• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ni-coating

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Study of the Al-coating on the STS 316L Stainless Steel by Pulse Plating in the Molten Salts at Room Temperature (펄스 도금법을 이용한 STS 316L 스테인리스강 상의 저온 염욕 알루미늄 코팅에 관한 연구)

  • 정세진;조계현
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2002
  • Electroplating methods by molten salts and non-aqueous melts were employed for aluminium coating on STS 316L stainless steel. After coated with Ni or non-coated surface on stainless steel, Al pulse plating was carried out in two different types of electrolytes at room temperature. The Al layer from $AlCl_3$-TMPAC melts could not obtain appreciable thickness for engineering application due to chemical reactions between deposits and moisture of air. However, The Al coating by pulse plating in the Ethylbenzene-Toluene-$AlBr_3$ systems was found to be solid coating layer with a few $\mu\textrm{m}$ scale. The conductivity of Ethylbenzene-Toluene-$AlBr_3$ electrolyte was as functions of time and agitation. By seven days exposure after mixing of the electrolyte, Al-deposited layer shows uniform and near by pore-free with high current density (higher than 30mA/$\textrm{cm}^2$). The roughness and imperfection of coating layer were decreased with a increasing agitation speed. It was found that the optimum condition for the Al pulse plating on the 316L stainless steel was a 400mA peak current, duty cycle, $t_{on}$ $t_{ off}$=3ms/1ms, and a current density of 30mA/$\textrm{cm}^2$.

The Evaluation of STS304 Coating Layer on S45C Substrate by Friction Surfacing Process (마찰 육성법을 이용한 S45C 탄소강에 대한 STS304의 코팅층 특성 평가)

  • Noh Joong-Suk;Cho Houn-Jin;Kim Heung-Ju;Chun Chang-Gun;Chang Woong-Seong
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2005
  • Friction surfacing of STS304 consumable rod on S45C substrate was investigated by microstructural observation and mechanical tests. STS304 layer formed a strongly-bonded thick layer under a wide range of surfacing conditions. The highest coating eefficiency was obtained in the condition of 1000rpm-2.5mm/sec-2.5mm/sec. The hardness distribution showed the peak value in the boundary layer and as the consumable rotation speed increased, the boundary layer also hardness increasing. As the consumable rotation speed and the traveling speed increased, the coating efficiency tended to decrease. On the other hand, as the feeding speed increased, the coating efficiency appeared to be increased. The new Fe-Cr-Ni alloy layer is showed in the interface layer on $5\~15{\mu}m$ width. After friction surfacing, corrosion resistance of STS 304 surfacing layers were equaled to that of STS304 consumable rod.

Mechanical Characteristics and Fatigue Strength of Ceramic-Sprayed S45C Steel (세라믹 용사된 S45C강재의 기계적 특성 및 피로강도)

  • 오맹종;오창배;김귀식
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 1998
  • This paper is to investigate of microhardness, adhesive strength, tensile strength, and fatigue strength of ceramic sprayed steel. Rotary bending fatigue tests have been conducted at room temperature in air and 3% NaCl solution using specimens of carbon steel(S45C) with sprayed coating layers of Ni-4.5% Al(under coating) and $TiO_2$ (top coating). The microhardness has been improved at $800^{\circ}C$ heat treatment and 150mm spraying distance. Tensile strength of the sprayed steel is dependent on the substrate strength. The fatigue strength of the sprayed steel is larger than that of substrate due to blasting and constraint surface of plastic deformation effect. In low stress level, the corrosion fatigue strength of the sprayed steel were lower than that of fatigue strength in air by corrosion.

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Computer simulation of aluminide coating by pack cementation (팩 세멘테이션에 의한 알루미나이드 코팅의 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, M.I.;Sohn, H.S.;Lee, I.W.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1995
  • A theoretical model which combines gaseous transport and solid state diffusion was used to study aluminide coating process by pack cementation. The aluminide coatings were applied in the high activity pack containing $NH_4Cl$ activator with Ni substrate under argon atmosphere. On the basis of the process conditions, the suggested model allows the surface composition, the growth rate of coating layers and the aluminium concentration profiles in coatings to be calculated. In the case of $NH_4Cl$ activator, careful consideration was required in the analysis, because activator contains nitrogen and hydrogen as well as halogen element to activate the pack. A good agreement is obtained between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results.

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Galvanic Corrosion Behavior of Copper Canister

  • Minsoo Lee;Junhyuk Jang;Jin Seop Kim
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we investigated the suppression of the corrosion of cast iron in a copper-cast iron double-layered canister under local corrosion of the copper layer. The cold spray coating technique was used to insert metals with lower galvanic activity than that of copper, such as silver, nickel, and titanium, between the copper and cast iron layers. Electrochemically accelerated corrosion tests were performed on the galvanic specimens in KURT groundwater at a voltage of 1.0 V for a week. The results revealed that copper corrosion was evident in all galvanic specimens of Cu-Ag, Cu-Ni, and Cu-Ti. By contrast, the copper was barely corroded in the Cu-Fe specimens. Therefore, it was concluded that if an inactive galvanic metal is applied to the areas where local corrosion is concerned, such as welding parts, the disposal canister can overcome local or non-uniform corrosion of the copper canister for long periods.

A Study on the Mechanism for the Formation of Partices in electroless Ni Composite Coating(I) (무전해 Ni 복합도금 과정에서 분발의 공석 기구에 대한 연구(I))

  • 이원해;이승평
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 1989
  • Codeposion of inert particles particles in a metallic mateix by electroless plating process involves two phenomena. Firstly, the adsorption of inercles and secondly, the adsorption of inert particles on the cathode. In the present paper the first adsorption phenomenon and in the next paper the second ane are studied in greaterdetail for the Ni-SiCc, Ni-Al2AO3 and Ni-WC systems. Measurements of the Zeta potentials for the SiC and Al2AO3 particles have been in different electrolyte solutions and the ionic species adsorbed on the Particles studied. The addition of sodium acetate, trisodium citrate and sodium phosphinate to nikel sulface sruomotes the zeta potential of SiC and Al2O3 particles, but zeta phosphinate to nickel is more positive than Al2O3 particles although the amount of nickel ion adsorbrd on the Al2O3 particles become greater than that of SiC particles. It is suggested that this is due to adsortion of Na ion onto the surface SiC particles.

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A study of the effects on the composition of the electrodeposited Ni-TiO2 composite with the ultrasonic treatment (전기도금법으로 만든 니켈-티타니아 복합체에서 초음파 처리가 도금층에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Myong-Jin;Kim, Joung Soo;Kim, Dong Jin;Kim, Hong Pyo;Hwang, Seong Sik
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2013
  • In the present study, $Ni-TiO_2$ composite coatings were electrodeposited in a sulfamate bath containing $TiO_2$ particles. The influence of the ultrasonic treatment on the co-deposition of $TiO_2$ particles in the coating and the hardness of the electrodeposited $Ni-TiO_2$ composite has been investigated. Three different ultrasonic treatments (pretreatment before the electrodeposition (pre-UT), pretreatment + applied during the electrodeposition (UT), and the electrodeposition without the ultrasonic treatment (w/o UT)) were performed. The $Ni-TiO_2$ composite coatings are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), image analyzer, and hardness tester. Comparison of results indicates that the volume fraction is more important factor than the agglomerated particle size in terms of the strength improvement, and the strength of the electrodeposited $Ni-TiO_2$ composite coatings is enhanced with pre-UT condition.

Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructures and Properties of HVOF Sprayed Ni-Cr-W-Mo-B Alloy Coatings (초고속화염용사법으로 제조된 Ni-Cr-W-Mo-B 합금 코팅의 미세조직과 특성에 미치는 열처리 효과)

  • 민경오;이창희
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2000
  • The corrosion properties of Ni-Cr-W-Mo-B alloy sprayed by the high velocity oxy-fuel spraying (HVOF) was studied as a function of heat treatment by using both potentiodynamic polarization and immersion tests in the H₂SO₄ solution. The mechanical property was also evaluated by a microhardness tester. Microstructural characteristics of te as-sprayed and annealed coatings at 550, 750 and 950℃ have been analyzed by means of OM, XRD, SEM and TEM. The results showed that the corrosion resistance was improved by increasing the annealing temperature. As-sprayed coating had metastable and heterogeneous phases such as amorphous, nanocrystalline and very refined grain and precipitates, which induced a localized corrosion. The localized corrosion occurred preferentially at the unmelted particles which were composed of Ni matrix and Cr, W and Mo riched phase segregated in the boundaries. As annealing temperature was increased, the microstructure had shown some changes - reduction of porosity and s[plat boundary decomposition and crystallization of amorphous/nanocrystalline phases, grain coarsening,, formation and growth of precipitates such as {TEX}$M_{23}C_{6}${/TEX} and {TEX}$M_{7}C_{3}${/TEX}. In addition, the compositional difference between matrix and boundary phases gradually disappeared, which changed the corrosion type from localized corrosion to general corrosion and thus enhanced corrosion resistance.

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Characteristics and Corrosion Behaviors of Quaternary (Co/Ni/P/Mn) Electroless Plating (4성분 무전해도금(Co/Ni/P/Mn)의 특성 및 부식거동)

  • Hur, Ho
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.136-140
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    • 2014
  • The quaternary alloy (Co/Ni/P/Mn) coatings were prepared using electroless plating on the polypropylene. Compositions of the quaternary alloys (Co/Ni/P/Mn) were controlled by the amount of agents. The composition by EDS, morphology with SEM, film thickness, and surface electrical resistance of the samples were measured. Higher phosphorous content samples give larger electric resistance, thus a relationship is admitted between P content and electric resistance. The corrosivity of the coatings were evaluated by electrochemical methods in the 3.5 wt% NaCl and 5.0 wt% $H_2SO_4$ solutions, respectively. It was concluded that phosphorous addition enhances resistivity in the corrosion.

Influence of some additives on the process of Ni-W alloy electroplating

  • Wu, Yi-Yong;Kim, Dong-Soo;Chang, Do-Yon;Kwon, Sik-Chol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.56-56
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    • 2001
  • Ni-W alloy deposit is one of the best alternatives to hard chromium plating because of its good mechanical properties (high hardness, high strength, and good wear resistance). Ni-W alloy is deposited from weakly acidic or alkaline electrolytic bath with nickel sulfate, sodium tungstate or APT, and some kinds of organic hydroxy-acid complex and ammonia salts. W content of the deposit can be changed from 0 to 5Owt% and the coating with high W content is more attracted. But, meanwhile, the deposited layers are always found high internal stress, which cause them to become brittle and to bond insufficiently with the substrate. On the second hand, as the W content is incresed, the current efficiency reduced, which results in large quantities of hydrogen evolution and then produces bubbles on surface and pitting appearance In this paper, the influence of some additives on Ni-W alloy electroplating was investigated by means of compositional analysis and SEM. The initial results showed that 2-butyne-1,4-diol was the best brightener for Ni-W plating process. It could brighten and level deposit, but decreased the cathodic current efficiency. Its optimum concentration range is from O.lgjL to 0.5gjL. Besides, three kinds of additives including 2-butyne-1,4-diol were examined with Dagguchi method.

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