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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing service satisfaction

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Structural Equation Model for Caregiving Experience of Families Providing Care for Family Members with Mental Disorders (정신질환자 가족의 돌봄경험 구조모형)

  • Oh, In Ohg;Kim, Sunah
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was done to develop and test a structural model for caregiving experience including caregiving satisfaction and caregiving strain in families providing care for family members with a mental disorder. Methods: The Stress-appraisal-coping model was used as the conceptual framework and the structural equation model to confirm the path that explains what and how variables affect caregiving experience in these families. In this hypothesis model, exogenous variables were optimism, severity of illness and uncertainty. The endogenous variables were self efficacy, social support, caregiving satisfaction and caregiving strain. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Results: Optimism and caregiving self-efficacy had significant direct and indirect effects on caregiving satisfaction. Optimism, severity of illness and uncertainty had significant direct and indirect effects on caregiving strain. The modified path model explained effects of optimism on caregiving self-efficacy with social support in the path structure as a mediator. Also, there were direct and indirect effects of optimism and uncertainty on caregiving satisfaction with social support and caregiving self-efficacy in the path structure as a mediators. Conclusion: Results suggest the need to improve caregiving self-efficacy of these families, establish support systems such as a mental health professional support programs for caregiving self-efficacy. Optimism, severity of illness and uncertainty perceived by families need to be considered in the development of support programs in order to increase their effectiveness.

Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Research Trends in Nursing

  • Jung Mi Hyun;Kim Mi Ran
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.475-486
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the trends of papers applying artificial intelligence to domestic nursing over the past 10 years to provide future nursing-related artificial intelligence program development and research direction. A literature review was conducted on 46 papers published in domestic journals from 2014 to June 2024. The analysis focused on research concept keywords and dependent variables. In order to examine the research concept keyword and distribution of dependent variables, frequency and percentage were used using an Excel program. The main research concept keyword was nursing education (19, 41.3%), and the main dependent variables were learning service satisfaction (6, 13.0%) and prediction accuracy (6, 13.0%) predicting the risk of falls and bedsores. Follow-up studies on the activation of case-based VR education in nursing education and the ethical issues of artificial intelligence are needed, and repeated follow-up studies are needed to increase the prediction accuracy of falls and bedsores in clinical practice.

The Effect of inpatients' Experience on Patients' Satisfaction and Willingness to Recommend Hospital (입원경험이 환자의 만족도와 병원추천의향에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Myong Sun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2021
  • This study examined to identify the factors influencing on inpatients' satisfaction with hospitalization and willingness to recommend hospital to others. Data from the 2018 National Patient Experience Survey were used for the analysis. Of the 593 patients experiencing inpatient services, multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted to explore the factors such as physician care, nursing care, facility and administrative support, and healthcare system on inpatients' satisfaction after controlling for their socio-demographic and health related factors. The study found that physician care, nursing care, administrative support and healthcare system were related to inpatients' satisfaction and willingness to recommend hospital. To improve inpatients' satisfaction, it is necessary to improve healthcare professionals' overall patient-centerdness attitude, user friendly hospital facilities and administrative support services and efforts to trust and satisfaction on healthcare system from the patients' perspectives.

Continuing Care Retirement Communities 거주 노인들의 급식서비스에 대한 인식

  • 이경은
    • Proceedings of the KSCN Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.395-395
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    • 2004
  • Continuing care retirement communities (CCRC)는 노인들을 위해 주거, 급식, 의료 및 기타 서비스를 제공하는 long-term care service의 한 종류이다. CCRC는 한 시설 내에서 independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing 서비스를 모두 제공한다는 점에서 다른 long-term care service와 구별된다. 본 연구의 목적은 CCRC에서 제공되는 급식서비스의 품질(service quality)과 가치(perceived value)에 대한 노인 고객들의 인식, 고객만족도(customer satisfaction), 급식관련 행동의사 간의 관계를 파악하는 것이었다.(중략)

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A Study on the Influence of the Quality of the Care Service of the Caregivers in a Nursing Hospital for the Elderly in the Intent of Reuse: Focusing on Chinese-Korean Caregivers (노인요양병원 간병인의 돌봄서비스 질이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 중국동포 간병인을 중심으로)

  • Song, In Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.456-467
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    • 2019
  • The rapid aging of South Korea is causing difficulties in meeting the man-power demands for the increasing number of elderly nursing hospitals. To cope with this gap in supply and demand, more foreign workers are now being hired to provide elderly care services. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the quality of the care services provided by foreign caregivers in nursing hospitals for the elderly. For this purpose, the researcher surveyed 249 senior citizens who are receiving care services from Chinese-Korean caregivers in six elderly nursing hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi region. The data collected from the survey were analyzed through SPSS and AMOS. The result of the analyses showed that, first, the quality factors of the care services of the caregivers at elderly nursing hospitals, such as reliability, responsibility, empathy, formality, and expertise, all turned out to have a positive correlation with the trust in, satisfaction with, and intent to revisit the institute. Second, thefluencing factors for the qualities of the care services by Chinese-Korean care givers in elderly nursing hospitals included responsiveness, materiality, and expertise, while the factors that influenced satisfaction with significance included trust, materiality, and expertise. Also, the trust in and satisfaction with the institution both influenced the intent of revisit in a positive manner. Third, the indirect effect of trust in the relationship between the quality of the care services by the Chinese-Korean care givers and satisfaction, appeared in all independent variable except for responsiveness, which was a factor of the quality of the care services. And, it was also shown that the satisfaction level had an indirect effect in the relationship between trust and revisiting intent. The result of this study implicates that, in order to cause the quality of the care service by the Chinese-Korean care givers in elderly nursing hospitals to increase the revisit rate, it would be necessary to provide a strategy to increase the levels of trust and satisfaction through a higher quality level of care services.

A Study on the relationship between nursing organizational culture and organizational performance (병원 간호조직문화와 조직성과에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Su-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.441-456
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This research is, by investigating the relations between the cultural types of a nursing organization in a hospital and performance, to ascertain the cultural types to be able to improve performance. Method : The data were gathered from 487 nurses and 328 patients who were in eight general hospitals by using the self-report type of questionnaires. The period of data collection was from August 10, 2000 to September 10, 2000. For this research, the following tools were used; the tools for measuring the organizational characteristics, organizational culture, and job satisfaction, the tool for measuring organizational commitment, and the tool for measuring patients' satisfaction. For data analysis the SPSS Win 7.5 program was used. Result : 1) There was a significant difference in the organizational culture type according to the establishment type of hospital. 2) In the relationship between organization characteristics and organizational culture of a hospital were correlated with the type of each culture(p=0.00). 3) In the relation between the organizational culture type of hospital and its performance, there was a strong positive correlation between innovation-oriented culture and job satisfaction. And relation-oriented culture and task-oriented culture showed that they had a weak positive correlation with job satisfaction(p=0.00). There were a positive correlation between affective commitment and relation-oriented, innovation-oriented cultures(p=0.00), and there were no culture type significantly related to continuance commitment and there was a weak positive correlation among normative commitment and innovation-oriented culture, relation-oriented culture(p=0.00). 4) The types to have an influence upon nurses' job satisfaction were innovation-oriented culture and relation-oriented culture. These had 34.5% of influence with job satisfaction.. The type of organizational culture did not influence continuance commitment, but it had an influence on affective commitment and normative commitment. And relation-oriented culture and innovation-oriented culture had 21% of an influence with affective commitment, and they had 9.5% of an influence with normative commitment. Conclusion : As the above mentioned research results, the organizational culture type was found which had an influence upon nurses' job satisfaction and organizational commitment and patients' satisfaction in nursing service. These results are very significant in having showed the persons in charge of nursing administration a basic data for creation of an effective organizational culture.

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Mother's Prenatal Care and Delivery Services Satisfaction according to Mode of Delivery (분만유형별 산모의 산전관리 실태와 분만서비스 만족도)

  • Cho, Dong-Sook;Kim, Yun-Mi;Hur, Myung-Haeng;Oh, Hyo-Sook;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study aimed to provide fundamental information about childbirth and antenatal care for pregnancy women and to find differences in mother's antenatal care and delivery service satisfaction between vaginal delivery and cesarean section. Methods: This study was conducted in 4 residential areas and a study sample of 184 postpartum mothers who agreed to collect data. Data was collected from September 1 to October 20 2007 and a structured questionnaire were recruited by the survey. The data was analyzed by t-test and chi-squire test using SPSS/WIN 12.0. Results: There was a significant difference in delivery place between vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery. Only 10.7% of vaginal delivery group delivered in general hospitals, however 24.5% of the cesarean section group delivered in general hospitals. Early antenatal care also showed statistical difference in mode of delivery. 43.5% of vaginal delivery mothers visited hospitals for the detection of pregnancy but 28.3% of cesarean section mothers did that. Vaginal delivery mothers more satisfied with her own delivery method and suggested a vaginal delivery to others. Conclusion: These results suggest that cesarean section mother's sensitivity of early antenatal care was less than vaginal delivery mother. Satisfaction related to delivery care services were higher in the vaginal delivery group.

Analysis of Intakes and Satisfaction of Patient Foodservice in Mid-Sized Hospital Settings (중소규모병원 입원환자의 병원식 섭취실태 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Ji-Myung;Kang, Bok-Hee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.326-337
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate dietary intake and to evaluate patient satisfaction toward the quality of hospital foodservice. Questionnaires were distributed to 203 hospitalized patients in 3 hospitals having 300 beds. The intake rates for served amounts of rice, side dishes, and soup were 72.5%, 68.2%, and 62.6%, respectively. The main reasons for left-overs were 'no appetite' (25.8%) and 'not salty enough' (19.9%). The rate of patients eating outside food was about 33.5%. The average score for quality satisfaction of meal characteristics was 3.34 ± 0.61, and the average score for quality satisfaction of sanitation and service characteristics was 3.58 ± 0.61. 'Seasoning' showed the lowest score and 'temperature' showed the highest score for quality satisfaction of meal characteristics. In the quality satisfaction of sanitation and services, 'explanation of meals' showed the lowest score and 'exactness of meal times' showed the highest score. The patients hospitalized for 10 days showed significantly lower average scores than those hospitalized over 60 days for quality satisfaction of meal characteristics. The patients with 'little appetite' and 'regular appetite' showed significantly lower average scores than those with 'much appetite' for the quality satisfaction of meal, sanitation, and service characteristics. The patients who 'rarely had leftovers' showed significantly higher average scores than those who 'always had leftovers' and 'often had leftovers' for quality satisfaction of meal characteristics. Meal characteristic scores were significantly correlated with age (r = 0.216), length of admission (r = 0.310), appetite (r = 0.251), leftovers (r = 0.233), and intake of soup (r = 0.205). Also, sanitation and service characteristics scores were significantly correlated with age (r = 0.327), education (r = -0.202), length of admission (r = 0.168), and appetite (r = 0.155). Thus, it would seem to be desirable that hospital foodservices improve the taste and seasoning of meals and provide appropriate nutrition education and counseling in mid-sized hospitals.

Utilization of and Satisfaction with Smart Bedside Station System as a Patient-centered Healthcare System (일 병원의 환자중심 지능형 병상 지원(Smart Bedside Station) 시스템의 이용현황 및 사용 만족도)

  • Cho, Moon Suk;Park, Yeon-Hwan
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the utilization of and satisfaction with the smart bedside station (SBS) system among users in a hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive design was used. The participants were 190 patients, 186 family caregivers, and 154 nurses in a hospital. Results: Around 78.1% of patients or family caregivers used the SBS system at least once during their hospital stay. The commonly used items on the SBS system menu were "lab findings", "hospital cost", "today's medication", and the "alarm message". Satisfaction with the SBS system of patients and family caregivers were significantly higher than those of nurses (F=39.88, p<.001). Conclusion: A patient-centered SBS system was a useful system that could increase patient satisfaction and comfort. More specific and technical service contents reflecting the current healthcare system should be added.

The Disaster Preparedness and Professional Quality of Life among Nurses in Emergency Rooms of Regional Emergency Medical Center

  • Lee, Min-Hee;Kim, Kye-Ha
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.184-191
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the disaster preparedness and professional quality of life among nurses in emergency departments. The participants in this study were 56 nurses in emergency departments in two cities. The data were collected by questionnaires survey from January to August 2016. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS ver. 23.0 program. Participants' disaster preparedness was different according to position (t=-2.32, p=.004), type of working (t=-2.32, p=.004), and frequency of traumatic events (F=5.26, p=.009). There were significant differences by gender (t=2.88, p=.006), desire for continuous work in the emergency room (t=2.95, p=.005), and job satisfaction (F=10.81, p < .001) in compassion satisfaction. Burnout was different according to gender (t=-2.05, p=.045), choice of an emergency department (t=-2.37, p=.021), desire for continuous work in the emergency room (t=-2.31, p=.025), and job satisfaction (F=11.99, p < .001). Disaster preparedness and compassion satisfaction had positively significant correlations. Compassion satisfaction of nurses in emergency department was an important variable that should be considered to improve their disaster preparedness.