• Title/Summary/Keyword: Operation and Resource Management System

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Decision-making Method of Optimum Inspection Interval for Plant Maintenance by Genetic Algorithms (유전 알고리즘에 의한 플랜트 보전을 위한 최적검사기간 결정 방법론)

  • 서광규;서지한
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • The operation and management of a plant require proper accounting for the constraints coming from reliability requirements as well as from budget and resource considerations. Most of the mathematical methods to decide the inspection time interval for plant maintenance by reliability theory are too complicated to be solved. Moreover, the mathematical and theoretical models are not usually cases in the practical applications. In order to overcome these problems, we propose a new the decision-making method of optimal inspection interval to minimize the maintenance cost by reliability theory and genetic algorithm (GA). The most merit of the proposed method is to decide the inspection interval for a plant machine of which failure rate $\lambda$(t) conforms to any probability distribution. Therefore, this method is more practical. The efficiency of the proposed method is verified by comparing the results obtained by GA-based method with the inspection model haying regular time interval.

Optimal Operation for Green Supply Chain in Consideration of Collection Incentive and Quality for Recycling of Used Products

  • Watanabe, Takeshi;Kusuawa, Etsuko;Arizono, Ikuo
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.317-329
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, for the purpose of solving the problem regarding environment protection and resource saving, certain measures and policies have been promoted to establish a green supply chains (GSC) with material flows from collection of used products to reuse of recycled parts in production of products. In this study, we propose an optimal operation of the GSC while considering the collection incentive of the used products and quality for recycling of used products. Two types of decision-making approaches are used for product quantity, collection incentive of used products and lower limit of quality level of reusable parts in the used products for recycling in the GSC. One is the decision-making under an independent policy in decentralized supply chains where a retailer and a manufacturer make decisions so as to maximize profits individually. The other is the decision-making under a cooperative policy in centralized supply chains where a retailer and a manufacturer make decisions cooperatively so as to maximize the whole system's profit. Additionally, we also discuss supply chain coordination as a manufacturer-retailer partnership based on profit sharing. Furthermore, we show the effect of the quality of the reusable parts on the optimal decisions. The collection incentive of the used products was found to bring more profitability to the GSC activity.

The Optimization Mechanism of CPU/GPU Computing Resource for Minimization of Performance Interference and Calculation Efficiency in Volunteer Computing Environment (볼런티어 컴퓨팅 환경에서 성능간섭 최소화와 연산 효율성 증대를 위한 CPU/GPU 컴퓨팅 자원 최적화 기법)

  • Bak, Bong Woo;Song, Chung Geon;Yu, Heon Chang
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.479-486
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    • 2017
  • Volunteer computing is a new computing paradigm that performs operations on idle resources of many nodes. The operation method of the client application for the execution of the volunteer computing is determined by the setting information of the user. Ideal operation requires optimized settings for system features and operating methods of other applications. In this paper, we analyze the usage ratio of CPU and GPU periodically, and develop a manager that dynamically applies optimized options. Through our proposed mechanism, the performance of the task computing is higher than that of the existing Volunteer Computing, and the performance interference is minimized. It is expected that volunteers will be able to provide higher computing resources for Volunteer Computing Project.

A Study on the Construction of Detail Integrated Scheduling System of Ship Building Process (선박건조공정의 미세 통합 일정 관리 체계 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Seop;Lee, Dae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.44 no.1 s.151
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2007
  • Higher productivity and less cost during the manufacturing process of ships are required to maintain international competitiveness of modern shipbuilding industries. The integrated hull/ outfitting/ painting scheduling(IHOP) process is a final point, where logistics are finally being integrated and upcoming schedules are made. Therefore, more profits are expected from IHOP by effective management. In this thesis, IHOP is proposed in order to solve how to choose block erection date with IHOP scheduling logic. The result of IHOP scheduling is highly advised to utilize fabrication, outfitting shops. A standardized operation and load of resource will eventually be applied in long-term time span point of view for this will make it easy to enable capacity planning and workforce planning. It is also expected to eliminate inefficiency in overtime work and efficiently utilize manpower in short-term.

The Implementation of the Knowledge Potal-based Knowledge Management System in University (지식포털기반 대학지식경영시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Se-Ihn
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.21-38
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    • 2003
  • The college and university is a knowledge-centered organization, and 'knowledge' is the important strategic resource. Although this organization composed entirely of the knowledge worker that is able to use the knowledge in the most efficient and effective method, our university is not enough to manage the knowledge as strategic advantage. So, we need to implement knowledge management system under knowledge community centered in students, faculty and staff. The well-designed knowledge community can produce a new value and profit that can develope the university organization. We used to the portal technology defined as a personalized, single point of access through a web browser to various information located inside and outside of an university Knowledge portal supporting the activities of knowledge community will improve the knowledge transfer in student's learning activity, the knowledge creation in faulty's research activity, the knowledge sharing amount the various communities, and the accumulation of a process knowledge in operation and management. Eventually, a redesigned knowledge portal-based system will create a new value of university.

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A Study on the Strategy of Resolving Impediments to Use of Digital Resources : The Case of Korean Public Libraries

  • Noh, Younghee;Wang, Dongho
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.81-112
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    • 2021
  • In this study, users' perceptions and concerns about digital information resources were investigated, focusing on impediments to the use of digital resources, to devise measures for improvement by identifying factors that hinder the use of digital information resources. To achieve the purpose of the study, the research identifies the inconvenien ce factors and establishes the user inconvenience list based on prior research and the current status survey. Based on the derived list, a survey was conducted on users of public libraries. Through this study, it was found that the use of digital information resources can be enhanced by improving the internal library system. Specifically, it refers to improving search performance and accessibility of digital data, providing one-stop services for digital information resources through the operation of an integrated data management system, conducting customized user education, and establishing a digital information resource preservation system, e.g. web archiving. Also, improving the external environment and system, such as contracting with more libraries for digitized data use agreements, strengthening support, unifying the names and classifications of digital information resources, and simplifying the procedure for using digital information resources, is of great importance.

Performance Analysis of Operation Strategy of Dual Virtual Cell-based System under The Overlay Convergent Networks of Cognitive Networking (인지 네트워킹 기반 중첩 융합 네트워크에서 이중 가상 셀 운영방안의 성능분석)

  • Choi, Yu-Mi;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.6B
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 2012
  • With the fast growing data traffic, the performance of the convergent overlay network environment under the cognitive networking environment is crucial for the implementation of the efficient network structure. In order to achieve high capacity and reliable link quality in wireless communication of the overlay convergent networks with the cognitive networking based on the advanced capability of the mobile terminal, a Distributed Wireless Communication System (DWCS) can provide the capability of ambient-aware dual cell system's operation. This paper has considered virtual cell: the Dual Virtual Cell (DVC), and also proposes DVC employment strategy based on DWCS network. One is the Active Virtual Cell which exists for user's actual data traffic and the other is the Candidate Virtual Cell which contains a set of candidate antennas to protect user's link quality from performance degradation or interruption. The considered system constructs DVC by using cognitive ability of finding useful virtual signals. Also, for multi-user high-rate data transmission, the DWCS system exploits Space-Time Trellis Codes. The effects of changing environments on the system performance has been investigated thereafter.

The Development and Application of the Performance Indicator for Sewage System Service in Korea (하수도서비스 평가지표 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Young Mi;Kim, Duk-Jin;Yoon, Hyun Shik;Kim, Young Jo;Yoo, Man Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.453-465
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    • 2007
  • With rapid expansion of the water market and growth of water companies, the recent trends in international water industry show that standardization of service activities concerning management of water and wastewater system (ISO/TC 224, to be issued in the second half year of 2007) is expected to have a large influence on the global water market including liberalization of water service market. In the Draft International Standard(DIS) of ISO/TC224, Performance Indicators(PIs) are suggested to estimate the service activities relating to water and wastewater treatment facilities. PIs have been developed in many countries including some international organization(World Bank, IWA and etc.) for service benchmarking. To evaluate public service level and establish plans to improve service level of wastewater utilities, we developed PIs for 120 items and applied them to 10 sewage utilities in the consideration of their scales, circumstances and conditions. In this study, we verified the applicability of the developed performance indicators(PIs). So, we concluded that PIs developed for the purpose of this study can be a useful tool applicable to objective evaluation of the service level of sewage utilities. Using the evaluation tool of PIs developed, it can also be used as a benchmarking tool in this industry as well as for enhancing the efficiency of operation and management of the sewage system. It will also contribute to the water resource management through determination of investment priorities based on the evaluation results and to raising international competitiveness of the domestic sewage utilities to meet the future opening of the water market.

A Study on The Parking Management System for Urban Residents in Designated Parking Space Environment (주차 지정된 공용 환경에서 도심 생활자의 주차 관리시스템 연구)

  • Kang-Hyun Nam
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.877-884
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    • 2023
  • In this study, when another vehicle is parked in a designated space where a personal vehicle can park and a defined personal use time, an ultrasonic object recognition sensor is used to determine vehicle entry, and a camera sensor recognizes a license plate. If the vehicle is not recognized by the individual vehicle owner, the "private parking lot operation block" of the application server receives the individual phone number based on the National Police Agency's Vehicle Number Information Inquiry Open API. Afterwards, when parking is processed, the non-right holder receives the approval of the parking right holder, parks for the recognized time, and deposits the parking fee into the public account of the city hall. Through this study, it was possible to find an operation processing method that can most effectively manage parking in the city center in a private parking space recognized by the city hall.

A Study on the Implementation of Issue Tracking System Based on DevOps

  • Park, Seong-Hyun;Choi, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2022
  • With the development of the cloud industry, various efforts are being made to improve resource efficiency and environmental continuity in software development and operation methods. However, in constructing a conventional structure of structural scheme, if the functionality is improved and added, it has a problem that the efficiency of full build arrangement is reduced for the changed source. In this paper, if a problem occurs in a solution service company, communication between the development department and the operation department can be facilitated and responded quickly, and the latest source updated during processing of the problem is the management system, provided is a system that can take advantage of CI tools and continuously integrate them. As communication through the proposed system is smooth, it is expected that unnecessary work can be reduced and the speed of development can be improved.