization method. The memory device consisted of ppMMA(plasma polymerization MMA) thin films as the tunneling and insulating layer, and a Au thin film as the memory layer, which was deposited by thermal evaporation. The organic memory operation theory was developed according to the charging and discharging characteristics of floating gate type memory, which would be measured by the hysteresis voltage and memory voltage with the gate voltage values. The I-V characteristics of the fabricated memory device showed a hysteresis voltage of 26 [V] at 60 ~ -60 [V] double sweep measuring conditions. The programming voltage was applied to the gate electrode in accordance with the result of this theory. A programming voltage of 60[V] equated to a memory voltage of 13[V], and 80[V] equated to a memory voltage of 18[V]. The memory voltage of approximately 40 [%]increased with increasing programming voltage. The charge memory layer charging or discharging according to the theory of the memory was verified experimentally.

Development Study of Capstone Design Matching Platform based on Industry-Academic Cooperation (산학협력 캡스톤디자인 매칭 플랫폼 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Younyoung;Kim, Jaehee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of universities is diversifying, such as education and research for the transfer of knowledge and technology, and training talented people with the competencies required in industrial sites. Therefore, universities are attempting various forms of industry-academic cooperation to maintain organic relations with companies and to conduct research activities, technology sharing, technology development, technology transfer, and human resources training. In particular, in the field of engineering education, various industry-academic cooperation programs such as field training, interns, and start-up support are actively developed and operated. Accordingly, the Engineering Education Innovation Research Information Center developed an online industry-academic cooperation capstone design matching platform for engineering education to enable collaboration between universities and companies nationwide. The industry-academic cooperation matching platform was developed under the theme of capstone design. Capstone design is a project-oriented and problem-based learning method that combines the knowledge and experiences acquired by the undergraduate department and designs and produces them. The subject of the Capstone design project was to solve corporate difficulties and allow companies and universities to collaborate. This study developed an online industry-academic cooperation capstone design matching platform according to analysis, design, development, evaluation, and execution procedures. This study is meaningful in that it has developed a channel through which students and companies, who are the subjects of industry-academic cooperation, can carry out projects and communicate organically through an online matching platform.

Reaction Characteristics of Dairy Wastewater through Aerobic Biodegradability Assessment (호기성 생분해도 평가를 통한 유가공 폐수의 반응특성)

  • Choi, Yong-Bum;Han, Dong-Joon;Kwon, Jae-Hyouk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the substrate of dairy wastewater through aerobic biodegradation and to use the results as the basic data for the efficient treatment of dairy wastewater. The SCODcr of the part of the matter that consisted of readily biodegradable organics (Ss) was 84.2%, which is higher than those of seafood processing wastewater (75.8~77.9%) and pigpen wastewater (58.2%). The proportion of non-biodegradable organics (SI) ranged from 5.6% to 6.4%, and the proportion of inert organics (SIi) generated by microbial metabolism ranged from 3.6 to 3.7%. The content coefficient (YI) of the non-biodegradable dissolved organic matter was in the range of 0.092 to 0.099, and the generation coefficient (Yp) of the inert substance produced by the microbial metabolism was in the range of 0.039 to 0.040. The analysis results of the organic component coefficient showed that approximately 91.0% of the dissolved organic matter of the dairy wastewater was biodegradable, and approximately 92.5% of the dissolved organic matter was the Ss component. Furthermore, the proportion of biodegradable organic matter in the total organic matter (TCODcr) was 89.3%. The proportions of non-biodegradable organics (SI) and non-biodegradable suspended organics (XI) were 3.0% and 7.7%, respectively, which are lower than those in similar wastewater. This means that the milk processing wastewater has a high aerobic biodegradability.

College students' experience and intention to purchase organic clothes according to their lifestyle characteristics (라이프스타일 특성에 따른 오가닉 의류제품 구매경험과 구매의도)

  • Park, Hea-Ryung;Park, Mi-ryung;Cho, Shin-hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3087-3098
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to examine the college students experience and intention to purchase organic clothes according to their lifestyle as the most promising consumer class in future. First, it was found that their experience to purchase organic clothes according to the subjects demographic characteristics showed significant differences in the categories of gender, age, related major, pocket money and income from except their residential areas. Second, factor structure analysis of their lifestyles was conducted and the factors analyzed were divided into "well-being orientation", "pursuit of changes", "eco-friendly view", "trend innovation", and "conservative security". Third, the present study examined differences in sub-dimensions of lifestyle characteristics such as "well-being orientation", "pursuit of changes", "eco-friendly view", "trend innovation", and "conservative security" depending on their experience or non-experience to purchase organic clothes and found that "well-being orientation", "pursuit of changes", "eco-friendly view", and "trend innovation" were higher in the group with experience to purchase organic clothes than in that with non-experience and it was known that all sub-factor groups including "well-being orientation", "pursuit of changes", "eco-friendly view", "trend innovation", and "conservative security" had a significant influence on intnetion to purchase organic clothes.