• Title/Summary/Keyword: Object Perspective

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A Study on the Changing Perception of Queen Mother of the West from the Perspective of Yin-Yang Theory (음양론 관점에서 본 서왕모(西王母) 인식 변화 고찰)

  • Jo Min-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.42
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 2022
  • The phenomenon of veneration for Queen Mother of the West [西王母 Chn: Xiwangmu Kr: Seowangmo] is a 'cultural flow' that has garnered great interest not only in China but also in Korea for many years. To properly understand the cultural trend regarding the Queen Mother of the West, it is essential to view the related mythology as it corresponds to East Asian women as well as the transformation of society's view of women. In addition to the outcomes that result from the establishment of a patriarchal society, the relationship between goddesses and gods gradually becomes a relationship of discrimination based upon differences. Accordingly, as women change into objects that are given meaning rather than subjects that give meaning, the de-sacredization of the goddess occurs. This paper focused on the changes in the perception of the Queen Mother of the West from the view of Yin-Yang theory. This approach shows a transition process of transforming wherein she has morphed into an assistant or spouse of a god as part of a trend that deemphasizes the divinity of her as a stand-alone goddess. Yin-Yang theory is the key to understanding culture, history, and art as well as Chinese philosophy. This key can be further applied to the theme of women in mythology. What is particularly noteworthy about the process by which the Queen Mother of the West was defined as a goddess is that she was original described as half-human and half-beast and yet by the time her depictions became fully human and fully woman, she was described instead as an absolute beauty endowed with great artistic talent. In this paper, it will be revealed that the perception of the Queen Mother of the West, as an absolute beauty and artistic talent, is embedded with the male societal desire for an image of the feminine as understood via Yin-Yang theory. Queen Mother of the West as she was depicted in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海經 Chn: Shanhaijing Kr: Sanhaegyeong) had a half-human half-beast form that instilled people with fear of disasters and punishments from heaven. However, in the Han Dynasty, her religious significance became that of an object to ward off evil and attain blessings. By the time of the novel, Tales of the Strange (志怪小說 Chn: Zhiguaixiaoshuo Kr: Jigoesoseol), from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, she was transformed into a goddess in the image of beautiful woman in charge longevity and immortality. From the perspective of Yin-Yang theory, the changes in the perception of Queen Mother of the West was found to contain the following meaning: as an extension of the establishment of a patriarchal system and subordinate laws, her new form was made to be pleasing to the male gaze and Yin-Yang theory was brought in to support those changes later.

Archival Science and Constitutional Point of View (헌법적 관점의 기록학)

  • Lee, Youngnam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.79
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    • pp.121-168
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    • 2024
  • Record & archives management is at the heart of archival science. We must be faithful to record & archives management. However, isn't there a paradox that arises the more faithful we are to record & archives management? The paradox is that 'being a responsible manager and efficiently managing records' is rather reduces the interest in the social existence of humans who create and use such records. Why do humans produce and use records? It may be because human beings have been living with the concept of records. The concept is 'the same as the design of thoughts'. There is no need to doubt this direction because as record & archives management develops, more valuable records are preserved more systematically, and they are been served with wider scope and appropriateness. However, if we observe this situation from a human point of view rather than record & archives management, we find that humans appearing in record & archives management are limited to the object of using records. If humans are perceived differently based on the hypothesis of reviewing from the ground up, we can encounter a unique context about the relationship between humans and records or between records and humans. If it reaches the norm that human beings have dignity that cannot be transferred to anyone, have the right to pursue happiness, and must live by enjoying freedom, equality, and social basic rights, in short, if human beings are recognized from a constitutional point of view, we can newly recognize the social role and direction of records. The constitution and international human rights norms document basic human rights as the final norm and clarify that it is the duty of the state to guarantee and practice them. The social role of records from a constitutional point of view is the practice of records that proliferate basic human rights. The practice of archiving, which multiplies basic human rights, may also be a civic consciousness required of experts, but on the other hand, it can be a professional way for archival studies. If record management is a two-lane round trip, it can be said that the interaction between record management and record practice, which multiplies basic human rights, is a pioneering four-lane round trip. This article examines the practice of archiving, which has been developed in and out of record & archives management, by clearly grasping the constitutional perspective from the perspective of archival studies, and examines the social role of archival studies in this context. The social role of archival studies is to provide new linguistic rules for archiving.

Big Five Personality in Discriminating the Groups by the Level of Social Sims (심리학적 도구 '5요인 성격 특성'에 의한 소셜 게임 연구: <심즈 소셜> 게임의 분석사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Dong-Yeop
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.29
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the clustering and Big Five Personality domains in discriminating groups by level of school-related adjustment, as experienced by Social Sims game users. Social Games are based on web that has simple rules to play in fictional time and space background. This paper is to analyze the relationships between social networks and user behaviors through the social games . In general, characteristics of social games are simple, fun and easy to play, popular to the public, and based on personal connections in reality. These features of social games make themselves different from video games with one player or MMORPG with many unspecific players. Especially Social Game show a noticeable characteristic related to social learning. The object of this research is to provide a possibility that game that its social perspective can be strengthened in social game environment and analyze whether it actually influences on problem solving of real life problems, therefore suggesting its direction of alternative play means and positive simulation game. Data was collected by administering 4 questionnaires (the short version of BFI, Satisfaction with life, Career Decision-.Making Self-.Efficacy, Depression) to the participants who were 20 people in Seoul and Daejeon. For the purposes of the data analysis, both Stepwise Discriminant analysis and Cluster analysis was employed. Neuroticism, Openness, Conscientiousness within the Big Five Personality domains were seen to be significant variables when it came to discriminating the groups. These findings indicated that the short version of the BFI may be useful in understanding for game user behaviors When it comes to cultural research, digital game takes up a significant role. We can see that from the fact that game, which has only been considered as a leisure activity or commercial means, is being actively research for its methodological, social role and function. Among digital game's several meanings, one of the most noticeable ones is the research on its critical, social participating function. According to Jame Paul gee, the most important merit of game is 'projected identity'. This means that experiences from various perspectives is possible.[1] In his recent autobiography , he described gamer as an active problem solver. In addition, Gonzalo Francesca also suggested an alternative game developing method through 'game that conveys critical messages by strengthening critical reasons'. [2] They all provided evidences showing game can be a strong academic tool. Not only does a genre called social game exist in the field of media and Social Network Game, but there are also some efforts to positively evaluate its value Through these kinds of researches, we can study how game can give positive influence along with the change in its general perception, which would eventually lead to spreading healthy game culture and enabling fresh life experience. This would better bring out the educative side of the game and become a social communicative tool. The object of this game is to provide a possibility that the social aspect can be strengthened within the game environment and analyze whether it actually influences the problem solving of real life problems. Therefore suggesting it's direction of alternative play means positive game simulation.

Analysis of Behavioral Characteristics of Broilers by Feeding, Drinking, and Resting Spaces according to Stocking Density using Image Analysis Technique (영상분석기법을 활용한 사육밀도에 따른 급이·급수 및 휴식공간별 육계의 행동특성 분석)

  • Kim, Hyunsoo;Kang, HwanKu;Kang, Boseok;Kim, ChanHo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.558-569
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the frequency of a broiler's stay in each area as stock density using an ICT-based image analysis technique from the perspective of precision livestock farming (PLF) according to the increase in the domestic broiler farms to understand the normal behavior patterns of broilers by age. The broiler was used in the experimental box (3.3×2.7 m) in a poultry house in Gyeonggi province. The stock densities were 9.5 birds/㎡ (n=85) and 19 birds/㎡ (n=170), respectively, and the frequency of stay by feeding, water, and rest area was monitored using a top-view camera. The image data of three-colored-specific broilers identified as the stock density were acquired by age (12, 16, 22, 27, and 29 days) for six hours. In the collected image data, the object tracking technique was used to record the cumulative movement path by connecting approximately 640,000 frames at 30 fps to quantify the frequency of stay in each area. In each stock density, it was significant in the order of the rest area, feeding, and water area (p<0.001). In 9.5 birds/㎡, it was at 57.9, 24.2, and 17.9 %, and 73.2, 16.8, and 10 % in 19 birds/㎡. The frequency of a broiler's stay could be evaluated in each area as the stock density using an ICT-based image analysis technique that minimizes stress. This method is expected to be used to provide basic material for developing an ICT-based management system through real-time monitoring.

A Study on Detection Methodology for Influential Areas in Social Network using Spatial Statistical Analysis Methods (공간통계분석기법을 이용한 소셜 네트워크 유력지역 탐색기법 연구)

  • Lee, Young Min;Park, Woo Jin;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2014
  • Lately, new influentials have secured a large number of volunteers on social networks due to vitalization of various social media. There has been considerable research on these influential people in social networks but the research has limitations on location information of Location Based Social Network Service(LBSNS). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a spatial detection methodology and application plan for influentials who make comments about diverse social and cultural issues in LBSNS using spatial statistical analysis methods. Twitter was used to collect analysis object data and 168,040 Twitter messages were collected in Seoul over a month-long period. In addition, 'politics,' 'economy,' and 'IT' were set as categories and hot issue keywords as given categories. Therefore, it was possible to come up with an exposure index for searching influentials in respect to hot issue keywords, and exposure index by administrative units of Seoul was calculated through a spatial joint operation. Moreover, an influential index that considers the spatial dependence of the exposure index was drawn to extract information on the influential areas at the top 5% of the influential index and analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and spatial correlation. The experimental results demonstrated that spatial correlation coefficient was relatively high at more than 0.3 in same categories, and correlation coefficient between politics category and economy category was also more than 0.3. On the other hand, correlation coefficient between politics category and IT category was very low at 0.18, and between economy category and IT category was also very weak at 0.15. This study has a significance for materialization of influentials from spatial information perspective, and can be usefully utilized in the field of gCRM in the future.

A Study on Lyricism Expression of Color & Realistic Expression reflected in Oriental Painting of flower & birds (전통화조화의 사실적(寫實的) 표현과 시정적(詩情的) 색채표현)

  • Ha, Yeon-Su
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.10
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    • pp.183-218
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    • 2006
  • Colors change in time corresponding with the value system and aesthetic consciousness of the time. The roles that colors play in painting can be divided into the formative role based on the contrast and harmony of color planes and the aesthetic role expressed by colors to represent the objects. The aesthetic consciousness of the orient starts with the Civility(禮) and Pleasure(樂), which is closely related with restrained or tempered human feelings. In the art world of the orient including poem, painting, and music, what are seen and felt from the objects are not represented in all. Added by the sentiment laid background, the beauty of the orient emphasizes the beauty of restraint and temperance, which has long been the essential aesthetic emotion of the orient. From the very inception of oriental painting, colors had become a symbolic system in which the five colors associated with the philosophy of Yin and Yang and Five Forces were symbolically connected with the four sacred animals of Red Peacock, Black Turtle, Blue Dragon, and White Tiger. In this color system the use of colors was not free from ideological matters, and was further constrained by the limited color production and distribution. Therefore, development in color expression seemed to have been very much limited because of the unavailability and unreadiness of various colors. Studies into the flow in oriental painting show that color expression in oriental painting have changed from symbolic color expression to poetic expression, and then to emotional color expression as the mode of painting changes in time. As oriental painting transformed from the art of religious or ceremonial purpose to one of appreciation, the mast visible change in color expression is the one of realism(simulation). Rooted on the naturalistic color expression of the orient where the fundamental properties of objects were considered mast critical, this realistic color expression depicts the genuine color properties that the objects posses, with many examples in the Flower & Bird Painting prior to the North Sung dynasty. This realistic expression of colors changed as poetic sentiments were fused with painting in later years of the North Sung dynasty, in which a conversion to light ink and light coloring in the use of ink and colors was witnessed, and subjective emotion was intervened and represented. This mode of color expression had established as free and creative coloring with vivid expression of individuality. The fusion of coloring and lyricism was borrowed from the trend in painting after the North Sung dynasty which was mentioned earlier, and from the trend in which painting was fused with poetic sentiments to express the emotion of artists, accompanied with such features as light coloring and compositional change. Here, the lyricism refers to the artist's subjective perspective of the world and expression of it in refined words with certain rhythm, the essence of which is the integration of the artist's ego and the world. The poetic ego projects the emotion and sentiment toward the external objects or assimilates them in order to express the emotion and sentiment of one's own ego in depth and most efficiently. This is closely related with the rationale behind the long-standing tradition of continuous representation of same objects in oriental painting from ancient times to contemporary days. According to the thoughts of the orient, nature was not just an object of expression, but recognized as a personified body, to which the artist projects his or her emotions. The result is the rebirth of meaning in painting, completely different from what the same objects previously represented. This process helps achieve the integration and unity between the objects and the ego. Therefore, this paper discussed the lyrical expression of colors in the works of the author, drawing upon the poetic expression method reflected in the traditional Flower and Bird Painting, one of the painting modes mainly depending on color expression. Based on the related discussion and analysis, it was possible to identify the deep thoughts and the distinctive expression methods of the orient and to address the significance to prioritize the issue of transmission and development of these precious traditions, which will constitute the main identity of the author's future work.

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Effect of Taeeumjoweetang on the Body Composition, Serum Lipid Level and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity of Obese Female College Students (태음조위탕의 적용이 태음인 비만여대생의 신체조성, 혈청지질농도 및 혈중 항산화 효소에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Hye-Ju;Ahn, Hong-Seok;Oh, Eun-Ha;Kim, Young-Locke
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2011
  • 1. Objectives: Though the eating habits have improved and the living method has become convenient according to the economic growth thanks to the modern industrialization, because of the lack of exercise, obesity, wrong eating habits and stress etc, various symptoms of disease of adults are on the rise. This is the phenomenon that happens as the eating life has become life in the West along with the inundation of the western culture in our society. In this perspective, there has been many various clinical research that's been proceeded so far about the physical constitution and obesity, but there has been little research on the objective analysis of the clinical research about the alimentotherapy using taeeumjoweetang. 2. Methods: In this research we have checked the weights, fat rates, fat weight, abdominal fat rate, blood pressure, and BMI over the objects of the women that were diagnosed as lunisolar system as their physical constitution, and assessed the paramecium lipid, in-blood antioxidation enzyme and the damage of oxidization in the urine by physical constitution-specific of the body shapes that were determined by BMI. The statistical analysis of the current research was processed by using of SPSS 17.0 program. We have figure out statistical amounts such as the arithmetic average, average deviation rate and percentage number. Fro the verification of he significancy of each elements, we have used the paired t-test, ANOVA, Chi-square test at the level of p<0.05. 3. Results and Conclusions: Their characteristics are age $21.20{\pm}1.35$, height $160.30{\pm}6.11cm$, weight $64.66{\pm}8.72kg$, fat rates are $35.97{\pm}4.87%$, fat amount $23.40{\pm}5.48$, abdominal fat rate $0.823{\pm}0.03$, BMI $25.12{\pm}2.79kg/m^2$, and systolic blood pressure $111.60{\pm}10.28mmHg$ and diastolic blood pressure $68.60{\pm}7.43mmHg$ and we have let them take the medicine twice a day for 8 weeks. The clinical result for the Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, SGOT, SGPT, of the object people was that for the function of the liver, the result of the SGOT and SGPT test was $17.16{\pm}3.05$, $15.00{\pm}2.99IU/L$, which was a decrease, and had statistical meaning, but for the SGOT, though the figure reduced to $11.92{\pm}4.61$, $10.80{\pm}3.07$, it had no statistical meaning. For the whole cholesterol level, the figure reduced to $169.00{\pm}19.95$, $160.08{\pm}22.52$ mg/dL and had statistical significance(p<0.05). Neuter fat number, Triglyceride has slightly increased to $67.52{\pm}36.32$, $68.08{\pm}47.33$ mg/dL but did not have any statistical meaning. The antioxdant enzyme marker standard marker, SOD has increased to $2.52{\pm}0.73$, $2.86{\pm}0.60U/ml$, and had statistical significance(p<0.01). Catalase also increased by $0.63{\pm}0.18$, $1.07{\pm}0.25mmol/ml$ and had statistical meaning(p<0.01). GPx also increased to $204.76{\pm}32.64$ nmol/ml and had statistical meaning(p<0.01). But, for the Total antioxidant, though it has raised to $1.51{\pm}0.26$, $1.57{\pm}0.17nmol/{\mu}l$, it did not have any statistical meaning. MDA of oxidative stress marker has decreased to $1.70{\pm}0.68{\mu}g/ml$, $1.21{\pm}0.50{\mu}g/m$ and had statistical significance(p<0.01). 8-OHdG also decreased $3.35{\pm}0.95ng/ml$, $2.21{\pm}0.50ng/ml$ and had statistical meaning(p<0.01). In this research, we have analyzed the various markers relating to BFM and changes in oxidative enzyme in blood by takingtaeeumjoweetang. Taeeumjoweetang has the positive effect on inbody antioxidant system and reducing the content of cholesterol, which is proven to help losing weight and improving hyperlipidemia statistically. With this research, we hope to improve the lifestyle of those who are either obese or need to manage their dietary habits, and also to become the touchstone of integrating Oriental Medicine with the science of food & nutrition.

Legal status of Priave Transaction Regarding the Geostationary Satellite Orbit (지구정지궤도의 사적 거래의 국제법상 지위에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hong Kyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.239-272
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    • 2014
  • The rights and obligations of the Member States of ITU in the domain of international frequency management of the spectrum/orbit resource are incorporated in the Constitution and Convention of the ITU and in the Radio Regulations that complement them. These instruments contain the main principles and lay down the specific regulations governing the major elements such as rights and obligations of member administrations in obtaining access to the spectrum/orbit resource, as well as international recognition of these rights by recording frequency assignments and, as appropriate, any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbits used or intended to be used in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Coordination is a further step in the process leading up to notification of the frequency assignments for recording in the MIFR. This procedure is a formal regulatory obligation both for an administration seeking to assign a frequency in its network and for an administration whose existing or planned services may be affected by that assignment. Regulatory problem lies in allowing administrations to fulfill their "bringing into use" duty for preserving his filing simply putting any satellites, whatever nationlity or technical specification may be, into filed orbit. This sort of regulatory lack may result in the emergence of the secondary market for satellite orbit. Within satellite orbit secondary market, the object of transaction may be the satellite itself, or the regulatory rights in rem, or the orbit registered in the MIFR. Recent case of selling the Koreasat belongs to the typical example of orbit transaction between private companies, the legality of which remains doubtedly controversial from the perspective of international space law as well as international transaction law. It must be noted, however, that the fact is the Koreasat 3 and its filed orbit is for sale.

A Study on Audio-Visual Interactive Art interacting with Sound -Focused on 21C Boogie Woogie (사운드에 반응하는 시청각적인 인터랙티브 아트에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Seok;Yang, Jee-Hyun;Kim, Kyu-Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.35
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    • pp.329-346
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    • 2014
  • Art is the product from the combination of politics, economy, and social and cultural aspects. Recent development of digital media has affected on the expansion of visual expression in art. Digital media allow artists to use sound and physical interaction as well as image as an plastic element for making a work of art. Also, digital media help artists create an interactive, synaesthetic and visual perceptive environment by combining viewers' physical interaction with the reconstruction of image, sound, light, and among other plastic elements. This research was focused on the analysis of the relationship between images in art work and the viewer and data visualization using sound from the perspective of visual perception. This research also aimed to develop an interactive art by visualizing physical data with sound generating from outer stimulus or the viewer. Physical data generating from outer sound can be analyzed in various aspects. For example, Sound data can be analyzed and sampled within pitch, volume, frequency, and etc. This researcher implemented a new form of media art through the visual experiment of LED light triggered by sound frequency generating from viewers' voice or outer physical stimulus. Also, this researcher explored the possibility of various visual image expression generating from the viewer's reaction to illusionary characteristics of light(LED), which can be transformed within external physical data in real time. As the result, this researcher used a motif from Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie in order to implement a visual perceptive interactive work reacting with sound. Mondrian tried to approach at the essence of visual object by eliminating unnecessary representation elements and simplifying them in painting and making them into abstraction consisting of color, vertical and horizontal lines. This researcher utilized Modrian's simplified visual composition as a representation metaphor in oder to transform external sound stimulus into the element of light(LED), and implemented an environment inducing viewers' participation, which is a dynamic composition maximizing a synaesthetic expression, differing from Modrian's static composition.

A study on the moral instruction as a poetic act (시적 행위로서의 도덕과 수업)

  • Song, Young-min
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.31
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 2011
  • In moral instruction, one of the important purposes is cultivate students' meaningful moral knowing. To obtain this purpose, generally systems approach has been adopted and used in moral instruction. Systems approach has emphasized efficient designs which do not occur incidental learning that does not contribute to obtain learning objectives. However, moral meaning may occur to the subject of knowing, then occurrence of coincidence can not be excluded. If we approach to moral instruction with operative and engineering ways, we may convey the learning object but it won't be received meaningfully. Because of such problem, moral instruction has been required an alternative perspective contrary to the systems approach. Above all we need to reconsider the logic of explanation based on the systems approach. Because the moral instruction is understood that it is a systematic and operative act according to the logic of explanation. According to the logic of explanation, education is an act that conveys the teachers' knowledge to students who have inferior knowledge to teachers'. During this process, students' interpretation has been overlooked. In moral instruction, the teachers' interpretation of moral meaning can occur and extend by students' interpretation. When we understand moral instruction as the course of alliance between interpretation, it could be stood out that teaching as a symbol, constitution of teaching text as a vacuum, learning as a coincidence. When we stand out these aspects, the moral instruction could be understand as a poetic act. And based on such understanding, we can abstract specific resemblances between the poetic act and the moral instruction. There are semantic invariants and semantic variants in the teaching text of moral instruction. The semantic variants premise uncertainty. The limitation, that is, semantic invariants and the openness which is possible within semantic variants are changed to the moral instruction by students' response. It is essential that a selective attention as esthetic transaction that could be changed from text to poet. Like this, we need to take notice of instructive aspects not to means for reaching learning objectives but to act for being possible disinterested experiential learning.