• Title/Summary/Keyword: OT-IT

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Inhibitory Action of the Paraquat on Superoxide Dismutase of Excherichia coli (Paraquat에 의한 Escherichia coli의 Superoxide Dismutase 활성저해)

  • 김미림;최경호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.849-855
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    • 1994
  • Actively growin Excherichia coli(KCTC 1039) cells were treated with paraquat (1, 1'-dimethyl-4, 4'-bipyridili-um dichloride) by cultivating them in the presence of 1.0mM paraquat. The treatment was carried out with or without shaking to understand the effect of oxygen on paraquat action to thebacterial superoxide dismutase (SOd). By the treatment with vigorous shaking , population growth of the organism almostly stopped and specific activities of SOD of the cells drastically decreased. On contrast ot it, the herbicide showed only l limited inhibitory action on bacterial growth and SOD activity by stationary treatment. Proteins prepared from parquat-treated cells divided into two peaks by Sephacryl column chormatogrpahy, while proteins from the intact cells formed a single peak. Cytoplasmic proteins and plasma membrane proteins of intact cells formed separated three peaks by Sephadex G-75 column chormatography. respectively. Among them the second peak disappeared by paraquat treatment , while the third peak became more apparent. Fractions from the first and the third peak showed SOD activity. Paraquat was detected from the same fractions.

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Study on the plastic deformation of a cylinder subjected to localized impulsive pressure (국부충격하중을 받는 원관의 삭성변형에 관한 고찰)

  • ;;Zoo, Young Woo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1981
  • The effect of axial stress on the plastic deformation of rigid-perfectly plastic cylindrical tube under the impulsive band pressure is investigated. It is assumed that the tube is constructed with the material of Tresca's yield criterion. A closed from sloution is obtained for a rectangular pulse shape of uniform band pressure by using the circumscribed yield surface. The analysis shows that the effect ot exial stress is negligible when the dimensionless axial stress(n$\sub$x/= N$\sub$x/.delta.$\sub$y/H) is less than 0.2 or the dimensionless whdth of band pressure(.xi.=C/.root.RH) is greater than 2, but the effect of axial stress is of considerable importance when the axial stress is greater than 0.3 and the width of band pressure is less than 1.

The Analysis of Endings Which Begin with 'a/a in Korean Morphological Analyzer (한국어 형태소 분석기에서 '아/어'로 시작되는 어미의 분석)

  • 강승식;김영택
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 1991
  • When an ending which begins with 'a/a'combines to a stem,'a/a'can be deleted.Especially when ot combines to an h-irregular verb,it is represented as a variant like '-a-','-e-','-ia-',or'-ie-'.In order to analyze the variants of 'a/a',we suggest the format of a grammatical morpheme dictionary which is represented as a binary tree and several procedures which process the variants so that the unexpected errors can be removed which occur frequently when we analyze Korean worl phrase.

The Effect of Cuprophane Hemodialyzer Treated with Plasma and Albumin on Leukocyte Count (인공신에 의한 백혈구 수의 변화 혈장 및 알부민의 전처치가 이에 미치는 영향)

  • 장현규;박찬현
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.241-244
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    • 1987
  • It is now well established that transient granulocytopenia is common in patients during the initial phase of hemodialysis with new cuprophane membrane, but not with reused nembrane, or some synthetic membranes. In this study, new cuprophane dialyzer was treated with plasma and albumin, respectively, then, peripheral blood leukocytes were counted at the onset and after 15 minute of hemodialysis. In the plasma-treated group, the percent of leukopenia was less (41.3 %) than control group (71.3 %). In the plasmatreated group, the degree of leukopenia was close to that ot'control grou p. The protective factor, therefore is thought to be present in the plasma other than albumin fraction.

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A study on structural analysis for suezmax tanker applied CSR-H (CSR-H를 적용한 SUEZMAX급 TANKER의 구조해석 결과 및 고찰)

  • Parkr, Sung-Young
    • Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2017
  • IACS enacted Harmonized CSR(CSR-H) to meet the IMO GBS applied from 1 July 2016. CSR-H is clearly complement and integrate than present CSR-BC & CSR-OT. One of the biggest issue in new rule is structural analysis. In CSR-H, structural analysis must carried out entire each cargo area including the aft bulkhead of the aftermost cargo hold and the collision bulkhead. Accordingly, new load and boundary conditions are present, an additional structural reinforcement is required by the structural analysis result for each cargo hold. In this study, we applied CSR-H to existing 158K DWT CLASS CRUDE OIL TANKER in order to compare and analyze the hull changes. It is useful for the application of the CSR-H to the similar vessel and helpful in finding the optimized structural design.

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Design of the vacuum pumping system for the KSTAR NBI device (KSTAR 중성빔 입사(NBI) 장치 배기계통 설계)

  • 오병훈;인상렬;조용섭;김계령;최병호
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.8 no.4B
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    • pp.548-555
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    • 1999
  • The NBI (Neutral BGeam Injection) System for the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) is composed of ion sources, neutralizers, bending magnets, ion dumps, and calorimeter. The vacuum chamber, in which all of the beam line components are enclosed, is composed of differential pumping system for the effective transfer of the neutral beams. The needed pumping speeds of each of the divided vacuum chamber and the optimized gas flow rate ot the neutralizer were calculated with the help of the particle balance equations. The minimum gas flow rate to the ion sources for producing needed beam current (120kV, 65A, 78MW), the pressure distributions in the vacuum chamber for minimizing re-ionization loss, and the beam loss rate on the beam line components were used as the input in the calculation. Also the scenario for short pulse operation was determined by analysing the time dependent equations. It showed that beam extraction during less than 0.5 sec could be made only with TMP.

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The first zoeal stage of Hyastenus elongatus (Ortmann, 1893) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Majidae) (박뿔게 (십각목, 단미류, 물맞이게과)의 제 1 조에아 유생)

  • 고현숙
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1997
  • The first zoeae of Hyastenus elongatus (Ortmann, 1893) were obtained in thelaboratory from hatching. They are described, illustrated in detail and compared with the previously described zoeae of the subfamily pisinae. The zoeae of H. elongatus are similar to, but may be distinguished from those of Hyastenus diacnathus (De Haan, 1839), by the number of setae on the postero-lateral carapace margin and mouthpart appendages, and the length of a dorsal carapace spine. In the mouthpart appendages, the difference in the number of setae on an endopod of the maillule between H. eleongatus and H. diacanthus is doubtful, and it should be necessary ot make a detailed re-description of H. diacanthus.

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A study on the programming and erasing chracteristics of single-poly EEPROM (Single-poly EEPROM의 프로그램 및 소거특성에 관한 연구)

  • 류영철;유종근;이광엽;김영석;박종태
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 1998
  • In this work, single-poly EEPROM has been designed and fabricated by using standard 0.8.mu.m CMOS process. The initial threshold voltage was aobut 0.8V but it increased ot about 6.5V after programming at Vds=11.5V and Vcg=6.5V. After erasing devices at Vs=14.2V, the threshold voltage decreased to about 1.5V. The programming time and erasing trime wree about 6ms. and 100ms. respectively. The erasing time can be reduced by applying a series of shorter erase pulse s instead of a long single erase pulse.

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The characteristics of MIS BST thin film capacitor

  • Park, Chi-Sun;Kim, In-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 2001
  • Electric and dielectric(Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$[BST] thin films for emtal-Insulator-Semiconductor(MIS) capacitors have been studied. BST thin films wre deposted on p-Si(100) substrates bythe RF magnetron sputtering with tempratue range of 500~$600^{\circ}C$. The dielectric properties of MIS capacitors consisting of Al/BST/$SiO_2$/Si sandwich structure were evaluated ot redcue the leakage current density. The charge state densities of the MIS capacitors were determined by high frequency (1 MHz) C-V measurement. In order to reduce the leakage current in MIS capacitor, high quality $SiO_2$ layer was deposited on bare p-Si substrate. Depending on the oxygen pressure and substrate temperature both positive and negative polarities of effective oxide charge in the MIS capacitors were evaluated. It is considered that the density of electronic states, generated at the BST/$SiO_2$/p-Si interface due to the asymmetric structure within BST/$SiO_2$/Si structure, and the oxygen vacancy content has influence on the behavior of oxide charge.

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Study on Low Heat Cements (저발열형 시멘트 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-Woong;Ha, Jae-Dam;Kim, Dong-Seuk;Kim, Ki-Soo;Choi, Long
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 1999
  • Mass concrete structures have many critical points in service. The cracks caused by the heat of hydration is the most serious problem, so that many method ot control cracks(precooling, postcooling, etc) have been applied to construction. But cooling methods take high cost and many installation and limits of field. Therefore it is useful to use the low heat hydration cements for low cost. This paper describes the characteristics of a low heat cement mixing the ternary components of cement(portland cement, blast furnace slag, fly ash) recently developed for mass concrete, belite cement, low heat slag cement(belite base) and fly ash cement (belite base). The objective of this paper is to study on low heat cement about initial compressive strength and hydration heat.

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