• Title/Summary/Keyword: Naval Combat System Software

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Development of Message Define & Management System based on Distributed Processing Environment for Naval Combat Systems (함정 전투체계를 위한 분산처리 환경 기반 메시지 정의 및 관리 시스템의 개발)

  • Lee, Juwon
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.670-676
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    • 2017
  • Naval combat systems use real-time processing and compositing of collected information to provide the optimal combat capabilities that maximize survival and ensure mission effectiveness. The software for a combat system has dozens to thousands of components depending on the size of the system, and the communication between the components is achieved via DDS. Although the message interface of the combat system is managed through MDMS, an increase in the system size can result in problems such as the deterioration of the development efficiency. In this paper, we implement XMDMS to operate a distributed processing environment and then solve the problem of the reduction in the development efficiency caused by a load at the server. The experimental results shows that XMDMS improves the processing delay and network performance compared to MDMS.

Enhancing Installation Security for Naval Combat Management System through Encryption and Validation Research

  • Byeong-Wan Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose an installation approach for Naval Combat Management System(CMS) software that identifies potential data anomalies during installation. With the popularization of wireless communication methods, such as Low Earth Orbit(LEO) satellite communications, various utilization methods using wireless networks are being discussed in CMS. One of these methods includes the use of wireless network communications for installation, which is expected to enhance the real-time performance of the CMS. However, wireless networks are relatively more vulnerable to security threats compared to wired networks, necessitating additional security measures. This paper presents a method where files are transmitted to multiple nodes using encryption, and after the installation of the files, a validity check is performed to determine if there has been any tampering or alteration during transmission, ensuring proper installation. The feasibility of applying the proposed method to Naval Combat Systems is demonstrated by evaluating transmission performance, security, and stability, and based on these evaluations, results sufficient for application to CMS have been derived.

A Study on the Development of the Efficient Combat System Software Using UML (UML을 이용한 효율적인 전투체계 소프트웨어 개발 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Seung-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2016.07a
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    • pp.25-26
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문에서는 효율적인 전투체계 소프트웨어 개발방안으로 UML(Unified Modeling Language)을 이용한 모델기반개발방법을 제시한다. UML은 소프트웨어 시스템을 모델링하기 위한 언어로 OMG(Object Management Group)에서 관리되고 있는 통합모델링언어이다. 본 논문에서 제시한 UML(Unified Modeling Language)을 이용하여 소프트웨어를 개발 할 경우, 표준화된 모델 언어를 사용하기 때문에 개발자들의 원활한 의사소통이 가능하여 시스템의 심각한 오류를 줄일 수 있다. 또한, 가독성이 높은 객체 모델들을 사용하기 때문에 추후 요구사항에 대한 소프트웨어 유지/보수에 용이하다는 장점을 가진다.

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A Study on the Design Method of Combat System SW based on Real-time timer (실시간 타이머를 적용한 전투체계 SW 설계 방안)

  • Park, Jiyoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.19-20
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    • 2017
  • 전투체계 SW 설계 시 실시간성은 중요하게 고려되어야 할 요소이다. 예로 전투체계 SW 중 하나인 장치관리 모듈은 전투체계를 구성하는 연동단 및 정보처리장치의 운용 상태를 감시하고 상태정보 메시지를 체계관리 모듈에 일정한 주기로 보고하기 위해 실시간성이 요구되어진다. 하지만 장치관리 모듈을 비롯한 전투체계 SW의 운용환경은 실시간성 제공이 어려운 윈도우 운영체제를 사용하고 있다. 또한 전투체계 SW는 재사용성이 높아 멀티 프로세서 환경을 고려하지 않은 설계와 개발 중 추가된 여러기능의 혼재로 실시간성 만족에 어려움이 있다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 전투체계 SW에 실시간성의 확보를 위한 방안에 대해 연구하였다. 그 방법으로 ms단위의 이벤트 발생이 가능한 실시간 타이머와 CPU 할당을 이용한 쓰레드 스케줄링 방안을 제안하였으며 장치관리 모듈에 적용하였다. 그리고 실험을 통해 성능을 입증하였다. 본 논문에서 제안한 방안은 별도의 상용 솔루션이나 커널 수정이 불가능한 경우 응용 SW 수정으로 실시간성을 높일 수 있다는 장점을 가진다.

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A Study on the Software Standardization and Simulator Design for Efficient Reliability Test in Combat System

  • Choi, Hwan-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose the standardization architecture and weapon-sensor simulator for efficient reliability test in combat system. To reduce man-month of reliability test, application with high dependency on other module is selected and apply FORM. The proposed standardization architecture extracts common, variable elements and design patterns, S.O.L.I.D principles were applied. The proposed weapon-sensor simulator implements essential functions by identifying highly dependent element of other modules and the information from equipment can be directly received without processing by using communication middleware. As a result, it can replace actual ship-mounted equipment. In addition, it is possible to reduce the consumption rate of human resources when perform reliability test and modification time can be shorted.

A Study on the Standardization of the combat system software in battleship using Object-oriented Design (함정 전투체계 표준화 설계 적용에 대한 연구)

    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.295-296
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문에서는 과거 절차 지향적으로 개발 된 함정 전투체계을 표준화 된 새로운 전투체계 소프트웨어로 변화 시키는 방안을 제안한다. 최근 전투체계 소프트웨어는 새로운 장비의 추가와 기능 변경으로 수정이 빈번이 일어나고 있다. 이러한 확장성관련문제를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 객체 지향 프로그래밍 및 디자인 패턴을 사용하여 전투체계 소프트웨어를 확장성과 유지보유성이 우수한 소프트웨어로 변경하는 방법을 연구하고 실제로 전투체계 소프트웨어 중 교전 모듈에 적용하는 과정을 보여준다. 그리고 함정전투체계에 이러한 표준화를 적용할 경우 어떠한 효용성이 있는지에 대하여 알아본다.

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Development of C2 Virtual Linked Simulator For Engineering and Engagement Level Battle Experimentation (공학-교전급 전투실험을 위한 C2 가상모의 연동 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Lee, Sangtae;Lee, Seungyoung;Hwang, Kun-Chul;Kim, Saehwan;Lee, Kyuhyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • The Korean naval weapon systems, combat experiments establish the concept of Battle operations, and create the future of the new weapons system. Doctrine development and training as well as ranging from experiments for evaluate the performance of mission operations for combat experiments are used. The battle lab is effectively support tool for the Korean Naval battle experiments. The battle lab is through a dedicated testing facility and to build efficient and effective simulation-based acquisition supporting environment. In this paper, the ship / submarines C2 operations virtual simulator was developed to support the concept of Battle operations of naval combat experiments in training and tactical development. The ship C2 operations virtual simulator makes the anti-ship and anti-aircraft the engagement scenario for performed experiments using the SADM. The submarines C2 operations virtual simulator makes the anti-submarine engagement scenario for performed experiments using EAS. EAS System was created before reuse. EAS system by modifying the additional interfaces HLA-RTI has been reused. Reflected in the tactics and training after analysis of the results through the battle experiment. Also increase training fidelity through operator involvement. The anti-ship and anti-aircraft system architecture (SADM) and anti-submarine system architecture (EAS) requires unique design of system framework since two separate architectures should be integrated into a system. An C2 virtual linked architecture was used to integrate different system architecture. A C2 virtual linked software framework, designed that have integrated protocol for battle experimental linkage and battlefield visualization environment.

A study on Software Maintenance of Domestic Weapon System by using the Automatic Test Equipment

  • Chae, Il-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2022
  • As the weapon system's dependence on software functions increased, software became a key factor in controlling the weapon system. In addition, as software development becomes more important domestically and internationally, software verification becomes an issue. The recent defense market has recognized this point and is demanding a plan for weapon system software maintenance. In this paper, we propose a weapon system software maintenance plan using Automatic Test Equipment. The specific method is to use a simulator to check the software function and identify failure cases. This is an effective way for developers to reduce the Total Corrective Maintenance Time(TCM) of the weapon system by reducing the time it takes to identify failure cases. It has been proven that the proposed Automatic Test Equipment can achieve software maintenance and excellent Maintainability and Operational Availability compared to the existing ones.

Designing Integrated Diagnosis Platform for Heterogeneous Combat System of Surface Vessels (다기종 수상함 전투체계의 통합 진단 플랫폼 설계)

  • Kim, Myeong-hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.186-188
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    • 2021
  • The architecture named IDPS is a design concept of web-based integrated platform for heterogeneous naval combat system, which accomplishes efficiency(decreasing complexity) of diagnosis process and reduces time to diagnose system. Each type of surface vessel has its own diagnostic processes and applications, and that means it also requires its own diagnostic engineer(inefficiency in human resource management). In addition, man-based diagnostic causes quality issues such as difference approach of log analysis in accordance with engineer skills. Thus In this paper, we designed integrated diagnostic platform named IDPS with simplified common process regardless of type of surface vessel and we reinforced IDPS with status decision algorithm(SDA) that judges current software status of vessel based on gathered lots of logs. It will enable engineers to diagnose system more efficiently and to use more resources in utilizing SDA-analyzed diagnostic results.

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A Study for Modeling Combat System Architecture With UPDM and UML (UPDM&UML을 이용한 함정전투체계 모델링 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.21-24
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문은 함정 전투체계의 아키텍처를 설계하고 세부 기능을 분석 및 구현하기 위한 방안 연구를 위해 작성되었다. 함정 전투체계와 같이 복잡도 높은 대규모 시스템에서 문서 산출물에 근거한 개발은 산출물 간 유기적인 연결이 어렵고 요구조건의 변화에 따른 영향 요소 식별 및 반영이 어렵다는 단점을 갖는다. 이에 대한 대안으로 제시된 모델 기반 개발 방법론을 함정 전투체계에 적용하기 위해 미 국방 분야 표준 아키텍처인 DoDAF와 이를 지원하는 UPDM, 시스템 엔지니어링과 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 분야의 모델링을 지원하는 SYSML/UML을 살펴보고 함정 전투체계에 적합한 모델 구성 및 각 개발 단계 별 모델링을 수행하는 절차에 대한 가이드라인을 제시한다.

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