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Factors Related to Nursing Home Institutionalization of Elderly using Home Care Services (노인장기요양 재가서비스 이용자의 시설 입소 영향 요인)

  • Han, EunJeong;Hwang, RahIl;Lee, JungSuk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.512-525
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Ageing in place may improve the quality of life of frail elderly and decrease their costs of services. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence the institutionalization of elderly using home care services in a Korean long-term care insurance system. Methods: This study used the data of '2009 Satisfaction survey of Korean long-term care system'. The survey proceeded to use a sampling data based on region, level of long-term care need, and insurance type among the beneficiaries between August and September 2009. The onset dates of institutionalization of 1,095 participants were ascertained from long-term care insurance claim data. This study calculated the hazard ratio through the Cox Proportional Hazard Model. Results: A total of 176 subjects who were institutionalized in nursing homes were included. There were higher risks in the group that included those who were 85 years and over, had dementia or fracture, used home-visit nursing service, and were not supported by direct family. Conclusion: The results of this study have policy implications to supplement the home care service system and postpone nursing home institutionalization of elderly.

Development and Evaluation of Geriatric Visiting Nurses' Educational Program (노인전담 방문간호사 교육 프로그램 개발 및 평가)

  • Baek, Hee Chong
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.240-248
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of an educational program developed for geriatric visiting nurses in Seoul by assessing their satisfaction level and level of learning goal achievement. Methods: This descriptive research study was conducted to develop, implement, and evaluate the educational program in accordance with the ADDIE Instructional System Model. Participants were 170 nurses hired for the 2016 Seoul Metropolitan Government visiting service for older people. Based on Kirkpatrick's Training Evaluation Model, reaction and learning evaluations were conducted during and after the educational program. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The developed educational program consisted of basic and professional courses. The evaluations showed that participants were highly satisfied with the lectures and field placement. Over 90% of the participants achieved the learning achievement goals. Conclusion: The program developed for geriatric visiting nurses in Seoul is considered a valid educational program because of the participants' high levels of satisfaction and academic achievement.

The Effects of Male Nursing college Students' Gender Role Conflict and Major Satisfaction on Adaptation to College Life (남자간호대학생의 성역할 갈등, 전공만족도가 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Geun;Kim, Jung Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.170-177
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    • 2020
  • This study was descriptive research examining the effects of gender role conflict and major satisfaction on college life adaptation of male nursing students. The subjects of this study were male nursing students enrolled in three universities located in D metropolitan city from March 2 to April 30, 2020. The SPSS 22.0 program was used for data analysis, frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, correlation analysis, t-test, and ANOVA. As a result, the average of the gender role conflict among male nursing college students was 3.70±0.43 points. The major satisfaction level was 2.84±0.24 points, and the college life adaptation was 2.49±0.28. The characteristics of the variables according to general characteristics showed that gender role conflict was significantly related to age; major satisfaction was significantly related to age and type of residence, and college life adaptation was significant according to age and military service. Based on the above results, it is necessary to establish positive professional intuition as a way to increase the adaptation of male nursing students to college life and to develop programs actively to reduce gender role conflict and increase the major satisfaction by promoting awareness related to sexual identity.

A Case Study about Managing Waiting Time for Raising Customer's Satisfaction in the Medical Service (의료서비스에서 고객 만족도 제고를 위한 대기시간 관리에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Kwon;Kwag, Eun-Jwoo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.132-153
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    • 2009
  • The waiting time makes the customer be bored, and is the reason to obstruct the service quality evaluation. The managing waiting time appears to be the most important task, in accordance of physical inconvenience especially because the customers of the medical service are supplied in the unstabled status. Therefore, necessity and object of managing waiting time in the medical service were presented through the definition of waiting time and the consideration about preceding study, and the main cause of the waiting time was analyzed, furthermore the measure of actually indicated waiting time and various ideas for reducing the time were presented lastly as selecting a case study participative hospital for achieving the study object. This study will be one of role model as a solution to reduce the waiting time in each medical institution.

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A Study on Satisfaction Investigation and Current Status of Clinical Training Program for Healthcare-Affiliated Students Depends on University Hospital Availability (학교병원 유무에 따른 보건-의료계열 대학생의 임상실습 현황 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Su-Jung;Kim, Byung-Kon;Park, Chang-Hee;Park, Su-Jong;Jeon, Geon-Il;Kim, Soon-Gu
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to identify clinical practice (clinical training education) and satisfaction depend on university hospital availability according to a survey with 850 healthcare-affiliated students. The collected data were analyzed with the SPSS17.0 program. The result was shown statistically significant difference depends on gender, major departments and satisfaction of college life. In addition, there were significant differences in satisfaction of clinical training education in the environmental aspects of practice depending on whether affiliated hospital or not. There were no significant correlation found between degree of satisfaction of clinical training education and the need for affiliated hospital (r = .204, p <.01). As a result, Attached to the university hospital can be helpful to healthcare-affiliated students on environmental and educational aspects of clinical training education. Therefore, the effective and practical training programs using university-affiliated hospitals are surely needed to develop and to apply the active support.

The Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Job Stress and Organizational Commitment among Nurses in Small-sized General Hospitals (소형종합병원 간호사의 직무스트레스와 조직몰입의 관계에서 직무만족의 역할)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of job stress on organizational commitment among nurse working in small sized general hospitals and determine moderating effects of job satisfaction. Methods : A self-report questionnaire survey was completed by 292 nurses working at five small sized hospitals in P and K. Data were collected during March 2015 and analyzed with the SPSS 21.0 program. Results : Job satisfaction was a positive factor in organizational commitment. Job satisfaction had significant moderating effects on the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment of nurses working in small sized general hospitals. Conclusions : The results of this study indicate that various job stresses and job satisfaction have a significant effect on the organizational commitment of nurses working in small sized general hospitals. Therefore, to decrease the job stress and increase the job satisfaction of nurses working in small sized general hospitals, consideration must be given to improving the financial and psychological rewards as well as providing differentiated job training. To reduce the psychological burden of nurses, it is necessary to develop adaptation programs of nurses.

Professional Self Concept of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and General Nurse in Psychiatric Ward (정신병동의 정신보건간호사와 일반간호사의 전문직 자아개념)

  • Park Mi Sun;Yang Soo;Yu Sook Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to investigate the extent to which the professional self concept between the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) and general nurse in psychiatric ward was comparable. The results were expected to provide basic data for developing the construct of professional self concept and making awareness of the importance of the program increasing professional self concept. Method : The subjects of this study were 227 PMHNP and 436 general nurse in psychiatric ward. The instruments used for this study were PSCNI by Arthur (1990), PSI by Heppner and Peterson(1982) and the index of work satisfaction by Slavitt et al.(1978). With the aid of the SAS, t-test. two-way ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression were conducted. Result : 1. The average item score of PSCNI of PMHNP was 2.82±0.27. and that of general nurse was 2.66±0.27. Statistically significant difference between two groups was found(p=0.0000) 2. There was statistically significant difference between two groups in the score of professional practice(p=0.0000), satisfaction(p=0.0024), leadersbip(p=0.0000) , flexibility(p=0.0000) and skill (p=0.0000). 3. Statistically significant differences between the two groups were observed in terms of age(p=0.0003), marital status(p=0.0001). education(p=0.0005), religion(p=-.0144), motive (P=-.0001), length of service as a nurse(p=0.0121), the length of service in psychiatric unit(p=0.0143). However there were no significant interaction effect with group and age, marital state. education, religion, motive, length of service as a nurse, length of service in psychiatric unit. 4. Job satisfaction (JS) and problem solving inventory score(PS) were found to be the highest factor predicting the professional self concept between the PMHNP and general nurse. JS and PS accounted for 43.4% in the professional self concept of PMHNP, whereas PS, JS, age and religion accounted for 53% in the professional self concept of general nurse in psychiatric ward. In conclusion, this study suggested that we need to develop programs and polices to increase the professional self concept of nurse, particularly of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners.

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Analysis of Appropriate Outpatient Consultation Time for Clinical Departments (진료과별 적정 외래 진료시간에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chan Hee;Lim, Hyunsun;Kim, Youngnam;Park, Ai Hee;Park, Eun-Cheol;Kang, Jung-Gu
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.254-260
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    • 2014
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to assume appropriate outpatient consultation time for each clinical department on the basis of measured outpatient consultation time and satisfaction of outpatient. Methods: We surveyed the feeling and satisfactory outpatient consultation time, satisfaction, revisiting intention and recommendation to others to 1,105 patients of single general hospital in Gyeonggi-do and measured their real outpatient consultation time from October 28 to November 27 in 2013. On the basis of satisfaction, we estimated appropriate outpatient consultation time through area under the receiver operating characteristic curve in logistic regression model. Results: Feeling outpatient consultation time was 5.1 minutess, satisfactory outpatient consultation time which was suggested by patient was 6.3 minutes, and real outpatient consultation time was 4.2 minutes. Department which had longest real outpatient consultation time was infection (7 minutes) and department which had longest satisfactory outpatient consultation time was neurology (9.4 minutes). From the univariate and the multiple linear regression analysis, real outpatient consultation time was longer in pulmonology patient, new patient and afternoon patient, satisfactory outpatient consultation time was longer in infection, neurology, neuropsychiatry, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation patient. Appropriate real outpatient consultation time was suggested as 5.6 minutes which differentiated high and low satisfied patient group. However, we could not assume appropriate outpatient consultation time for each clinical department because the number of patient who had bad satisfaction was too low. Conclusion: To improve patient's satisfaction, we hope outpatient reservation system is operated as each patient's outpatient consultation time is at least 5.6 minutes.

The Structural Relationship among Job Stress, Human Rights Behavior, Social Support and Job Satisfaction (노인장기요양시설 종사자들의 직무스트레스와 인권옹호행동, 직무만족의 구조적 관계: 사회적 지지의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Keunhong;Song, Jiwon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.747-762
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    • 2017
  • Recently, as the number of patients with dementia using nursing homes increases, the interest about the quality of care services is increasing. Job satisfaction of caregivers is very important factor in the quality of care service. In addition, as perception of human rights is heightened, human rights behavior in nursing homes is also recognized as an important factor. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationship between job satisfaction and human rights behavior, job stress, and social support of dementia workers who have significant influence on quality of care service. For this purpose, 210 questionnaires were collected from 300 dementia workers working in the elderly nursing home, day night care center, and domiciliary visit care center in Gyeonggi province. After excluding 13 questionnaires, the questionnaires were analysed by AMOS and SPSS 21.0. The results of the analysis are following. It was found that job stress significantly affects the social support directly (-.276). Also, social support significantly affects job satisfaction (.315). On the other hand, human rights advocacy has a direct effect on job satisfaction (.175) and an indirect effect (.102), showed a total effect of (.277). This shows that social support partially mediates human rights advocacy and job satisfaction. Job stress had a direct effect on job satisfaction(-.217) and an indirect effect(-.095), indicating a total effect of (-.312), and social support partially mediated job stress and job satisfaction Could know. The results of this study suggest that in order to improve the job satisfaction of the dementia workers, it is necessary to increase the human rights advocacy behavior and reduce the job stress in an environment that recognizes the social support.

A study on satisfaction in major and job esteem based on volunteering experience of college students in the department of dental hygiene and nursing (치위생학, 간호학 전공 학생의 자원봉사활동 경험에 따른 전공만족도와 직업존중감 조사)

  • Shin, Mi-A;Ahn, Kwon-Suk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.1090-1100
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate satisfaction in major and job esteem of college students in dental hygiene and nursing department according to volunteering. Methods : This study was used on a descriptive research design. participants of this study were 378 college students in some region from April 30th to May 21th. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS Program(version 20.0) using descriptive statistics. Results : Volunteering experience subjects was 24.3%, the subjects did not experience volunteering was 75.7% and volunteering related to major was 59.8% and it was 40.2% of unrelated volunteering. Volunteering experience by general characteristics was influenced significantly by grade(p= .000), major(p= .000), economic status(p= .007). Volunteering experience by major relevant characteristics of subjects was not influenced significantly. The major satisfaction by volunteering was a little higher on volunteering experience subjects than non-experienced subjects. and was not influenced difference significantly(p= .786). The job esteem by volunteering was higher volunteering experience subjects than non-experienced subjects and was influenced significantly(p=.005). Conclusions : College students majoring in the department of dental hygiene and nursing is somewhat lower the volunteering experience. The major satisfaction and job esteem of college students was influenced by volunteering. therefore, the need to plan ways to increase participation and provide information and opportunities is to invigorate the function of the volunteering service which is also considered as one of the functions of the university.