• Title/Summary/Keyword: Network mapping

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Development of Remote Management and Control System for VoIP Terminal (인터넷전화 단말기 원격관리 및 제어시스템 개발)

  • Song, Han-Chun;Ban, Ku-Ik
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we design and implementation of effective remote management system for VoIP(Voice over IP) terminal. Ordinary VoIP terminal is connected inside of NAT(Network Address Translation) assigned private IP address. NAT provides address mapping between outside public IP address and inside private IP address, for outside system telephone call is connected to inside VoIP terminal. In this paper, we also design and implementation of UDP hole punching function that the outside calls pass through the NAT, for outside management system call is connected to internal VoIP terminal, and gathered to management information of the VoIP terminal. Also, we evaluated and analysed of developed system in the test environment. As a result of test, It showed that it was well performed without any data error and data loss in the connectivity, and It showed that it was well gathered management information of the VoIP terminal.

A Study of Visualization Scheme of Sensing Data Based Location on Maps (지도에서 위치 기반의 센싱 데이터 가시화 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Ik-Jun;Kim, Yong-Woo;Lee, Chang-Young;Kim, Do-Hyeun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2008
  • Recently, OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium) take the lead in SWE(Sensor Web Enablement) research that collection various context information from sensor networks and show it on map by web. OGC SWE WG(Working Group) defines a standard encoding about realtime spatiotemporal appear geographical feature, sensing data and support web services. This paper proposes a visualization scheme of sensing data based location on 2D maps. We show realtime sensing data on moving node that mapping GPS data on map. First, we present an algorithm and procedure that location information change to position of maps for visualization sensing data based on 2D maps. For verifying that algorithm and scheme, we design and implement a program that collecting GPS data and sensing data, and displaying application on 2D maps. Therefore we confirm effective visualization on maps based on web which realtime image and sensing data collected from sensor network.

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Lateral Control of An Autonomous Vehicle Using Reinforcement Learning (강화 학습을 이용한 자율주행 차량의 횡 방향 제어)

  • 이정훈;오세영;최두현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.35C no.11
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 1998
  • While most of the research on reinforcement learning assumed a discrete control space, many of the real world control problems need to have continuous output. This can be achieved by using continuous mapping functions for the value and action functions of the reinforcement learning architecture. Two questions arise here however. One is what sort of function representation to use and the other is how to determine the amount of noise for search in action space. The ubiquitous neural network is used here to learn the value and policy functions. Next, the reinforcement predictor that is intended to predict the next reinforcement is introduced that also determines the amount of noise to add to the controller output. The proposed reinforcement learning architecture is found to have a sound on-line learning control performance especially at high-speed road following of high curvature road. Both computer simulation and actual experiments on a test vehicle have been performed and their efficiency and effectiveness has been verified.

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Morphological Classification of Knowledge Map for Science and Technology and Development of Knowledge Map Examples in the View of Information Analysis (과학기술 지식맵의 형태적 분류와 정보분석 관점의 지식맵 사례 도출)

  • Lee, Bangrae;Lee, June Young;Kim, Dohyun;Noh, Kyung Ran;Yang, Myung Seok;Kwon, Oh-Jin;Choi, Kwang-Nam;Kim, Han-Joon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.461-476
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    • 2013
  • Knowledge maps for science and technology are used extensively in the research projects. However, they are not organized systematically and are not necessarily suitable to be used in the research projects. Therefore, this study aims to organize the knowledge maps in order to support scientific research projects. To this end, the existing knowledge maps for science and technology are classified as one of four types based on data representation methods; the frequency summary map, trend summary map, distribution-based knowledge map and network-based knowledge map. Additionally, by summarizing and classifying the knowledge maps through the principle of 'five w's and one h', the unexplored area are investigated. Finally, some examples of useful knowledge maps in terms of data analysis are provided with details such as definitions, components and utilization purposes. These findings may be a starting point for future research into a better understanding of knowledge maps for science and technology.

Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling using Simulated Annealing (담금질을 사용한 비계량 다차원 척도법)

  • Lee, Chang-Yong;Lee, Dong-Ju
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.648-653
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    • 2010
  • The non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) is a method for analyzing the relation among objects by mapping them onto the Euclidean space. The nMDS is useful when it is difficult to use the concept of distance between pairs of objects due to non-metric dissimilarities between objects. The nMDS can be regarded as an optimization problem in which there are many local optima. Since the conventional nMDS algorithm utilizes the steepest descent method, it has a drawback in that the method can hardly find a better solution once it falls into a local optimum. To remedy this problem, in this paper, we applied the simulated annealing to the nMDS and proposed a new optimization algorithm which could search for a global optimum more effectively. We examined the algorithm using benchmarking problems and found that improvement rate of the proposed algorithm against the conventional algorithm ranged from 0.7% to 3.2%. In addition, the statistical hypothesis test also showed that the proposed algorithm outperformed the conventional one.

A Study on Automatic Classification of Characterized Ground Regions on Slopes by a Deep Learning based Image Segmentation (딥러닝 영상처리를 통한 비탈면의 지반 특성화 영역 자동 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu Beom;Shin, Hyu-Soung;Kim, Seung Hyeon;Ha, Dae Mok;Choi, Isu
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.508-522
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    • 2019
  • Because of the slope failure, not only property damage but also human damage can occur, slope stability analysis should be conducted to predict and reinforce of the slope. This paper, defines the ground areas that can be characterized in terms of slope failure such as Rockmass jointset, Rockmass fault, Soil, Leakage water and Crush zone in sloped images. As a result, it was shown that the deep learning instance segmentation network can be used to recognize and automatically segment the precise shape of the ground region with different characteristics shown in the image. It showed the possibility of supporting the slope mapping work and automatically calculating the ground characteristics information of slopes necessary for decision making such as slope reinforcement.

Comprehensive proteome analysis using quantitative proteomic technologies

  • Kamal, Abu Hena Mostafa;Choi, Jong-Soon;Cho, Yong-Gu;Kim, Hong-Sig;Song, Beom-Heon;Lee, Chul-Won;Woo, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 2010
  • With the completion of genome sequencing of several organisms, attention has been focused to determine the function and functional network of proteins by proteome analysis. The recent techniques of proteomics have been advanced quickly so that the high-throughput and systematic analyses of cellular proteins are enabled in combination with bioinformatics tools. Furthermore, the development of proteomic techniques helps to elucidate the functions of proteins under stress or diseased condition, resulting in the discovery of biomarkers responsible for the biological stimuli. Ultimate goal of proteomics orients toward the entire proteome of life, subcellular localization, biochemical activities, and their regulation. Comprehensive analysis strategies of proteomics can be classified as three categories: (i) protein separation by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) or liquid chromatography (LC), (ii) protein identification by either Edman sequencing or mass spectrometry (MS), and (iii) quanitation of proteome. Currently MS-based proteomics turns shiftly from qualitative proteome analysis by 2-DE or 2D-LC coupled with off-line matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and on-line electrospray ionization (ESI) MS, respectively, to quantitative proteome analysis. Some new techniques which include top-down mass spectrometry and tandem affinity purification have emerged. The in vitro quantitative proteomic techniques include differential gel electrophoresis with fluorescence dyes, protein-labeling tagging with isotope-coded affinity tag, and peptide-labeling tagging with isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation. In addition, stable isotope labeled amino acid can be in vivo labeled into live culture cells through metabolic incorporation. MS-based proteomics extends to detect the phosphopeptide mapping of biologically crucial protein known as one of post-translational modification. These complementary proteomic techniques contribute to not only the understanding of basic biological function but also the application to the applied sciences for industry.

Fundamental Experiment for the Development of Water Pipeline Locator (상수도관로 위치탐사 장비개발을 위한 기초실험)

  • Park, Sang-Bong;Kim, Jin-Won;Oh, Kyeong-Seok;Kim, Min-Cheol;Koo, Ja-yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2016
  • A variety of methods for detecting the location of an underground water pipeline are being used across the world; the current main methods used in South Korea, however, have the problems of low precision and efficiency and the limitations in actual application. On this, this study developed locator capable of detecting the location of a water pipe by the use of an IMU sensor, and technology for using the extended karman filter to correct error in location detection and to plot the location on the coordinate system. This study carried out a tract test and a road test as basic experiments to measure the performance of the developed technology and equipment. As a result of the straight line, circular and ellipse track tests, the 1750 IMU sensor showed the average error of 0.08-0.11%; and thus it was found that the developed locator can detect a location precisely. As a result of the 859.6-m road test, it was found that the error was 0.31 m in case the moving rate of the sensor was 0.3-0.6 m/s; and thus it was judged that the equipment developed by this study can be applied to long-distance water pipes of over 1 km sufficiently. It is planned to evaluate its field applicability in the future through an actual pipe network pilot test, and it is expected that locator capable of detecting the location of a water pipe more precisely will be developed through research for the enhancement of accuracy in the algorithm of location detection.

Applicability of Geo-spatial Processing Open Sources to Geographic Object-based Image Analysis (GEOBIA)

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kang, Sang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2011
  • At present, GEOBIA (Geographic Object-based Image Analysis), heir of OBIA (Object-based Image Analysis), is regarded as an important methodology by object-oriented paradigm for remote sensing, dealing with geo-objects related to image segmentation and classification in the different view point of pixel-based processing. This also helps to directly link to GIS applications. Thus, GEOBIA software is on the booming. The main theme of this study is to look into the applicability of geo-spatial processing open source to GEOBIA. However, there is no few fully featured open source for GEOBIA which needs complicated schemes and algorithms, till It was carried out to implement a preliminary system for GEOBIA running an integrated and user-oriented environment. This work was performed by using various open sources such as OTB or PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Some points are different from the widely-used proprietary GEOBIA software. In this system, geo-objects are not file-based ones, but tightly linked with GIS layers in spatial database management system. The mean shift algorithm with parameters associated with spatial similarities or homogeneities is used for image segmentation. For classification process in this work, tree-based model of hierarchical network composing parent and child nodes is implemented by attribute join in the semi-automatic mode, unlike traditional image-based classification. Of course, this integrated GEOBIA system is on the progressing stage, and further works are necessary. It is expected that this approach helps to develop and to extend new applications such as urban mapping or change detection linked to GIS data sets using GEOBIA.

A Secure Method for Color Image Steganography using Gray-Level Modification and Multi-level Encryption

  • Muhammad, Khan;Ahmad, Jamil;Farman, Haleem;Jan, Zahoor;Sajjad, Muhammad;Baik, Sung Wook
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1938-1962
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    • 2015
  • Security of information during transmission is a major issue in this modern era. All of the communicating bodies want confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of their secret information. Researchers have presented various schemes to cope with these Internet security issues. In this context, both steganography and cryptography can be used effectively. However, major limitation in the existing steganographic methods is the low-quality output stego images, which consequently results in the lack of security. To cope with these issues, we present an efficient method for RGB images based on gray level modification (GLM) and multi-level encryption (MLE). The secret key and secret data is encrypted using MLE algorithm before mapping it to the grey-levels of the cover image. Then, a transposition function is applied on cover image prior to data hiding. The usage of transpose, secret key, MLE, and GLM adds four different levels of security to the proposed algorithm, making it very difficult for a malicious user to extract the original secret information. The proposed method is evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively. The experimental results, compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms, show that the proposed algorithm not only enhances the quality of stego images but also provides multiple levels of security, which can significantly misguide image steganalysis and makes the attack on this algorithm more challenging.