• Title/Summary/Keyword: Online Purchasing Intention

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A Study on the effect of perceived online shopping mall attribute on trust, commitment, purchasing intention

  • Kim, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2018
  • This study presents perceived reputation, perceived quality, perceived assurance of online shopping malls as the attributes factors of online shopping malls and identifies the impact of perceived online shopping mall attributes on trust, involvement and purchasing intention. Also we analyzed whether trust on online shopping mall affect involvement and purchasing intention, and whether involvement on online shopping mall affect purchasing intention. The results show that perceived quality, perceived assurance of online shopping malls influence positively on trust, but perceived reputation does not. Second, perceived reputation, perceived quality, perceived assurance of online shopping malls doesn't influence positively on involvement. Third, perceived quality, perceived assurance of online shopping malls influence positively on purchasing intention, but perceived reputation does not. Forth, trust on online shopping mall influence positively on involvement and purchasing intention. Fifth, involvement on online shopping mall influence positively on purchasing intention.

Antecedents of internet purchasing intention - Impulse buying, market mavenism, online interaction readiness, and online consumer procrastination - (인터넷 구매의도의 선행변수 - 충동구매, 마켓메이븐 성향, 온라인 상호작용 준비성, 온라인 소비자 연기 -)

  • Park, Hye-Jung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.593-610
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    • 2017
  • In order to identify the antecedents of internet purchasing intention toward fashion items, this study examines shopping-related variables as both direct antecedents of internet purchasing intention, and as indirect antecedents of internet purchasing intention through online-related variables. Impulse buying and market mavenism were considered as shopping-related variables, whilst online interaction readiness and online consumer procrastination were considered as online-related variables. It was hypothesized that impulse buying and market mavenism not only directly influence purchasing intention toward fashion items, but also indirectly influence it through online interaction readiness and online consumer procrastination. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul using convenience sampling. A total of 286 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. SPSS was used for exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS was used for confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The factor analysis of market mavenism, impulse buying, and online consumer procrastination revealed one dimension, whilst the factor analysis of online interaction readiness revealed two dimensions: 'online relationship' and 'internet role.' Tests of the hypothesized path proved that impulse buying indirectly influences internet shopping intention only through online consumer procrastination, whereas market mavenism influences internet shopping intention indirectly through both online interaction readiness and online consumer procrastination. The results will be useful for Internet shopping mall marketers and for future study.

Examining the Moderating Role of Purchase Experience in the Relationship between Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention of Online Used Goods (온라인 중고제품 구매에 관한 지각된 위험과 구매의도: 온/오프 중고품 구매경험의 조절효과)

  • Han, Su Jin;Kang, Sora
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 2022
  • In the ever-increasing online secondhand product market, the perceived risk of online used products purchase was identified as a factor influencing consumer purchase intention. The results of this study are as follows. First, the relationship between the perceived risk of online secondhand purchase and purchase intention was presented with somewhat different results for each sub-risk factor. First of all, a significant negative causal relationship between physical risk, time loss risk, psychological risk, social risk and online used product purchase intention was verified. On the other hand, financial risk and functional risk did not show a statistically significant relationship with online used products purchase intention. Second, as a result of research on the moderating effect of purchasing experience, offline purchasing experience of used products and online purchasing experience were verified differently. First of all, the moderating effect of the online purchase experience of used products was significant only in the relationship between psychological and social risks on the intention to purchase used products online. The experience of purchasing used products online is believed to reduce uncertainty about the surrounding response to purchasing used products online and weaken the intention to purchase used products online by reducing tension and concerns about purchasing them. Other risks, such as financial risk, performance risk, physical risk, time loss risk, and online purchase experience of used products, were verified to have no significant effect on online used products purchase intention. In addition, the offline purchase experience of used products did not verify a significant moderating effect on the effect of all perceived risks on online used product purchase intention.

Effect of Consumer Characteristics on Intention to Use Product Reviews to Make Online Purchasing Decisions (소비자의 특성이 온라인 상품평 활용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes the variable consumer characteristics that influence the intention to use online product reviews. In online e-commerce, where purchases take place without consumers seeing the products in person, the product reviews left by other consumers who have already purchased the product are believed to be valuable information. However, when different consumers read the same product review, their responses to it may vary. This study analyzes the characteristics of consumers who utilize product reviews for their purchases. Consumer characteristics are categorized into personal information, personality, purchasing tendency, and experience related to product reviews. These factors are examined to see if they have direct or indirect effects on a consumer's intention to use product reviews when making online purchases. We surveyed a total of 240 consumers who had experience using e-commerce and knew about online product reviews. Once the data was collected, path analysis was conducted using the statistics tool AMOS. The study results reveal that consumers who are female, extroverted, and have higher price sensitivity think that product reviews left by others are useful, and that this "perceived usefulness" has a positive effect on the intention to use product reviews for making online purchasing decisions. In addition, consumers who are agreeable to others, have high brand sensitivity, and who have left numerous reviews themselves demonstrated the tendency to trust reviews left by others more. Thus, we conclude that this "perceived reliability" makes it more likely that a consumer will use product reviews when making online purchasing decisions. Future research can be done to develop this study further by analyzing whether providing online product reviews corresponding to the personal characteristics of consumers enhances the effect of product reviews on online purchasing decisions.

The Effect of Selection Attribute of HMR Product on the Consumer Purchasing Intention of an Single Household - Centered on the Regulation Effect of Consumer Online Reviews - (HMR 상품의 선택속성이 1인 가구의 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향 - 소비자 온라인 리뷰의 조절효과 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hee-Yeon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the effect of five sub-variables' attribute of HMR: features of information, diversity, promptness, price and convenience, on the consumer purchasing intention. In addition, the regulation effect of positive reviews and negative reviews of consumers' online reviews between HMR selection attribute and purchasing intention was also tested. Results are following. First, convenience feature (B=.577, p<.001) and diversity feature (B=.093, p<.01) among the effect of HMR selection attribute had a positive (+) effect on purchasing intention. On the other hand, promptness feature (B=.235, p<.001) and price feature (B=.161, p<.001), and information feature (B=.288, p<.001) were not significant effect on purchasing intention. Second, result of regulation effect of the positive reviews of consumer's online review between the selection attribute of the HMR product and consumers' purchasing intention, in the first-stage model in which the selection attribute of the HMR product is input as an independent variable, there was a significant positive (+) effect on all the features of convenience, diversity, promptness, price, and information. In addition, there was significant positive (+) main effect (B=.472, p<.001) in the second step model in which the consumers' positive reviews, that is a regulation variable. Furthermore, the feature of price (B=.068, p<.05) had a significant positive (+) effect in the third stage in which the selection attribute of the HMR product that is an independent variable and the interaction of the positive review. However, the feature of information (B=-.063, p<.05) showed negative (-) effect, and there was no effect on the features of convenience, diversity, and promptness. Third, as a result of testing the regulation effect of the negative reviews of consumers' online reviews between HMR product selection attribute and consumers' purchasing intention, in the first-stage model in which the selection attribute of the HMR product was a positive (+) effect on all the features of convenience, diversity, promptness, price, and information. In the second-stage model in which consumers' negative reviews (B=-.113, p<.001) had negative (-) effect. In the third-stage in which the selection attribute of the HMR product and the interactions of the negative reviews was a positive (+) effect with the feature of price (B=.113, p<.01). Last, there was no effect at all on the features of convenience, promptness, and information.

Impact of Information Quality and User Interface Quality of Web-Site on Online Purchasing Intention of Cultural Products: Moderating Effect of Customer Involvement (웹사이트 정보품질 및 사용자인터페이스품질이 문화상품 온라인구매의도에 미치는 영향: 고객관여도의 조절효과)

  • Cho, Se-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.931-944
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    • 2013
  • With the expansion of EC and the development of culture industry, Web-site shopping of cultural products have become recognized as one of the major purchasing channels for customers, as well as one of the competitive distribution channels for film distributors or theater group. The research is to investigate the impact of information quality and user interface quality on information service satisfaction and online purchasing intention of cultural products. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Both information quality and interface quality have meaningful influence on information service satisfaction and purchase intention. 2) Information service satisfaction gives significant impact on online purchasing intention irrespective of the level of customer involvement. 3) Information quality has a meaningful influence on online purchasing intention in case of high level of customer involvement, while interface quality gives strong impact on online purchasing intention in case of low level of consumer involvement. In conclusion, there is a need to consider the level of customer involvement for building a successful marketing strategy of online purchase sites of cultural products.

Key Determinants of Online Wine Purchasing Intention (와인의 온라인 구매의 주요 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sora;Han, Su-Jin;Kim, Yoo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2013
  • This paper was to figure out why online wine purchasing is not activated despite of the many advantages of having online transactions and to fine key determinants of online wine purchasing intention. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of online wine purchase intention, and examines the relationships between the determinants and online wine purchase intention. Data was collected from those who have experienced in using online wine store to purchase wine, and data was used to test the proposed research model. The findings showed that perceived usefulness and social influence(subjective norm, image) were key determinants of online wine site trust, but they were not related to online wine site trust. It also was found that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and subjective norm were positively and significantly related to online wine purchase intention whereas it had no relationship with image. In addition, online wine site trust was shown to influence on online wine purchase intention. Finally, the mediating effects were found in the relationships between perceived usefulness, subjective norm, and online wine purchase intention. Based on the results of the study, implications for future research are drawn.

Influencing Factors of Purchase Intention on Social Commerce in Cambodia : The Moderating Roles of Experience

  • Ly, Pichponreay;Cho, Wan-Sup;Kwon, Sun-Dong
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2017
  • Cambodia retail industry starts to entry SNS market. The online market of Cambodia is very unique. Facebook users of Cambodia are purchasing products, without electronic payment and delivery system. Therefore, this study focused on the immature online environment, proved the influencing factors of purchase intention on SNS. And also this study proved that the influencing factors on purchase intention are different, depending on whether or not a purchase experience exists. As results of analyzing with full data, price reduction, convenience, and customer service had significant impacts on purchase intention. The experienced group has significant effects of price reduction and customer service on purchase intention, while the inexperienced group has significant effects of convenience and customer service on purchase intention. This study provides marketing and strategic implications for companies seeking to enter the online market of Cambodia.

A Study on the Determinative Factors for On-line Consumer Satisfaction in Fashion Products - Focused on the Purchasing Experience and Future Purchasing Intention of Internet Fashion Products- (온라인 소비자의 패션제품 구매 만족도의 영향변인 연구 -인터넷 패션제품 이용경험과 구매의도를 중심으로-)

  • 이승민;구양숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the discriminative factors of on-line consumer satisfaction. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire survey with 1089 online shoppers who had the experience of either purchasing or visiting a fashion on-line shopping mall from the panel of an online survey agency(www.inr.co.kr) and 1049 responses were analyzed. For analysis of data, descriptive analysis, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, $\chi$$^2$-test, one-wav ANOVA, Ducan test and stepwise regression analysis were applied. The results of this study were as follows: Firstly as a result of differences of purchasing experience and future purchasing intention via internet, 4 consumer groups were generated: internet patronizing group, trial and unsatisfied experience group, future purchasing intention group, and internet carelessness group. Secondly each group differences was found in demographic variables such as age, marital status, income and employment status. Croup differences were also found in personal, product, and store variables except tangibility. According to consumer groups, different factors were directly impact on consumer satisfaction.

A Comparative Study on Consumer Attitude and Intention toward Online Food Purchasing in Korea and Vietnam: The Moderating Effect of Nationality

  • Chung, Jae-Eun;Nguyen, Thi Bich Loan;Nguyen, Thi Thu Ha;Moon, Hee-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This paper empirically analyzed the determinants of the online food market in Korea and Vietnam as representatives of the developed market and emerging market. The online food market can be regarded as having a high potential value. This study aims to suggest the appropriate implications for each developed market and emerging market by empirically comparing and analyzing customers' online food purchase determinants in the growth change of the online food market. Design/methodology - The empirical model of this study was established with the motif of the TAM+Trust model suggested by Nguyen et al.'s (2019) existing theoretical framework. Davis's (1989) TAM model was adopted to establish a framework related to the determinants that consumers would accept, for the online food purchasing method. Then, the trust variable is added to the framework which is regarded as an important effector especially in food related researches. In this study's comparative analysis, the multi-group structural equation modeling analysis was implemented. Findings - The main finding of this study can be summarized as that the moderating effect of nationality is significant. This means that there is an obvious difference between the developed online food market and the emerging online food market. In addition, as the growth of the online market changes, the significant determinants of consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions are somewhat different. However, the usefulness of online food purchasing methods and the trust of websites were analyzed as significant factors. Originality/value - Although the potential of the online food market is abundant, studies on the determinants of customer's attitude and purchase intention are insufficient. Moreover, comparative studies between countries have not been conducted in existing studies. Therefore, the research value of this paper can be explained in that it has suggested implications for the continued growth of the online food market.