• Title/Summary/Keyword: Online Journal

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Using Online Information Support to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

  • Jin, Xiu;Hahm, Sangwoo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.2944-2958
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    • 2021
  • Today, online education is becoming more important. The effectiveness of online education has been measured by student satisfaction and the possibility of substituting offline education. This study proposes a plan to increase the effectiveness of education in a new form by using online information. Education is the process of socializing and growing learners. Representative negative emotions experienced by learners are stress, anxiety, and depression (SAD). A reduction in SAD will promote student growth and improve educational outcomes. This paper considers online information by dividing it into online educational information support (OEDIS) and online emotional information support (OEMIS). We demonstrate that OEDIS reduces SAD, and OEMIS reduces stress and anxiety. By providing online information, negative emotions can be reduced, and educational outcomes can be improved. This study suggests a new role for online information support, such as emotional change in individuals and solving psychological problems. Online information support goes beyond knowledge transfer and can be used in various fields, such as online education that promotes human growth and positive change, and even healthcare.

A Study on the Practices of Online Arbitration System of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission in China (중국 광저우(廣州)중재위원회의 온라인중재 운용에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Kyung-Ja;Choi, Sung-Il
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.215-237
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    • 2011
  • There are more than two hundred arbitral institutions in China. Some of them are active in the development of online arbitration system, such as CIETAC and Guangzhou Arbitration Commission(GAC). GAC, founded in 1995, is the second largest arbitral institution in China which accepts more than 4,000 cases a year. With extensive experiences in arbitration, GAC has conducted online arbitration procedures since 2007. Moreover it opened the whole process of online hearing to the public through the Internet. With this background, this article aims to support the development of online arbitration through the analysis of GAC practices. To meet the purpose, status quo, rules and procedure of online arbitration of GAC are outlined, followed by introducing nine cases conducted by GAC. The scope of GAC online arbitration is comparatively narrow and the institution is still under the government supervision. But the practices of GAC proved that online arbitration is fully admissible and effective under the current legal framework.

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A Comparison of Store Attributes : Online versus Off-line Stores (온라인과 오프라인의 점포속성 비교)

  • 이영주;박경애;허순임
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.1265-1273
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study were to examine online store attributes sought and evaluated by online shoppers and to compare those attributes with those of off-line stores. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire survey to 850 online shoppers who were randomly selected from the panel of an online survey agency, and 615 responses were analyzed. The t-tests revealed that there were significant differences on store attributes sought and evaluated by shoppers between online and off-line stores. Price related attributes (i.e., low price and reasonable price) and store name were more important for online stores while product related attributes (i.e., assortment, fashion, and brand) were more for off-line stores. Price related attributes, promotion, and entertainment were highly evaluated on online stores while product related attributes and service were on off-line stores.

A Case Study on the Online Classes for Engineering·Humanities Convergence subjects (공학·인문 융합 교과의 온라인수업 사례)

  • Lee, Chaelee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2021
  • This paper is a study on the case of online classes in engineering·humanities convergence subjects, and the purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of effective online convergence classes by describing in detail how to design and operate online classes, and analyzing the effects and limitations of online classes. Such study will serve as a model for online classes needed in the new normal era, which is facing a turning point in education.

A Study on the Planning of School Space for Online Education (온라인 교육을 위한 학교 공간조성 방안 연구)

  • Cho, Jin-Il;Choi, Hyeong-Ju;Kim, Seung-Joong
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2022
  • This study focuses on the "online education space" in which the need is expected to increase in the school field in the future. As a way to create an online education space that can provide quality online education while sufficiently guaranteeing students' right to online learning, the basic direction, attributes of space, and types of spaces were presented. To this end, the literature reviewing the concept and characteristics of online education and the characteristics and main functions of the online education space was investigated and analyzed. In addition, to supplement the limitations of the literature review, domestic and overseas online education operation and space creation cases were investigated and analyzed. Also, the perception of and demand for online education of teachers who operate online education in the actual education field were investigated. As a result, ① basic principles and directions of online education space creation, ② attributes of online education space (convergence, convenience, de-place), and ③ 33 spaces (see Table 8) required for online education were presented.

Survey of Status of Operation and Students' Perception about the Theory-focused and Practice-focused Online Classes in Engineering Colleges: Based on the Implementation of Online Class in Response to COVID-19 (공과대학의 이론 및 실험·실습 원격수업 운영현황 조사 및 학생 인식 탐색: COVID-19 대응 운영 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dasom;Lee, Young Hee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.3-16
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    • 2023
  • This study was to investigate the operation status and the students' perception for both theory-focused and practice-focused online class in engineering college that were implemented in responses to COVID-19. For this purpose of the study, the survey including the open-ended questions were conducted to the 147 students in college of engineering in 2021 at one of the universities located in the metropolitan area. The survey were analyzed by SPSS 26.0 and then findings were as follows. First, while the most students were satisfied with the operation of online classes that were implemented in response to COVID-19, many students were unsatisfied with the practice-focused online class. Also, there were some differences in the level of students' satisfaction for some factors of online class operation in terms of the students' background. Second, there were significant differences in some parts of students' satisfaction in terms of the background of students. specifically, males students were more satisfied with the supports of teaching assistant in online classes than female students and the junior and senior levels of students are more satisfied with the teaching strategies of online classes than freshman and sophomore year students. Third, the level of students' satisfaction was different in terms of the types of online platforms as well as the methods of communication between students and professors. Finally, even though the students in the college of engineering understand the benefits in the online classes, they indicated the limitations and difficulties for participating in practice-focused online class and demanded the improvement of the operation for the online lab classes. The further research needs to be conducted to investigate the status of operation for online lab and practice classes in college of engineering.

Online Learning after One Year of Digital Schooling in Romania: A Survey

  • Simionescu, Corina;Danubianu, Mirela;Marcu, Daniela;Turcu, Corneliu-Octavian
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.726-731
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    • 2021
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemics, Romanian schools functioned online since March 2020, with more or less all school activities being implemented online, using the digital resources and technology. Although none of the key factors involved in education (teachers, pupils, parents) were prepared (emotionally, technically, economically etc.), online education was imposed ad a necessity to continue the teaching-learning-evaluation process, and teachers at all school levels were forced to rapidly adapt to online schooling. In this paper, we aim to investigate the perception of all three educational actors (pupils, parents and teachers) regarding the efficacy of online teaching and learning, based on a survey with 7701 respondents. Research data is relevant for online schooling in Romania between March 2020 and March 2021.

Predicting the Saudi Student Perception of Benefits of Online Classes during the Covid-19 Pandemic using Artificial Neural Network Modelling

  • Beyari, Hasan
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2022
  • One of the impacts of Covid-19 on education systems has been the shift to online education. This shift has changed the way education is consumed and perceived by students. However, the exact nature of student perception about online education is not known. The aim of this study was to understand the perceptions of Saudi higher education students (e.g., post-school students) about online education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Various aspects of online education including benefits, features and cybersecurity were explored. The data collected were analysed using statistical techniques, especially artificial neural networks, to address the research aims. The key findings were that benefits of online education was perceived by students with positive experience or when ensured of safe use of online platforms without the fear cyber security breaches for which recruitment of a cyber security officer was an important predictor. The issue of whether perception of online education as a necessity only for Covid situation or a lasting option beyond the pandemic is a topic for future research.

Online Learning after One Year of Digital Schooling in Romania-A Survey

  • Simionescu, Corina;Danubianu, Mirela;Marcu, Daniela;Turcu, Corneliu-Octavian
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2022
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemics, Romanian schools functioned online since March 2020, with more or less all school activities being implemented online, using the digital resources and technology. Although none of the key factors involved in education (teachers, pupils, parents) were prepared (emotionally, technically, economically etc.), online education was imposed ad a necessity to continue the teaching-learning-evaluation process, and teachers at all school levels were forced to rapidly adapt to online schooling. In this paper, we aim to investigate the perception of all three educational actors (pupils, parents and teachers) regarding the efficacy of online teaching and learning, based on a survey with 7701 respondents. Research data is relevant for online schooling in Romania between March 2020 and March 2021.

Optimal Strategy of Hybrid Marketing Channel in Electronic Commerce (전자상거래하에서의 하이브리드 마케팅 채널의 믹스 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Se-Hak;Kim, Jae-Cheol
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2007
  • We are motivated by how offline and online firms compete. The Internet made many conventional offline firms build a dynamic online business as another sales channel using their advantages such as brand equity, an existing customer base with comprehensive purchasing data, integrated marketing, economies of scale, and longtime experience with the logistics of order fulfillment and customer service. Even though the hybrid selling using both offline and online channel seems to have advantages over a pure online retailer, all the conventional offline firms are not seen to create an online business. Many conventional offline firms began to launch online business since the Internet era, however, just being online business is not likely to guarantee success. According to Bizate.com's report whether the hybrid channel strategy is successful is still under investigation. For example, consider the classic case of Barnes and Noble versus Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble was already the largest chain of bookstores in the U,S., when Amazon.com was established in 1995, BarnesandNoble.com followed suit in 1997, After suffering losses in its initial years, Amazon finally turned profitable in 2003. In 2004, Amazon's net income was $588 million on revenues of $6.92 billion, while Barnes and Noble earned $143 million on revenues of $4.87 billion, which included BarnesandNoble.com's loss of $21 million on revenues of $420 million. While these examples serve to motivate our thinking, it does not explain when offline firms should venture online. It also does not provide an analytical framework that can generalized to other competitive online-offline situations. We attempt to do this in this paper and analyze a hybrid channel model where a conventional offline firm competes against online firms using its own direct online channels. We are particularly interested in an optimal channel strategy when a conventional offline firm sells its products through its own direct online channel to compete with other rival online firms. We consider two situations where its direct online channel and other online firms are symmetric and asymmetric in the brand effect. The analysis of this paper presents several findings. In the symmetric model where a hybrid firm's online channel is not differentiated from a pure online firm, (i) a conventional offline firm will not launch its online business. In the asymmetric model where a hybrid firm's online channel is differentiated from a pure online firm, (ii) a conventional offline firm can launch its online business if its brand effect is greater than a certain threshold. (iii) there is a positive relationship between its brand effect and online customer costs showing that a conventional offline firm needs more brand effect in order to launch online business as online customer costs decrease. (iv) there is a negative relationship between its brand effect and the number of customers with access to the Internet showing that a conventional offline firm tends to launch its online business when customers with access to the Internet increases.