Examining the Moderating Role of Purchase Experience in the Relationship between Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention of Online Used Goods

온라인 중고제품 구매에 관한 지각된 위험과 구매의도: 온/오프 중고품 구매경험의 조절효과

  • 한수진 (호서대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 강소라 (호서대학교 디지털기술경영학과)
  • Received : 2022.03.26
  • Accepted : 2022.07.28
  • Published : 2022.08.31


In the ever-increasing online secondhand product market, the perceived risk of online used products purchase was identified as a factor influencing consumer purchase intention. The results of this study are as follows. First, the relationship between the perceived risk of online secondhand purchase and purchase intention was presented with somewhat different results for each sub-risk factor. First of all, a significant negative causal relationship between physical risk, time loss risk, psychological risk, social risk and online used product purchase intention was verified. On the other hand, financial risk and functional risk did not show a statistically significant relationship with online used products purchase intention. Second, as a result of research on the moderating effect of purchasing experience, offline purchasing experience of used products and online purchasing experience were verified differently. First of all, the moderating effect of the online purchase experience of used products was significant only in the relationship between psychological and social risks on the intention to purchase used products online. The experience of purchasing used products online is believed to reduce uncertainty about the surrounding response to purchasing used products online and weaken the intention to purchase used products online by reducing tension and concerns about purchasing them. Other risks, such as financial risk, performance risk, physical risk, time loss risk, and online purchase experience of used products, were verified to have no significant effect on online used products purchase intention. In addition, the offline purchase experience of used products did not verify a significant moderating effect on the effect of all perceived risks on online used product purchase intention.



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