• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing service satisfaction

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A Study on Smart Aging System for the Elderly based on Metaverse (고령자를 위한 메타버스 기반의 Smart Aging 시스템의 연구)

  • Cho, Myeon-Gyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the number of elderly living alone suffering from loneliness and depression is also increasing significantly due to the rapid aging of the population and nuclear families. In this paper, we propose a smart aging system that increases life satisfaction by providing the elderly with the optimal service tailored to the elderly with the help of IT according to their residential environment and health status. It is possible to provide an advanced customized support system for the elderly by fully utilizing IoT, AI, and Metaverse techniques not only for the elderly who want to live an active life in society but also for the elderly who need care in a nursing hospital. The proposed system provides human satisfaction by providing social connection in real space and virtual space in accordance with the residential environment and health status to the elderly suffering from loneliness in hospital (hospital care) facilities and at home. This paper proposes a new path for future-oriented welfare policy for the elderly by providing a user-customized smart aging system by combining AI and Metaverse technology with a rapidly changing social environment.

The Recruiting Experience of Chief Executive Nurses in Small and Medium-sized Hospitals (중소병원 간호부서장의 간호사 채용 경험)

  • Park, Song-Yi;Park, Seen-You
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.301-312
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    • 2020
  • This is a user experience study of factors that should be considered in designing home appliances experience service. Untact services are emerging, but the development of home appliances sector is in early stage. Based on the six factors of Stephen P. Anderson's Creating Pleasurable Interface Model, this study conducted surveys, 1:1 in-depth interviews, and participation observations to measure and analyze user experience. In this study, I compared 4060s and 2030s's user experience in that the untact services raise the digital alienation among middle-senior-aged. As a result, there were significant differences between the two, including the opposite satisfaction in terms of reliable, usable and pleasurable factors. I hope that this study will be of strategic help in designing future home appliance experience services.

A Study on the Space Organizational and Classification of Health Facilities for the Elderly in Japan (일본 노인보건시설의 공간구성과 유형화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Suia;Kim, Tae-Il
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.6 s.59
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    • pp.178-187
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was analyze the space organizational characteristics of heath facilities for the elderly in Japan, in order to refer them in establishing the planning direction in Korea. Therefore the 79 architectural drawings, which was gathered through mailed self-reported questionnaires in Japan and standard of heath facilities for the elderly have been analysed for this study. The results of the study were following: The spatial composition was categorized into living space, public use space, nursing, medical treatment, management, provision, and home assistance, and daycare. Moreover, coupling method of respective space was diversity according to inmate satisfaction measurement and form of service. In order to do that, this study has classified type of health facilities into 6 types on the basis of the space of position and space organization characteristics. Therefore study shows the functional relationships of spaces, the proportions of departmental areas in each type.

Urgent problems and solution strategies in 2nd cycle of long-term care hospital accreditation (요양병원 인증 2주기 당면과제 및 해결방안)

  • Kim, Kyung Sook
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2016
  • The Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) accreditation system was initiated in 2013 in the form of mandatory accreditation system in order to improve patient safety and the quality of medical service at LTCHs. By June 2016, the accredited LTCHs were 76.2%. This research was conducted to review the implementation process in the first cycle and to promote development of the second cycle of LTCH accreditation system. There are some changes which reinforced the accreditation standards, accreditation survey, and public access to accreditation results in order to strengthen patient safety in the first cycle LTCH accreditation system. LTCHs which participated in the accreditation system achieved certain outcomes in respect to patient safety and employee satisfaction. However, there are several urgent problems in placement criteria of night duty health care providers, reinforcement plans in the accreditation system, and incentives for accredited hospitals. In order to solve these problems, the most important thing is to clearly recognize the fact that the healthcare accreditation system is not the means for control and regulate hospitals but a system to induce hospitals to continue to strive for improvements in patient safety and medical service quality. In addition, it is required that LTCHs, accrediting agency and the Ministry of Health and Welfare compromise and cooperate to seek solutions every time issues related to the accreditation system arise.

Effects of Housework Burdens and Social·family Supports on Poor Self-rated Health among the Married Women (기혼여성의 가사부담과 가정 내·외의 지지(support)가 주관적 불건강에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyo-Young;Park, Eun-Ok
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.179-196
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : This study investigated poor self-rated health and its associated factors in married Korean women, focusing on the burdens related to family affairs and social support. Methods : Cross-sectional data from 3,039 married women (between 25 and 64 years old) who completed Korean Longitudinal surveys of Women and Families were analyzed. Results : Among working women, only two factors-lack of husband's involvement in housework and insufficient communication with husband - influenced poor self-rated health. Among housewives, lack of husband's involvement in housework, insufficient communication with husband, low satisfaction of marriage, and avoidance of alcohol consumption were associated with poor self-rated health. Conclusions : Regardless of whether women are employed or housewives, husband's support is a very important factor affecting women's health. Social efforts for changing perceptions and values are needed so that men and women mutually support each other in family affairs.

A Study on the Types and Supply of Elderly Housing in Japan (일본 노인주거시설의 종류와 공급특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Soonjung
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2010
  • In Japan, a lot of elderly housing types have been developed in order to meet various needs of the older person and the change of social situations. Elderly housings can be divided into three categories elderly housings for healthy older persons, elderly care homes for the healthy and elderly care facilities for the unhealthy. Elderly housings include public and private rental housings. Sometimes they can be designated only for the elderly. Elderly care homes for the healthy elderly include full fee charging elderly housing, elderly homes, low fee charging elderly homes and care houses. Elderly care facilities for the unhealthy elderly consist of full fee charging elderly care homes, group homes for the dementia, elderly health facilities, nursing homes, elderly hospitals, and so on. However "elderly care facilities" have been proved not to be efficient for the delivery of elderly welfare services nor satisfactory to the frail older person. Therefore, based on the concept of the "Normalization", daily services have been provided for the elderly in order that they can live at their own home in the community for themselves. As a result, Japan aims not only to reduce elderly welfare expenses but also to increase elderly users' satisfaction. Emphasis on non-institutionalization and in-home services, regional characterization, harmony between Hard and Soft, user oriented services, substantiality, universal design and so on are sought for the sake of those goals.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Rehabilitation Services for People with Congenital Disabilities (선천성 장애인의 재활서비스 비용에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.197-207
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect the cost of rehabilitation services for people with congenital disabilities. The subjects of this study were 712 persons who had a disability from prenatal life from data of the 2020 National Survey of the Disabled Persons. 19-40 years, middle-class economic status, monthly family income level, use of vouchers, satisfaction with service institutions, autistic disability types significantly contributed to the cost of rehabilitation services. Among them use of vouchers had the greatest influence on the cost of rehabilitation services. Therefore, in order to reduce the cost of rehabilitation services for people with the congenital disabilities, it is suggested to improve the target of the voucher program and to establish a rehabilitation service support system for the entire life span.

A Study on Strategy for Improving Health Care Service through Quality Function Deployment (QFD방법을 이용한 의료 서비스 개선전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Yi;Choi, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1999
  • It is truism to say that today's customers demand high quality products and services; nevertheless, nowhere is this more prevalent than in the medical industry. Korea's globalization has increased it's citizen's awareness of greater life expectancies and medical improvements in other regions of the globe. Therefore, it is universally essential that in order to be successful in the medical industry, vendors must meet the ever increasing demands of better educated customers. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) The first objective was discover what health care services are in demand and the quality factors related to these services. 2) The second objective was to determine a strategy for improving health care service through quality function deployment(QFD). One hundred and ninety-five respondents were randomly selected and asked to fill out a questionnaire after having undergone treatment at a medical clinic, located in Daejon, South Korea. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information about both he clients' satisfaction with, and their sense of the value of the medical treatment they received. Penalty-reward analysis and QFD were used to interpret the survey results and to deploy the collective voices of the customers. The results of the penalty-reward analysis illustrated that the 'communication' service quality factor was classified into an excitement factor that incurs no penalty if not achieved but adds value if the requirement is exceeded. As a result of the QFD analysis on the 'communication' service quality factor, eleven strategic alternatives were prioritized, and isolated a vital service quality characteristic. This characteristic can be implemented to bring value-added changes for the improvement of health care services.

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A Study on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Industrial Health Care Services of workers -Kwang-ju City and Chonnam Province- (근로자의 산업보건관리에 대한 지식, 태도, 실천 조사연구 -광주, 전남지역-)

  • Kang, He-Young;Park, In-He;Oh, Mi-Sung;Choi, Young-Ae;You, Su-Ok;Choi, Hee-Jung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the degree and the relationship of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial health care services of workers. This information will provide useful data for an effective industrial health care service. The was collected from 600 data employees in Kwang-ju city & Chonnam province. The data was gathered by questionnaire from Dec 20, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The questionnaire was developed by the Academic Affairs of Community Health Nursing Academy. Data was analyzed by using the statistical computer package, SPSS to manipulate the data along with percentages, means, standard deviations, modes, t-test and ANOVA. The results in this study were summarized as follows: 1. General characteristics of workers: Distributions of workers was laborer(76.2%). in the 25-34 age group(50.2%), married(63.3%), males comprised(77.5%), the educational level with the highest percentage was high school graduates (71.1%), with a monthly income of 300-700 thousand won(43.8%), and has been working in the present career over seven years (31.5%). 2. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice levels of employees about industrial health care services The levels were measured according to a five point scale. The total mean score of knowledge was 2.92 points out of 4. The following are the scores of Knowledge of special medical examination and location of industrial clinic(3.48), periodic medical examination (3.18), occupational disease(3.08), personal protective equipment (2.92), and health education(1.37). The total mean score of Attitude was 2.77 point out of 4. The following are the scores of Attitude in order of working environment (3.35), necessity of periodic medical examination and health education(3.15), the worker's perception influence on the working environment to health was high(3.11). But, the level of satisfaction in the content of periodic medical examination was low(2.19). The total mean score of Practice was 2.70 points out of 4. The scores of Practice in order were, practice of periodic medical examination(3.70), utilization of industrial clinic(2.92), and to participate in health education(1.47). 3. The relationship of general characteristics to Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of workers: Knowledge had a significant difference by sex (P<.01), marital status(P<.01), education level (P<.05) and monthly income(P<.01). Attitude was significantly different with sex(P<.05) and Practice was significantly related to monthly income (P<.01).

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Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Nurses in the Regional General Hospital (지역 종합병원 간호사의 감정노동과 직무만족도 및 이직의도)

  • Jeong, Yeon-hee;Lee, Chang-suk;Choe, Hana;Park, Ju-young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.708-719
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    • 2016
  • This research is conducted to grasp emotional labor, job satisfaction, and related turnover intention of nurses at a regional general hospital; to lower level of emotional labor; to raise job satisfaction; to reduce turnover intention; to perform efficient personnel management; and then, to provide qualitative nursing care. Convenient sampling of 100 nurses at a general hospital in D city, who agreed to participation in the test, was made and an analysis method of t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation was used from April 6 to April 12, 2015 by using questionnaires. According to the research, average score of emotional labor was 3.37±.85; average score of job satisfaction was 2.86±.66; and, average score of turnover intention 3.47±.87. Emotional labor had negative correlation with job satisfaction (r=-.56, p<.001) but it showed positive correlation with turnover intention (r=.67, p<.001) while job satisfaction revealed negative correlation with turnover intention (r=-.64, p<.001). According to result of the research, it is required to prepare systematic measures in order to lower level of emotional labor of nurses who play important role of the hospital and to raise job satisfaction, and it is also required to make positive efforts to solve fundamental problems to provide high quality caring service through satisfying nurses' morale.