• Title/Summary/Keyword: On-the-Fly

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The Development Aspects of Korean Political Theatre Movement (한국 정치극의 전개 양상 - 1920년대부터 80년대까지의 정치극운동을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.52
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    • pp.5-59
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the development and aesthetics of Korean political theatre from its quickening period 1920s to democratization era 1990s. Political theatre before 90s developed an antithesis resistant movement toward Korean modern history that had been scattered with suppressing political circumstances such as colonial era and dictatorial government, the movement has powerful activity and social influences. Just like the 20 century political theatre had been quickened under the influence of Marxism at Russia and Germany in 1920s, Korea's political theatre began in socialism theatre movement form around the same time. Proletarian theatre groups had been founded in Japan and Korea, and developed into practical movement with organized connection. However, the political theatre movement in Japanese colonial era was an empty vessel makes great sound but not much accomplishments. Most performance had been canceled or disapproved by suppression or censorship of the Japanese Empire. The political theatre in liberation era was the left drama inherited from Proletarian theatre of the colonial era. Korean Theatre alliance took lead the theatrical world unfold activities based on theatre popularization theory such as 'culture activists' taking a jump up the line and 'independent theatre' peeping into production spot as well as the important event, Independence Movement Day Memorial tournament theatre. Since 1947, US army military government in Korea strongly oppressed the left performances to stop and theatrical movement was ended due to many left theatrical people defection to North Korea. The political theatre in 1960s to 70s the Park regime, developed in dramatically different ways according to orthodox group and group out of power. The political theatre of institutional system handled judgment on sterile people and had indirect political theatre from that took history material and allegory technique because of censorship. In political theatre out of institution, it started outdoor theatre that has modernized traditional performance style and established deep relationship with labor spot and culture movement organizations. Madangguek(Outdoor theatre) is 'Attentive political theatre', satirizing and offending the political and social inconsistencies such as the dictatorial government's oppression and unbalanced distribution, alienation of general people, and foreign powers' pillage sharply as well as laughing at the Establishment with negative characters. The political theatre in 1980s is divided into two categories; political theatre of institutional system and Madangguek. Institutional Political theatre mainly performed in Korea Theatre Festival and the theatre group 'Yeonwoo-Moudae' led political theatre as private theatre company. Madangguek developed into an outdoor theatrical for indoor theatre capturing postcolonial historical view. Yeonwoo-Moudae theatre company produced representative political plays at 80s such as The chronicles of Han's, Birds fly away too, and so on by combining freewheeling play spirit of Madangguek and epic theatre. Political theatre was all the rage since the age of democratization started in 1987 and political materials has been freed from ban. However, political theatre was slowly declined as real socialism was crumbling and postmodernism is becoming the spirit of the times. After 90s, there are no more plays of ideology and propaganda that aim at politicization of theatre. As the age rapidly entered into the age of deideology, political theatre discourse also changed greatly. The concept 'the political' became influential as a new political possibility that stands up to neoliberalism system in the evasion of politics. Rather than reenact political issues, it experiments new political theatre that involves something political by deconstructing and reassigning audience's political sense with provocative forms, staging others and drawing discussion about it.

A Study on Prediction of Nugget Diameter by Resistance Spot Welding Finite Element Analysis of High Tensile Steel (SGAFC 780) (고장력 강판(SGAFC780)의 저항 점 용접의 유한요소해석을 통한 너깃 직경 예측)

  • Lee, Cheal-Ho;Kim, Won Seop;Lee, Jong-Hun;Park, Sang-Heup
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 2019
  • In this study, resistance spot welding was performed using a high tensile steel plate SGAFC 780. The shear tensile strength, fracture profile, nugget diameter, and simulation were compared according to the conditions. After the nugget diameter calibration, the minimum diameter of welding was more than 4.3mm when the welding current was 8kVA or more. At 9kVA and above 10kVA, the minimum nugget diameter of 4.3mm was satisfied. On the other hand, due to the high current and time, the fly phenomenon occurred and the deep indentation remained. An evaluation of the weldability confirmed that there was an interval that was evaluated as weld failure due to the creep phenomenon, which satisfied the tensile shear strength and minimum nugget diameter. On the other hand, areas that have sufficient load bearing capacity even when drift has occurred were also identified. The simulation results show that the error rate was less than 4.2% when comparing the nugget diameter in the simulation and the experimental results in the appropriate weld zone, and confirmed the reliability of the simulation.

Effect of the Kinds and Replacement Ratios of Mineral Admixtures on the Development of Concrete Resistance against the Penetration of Chloride Ions (혼화재 종류 및 치환율이 콘크리트의 내염성능 향상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Young-Jin;Lee Sang-Soo;Kim Dong-Seuk;Yoo Jae-Kang
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.16 no.3 s.81
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2004
  • This paper investigates the effect of the concrete containing mineral admixtures(pozzolanic materials such as fly-ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag, silica fume and meta kaolin) on the resistance properties to chloride ion invasion. The purposed testing procedure was applied to the concrete replaced mineral admixtures for 3${\~}$4 replacement ratios under water-binder ratios ranged from 0.40 to 0.55. For the electro-migration test, Tang and Nilsson's method was used to estimate the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion. As a results, the water-binder ratios, kinds of mineral admixtures and replacement ratios, water curing periods had a great effect on the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion, and the optimal replacement ratios had a limitation for each mineral admixtures. Also, the use of mineral admixtures by mass(replacement of OPC) enhance the resistance ability against chloride penetration compared with the plain concrete. The compressive strength was shown related to the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion, the compressive strength increases with the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion decreasing. Below the 50 MPa, the variation of diffusion coefficient of concrete replaced mineral admixtures was bigger than that of plain concrete.

A Case Study on the Threat of Small Drone and the Development of Counter-Drone System (소형드론 위협 사례와 대드론체계 발전방향)

  • Kang-Il Seo;Ki-Won Kim;Jong-Hoon Kim;Sang-Keun Cho;Sang-Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2023
  • On December 26, 2022, North Korea's drone provocation resumed for the first time in eight years. The threat covered not only the Seoul metropolitan area but also the no-fly zone for the presidential office's security, and the South Korean military's response to it is not appropriate, which is a major controversy. In the midst of this, problems caused by the prohibition of small drones' flight and illegal intrusion into restricted areas are increasing in Korea, and the threat is becoming a reality, such as being used for terrorist attacks abroad. In this paper, the concept of "Counter-Drone" and related technologies were considered for these drone threats, and implications were derived through domestic and overseas small drone threats, and the direction of development of the Counter-Drone system was presented. North Korea's drone threat is expected to be more diversified, massified, and advanced, resulting in bolder attacks and provocations. Therefore, the South Korean military should push for early powering of the integrated control system and the conter drone system, joint and military cooperation in response to the threat of small drones, and the ability to carry out joint operations between South Korea and the U.S.

Studies on Phosphorus-32 Labeling of the House Fly ( I ) (Phosphorus-32에 의한 집파리의 표식효과 (I))

  • Ryu J.;Chung K. H.;Kwon S. H.;Kim H. W.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.13 no.2 s.19
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    • pp.93-97
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    • 1974
  • This paper describes experiments made to develop a technique for marking insects and get the informations for ecological studies as a means of tagging flies with radioactive phosphorus, and also to learn the effect on the subsequent generation of flies. Tests were conducted with house flies, Musca domestica L. emerged front the larvae that had reared in a media containing various concentrations of P-32. Radioactivity of the flies was measured with end-window type $(2mg/cm^2)$ Geiger-Muller counter and proportional counter made by Aloka. In following the daily increases in counting rates by 6-day-old larvae it was apparent the larvae in the starting media containing the higher concentrations of P-32 were showing high counting rates. It was found that about 13.2 per cent of the radioactive material remained in the empty puparia after the flies emerged. Radioactivity of the emerged flies decreased gradually and the biological halflife of phosphorus-32 was approximately 6.14 days with considerable variation. A significant amount of P-32 were detected in the abdominal and thoracic sections as compared with other parts of adult. The activity of phosphorus·32 in eggs and larvae produced by adults reared in medium containing 0.2 microcurie or more of P-32 per gram were readily detected with Geiger-Mi·lier counter. On the other hand, the radioactivity of eggs and larvae produced by the treated males crossed with untreated normal females could be only detected in the medium containing more of 2.0 microcurie with G.M. counter. There was no apparent damage to the flies at dosages as high as 0.5 microcurie per gram of medium. For field studies a concentration of 0.5 microcurie of P-32 per gram of artificial medium appears to give adequate labeling for positive identification of flies and their egg masses.

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A Study of the Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Chloride Diffusion of the Concrete Immersed in Chloride Solution (무기질 혼화재가 염수침지한 콘크리트의 염화물 확산에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Dong-Seok;Yoo Jae-Kang;Park Sang-Joon;Won Cheol;Kim Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.17 no.5 s.89
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    • pp.679-686
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    • 2005
  • The corrosion of reinforcement induced by chloride ingress is the main deterioration cause of coastal reinforced concrete structures. In this paper, an experimental study was executed to investigate the effect of the kinds and replacement ratios of mineral admixtures (fly-ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag silica fume and meta-kaolin), W/B and curing time on chloride diffusion of concrete by long-time immersion test in chloride solution. According to the result, the use of mineral admixtures was effective in improving the resistant to chloride ingress. The chloride penetration depth and diffusion coefficient were decreased as replacement ratios of mineral admixture were increased. The kind and replacement ratio of the mineral admixture are more important than the W/B in reducing the chloride diffusion of concrete. Chloride binding capacity of mineral admixture, which was sequenced in the order of MK

A Study on the Use of Drones for Disaster Damage Investigation in Mountainous Terrain (산악지형에서의 재난피해조사를 위한 드론 맵핑 활용방안 연구)

  • Shin, Dongyoon;Kim, Dajinsol;Kim, Seongsam;Han, Youkyung;Nho, Hyunju
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1209-1220
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    • 2020
  • In the case of forest areas, the installation of ground control points (GCPs) and the selection of terrain features, which are one of the unmanned aerial photogrammetry work process, are limited compared to urban areas, and safety problems arise due to non-visible flight due to high forest. To compensate for this problem, the drone equipped with a real time kinematic (RTK) sensor that corrects the position of the drone in real time, and a 3D flight method that fly based on terrain information are being developed. This study suggests to present a method for investigating damage using drones in forest areas. Position accuracy evaluation was performed for three methods: 1) drone mapping through GCP measurement (normal mapping), 2) drone mapping based on topographic data (3D flight mapping), 3) drone mapping using RTK drone (RTK mapping), and all showed an accuracy within 2 cm in the horizontal and within 13 cm in the vertical position. After evaluating the position accuracy, the volume of the landslide area was calculated and the volume values were compared, and all showed similar values. Through this study, the possibility of utilizing 3D flight mapping and RTK mapping in forest areas was confirmed. In the future, it is expected that more effective damage investigations can be conducted if the three methods are appropriately used according to the conditions of area of the disaster.

The Development Trend of a VTOL MAV with a Ducted Propellant (덕티드 추진체를 사용한 수직 이·착륙 초소형 무인 항공기 개발 동향)

  • Kim, JinWan
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2020
  • This purpose of this paper was to review the development trend of the VTOL MAVs with a ducted propellant that can fly like the VTOL at intermediate and high speeds, hovering, landing, and lifting off vertically over urban areas, warships, bridges, and mountainous terrains. The MAV differs in flight characteristics from helicopters and fixed wings in many respects. In addition to enhancing thrust, the duct protects personnel from accidental contact with the spinning rotor. The purpose of the U.S. Army FCS and DARPA's OAV program is spurring development of a the VTOL ducted MAV. Today's MAVs are equipped with video/infrared cameras to hover-and-stare at enemies hidden behind forests and hills for approximately one hour surveillance and reconnaissance. Class-I is a VTOL ducted MAV developed in size and weight that individual soldiers can store in their backpacks. Class-II is the development of an organic VTOL ducted fan MAV with twice the operating time and a wider range of flight than Class-I. MAVs will need to develop to perch-and-stare technology for lengthy operation on the current hover-and-stare. The near future OAV's concept is to expand its mission capability and efficiency with a joint operation that automatically lifts-off, lands, refuels, and recharges on the vehicle's landing pad while the manned-unmanned ground vehicle is in operation. A ducted MAV needs the development of highly accurate relative position technology using low cost and small GPS for automatic lift-off and landing on the landing pad. There is also a need to develop a common command and control architecture that enables the cooperative operation of organisms between a VTOL ducted MAV and a manned-unmanned ground vehicle.

Engineering Characteristics of Ultra High Strength Concrete with 100 MPa depending on Fine Aggregate Kinds and Mixing Methods (잔골재 종류 및 혼합방법 변화에 따른 100 MPa 급 초고강도 콘크리트의 공학적 특성)

  • Han, Min-Cheol;Lee, Hong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.536-544
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    • 2016
  • Recently, with the increase in the number of high rise and huge scaled buildings, ultra-high strength concrete with 80~100 MPa has been used increasingly to withstand excessive loads. Among the components of concrete, the effects of the kinds and properties of fine aggregates on the performance and economic advantages of ultra-high strength concrete need to be evaluated carefully. Therefore, this study examined the effects of the type of fine aggregates and mixing methods on the engineering properties of ultra-high strength concrete by varying the fine aggregates including limestone fine aggregate (LFA), electrical arc slag fine aggregate (EFA), washed sea sand (SFA), and granite fine aggregate (GFA) and their mixtures. Ultra-high strength concrete was fabricated with a 20 % water to binder ratio (W/B) and incorporated with 70 % of Ordinary Portland cement: 20 % of fly ash:10 % silica fume. The test results indicate that for a given superplasticizer dose, the use of LFA resulted in increases in slump flow and L-flow compared to the mixtures using other aggregates due to the improved particle shape and grading of LFA. In addition, the use of LFA and EFA led to enhanced compressive strength and a decrease in autogenous shrinkage due to the improved elastic properties of LFA and the presence of free-CaO in EFA, which resulted in the formation of C-S-H.

Experimental Study for Evaluation of Chloride Ion Diffusion Characteristics of Concrete Mix for Nuclear Power Plant Water Distribution Structures (원전 취배수 구조물 콘크리트 배합의 염소이온 확산특성 평가를 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Jae;Seo, Eun-A
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the diffusion characteristics were evaluated using the concrete mix design of nuclear safety-related structures. Among the concrete structures related to nuclear power safety, we selected the composition of intake and drainage structures that are immersed in seawater or located on the tidal platform and evaluated the chloride ion permeation resistance by compressive strength and electrical conductivity and the diffusion characteristics by immersion in salt water. analyzed. Compressive strength was measured on the 1st, 7th, 14th, 28th, 56th, and 91st days until the 91st day, which is the design standard strength of the nuclear power plant concrete structure, and chloride ion permeation resistance was evaluated on the 28th and 91st. After immersing the 28-day concrete specimens in salt water for 28 days, the diffusion coefficient was derived by collecting samples at different depths and analyzing the amount of chloride. As a result, it was found that after 28 days, the long-term strength enhancement effect of the nuclear power plant concrete mix with 20% fly ash replacement was higher than that of concrete using 100% ordinary Portland cement. It was also found that the nuclear power plant concrete mix has higher chloride ion permeation resistance, lower diffusion coefficient, and higher resistance to salt damage than the concrete mix using 100% ordinary Portland cement.