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A Survey on the Status of Health Examination among Farmers in a Rural Area (일부 농촌지역 농업종사자들의 건강진단 수검 실태)

  • Park, Soon-Woo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to reveal the status of health examination among farmers and to attract more attention to the health care system for farmers. Ten pre-trained medical students interviewed the rural residents 18 years of age and older in eight villages which were randomly selected from a county near Taegu city in Korea, in August 1996. Finally 751 persons were interviewed of whom the percentages of male and female were 41.8%, 58.2% respectively. Among the subjects, 361(48.3%) were fully engaged in farming, 184(24.4%) were partly engaged, and the remaining 206(27.3%) were not engaged in farming at all. The overall prevalence of farmer's disease was 23.0% and there was no significant difference between the group of fully engaged in farming(23.3%) and the group of not-fully engaged(22.9%). But the prevalence of farmer's disease in female subjects(27.8%) was significantly higher than that in male(16.2%)(p<0.01). Among the 288 farmer engaged in spraying pesticide, 113(39.2%) had experienced one or more pesticide related symptoms during last one year, but only 18(15.9%) of them had visited medical facilities due to their symptoms. The experience of receiving education about pesticide was significantly correlated with the degree of wearing protectors during pesticide spraying(p<0.001). Among the 736 persons excluding non-respondents, 281(38.2%) received health examination during last one year ; 176(62.6%) of them received free health examination, and 105(37.4%) received charged one. Among the 533 persons 40 years age and older, only 124(23.3%) had received the 'health examination for the elderly' during last one year, which is provided for the 40 years age and older by Korea medical insurance corporation and medical insurance societies. Most of all beneficiaries of self-employed medical insurance thought the imposed contributions as very expensive(77.4%) or moderately expensive(13.2%). The great majority of farmers are exposed to various health risk factors including pesticide, high temperature, overwork etc. comparable to industrial workers. But farmers are excluded from the regular yearly worker's health examination because of not belonging to a company despite they pay relatively more medical insurance contributions compared with the industrial workers and the urban self-employed medical insureds. It is necessary to develop special health management program for farmers such as the special health examination for the industrial workers exposed harmful agents.

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Comparison of Family Support and Mental Health Between the Rural and Urban Elderly (농촌과 도시지역 노인의 가족지지와 정신건강에 관한 비교)

  • Min, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Sang-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 1995
  • This study is to compare family support and mental health between the rural and the urban elderly. In order to do that I collected the data through questioning 238 people in 3 urban areas in Busan and 201 people in 9 rural areas near Daegu. The degree of their family support is 36.70 on the average in the rural area and 40.77 in the urban area. The degree of family support of urban elderly is a little higher. According to general characters between the differences of family support in both areas, in the rural area there are differences in sex, age, whether they have a spouse or not, education level, financial state, number of children, number of co living, status of co living, subjective health status, amount of pocket money and how much they are participating in leisure activity. In the urban area there are differences in sex, whether they have a spouse or not, religion, financial state, number of co living, status of co living, subjective health status, amount of pocket money, how much they are participating in leisure activity and house pattern. In the stepwise multiple regression analysis the main variables that affect degree of family support in the rural area are age, whether they have a spouse or not and financial state which account for 33% of the total variance and in the urban area are subjective health status, financial state, whether they have a spouse or not and number of co-living which account for 35%. Health status is better in the urban area(average 36.87) than in the rural area(57.42). In each item the people whose mark was more than 75%(low) have Depression 8.4%, Somatization 8.0% in the urban area and Somatization 8.5%, Depression 8.5%, Anxiety 4.0%, Phobic anxiety 4.0%, Obsessive compulsive reaction 2.5%, Hostility 2.0%, Paranoid ideation 2.0%, Psychoticism 1.5% and Interpersonal sensitivity 1.5% in the rural area. In the mental health condition, on the basis of 4 points in both areas, the average is Somatization(rural : 1.69, urban : 1.51), Depression (rural : 1.64, urban : 1.37) and Obsessive compulsive reaction(rural : 1.33, urban : 0.99). According to the differences between mental health conditions by general characters, in the rural area the differences are presented in sex, age, whether they have a spouse or not, religion, education level, financial state, number of children, status of co living, subjective health status, amount of pocket money and how much they are participating in leisure activity, in the urban area the differences are presented in sex, whether they have a spouse or not, religion, financial state, number of co living, status of co living, subjective health status, house pattern, amount of pocket money and how much they are participating in leisure activity. In the stepwise multiple regression analysis the main variables that affect mental health condition in the rural are family support degree subjective health status, religion sex, age and financial state which account for 43% of the total and in the urban area are family support degree, subjective health status and financial state which account for 51%. In the matter of family support degree and mental health condition the rural area was -0.4555, of urban area was -0.6446. The rural area that has a high percentage in family support degree and mental health condition Depression was -0.5036, Psychoticism was -0.4265 in the urban area Psychoticism was -0.6452, Depression was -0.5955. Family support has a great influence on mental health of old people and family support and mental health condition can be different according to living area. So in their problems nursing intervention through family and nursing strategies according to living area should be established.

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Distributional Characteristics of Fault Segments in Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks from Southeastern Gyeongsang Basin (경상분지 남동부 일대의 백악기 및 제3기 암류에서 발달하는 단층분절의 분포특성)

  • Park, Deok-Won
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2018
  • The distributional characteristics of fault segments in Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks from southeastern Gyeongsang Basin were derived. The 267 sets of fault segments showing linear type were extracted from the curved fault lines delineated on the regional geological map. First, the directional angle(${\theta}$)-length(L) chart for the whole fault segments was made. From the related chart, the general d istribution pattern of fault segments was derived. The distribution curve in the chart was divided into four sections according to its overall shape. NNE, NNW and WNW directions, corresponding to the peaks of the above sections, indicate those of the Yangsan, Ulsan and Gaeum fault systems. The fault segment population show near symmetrical distribution with respect to $N19^{\circ}E$ direction corresponding to the maximum peak. Second, the directional angle-frequency(N), mean length(Lm), total length(Lt) and density(${\rho}$) chart was made. From the related chart, whole domain of the above chart was divided into 19 domains in terms of the phases of the distribution curve. The directions corresponding to the peaks of the above domains suggest the directions of representative stresses acted on rock body. Third, the length-cumulative frequency graphs for the 18 sub-populations were made. From the related chart, the value of exponent(${\lambda}$) increase in the clockwise direction($N10{\sim}20^{\circ}E{\rightarrow}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}E$) and counterclockwise direction ($N10{\sim}20^{\circ}W{\rightarrow}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}W$). On the other hand, the width of distribution of lengths and mean length decrease. The chart for the above sub-populations having mutually different evolution characteristics, reveals a cross section of evolutionary process. Fourth, the general distribution chart for the 18 graphs was made. From the related chart, the above graphs were classified into five groups(A~E) according to the distribution area. The lengths of fault segments increase in order of group E ($N80{\sim}90^{\circ}E{\cdot}N70{\sim}80^{\circ}E{\cdot}N80{\sim}90^{\circ}W{\cdot}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}W{\cdot}N30{\sim}40^{\circ}W{\cdot}N40{\sim}50^{\circ}W$) < D ($N70{\sim}80^{\circ}W{\cdot}N60{\sim}70^{\circ}W{\cdot}N60{\sim}70^{\circ}E{\cdot}N50{\sim}60^{\circ}E{\cdot}N40{\sim}50^{\circ}E{\cdot}N0{\sim}10^{\circ}W$) < C ($N20{\sim}30^{\circ}W{\cdot}N10{\sim}20^{\circ}W$) < B ($N0{\sim}10^{\circ}E{\cdot}N30{\sim}40^{\circ}E$) < A ($N20{\sim}30^{\circ}E{\cdot}N10{\sim}20^{\circ}E$). Especially the forms of graph gradually transition from a uniform distribution to an exponential one. Lastly, the values of the six parameters for fault-segment length were divided into five groups. Among the six parameters, mean length and length of the longest fault segment decrease in the order of group III ($N10^{\circ}W{\sim}N20^{\circ}E$) > IV ($N20{\sim}60^{\circ}E$) > II ($N10{\sim}60^{\circ}W$) > I ($N60{\sim}90^{\circ}W$) > V ($N60{\sim}90^{\circ}E$). Frequency, longest length, total length, mean length and density of fault segments, belonging to group V, show the lowest values. The above order of arrangement among five groups suggests the interrelationship with the relative formation ages of fault segments.

Seedling Emergence of Dry -seeded Rice under Different Sowing Depths and Irrigation Regimes (건답직파에서 파종심도와 관개조건에 따른 벼 품종들의 출아특성)

  • 이변우;명을재
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 1995
  • Investigated were the relationships between plumule elongation characteristics and seedling emergence of 46 varieties including native, improved and red rice varieties of Korea, and varieties from U.S.A., Italy, India, Japan under 1, 3, and 5cm deep sowing with irrigated and non-irrigated condition. Experiments were carried out in paddy field of sandy loam. There was heavy shower of 19.2mm on the next day of seeding and thereafter, clear and dry weather continued during the experiment period. Soil temperature averaged over 30 days after seeding was $16.4^{\circ}C$ at 3cm depth. Soil hardness increased linearly up to 2.5kg /$cm^2$ on the 14th day after seeding, on which date irrigated plot was irrigated through furrow, and up to 4kg / $cm^2$ on the 28th day in non-irrigated plot. Soil hardness dropped near to 0kg /$cm^2$ after irrigation and developed up to 2.5kg /$cm^2$ again by 28 days after seeding. Seedling emergence was higher in irrigated plots than non-irrigated plots at all seeding depths. Korean improved varieties were substantially lower in seedling emergence under non-irrigated condition of 1 cm deep sowing than those under irrigated condition. This poor seedling emergence resulted mainly from delayed emergence by exposing them to greater soil strength. Percent seedling emergence under irrigated and non-irrigated condition showed signifi-cant correlations at 3 and 5 cm deep sowing. Korean improved varieties belonged to the group of poor seedling emergence, and I taliconaverneco, Chinsura Boro and Weld Pally to best group under both irrigation conditions at 3 and 5cm deep sowing. Seedling emergence showed highly signifi-cant positive correlation with the plumule length of mesocotyl + 1st internode + incomplete leaf and of mesocotyl+coleoptile. Among the characters constituting plumule length, incomplete leaf length showed greatest positive correlation followed by coleoptile and mesocotyl under irrigated condition at 3 and 5 cm deep sowing, and highest correlation with mesocotyllength followed by first internode and incomplete leaf under non-irrigated condition. Days to 50% seedling emergence at 1 cm deep sowing with irrigation showed great varietal variation of 10 to 30 days, and showed high significant negative correlations with percent seedling emergence under both irrigation conditions except for 1 cm deep sowing with irrigation, Days to seedling emergence revealed sig-nificant negative correlations with plumule characters except 2nd internode, showing highest cor-relation with incomplete leaf length.

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  • Baik, Byeong-Ju;Roh, Yong-Kwan;Lee, Young-Su;Yang, Jeong-Suk;Kim, Jae-Gon
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.339-349
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    • 1999
  • The dental structure substituted by restorative materials may produce discomfort resulting from hot or cold stimuli. To investigate the effects of this stimuli on the human teeth, thermal analysis was carried out by calculation of general heat conduction equation in a modeled tooth using numerical method. The method has been applied to axisymmetric and two-dimensional model, analyzing the effects of constant temperature $4^{\circ}C\;and\;60^{\circ}C$. That thermal shock was provided for 2 seconds and 4 seconds, respectively and recovered to normal condition of $20^{\circ}C$ until 10 seconds. The thermal behavior of tooth covered with a crown of gold or stainless steel was compared with that of tooth without crown. At the same time, the effects of restorative materials(amalgam, gold and zinc oxide-eugenol(ZOE)) on the temperature of PDJ(pulpo-dentinal junction) has been studied. The geometry used for thermal analysis so far has been limited to two-dimensional as well as axisymmetric tooth models. But the general restorative tooth forms a cross shaped cavity which is no longer two-dimensional and axisymmetric. Therefore, in this study, the three-dimensional model was developed to investigate the effect of shape and size of cavity. This three-dimensional model might be used for further research to investigate the effects of restorative materials and cavity design on the thermal behavior of the real shaped tooth. The results were as follows; 1. When cold temperature of $4^{\circ}C$ was applied to the surface of the restored teeth with amalgam for 2 seconds and recovered to ambient temperature of $20^{\circ}C$, the PDJ temperature decreased rapidly to $29^{\circ}C$ until 3 seconds and reached to $25^{\circ}C$ after 9 seconds. This temperature decreased rather slowly with stainless steel crown, but kept similar temperature within $1^{\circ}C$ differences. Using the gold as a restorative material, the PDJ temperature decreased very fast due to the high thermal conductivity and reached near to $25^{\circ}C$ but the temperature after 9 seconds was similar to that in the teeth without crown. The effects of coldness could be attenuated with the ZOE situated under the cavity. The low thermal conductivity caused a delay in temperature decrease and keeps $4^{\circ}C$ higher than the temperature of other conditions after 9 seconds. 2. The elapse time of cold stimuli was increased also until 4 seconds and recovered to $20^{\circ}C$ after 4 seconds to 9 seconds. The temperature after 9 seconds was about $2-3^{\circ}C$ lower than the temperature of 2 seconds stimuli, but in case of gold restoration, the high thermal conductivity of gold caused the minimum temperature of $21^{\circ}C$ after 5 seconds and got warm to $23^{\circ}C$ after 9 seconds. 3. The effects of hot stimuli was also investigated with the temperature of $60^{\circ}C$. For 2 seconds stimuli, the temperature increased to $40^{\circ}C$ from the initial temperature of $35^{\circ}C$ after 3 seconds of stimuli and decreased to $30^{\circ}C$ after 9 seconds in the teeth without crown. This temperature was sensitive to surface temperature in the teeth with gold restoration. It increased rapidly to $41^{\circ}C$ from the initial temperature of $35^{\circ}C$ after 2 seconds and decreased to $28^{\circ}C$ after 9 seconds, which showed $13^{\circ}C$ temperature variations for 9 seconds upon the surface temperature. This temperature variations were only in the range of $5^{\circ}C$ by using ZOE in the bottom of cavity and showed maximum temperature of $37^{\circ}C$ after 3 seconds of stimuli.

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Chest CT Finding and Its Comparison with Bronchoscopic Finding in Endobronchial Tuberculosis (기관지결핵의 흉부전산화단층촬영소견 및 기관지경소견과의 비교)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Yoon, Hye-Kyung;Song, Jae-Woo;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Chung, Hee-Soon;Kim, Young-Hwan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.742-755
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    • 1997
  • Background : Endobronchial tuberculosis(ET) is still relatively common disease in Korea. We intended to evaluate the length of endobronchial lesion, peribronchial thickness, luminal irregularity and associated mediastinal lymph node enlargement with Chest CT to get information for such aggressive treatment as electrocautery, laser therapy and so on of bronchial stricture in ET, and also to compare the change of Chest CT finding with that of bronchoscopic finding after one month of anti-tuberculosis treatment. Method : We performed CT in 26 patients who were diagnosed as ET by bronchoscopy at Boramae Hospital from November 1991 to March 1996. After classifying ET into seven subtypes according to bronchoscopic finding, we analyzed the CT finding of each subtype. And we followed up the bronchoscopy, CT, and PIT after one month of anti-tuberculosis treatment, and compared the change of CT findings with those of bronchoscopic findings in nine patients. Results : Age of the patients was from 17 to 73 years old, and the ratio of male to female was 1 : 25 with absolute female predominance. The site(s) of bronchial involvement by tuberculosis is one in 14 cases, two in nine cases and three in one case, respectively, and the left main bronchus was the most frequently involved site (13 cases for multiple involvements and 7 cases for single involvement among 26 cases). The length of bronchial involvement by tuberculosis which was measured by CT was from 10 to 55 mm, and there was a tendency that the length of involved lesion in fibrostenotic type was shorter than that of actively caseating type. Bronchial stricture on CT was noticed in 25 (96%) cases and the range of severity was from total occlusion to near-normal and also showed wide variation even though the subtype of ET was same. The increase of peribronchial thickness which was measured by CT, was noticed in 21 cases (91%) among 23 cases (in which the measurement was possible), and there was no improvement of peribronchial thickness in those cases which showed little improvement in bronchial stricture despite anti-tuberculosis treatment. There was no difference in the luminal irregularity of involved bronchi on CT in relation to bronchoscopic subtypes. The mediastinal lymph node enlargement, defined as the diameter of lymph node was larger than 1cm on CT, was detected in 20 cases (77%), and right side was more frequently involved (L : R = 1 : 5.2). The CT finding usually showed extrinsic bronchial compression but showed direct invasion in two cases which were bronchoscopically classified as tumorous type. When follow-up bronchoscopy and CT was performed after one month of anti-tuberculosis treatment in nine patients, CT showed significant improvement in peribronchial thickness and mediastinal lymph node enlargement. Bronchial stricture was also improved in 6 cases but aggravated in 3 cases despite anti-tuberculosis therapy. In two cases which were classified as fibrostenotic type by bronchoscopy, CT showed significant improvement in bronchial stricture, interestingly. Conclusion : We concluded that the role of Chest CT was complimentary to bronchoscopy in ET, since CT was useful in evaluating the length of bronchial involvement, peribronchial thickness, and mediastinal lymph node enlargement.

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Element Dispersion and Wall-rock Alteration from Daebong Gold-silver Deposit, Republic of Korea (대봉 금-은광상의 모암변질과 원소분산 특성 연구)

  • Yoo, Bong-Chul;Chi, Se-Jung;Lee, Gil-Jae;Lee, Jong-Kil;Lee, Hyun-Koo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.713-726
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    • 2007
  • The Daebong deposit consists of gold-silver-bearing mesothermal massive quartz veins which fill fractures along fault zones($N10{\sim}20^{\circ}W,\;40{\sim}60^{\circ}SW$) within banded gneiss or granitic gneiss of Precambrian Gyeonggi massif. Ore mineralization of the deposit is composed of massive white quartz vein(stage I) which was formed in the same stage by multiple episodes of fracturing and healing and transparent quartz vein(stage II) which is separated by a major faulting event. The hydrothermal alteration of stage I is sericitization, chloritization, carbonitization, pyritization, silicification and argillization. Sericitic zone occurs near and at quartz vein and includes mainly sericite, quartz, and minor illite, carbonates and epidote. Chloritic zone occurs far from quartz vein and is composed of mainly chlorite, quartz and minor sericite, carbonates and epidote. Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios of sericite and chlorite range 0.36 to 0.59($0.51{\pm}0.10$) and 0.66 to 0.73($0.70{\pm}0.02$), and belong to muscovite-petzite series and brunsvigite, respectively. Calculated $Al_{IV}-Fe/(Fe+Mg)$ diagrams of sericite and chlorite suggest that this can be a reliable indicator of alteration temperature in Au-Ag deposits. Calculated activities of chlorite end member are $a3(Fe_5Al_2Si_3O_{10}(OH){_6}=0.00964{\sim}0.0291,\;a2(Mg_5Al_2Si_3O_{10}(OH){_6}= 9.99E-07{\sim}1.87E-05,\;a1(Mg_6Si_4O_{10}(OH){_6}=5.61E-07{\sim}1.79E-05$. It suggest that chlorite from the Daebong deposit is iron-rich chlorite formed due to decreasing temperature from $T>450^{\circ}C$. Calculated $log\;{\alpha}K^+/{\alpha}H^+,\;log\;{\alpha}Na^+/{\alpha}H^+,\;log\;{\alpha}Ca^{2+}/{\alpha}^2H^+$ and pH values during wall-rock alteration are $4.6(400^{\circ}C),\;4.1(350^{\circ}C),\;4.0(400^{\circ}C),\;4.2(350^{\circ}C),\;1.8(400^{\circ}C),\;4.5(350^{\circ}C),\;5.4{\sim}6.5(400^{\circ}C)\;and\;5.1{\sim}5.5(350^{\circ}C)$, respectively. Gain elements (enrichment elements) during wallrock alteration are $K_2O,\;P_2O_5,\;Na2O$, Ba, Sr, Cr, Sc, V, Pb, Zn, Be, Ag, As, Ta and Sb. Elements(Sr, V, Pb, Zn, As, Sb) represent a potentially tools for exploration in mesothermal and epithermal gold-silver deposits.

A Study on the Observation of Soil Moisture Conditions and its Applied Possibility in Agriculture Using Land Surface Temperature and NDVI from Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS Satellite Image (Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS 위성영상의 지표온도와 식생지수를 이용한 토양의 수분 상태 관측 및 농업분야에의 응용 가능성 연구)

  • Chae, Sung-Ho;Park, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.6_1
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    • pp.931-946
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to observe and analyze soil moisture conditions with high resolution and to evaluate its application feasibility to agriculture. For this purpose, we used three Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager)/TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) optical and thermal infrared satellite images taken from May to June 2015, 2016, and 2017, including the rural areas of Jeollabuk-do, where 46% of agricultural areas are located. The soil moisture conditions at each date in the study area can be effectively obtained through the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index)3 drought index, and each image has near normal, moderately wet, and moderately dry soil moisture conditions. The temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) was calculated to observe the soil moisture status from the Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS images with different soil moisture conditions and to compare and analyze the soil moisture conditions obtained from the SPI3 drought index. TVDI is estimated from the relationship between LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS satellite images. The maximum/minimum values of LST according to NDVI are extracted from the distribution of pixels in the feature space of LST-NDVI, and the Dry/Wet edges of LST according to NDVI can be determined by linear regression analysis. The TVDI value is obtained by calculating the ratio of the LST value between the two edges. We classified the relative soil moisture conditions from the TVDI values into five stages: very wet, wet, normal, dry, and very dry and compared to the soil moisture conditions obtained from SPI3. Due to the rice-planing season from May to June, 62% of the whole images were classified as wet and very wet due to paddy field areas which are the largest proportions in the image. Also, the pixels classified as normal were analyzed because of the influence of the field area in the image. The TVDI classification results for the whole image roughly corresponded to the SPI3 soil moisture condition, but they did not correspond to the subdivision results which are very dry, wet, and very wet. In addition, after extracting and classifying agricultural areas of paddy field and field, the paddy field area did not correspond to the SPI3 drought index in the very dry, normal and very wet classification results, and the field area did not correspond to the SPI3 drought index in the normal classification. This is considered to be a problem in Dry/Wet edge estimation due to outlier such as extremely dry bare soil and very wet paddy field area, water, cloud and mountain topography effects (shadow). However, in the agricultural area, especially the field area, in May to June, it was possible to effectively observe the soil moisture conditions as a subdivision. It is expected that the application of this method will be possible by observing the temporal and spatial changes of the soil moisture status in the agricultural area using the optical satellite with high spatial resolution and forecasting the agricultural production.

Evaluation on the Immunization Module of Non-chart System in Private Clinic for Development of Internet Information System of National Immunization Programme m Korea (국가 예방접종 인터넷정보시스템 개발을 위한 의원정보시스템의 예방접종 모듈 평가연구)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Lee, Kun-Sei;Lee, Seok-Gu;Shin, Eui-Chul;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Na, Bak-Ju;Hong, Jee-Young;Kim, Yun-Jeong;Park, Sook-Kyung;Kim, Bo-Kyung;Kwon, Yun-Hyung;Kim, Young-Taek
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2004
  • Objectives: Immunizations have been one of the most effective measures preventing from infectious diseases. It is quite important national infectious disease prevention policy to keep the immunizations rate high and monitor the immunizations rate continuously. To do this, Korean CDC introduced the National Immunization Registry Program(NIRP) which has been implementing since 2000 at the Public Health Centers(PHC). The National Immunization Registry Program will be near completed after sharing, connecting and transfering vaccination data between public and private sector. The aims of this study was to evaluate the immunization module of non-chart system in private clinic with health information system of public health center(made by POSDATA Co., LTD) and immunization registry program(made by BIT Computer Co., LTD). Methods: The analysis and survey were done by specialists in medical, health field, and health information fields from 2001. November to 2002. January. We made the analysis and recommendation about the immunization module of non-chart system in private clinic. Results and Conclusions: To make improvement on immunization module, the system will be revised on various function like receipt and registration, preliminary medical examination, reference and inquiry, registration of vaccine, print-out various sheet, function of transfer vaccination data, issue function of vaccination certification, function of reminder and recall, function of statistical calculation, and management of vaccine stock. There are needs of an accurate assessment of current immunization module on each private non-chart system. And further studies will be necessary to make it an accurate system under changing health policy related national immunization program. We hope that the result of this study may contribute to establish the National Immunization Registry Program.

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Diving patterns and diving related disease of diving fishermen in Korea (수산물채취 잠수부의 작업특성과 잠수관련질환의 양상)

  • SaKong, Joon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.31 no.1 s.60
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 1998
  • Diving related disease including decompression sickness is an important occupational health problem and diving fishermen remain a fairly hazardous occupation in Korea. To prevent diving related disease, we investigate diving patterns, incidence of diving related diseases, and contributing factors of 433 diving fishermen of three coast interviewing and mailing questionnaire in 1996. Mean age of divers was 39.7 years, ranged from 24 to 58 years, 92.8% of these were male, and 58.4% of divers were high school graduates. Mean duration of work as a diver was 12.9 years, ranged from 2 to 40 years. It was found that 70.4% of divers were using hookah system, 22.2% of helmet, and only 2.5% SCUBA. About half of them have learned diving skills from other divers. The peak season of diving was from April to June and mean working days were 20.3 days per month during the peak season. On the average, the divers dived 5-6 times, ranged from 1 to 10 times a day with 51.1 minutes of diving time, ranged from 20 to 120 minutes, at 30 m or 40 m in depth, and 35.5 minute of interval on surface. Most divers ascended slowly making decompression stop, yet the decompression profile used was not based on any scientific knowledge except for their own experiences. It appeared that each diving system had slightly different diving patterns. There were 282(65.0%) divers that suffered from DCS in 1995 and 31.2% of divers were given recompression therapy at a medical facility since they worked as diving fishermen. Skin and musculoskeletal complaints were common symptoms of DCS and 39% of divers experienced a voiding difficulty. In univariate analysis, females have an increased frequency of DCS(93% vs 66% for males). Old age, long duration of work, helmet diving, diving time, diving depth, repetitive diving, and blow up were all contributing factors to DCS. It was found that most diving patterns exceed no decompression limit and did not use the standard decompression table. This suggests that most of divers are at high risk of developing diving related disease with prolonged dives and lengthy repetitive diving in deep depth. Considering the diving patterns and economic aspect of professional diving, the incidence of DCS among diving fishermen in Korea will not decrease in the near future. These findings suggest that periodical health surveillance for divers, and education of health and safety are important for reducing the risk of diving related disease in the population of diving fishermen.

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