• 제목/요약/키워드: One Time Key

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A Study on the Prevention of Smartcard Forgery and Alteration Using Angular Multiplexing and Private Key Multiplexing based on Optical Encryption (영상 암호화 기반에서의 각다중화 및 암호키 다중화 기법을 이용한 스마트카드 위 .변조 방지에 관한 연구)

  • 장홍종;이성은;이정현
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2001
  • Smartcard is highlighted as infrastructure that has an excellent security for executing functions such as user authentication, access control, information storage and control, and its market is expanding rapidly. But possibilities of forgery and alteration by hacking are increasing as well. This paper proposes a method to prevent card forgery and alteration using angular multiplexing and private key multiplexing method on optical encryption, and proposed a Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)-based authentication system combined with One-Time Password (OTP) for verification of forgery and alteration .

Cellular Traffic Offloading through Opportunistic Communications Based on Human Mobility

  • Li, Zhigang;Shi, Yan;Chen, Shanzhi;Zhao, Jingwen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.872-885
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    • 2015
  • The rapid increase of smart mobile devices and mobile applications has led to explosive growth of data traffic in cellular network. Offloading data traffic becomes one of the most urgent technical problems. Recent work has proposed to exploit opportunistic communications to offload cellular traffic for mobile data dissemination services, especially for accepting large delayed data. The basic idea is to deliver the data to only part of subscribers (called target-nodes) via the cellular network, and allow target-nodes to disseminate the data through opportunistic communications. Human mobility shows temporal and spatial characteristics and predictability, which can be used as effective guidance efficient opportunistic communication. Therefore, based on the regularity of human mobility we propose NodeRank algorithm which uses the encounter characteristics between nodes to choose target nodes. Different from the existing work which only using encounter frequency, NodeRank algorithm combined the contact time and inter-contact time meanwhile to ensure integrity and availability of message delivery. The simulation results based on real-world mobility traces show the performance advantages of NodeRank in offloading efficiency and network redundant copies.

Design and Implementation of OTP Based Authentication Mechanism for Web Service (OTP 기반의 웹서비스 인증 메커니즘 설계 및 구현)

  • Song, You-Jin;Lee, Dong-Hyeok
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.89-108
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    • 2005
  • The SOAP specifications are not provided a functions of information security, especially authentication function. In case of user authentication, delivery of the username and password elements can be exposed to sniffing/replay attack by malicious attacker. In this paper, we propose a new mechanism to protect authentication attacks for the SOAP messages. The proposed mechanism is compensated for weakness of S/KEY system. Our mechanism has no limitation for time and overhead and also provide a more effective and secure delivery.

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Effect of additives and filling methods on whole plant corn silage quality, fermentation characteristics and in situ digestibility

  • Jiao, Ting;Lei, Zhaomin;Wu, Jianping;Li, Fei;Casper, David P.;Wang, Jianfu;Jiao, Jianxin
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.1776-1783
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    • 2021
  • Objective: This project aimed to evaluate the effects of both different additives and filling methods on nutritive quality, fermentation profile, and in situ digestibility of whole plant corn silage. Methods: Whole plant corn forage harvested at 26.72% dry matter (DM) was chopped and treated with two filling methods, i) fill silos at one time (F1), ii) fill silos at three times (F3), packing samples into one/three silo capacity at the first day, another one/three capacity at the second day, then one/three at the third day, three replicates. For each replicate, samples were treated with three additives, i) control (CTRL, no additive), ii) Sila-Max (MAX, Ralco Nutrition Inc., Marshall, MN, USA), and iii) Sila-Mix (MIX, Ralco Nutrition Inc., USA). With three replicates of each secondary treatment, there were nine silos, 54 silos in total. Each silo had a packing density of 137.61 kg of DM/m3. All silos were weighed and stored in lab at ambient temperature. Results: After 60 d of ensiling, all items showed good silage fermentation under MAX filled one time or three times (p<0.01). Higher silage quality for all additives was obtained at filling one time than that filled three times (p<0.01). The highest DM and lowest DM loss rate (DMLR) occurred to MAX treatment at two filling methods (p<0.01); Digestibility of acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and curde protein had the same results as silage quality (p<0.01). Yield of digestible DM and digestible NDF also showed higher value under MAX especially for filling one time (p<0.05). Conclusion: All corn silages showed good fermentation attributes (pH<4.0). The forage filled one time had higher silage quality than that filled three times (p<0.01). MAX with homofermentative lactic acid bacteria enhanced the lactic acid fermentation, silage quality and nutrient digestibility, and so improved the digestible nutrient yield.

Array-based Nano-amplification Technique Was Applied in Detection of Hepatitis E Virus

  • Liu, Hui-Hui;Cao, Xuan;Yang, Yong;Liu, Ming-Gui;Wang, Ye-Fu
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2006
  • A rapid method for the detection of Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) was developed by utilizing nano-gold labeled oligonucleotide probes, silver stain enhancement and the microarray technique. The 5'-end -$NH_2$ modified oligonucleotide probes were immobilized on the surface of the chip base as the capture probe. The detection probe was made of the 3'-end -SH modified oligonucleotide probe and nano-gold colloid. The optimal concentrations of these two probes were determined. To test the detection sensitivity and specificity of this technique, a conservative fragment of the virus RNA was amplified by the RT-PCR/PCR one step amplification. The cDNA was hybridized with the capture probes and the detection probes on microarray. The detection signal was amplified by silver stain enhancement and could be identified by naked eyes. 100 fM of amplicon could be detected out on the microarray. As the results, preparation of nano-gold was improved and faster. Development time also was shortened to 2 min. Thus, considering high efficiency, low cost, good specificity and high sensitivity, this technique is alternative for the detection of HEV.

Key Agreement Algorithms Based on Co-cyclic Hadamard Matrices (코사이클 Hadamard 행렬을 이용한 키 동의 알고리즘)

  • Choe, Chang-Hui;Kim, Jeong-Su;Lee, Moon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we analyze key agreement algorithms based on co-cyclic Jacket matrices, and propose key agreement algorithms based on co-cyclic Hadamard matrices to fix the problem. The performance of our proposal is better than conventional one's and the construction of the matrices is very simple. Also time complexity of our proposal is proportional to the factor that determinees the size of the matrix, and the length of the key. So our proposal is fast and will be useful for the communcations of two or three users, especially for those have low computing power.

Related-key Neural Distinguisher on Block Ciphers SPECK-32/64, HIGHT and GOST

  • Erzhena Tcydenova;Byoungjin Seok;Changhoon Lee
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.72-84
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    • 2023
  • With the rise of the Internet of Things, the security of such lightweight computing environments has become a hot topic. Lightweight block ciphers that can provide efficient performance and security by having a relatively simpler structure and smaller key and block sizes are drawing attention. Due to these characteristics, they can become a target for new attack techniques. One of the new cryptanalytic attacks that have been attracting interest is Neural cryptanalysis, which is a cryptanalytic technique based on neural networks. It showed interesting results with better results than the conventional cryptanalysis method without a great amount of time and cryptographic knowledge. The first work that showed good results was carried out by Aron Gohr in CRYPTO'19, the attack was conducted on the lightweight block cipher SPECK-/32/64 and showed better results than conventional differential cryptanalysis. In this paper, we first apply the Differential Neural Distinguisher proposed by Aron Gohr to the block ciphers HIGHT and GOST to test the applicability of the attack to ciphers with different structures. The performance of the Differential Neural Distinguisher is then analyzed by replacing the neural network attack model with five different models (Multi-Layer Perceptron, AlexNet, ResNext, SE-ResNet, SE-ResNext). We then propose a Related-key Neural Distinguisher and apply it to the SPECK-/32/64, HIGHT, and GOST block ciphers. The proposed Related-key Neural Distinguisher was constructed using the relationship between keys, and this made it possible to distinguish more rounds than the differential distinguisher.

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Diversity and Chemical Defense Role of Culturable Non-Actinobacterial Bacteria Isolated from the South China Sea Gorgonians

  • Jiang, Peng;Zhang, Xiaoyong;Xu, Xinya;He, Fei;Qi, Shuhua
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 2013
  • The diversity of culturable non-actinobacterial (NA) bacteria associated with four species of South China Sea gorgonians was investigated using culture-dependent methods followed by analysis of the bacterial 16S rDNA sequence. A total of 76 bacterial isolates were recovered and identified, which belonged to 21 species of 7 genera, and Bacillus was the most diverse genus. Fifty-one percent of the 76 isolates displayed antibacterial activities, and most of them belonged to the Bacillus genus. From the culture broth of gorgonian-associated Bacillus methylotrophicus SCSGAB0092 isolated from gorgonian Melitodes squamata, 11 antimicrobial lipopeptides including seven surfactins and four iturins were obtained. These results imply that Bacillus strains associated with gorgonians play roles in coral defense mechanisms through producing antimicrobial substances. This study, for the first time, compares the diversity of culturable NA bacterial communities among four species of South China Sea gorgonians and investigates the secondary metabolites of gorgonian-associated B. methylotrophicus SCSGAB0092.

Key Recovery Algorithm of Erroneous RSA Private Key Bits Using Generalized Probabilistic Measure (일반화된 확률 측도를 이용하여 에러가 있는 RSA 개인키를 복구하는 알고리즘)

  • Baek, Yoo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1089-1097
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    • 2016
  • It is well-known that, if additional information other than a plaintext-ciphertext pair is available, breaking the RSA cryptosystem may be much easier than factorizing the RSA modulus. For example, Coppersmith showed that, given the 1/2 fraction of the least or most significant bits of one of two RSA primes, the RSA modulus can be factorized in a polynomial time. More recently, Henecka et. al showed that the RSA private key of the form (p, q, d, $d_p$, $d_q$) can efficiently be recovered whenever the bits of the private key are erroneous with error rate less than 23.7%. It is notable that their algorithm is based on counting the matching bits between the candidate key bit string and the given decayed RSA private key bit string. And, extending the algorithm, this paper proposes a new RSA private key recovery algorithm using a generalized probabilistic measure for measuring the consistency between the candidate key bits and the given decayed RSA private key bits.

SRTP Key Exchange Scheme Using Split Transfer of Divided RSA Public Key (RSA 공개키 분할 전송을 이용한 SRTP 키 교환 기법)

  • Chae, Kang-Suk;Jung, Sou-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a SRTP key exchange scheme using split transfer of divided RSA public key in SIP-based VoIP environment without PKI. The existing schemes are hard to apply to real VoIP environment, because they require a PKI and certificates in the end devices. But in case of ZRTP. which is one of existing schemes, it's able to exchange SRTP Key securely without PKI, but it is inconvenient since it needs user's involvement. To solve these problems, the proposed scheme will split RSA public key and transmit them to SIP signaling secession and media secession respectively. It can defend effectively possible Man-in-The-Middle attacks, and it is also able to exchange the SRTP key without the user's involvement. Besides, it meets the requirements for security of SRTP key exchange. Therefore, it's easy to apply to real VoIP environment that is not available to construct PKL.