• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nerve tissue

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Intramuscular Sparganosis in the Gastrocnemius Muscle: A Case Report

  • Kim, Jeung Il;Kim, Tae Wan;Hong, Sung Min;Moon, Tae Yong;Lee, In Sook;Choi, Kyung Un;Yu, Hak Sun
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2014
  • Sparganosis is a parasitic infection caused by the plerocercoid tapeworm larva of the genus Spirometra. Although the destination of the larva is often a tissue or muscle in the chest, abdominal wall, extremities, eyes, brain, urinary tract, spinal canal, and scrotum, intramuscular sparganosis is uncommon and therefore is difficult to distinguish from a soft tissue tumor. We report a case of intramuscular sparganosis involving the gastrocnemius muscle in an elderly patient who was diagnosed using ultrasonography and MRI and treated by surgical excision. At approximately 1 cm near the schwannoma at the right distal sciatic nerve, several spargana worms were detected and removed.

Computer Simulation Surgery for Mandibular Reconstruction Using a Fibular Osteotomy Guide

  • Jeong, Woo Shik;Choi, Jong Woo;Choi, Seung Ho
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.584-587
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    • 2014
  • In the present study, a fibular osteotomy guide based on a computer simulation was applied to a patient who had undergone mandibular segmental ostectomy due to oncological complications. This patient was a 68-year-old woman who presented to our department with a biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma on her left gingival area. This lesion had destroyed the cortical bony structure, and the patient showed attenuation of her soft tissue along the inferior alveolar nerve, indicating perineural spread of the tumor. Prior to surgery, a three-dimensional computed tomography scan of the facial and fibular bones was performed. We then created a virtual computer simulation of the mandibular segmental defect through which we segmented the fibular to reconstruct the proper angulation in the original mandible. Approximately 2-cm segments were created on the basis of this simulation and applied to the virtually simulated mandibular segmental defect. Thus, we obtained a virtual model of the ideal mandibular reconstruction for this patient with a fibular free flap. We could then use this computer simulation for the subsequent surgery and minimize the bony gaps between the multiple fibular bony segments.

Postsurgical Pain Syndrome after Radical Neck Dissection in a Tonsil Cancer Patient -A case report- (편도암환자의 근치적 경부청소술후 발생한 수술후 통증 증후군 -증례 보고-)

  • Jung, Seong-Won;Yoo, Hong-Seong;Yoon, Young-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.132-135
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    • 1999
  • Although the vast majority (about 70%) of patients with cancer will have pain directly related to neoplastic invasion into pain-sensitive bone and soft tissue structures,as many as 20% of the adults will have pain caused directly by cancer therapy. Treatment related pain problems are important for several reasons; their appearance may be confused with more omnious pain syndromes associated with tumor recurrence or progression that may be directly lead to death of the patient; when severe, compliance with recommandations for further therapy may be adversely affected. Now, we report a case of postsurgical pain syndrome after radical neck dissection in a patient with tonsilar cancer. The pain after radical neck dissection result from injury to the cervical plexus,cranial nerve,and cervical sympathetics. In our case, we ruled out soft tissue infection and tumor recurrence,and successfully treated with gasserian ganglion block with pure alcohol in the patient having neuropathic pain in the mandible and preauricular region after radical neck dissection.

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Effects of Sagunjatang-Ga-Nokyong on Neurologic Recovery in Rats after Spinal Cord Injury

  • Kim, Hyun-Seok;Yoon, Il-Ji
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2008
  • Objective : This study is investigate the effects of Sagunjatang-Ga-Nokyong(SGJ-NY) treatment on regenerative responses of corticospinal tract(CST) axons in the injured spinal cord. Methods :Using rats, we damaged their spinal cord, and then applied SGJ-NY extract to the lesion. Then we observed GAP-43 and NGF protein, astrcyte, axonal regeneration responses and axonal elongation. Result :Determination of GAP-43 and NGF protein levels were increased. And increased proliferation of astrocyte and enhanced processes in astrocytes were observed by SGJ-NY treatment. Higher number of astrocytes within the injury cavity in SGJ-NY treated group were showed, yet CSPG proteins were a weaker staining in the cavity in SGJ-NY. CST axons extended into the cavity and to the caudal area in SGJ-NY treated group were increased. Conclusion : SGJ-NY treatment might increase neural activity in the injured spinal cord tissue, and improved axonal regeneration responses. In this process, activation of astrocytes may play a role in promoting enhanced axonal elongation. the current study show that SGJ-NY exerts positive activity on inducing nerve regeneration responses by elevating neural tissue migration activities.

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Reconstruction of Forefoot Degloving Injury with Innervated Anterolateral Thigh Free Flap (전외측 대퇴부 감각 유리피판을 이용한 전족부 탈장갑 손상 재건)

  • Cho, Hye-In;Eun, Seok-Chan;Baek, Rong-Min
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2010
  • The forefoot reconstruction is a challenging field for plastic surgeons. Weight bearing tolerability and stability are important factor of choosing reconstruction methods, but cosmetic aspect has to be considered. 51 year old man visited our clinic with extensive degloving injury on right forefoot by roller. The soft tissue defect started from metatarsal area to the toe tip including nails. We harvested the anterolateral thigh flap and transferred it to the forefoot defect area with nerve coaptation. The flap was successful without skin necrosis or other complications. Secondary flap debulking surgery was performed after ten months from initial operation. Patient was satisfied with functional and cosmetic outcomes. The patient was able to wear shoes and walk with adequate sensory recovery. As there is few report about reconstruction of forefoot soft tissue defects, we report a unique case of the anterolateral thigh innervated free flap reconstruction in degloving injury.

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Penetrating Neck Trauma by Gunshot Injury: 1 Case Report (총상에 의한 경부 관통상 -치험 1례-)

  • Hong, Yoon Joo
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2005
  • Penetrating neck trauma by gunshot injury involving tracheobronchial tree is rare in Korea. Extensive tissue damage by cavitation, tissue fragmentation and shock wave transmission of high-velocity projectile along with associated organ injury renders high rate of mortality and morbidity. A 28 year old man in military service with gunshot wound in left cervical area presented initial symptoms of severe dyspnea and subcutaneous emphysema. Computed tomography of chest and cervical region as well as bronchoscopic evaluation was performed to confirm highly suspected injury to cervical trachea. Surgical exposure was established through a low collar incision; the damaged segment of 3.5 cm length including 2-4th tracheal rings was resected out and end-to-end anastomosis was performed. Bleeding from lacerated anterior jugular vein was controlled by ligation of both ends and a K2 bulllet was found upon inner border of body of first rib, medial to right carotid sheath and removed out. Cervical esophagus, carotid artery, internal jugular vein and recurrent laryngeal nerve were spared. Extubation was done on the first postoperative day and postoperative course until discharge on nineth postoperative day remained uneventful.

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Recurred Plexiform Schwannoma of the Foot and Ankle (족부와 족관절의 재발한 총상 신경초종)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Chung, Hyung-Jin;Bae, Su-Young;Kim, Kyungil
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2019
  • Schwannomas are benign neoplasms with a Schwann cell origin. A plexiform schwannoma is a rare variant of a schwannoma with a plexiform or multinodular growth pattern. The condition occurs mostly as a solitary lesion in the skin or subcutaneous tissue, or uncommonly located in the deep soft tissue. We report a rare case of recurred multiple plexiform schwannomas arising from the posterior tibial nerve and its branch, which was located in a deep anatomic location and accompanied by a bony deformity.

Comparative evaluation of photobiomodulation therapy at 660 and 810 nm wavelengths on the soft tissue local anesthesia reversal in pediatric dentistry: an in-vivo study

  • Ankita Annu;Sujatha Paranna;Anil T. Patil;Sandhyarani B.;Adhithi Prakash;Renuka Rajesh Bhurke
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2023
  • Background: Local anesthesia has been reliably used to control pain during dental procedures and is important in pediatric dentistry. However, children occasionally complain of prolonged numbness after dental treatment, leading to several problems. Studies conducted to reverse the effect of local anesthesia using phentolamine mesylate and photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) are encouraging but limited. PBM is a type of light therapy that utilizes visible and near-infrared non-ionizing electromagnetic spectral light sources. Hence, this study used this modality to compare the reversal of local anesthesia at two different wavelengths. This study compared the effect of PBM at 660 and 810 nm wavelengths on the reversal of soft tissue local anesthesia using a diode LASER in pediatric dentistry. Method: Informed consent and assent were obtained, and the participants were then divided randomly into three groups of 20 children each: control group-without LASER irradiation, LASER irradiation at 660 nm, and LASER irradiation at 810 nm. Sixty children aged 4-8 years with deciduous mandibular molars indicated for pulp therapy were administered an inferior alveolar nerve block. After 45 min of injection, a duration that was similar to the approximate duration of treatment, they were exposed to 660- and 810-nm LASER irradiation according to their groups until reversal of local anesthesia was achieved. The control group did not undergo LASER irradiation. The reversal of the soft tissue local anesthetic effect was evaluated using palpation and pin prick tests every 15 min, and the LASER irradiation cycle continued until reversal of the soft tissue local anesthesia was achieved. Results: A significant reduction of 55.5 min (27.6%) in the mean soft tissue local anesthesia reversal time was observed after the application of 810 nm wavelength PBM and 69 min (34.7%) after 660 nm wavelength LASER irradiation. Conclusion: PBM with a 660 nm wavelength was more effective in reducing the mean soft tissue local anesthesia reversal duration, and thus can be used as a reversal agent for soft tissue local anesthesia in pediatric dentistry.

Foot Reconstruction by Reverse Island Medial Plantar Flap Based on the Lateral Plantar Vessel

  • Moon, Min-Cheol;Oh, Suk-Joon;Cha, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Yoo-Jeong;Koh, Sung-Hoon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Tumor ablation and traumatic intractable ulceration of the plantar surface of the foot results in skin and soft tissue defects of the weight-bearing sole. Simple skin grafting is not sufficient for reconstruction of the weight-bearing areas. Instead, the island medial plantar flap (instep flap) and distally-based island medial plantar flap was used for proper reconstruction of the weight bearing area. However, there are some disadvantages. In particular, an island medial plantar flap has a short pedicle limiting the mobility of the flap and the distally-based island medial plantar flap is based on a very small vessel. We investigated whether good results could be obtained using a reverse island medial plantar flap based on the lateral plantar vessel as a solution to the above limitations. Methods: Three patients with malignant melanoma were cared for in our tertiary hospital. The tumors involved the lateral forefoot, the postero-lateral heel, and the medial forefoot area. We designed and harvested the flap from the medial plantar area, dissected the lateral and medial plantar artery and vena comitans, and clamped and cut the vessel 1 cm proximal to the branch from the posterior tibial artery and vena comitans. The medial plantar nerve fascicles of these flaps anastomosed to the sural nerve, the 5th interdigital nerve, and the 1st interdigital nerve of each lesion. The donor sites were covered with skin grafting. Results: The mean age of the 3 subjects was 64.7 years (range, 57 - 70 years). Histologically, all cases were lentiginous malignant melanomas. The average size of the lesion was $5.3\;cm^2$. The average size of the flap was $33.1\;cm^2$. The flap color and circulation were intact during the early postoperative period. There was no evidence of flap necrosis, hematomas or infection. All patients had a normal gait after the surgery. Sensory return progressively improved. Conclusion: Use of an island medial plantar flap based on the lateral plantar vessel to the variable weight-bearing sole is a simple but useful procedure for the reconstruction of any difficult lesion of the weight-bearing sole.

Treatment of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Using Surgery and Metronomic Chemotherapy in a Dog (개에서 발생한 악성 말초 신경집 종양의 외과적 절제와 메트로놈 화학요법을 이용한 치료 증례)

  • Son, Jin-Na;Park, Seong-Kyu;Choi, Seok-Hwa;Kim, Gon-Hyung
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.310-313
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    • 2011
  • A 6-year-old female Shih-tzu dog was referred with left elbow joint mass associated with weight bearing lameness. Ultrasonography demonstrated an encapsulated hyperechoic mass at the left elbow joint. Radiography was performed on elbow joint, chest, and abdomen, but there was no evidence of metastasis. Clinicopathologic examination revealed the existence of neoplastic cells with anisocytosis, pleomorphism and increased nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. The left forelimb was amputated for cure. Histopathological examination diagnosed the mass as a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. During the 4 weeks follow-up, the patient showed full remission and adopted to walk with remaining three legs. Thereafter, the tumor recurred after 5 months of first surgery at the operation site and other two cutaneuos regions. Cytology test revealed the mesenchymal originated tumor cells with malignancy. These tumors were surgically removed and histopathological examination of the resected tissue revealed the recurrence of primary tumor and metastasis. Metronomic therapy with cyclophophamide (10 mg/$m^2$, PO, sid) and piroxicam (0.3 mg/kg, PO, sid) had been adopted for 5 months. At 26 months of follow up after the first surgery, the dog alive with satisfactory quality of life. Aggressive surgical resection with metronomic chemotherapy should be the most effective treatment for malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.